The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 193: Sleepwalking

Because Fisch moved too fast, Filch and Ron reacted for a while, and then hurriedly chased them out.


   But when they walked out the door of the prize showroom, Fei Xu had already disappeared.


   The three of them looked at each other, and after a moment of silence, Filch spoke first: "You can go home quickly when you are full. Maybe some student's pet has sneaked out. Don't worry about Feishe."


   Ron and Wood are right to think about it. Fei may be the master who can come and go freely even in the Forbidden Forest. What danger can he encounter in Hogwarts.


   Now that Fisch is not there, they are not interested in continuing to dine with Filch, so they nodded and walked upstairs.


   Back to Gryffindor’s dormitory, Ron and Wood said goodnight to each other, and then returned to their respective dormitories. Neville and others had already fallen asleep at this time, and Harry seemed to have just returned, and was changing his pajamas.


   "Ron," Harry whispered after he had changed into his pajamas, so as not to wake Neville and the others, "I just had a strange thing."


   "Is there anything I can say tomorrow?"


   Ron, who was exhausted a long time ago, didn't even bother to change his pajamas, fell on his bed feebly, and added a meal after hard work, which made Ron very sleepy now.


   He groaned, "Filch asked me to wipe the Quidditch trophy fourteen times to be satisfied...My muscles are stiff."


   But the mysterious voice heard before gave Harry a very bad feeling. He ignored his friend's sleepiness, lowered his voice and told Ron what he heard.




   Ron, who was about to fall asleep in a daze, grumbled and responded, and it took a while to react.


   "Have you heard a mysterious voice?"


   He suddenly sat up from the bed and confirmed to Harry: "And Lockhart said he didn't hear?"


   "Did you hear that too?"


   Harry asked in surprise.


   "No, it's not me," Ron frowned. "But Fei might have heard...At that time, he suddenly said that someone was provoking him, and then dropped his food and ran to find the mysterious guy to fight."


   Ron also shared his experience with Harry, making him a little envious...


   He also wants Fei Xu to buy him a supper...


  呸! Now is not the time to think about this!


   "You mean, Fisch also heard that mysterious voice?"


   "I'm not sure. Fisch only said that someone was provoking him, and then ran away. I don't know how it was provoked."


   Ron shrugged and lay down again. He suddenly felt that it wasn't a big deal.


   "Maybe it's the same as Filch said, maybe someone's pet has escaped. It's not the same as the sound you heard."


He yawned and persuaded: "Don't worry too much. Even if you hear the same voice, Fei may be able to play with the eight-eyed giant spider in the forbidden forest. The big deal is to ask him tomorrow. Just ask."


   Harry was right to think about it, let go of the worries in his heart, closed his eyes and gradually fell asleep.




After    Feixu rushed out of the prize showroom, he became a cat running wildly around the castle following the sound.


   The snake that had been yelling to kill seemed to be hiding in the wall. Fisch could only hear its voice, but couldn't see the other person's figure. He couldn't even smell it.


   Feixu chased for a while, a little annoying.


   The snake ran so fast, even if Fisch wanted to break through the wall and dig it out with stone shaping, it was a bit too late.


   And if you really made holes in the wall, Minerva would definitely scold him to death, so the top priority now is to stop this guy.


   "Meow!" (=`д'=)


  Fish, who couldn't bear it, howled at the snake running around inside the wall.


   The sound in the wall was only quiet for a second or two, and immediately the very slight rustling sound of the snake when it moved was heard again, but its provocative sound that had been chattering all the time was gone...


   That snake ran away silently!


   "Meow!" (Don't run!)


   Feishu hurriedly chased after him, but after the snake was silent, the moving sound was too small, and through the wall, Feishu quickly lost track of the other party.


   Kitty stopped blankly, turned the triangle ears on her head and listened carefully, but couldn't hear anything.


why is it like this? ! ∑(=φдφ=)


   Fei Xu, who feels that he has been tricked, is very angry. !


