The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 182: Lockhart is a good guy

Soon, the course of the matter spread to the four colleges following the mouth of Fei Xu. Everyone was amazed by the boldness of Harry and Ron, and they started talking, and the auditorium became more and more noisy.

Different colleges naturally have different attitudes towards the two.

The Slytherins were gloating, Malfoy was even expecting them to be dropped out of school because of this. Ravenclaws focused the discussion on the flying car. Most Hufflepuffs expressed concern about this. It was not only to Harry and Ron, but also to the hapless beating willow.

As for Gryffindor...

"This is so cool!"

"It's amazing! They will be talked about for many years!"

"Damn it! Little Ronnie didn't even call us!"

Except for a few "alien" such as Percy and Hermione, most Gryffindors have shown great enthusiasm and envy.

Professor Flitwick looked at the noisy students below, but in the end he didn't care about it. Anyway, this matter didn't need to be kept secret. The students just discussed it and there was no need to disappoint.

He had a headache now, but it was the chattering Lockhart beside him.

"Oh, oh, oh..." Lockhart shook his head, looking helpless, "It's all my fault. It was I who gave Harry the taste of being famous. He and I were on the front page of the newspaper before. , Now can’t wait to come again."

"It's a good idea to fly to school by car... isn't it? But it's still too early for Harry. He shouldn't be in such a hurry. I must talk to him later!"

Although Lockhart looked like he was thinking of Harry, how could the sophisticated Flitwick couldn't hear his hidden envy and hatred.

How could he not be assigned to Gryffindor back then!

It may be a bit rude to other Gryffindors to think so, but Professor Flitwick really regrets having such a thing in his college.

He had a cold face, and tried hard to treat Lockhart’s chatter as a deaf ear, because Flitwick knew that as long as Lockhart’s words were heard, he would go on endlessly, and ignoring him would be the best response. Way.

So Professor Flitwick turned his head and talked with Professor Sprout about the beating Liu.

As a result, he still underestimated Lockhart's ability to pierce through the needle...

"If you need it, then I can show you how to cure the beating Liu. Of course, you are an expert in herbal medicine, but I happened to have seen a few such strange trees when I was traveling. plant……"

Professor Sprout, who has always been kind and kind, also quickly pulled his face down at this time.

"Don't bother you."

She abruptly rejected Lockhart's "help", and left the seat with the plate directly, ran to the other side, and chatted with Madam Pomfrey.

As the students discussed fiercely and the professors were bothered by Lockhart, Dumbledore and others who had left returned to the auditorium one after another. The students who were discussing, and Lockhart, who showed up everywhere, gradually Settle down.

Soon, after singing the school song, the banquet was over, and the prefects took the students from their colleges to the dormitory.

And Feish left the main force and ran to Professor McGonagall.

"Minerva~" ●ω●

Fisch held one of her arms, raised his head and said, "Groom Fisch, as I said before."

"Okay, okay, got it."

Professor McGonagall touched Feish's little head, and the irritation that had been caused by Harry and Ron was slightly calmed down.

Then she heard Fisch say from the side: "Minerva, Fisch also wants to play a flying car."

The blue veins at the corners of the eyebrows jumped, and the anger that had just subsided showed signs of recovery. Professor McGonagall bit his posterior molars and squeezed a word from the teeth: "No!"

The kitty was keenly aware of the danger immediately, so he wittily stopped talking about the subject, but chatted with her about Guidro Lockhart.

"The stories that Professor Gidlow tells are so interesting, can Fisch go to him to listen to the stories at night?" ω

Professor McGonagall took two deep breaths and refused again: "No!"

"Meow! Minerva, don't go too far!" (●ΦДΦ●)

The kitten was unhappy now, and protested loudly.

However, Professor McGonagall's attitude is very tough, "I can allow you to go to the Forbidden Forest to the Black Lake, but you can't go to Lockhart to listen to the story!"

Although she already knew that Fisch was looking at Lockhart and wanted to fight him, and she was looking forward to her little cat giving the fame-fisher a vicious lesson, but she was also worried that Fisch would be poisoned by Lockhart. Become a vain and narcissistic guy.

In particular, Feish has always been favored by everyone because of his peculiar affinity, and he is more likely to be ruined by Lockhart.

"Fei Xu can go to the Forbidden Forest and Black Lake at night?" (●ω●)

If you can go to the Forbidden Forest and Black Lake to find animal friends to play, Lockhart's story doesn't matter.

Of course, the clever kitty also heard Minerva's decision. It was precisely because of the new professor Guidro Lockhart.

Knows the story and asks Minerva to allow herself to go out and play... Fisch likes Lockhart more and more.

"If you say I don't allow it, you won't run away secretly."

Reaching out and knocking on Feish's little head, Professor McGonagall said grimly.

"Hey hey~"

Feish rubbed Professor McGonagall's arm, but he didn't refute it with a smile on his face.

Sneaking out, and acting at will after getting permission, is naturally different. At least he doesn't have to worry about making Professor McGonagall angry after being caught.

The two of them came to Professor McGonagall’s office with a smile. Fisch changed back to the cat form directly, but this time he did not nest on Professor McGonagall’s legs with claws, but lay on his arms and legs horizontally in the office. On the table.

"Meow~" (=ω=)

The kitten urged Professor McGonagall expectantly.

She smiled and poked Feixu in the belly, "You little fellow will really enjoy it."

Then he took out the small silver comb before and began to gently comb it along Feish's body hair.

"Snoring, snoring..."

Fei Xu squinted his eyes comfortably, his throat kept purring, and the tip of his tail curled up and down, showing his happy mood.

"Meow~" (=`=)

Fisch, who was enjoying the service of combing his hair, was not satisfied, and asked Professor McGonagall to read the story to him while combing his hair.

Professor McGonagall gave a blank look at Fisch, who was taking an inch of it, and then cast a spell on the silver comb in his hand to make it float in the air and automatically comb Fisch's fur.

And she took out Lockhart's "Traveling with a Vampire" from the drawer, and read the abridged story.

Although it is known that these stories were stolen by Lockhart, compared with other fairy tales, somehow it allowed Feish to learn something, so even if Professor McGonagall was not happy, he still chose to read Lockhart's book.

While enjoying the combing service, Feishe listened to Professor McGonagall's story, turning over from time to time to let the comb take care of the other side, which was simply very pleasant.

But after a long time became a little uncomfortable. He didn't always lick the fur himself, so he took the initiative to push away the silver comb that was still combing his fur with his paw.

But Professor McGonagall's magical comb continued his mission unswervingly, while Professor McGonagall was looking at the book in his hand seriously at this time, and didn't notice the movement here.

After all, there is too much dross in this book, and it will be bad if you accidentally read it to Fisch, so Professor McGonagall needs to concentrate on choosing the content that can be read, and naturally ignore Fisch's situation.

"Meow!" (=`Д=)

A cat cry awakened Professor McGonagall, who was reading the story seriously, and she turned her head to look at the desktop...

Fisch was making a ball with his comb.

Professor McGonagall: "..."


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