   Then he later remembered that he seemed to have a spell called Animal Tracking, which could catch the breath of nearby animals.


   It's just that after the spell is opened, all the animals in the surroundings, from small reptiles to humans, will be felt by Fisch. The chaotic feeling is not very pleasant.

  Moreover, the perception range of this spell is not far away, and he can't distinguish the specific target. It is not as good as his own hearing and smell in normal times, so Feish has hardly used it, and naturally he has forgotten it.


   tried to turn on the animal tracking. There was indeed some faint breath in the wall. Obviously it was not the snake that ran around before, but some small bugs such as ants and spiders.


   Feixu wandered around again without giving up, but still couldn't find the breath of life like a snake.


   At this time, Feish, who was already a little irritated by the mess around him, had to turn off the spell angrily.


   Next time he meets that snake, he must turn on animal tracking as soon as possible, then find the other party, and fight it well!


   Perceiving the current time, Fisch walked slowly to Gryffindor's dormitory.


   Then he walked on, he stopped again, and sniffed the neighborhood with his nose moving.


   is the smell of Ginny, and it also has a strange smell...


   Didn't she take a shower lately?


   Feixu shook his ears and guessed curiously.


   Now that I met someone I knew, of course the polite kitty had to go over and say hello.


   So Feixu trot along the way to the sixth floor near the stairs, and quickly found Ginny who was also walking upstairs.




   Feixu called to Ginny's back, and saw the little girl's body tremble suddenly, and then stood still and motionless.




   Ginny’s strange reaction made Feixu tilted his head suspiciously, and then he walked around the steps in front of the opponent and looked up at her.


   I saw Ginny's eyes staring forward without focus, her face blankly without any expression.


   "Meow?" (=φωφ=)?


   Feixu called to Ginny again, and stretched out her paw and pulled her robe.


   At this time, Ginny's eyes gradually returned to focus. She looked around in surprise, then lowered her head to look at Feish who was hooking her wizard's robe with her small paw.


   "Fish? Why are you here? And...Where is this? Why am I here?"


   Ginny looked around and asked in surprise.


   "This is the stairs on the sixth floor."


   Feishu recovered his human form and sat on the steps casually, looking at Ginny inexplicably.


   "I was planning to go back to the dorm to sleep, and then I met you here."


   "What?!" Ginny was obviously surprised at Fisch's answer, and she said blankly: "But I should have fallen asleep in the bedroom long ago..."


   "Fish knows! This is called sleepwalking cat! I heard Seamus mention it!"


   "Dream... sleepwalking?"


   Ginny repeated the sentence blankly, and then murmured in a low voice: "But, I have never sleepwalked before..."


   "Na Feixu doesn't know meow anymore."


   Feishu waved his hand and said to Ginny: "Let's go back first. If you are seen by other professors, you will be punished on the fourth floor to wipe the cup like Ron and others."


"you're right!"


Ginny immediately dropped the doubts in her heart, lowered her head and walked upstairs with Feishu. After being surprised, she regained her shy and introverted By the way, Ginny," Feishu As she walked, she persuaded Ginny earnestly: “It’s better for girls to take a bath often. Minerva loves to be clean. Even if she doesn’t take a bath, she still has to remember to use a cleansing curse for herself. "


   "I... I also love cleanliness!"


   Ginny blushed and argued with shame.


   Although their Weasley family is a bit poor, they are not so poor that they can't even take a bath.


   "I took a bath only yesterday!"


   " smelly meow..." Feixu wrinkled his nose and said.


   Ginny quickly raised her arm, and then smelt her body hard...


   did have a faint fishy smell, and she also found that her trousers and the end of her robe were a little wet.


   "Wh, how could this be..."


   Ginny looked pale.


   Seeing that she didn't look like she was lying, Feish thought for a while and said, "Could it be that you went to some stinky place when you were sleepwalking?"


   "I will go to Mrs. Pomfrey tomorrow!"


   Ginny said categorically, she must cure her sleepwalking!




  ? Recommended ticket?? Monthly ticket?

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