The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 181: Gryffindor Palace Scheming

Guidro Lockhart doubted life there for the time being.

Under Professor McGonagall's berating, the noisy auditorium was slightly restored to order, and the little witches, who had not seen Fei Xu for a long time and became extremely excited, also converged a little, and went back to the long table of their respective academies one step at a time.

Of course, the little witches of Gryffindor don’t have to be so entangled. Just like last semester, they occupied the position around Fisch, happily fed him, and from time to time to other academies (mainly Sis Lettering) cast a triumphant look away.

While accepting the feeding, Fisch also took out his magic bag, took out some rare snacks from it and distributed them to other students-most of the snacks were those in the Animagus Club Members, special snacks sent from abroad.

In the process, the fact that Fisch stopped calling people's nicknames aroused everyone's surprise again.

People like Hermione who are dissatisfied with her nickname, or share XXX one, two, three, and four with others, are naturally happy, but the nickname sounds good, but instead of treating it as a Feish exclusive nickname, it is not so happy. Up.

It's just that they didn't dare to oppose Professor McGonagall, they just said tactfully that they actually liked that nickname.

"Meow? Where are Harry and Ron?" (°ω°≡°ω°)

Fisch, who was distributing snacks, suddenly found that two of his classmates seemed to be missing.

Thinking of his vacation experience, he stood up quickly, "Are they locked up by that bad fat man again?"

"No no no no!"

Fred, one of the twins, quickly soothed: "Harry and Ron have been with us before, but after getting in the car, I was busy looking for a seat and separated from them...George?"

They also discovered at this time that Harry and Ron had disappeared.

"I didn't see it either," George shrugged. "We two have been acting together...Percy?"

However, Percy also shook her head and said, "After I helped Ginny find a place, I went to work for the prefect."

"Did any of you see Harry and Ron while in the car?"

Only then did they become anxious, and quickly asked other students about it.

After asking around, no one has ever seen them.

"Aren't they two missed the train?"

"That would be terrible. When school is late, Professor McGonagall will definitely deduct their college points severely."

Even so, everyone in Gryffindor seemed indifferent when talking about points deduction, and they weren't very worried about Harry and Ron's problems.

In the past, it was not that there were no little wizards who missed the school bus. Naturally, someone at the school would deal with this kind of problem. They only needed to notify Professor McGonagall after the school opening ceremony.

Instead, Fei Xu thought of another thing. He frowned and speculated: "You said, could it be the ghost of the elf called Dobby again?" ω

After Fisch's reminder, the twins remembered Dobby's affairs. They were surprised at first, but soon calmed down.

Still the reason before...

"It's possible, but if you want to prevent Harry from coming to school, the elf will look down on the professors at Hogwarts too."

Fred spread his hands, "Anyway, after the ceremony is over, I will notify Professor McGonagall and let the professors solve it."

After speaking, he and George began to explain to the curious classmates around Dobby and Harry, and triumphantly talked about their great adventure with Fisch during the summer vacation.

I heard that the little witch around was envious, jealous and hateful.

"Ahhhhh! Feishu! Obviously I have handed you the invitation letter too. Why don't you come to my house during the summer vacation?"

"That's right, Xiao Feixu, you really hurt my sister's heart!"

A group of little witches satisfactorily started to pinch Feish's face and cat's ears, and rubbed his hair into a mess.

And Hermione, who had known about this from Ron's letter a long time ago, had already regretted it, but was the calmest of all the little witches.

"Meow!" (●ΦДΦ●)

Fisch waved his arms and slapped the hands of the bad women, and then threatened: "No matter how you look like this, I won't go there in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, the little witches quickly withdrew their hands.

They actually knew that with so many invitations, it was normal for Fisch to choose anyone, and just made an excuse to pick up a cat.

And compared to Feish accepting other girls' invitations, he chose to go to Weasley's house, which is all boys, but it was more acceptable to most of the little witches.


It is said that there is a little sister in Weasley's family who is going to school this year?

Shape Evans and several more savvy little witches exchanged their gazes in silence, planning to wait when they are in the sorting house to see if the threat of each other is big.

In this noisy atmosphere, Professor McGonagall took this year's freshmen into the auditorium.

"Ginny, Luna, how are you guys!" (●ΦωΦ●)

Fisch stood up and waved to the nervous freshmen behind Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall glared Fisch severely and warned him not to make trouble.

The little cat shrank her neck and sat back obediently.

"Fish, is there someone you know among the freshmen?"

Senior Sister Xia Pei quickly leaned over and began to inquire about the "enemy situation."

"Yeah," Feish nodded his head, and pointed to the new students who had walked to the sorting cap and stood in a row and said, "The red-haired one is Ginny, Fred and their sister, the one with big eyes called Luna Lovegood, a friend I met when I visited the Burrow."

Otri Sant Catchpole is a village where wizards and Muggles live together. It was when Fisch sneaked out of the Burrow to play, he met Luna, and he also met Hufflepah in the village. The strange Cedric and Fawcett.

Xia Pei and others looked at the two young girls pointed out by Fisch in the freshman group, and their hearts shook.

The name Luna looks a little strange and should not be threatening, but the little sister from the Weasley family is very cute, shy and timid, and looks very affectionate.

Not to mention that her brother is Fisch's roommate...

Great enemy!

What Xia Pei and the others didn't know was that Fisch actually liked Luna more than Ginny.

Although Ginny’s hair is a little bit more than Luna’s, Luna’s eyes are bigger, and her words are very interesting, and she feels very keen, which is much more interesting than Ginny, who is less talkative.

The sorting ceremony was still going on in an orderly manner. During the period, Fisch noticed that Professor Snape suddenly got up and left the auditorium, and he also vaguely heard some strange rumblings outside, as well as the screams of some people. .

Although I wanted to run out to see what was going on, considering Professor McGonagall's mood, Fisch still suppressed his curiosity.

In the end, the troublesome sorting ceremony finally ended, Luna went to Ravenclaw, and Ginny was sorted into Gryffindor without a surprise, and then when she came to the long table, she was caught up by a group of high-profile seniors. We were surrounded, and Luna's situation was similar.

Jinni cast a look at her brothers for help, but none of her three brothers, coughing and coughing, bowing their heads, and looking at the sky, none of them dared to stand up and help.

Soon, the banquet The Chinese food that appeared on the table gave everyone a small surprise. In the middle of the banquet, Professor Snape returned here with an inexplicable smile.

He walked up to Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall and whispered a few words in a low voice. Then Professor McGonagall got up in a hurry and followed him out of the auditorium, while Dumbledore was talking to Professor Flitwick. After a few sentences, he also left the auditorium.

When Dumbledore left, the students whispered to each other immediately, and they were excited to guess what was going on.

Gryffindor was no exception, but Feish quickly shook his ears and told them the answer directly.

"Severus said that Harry and Ron drove a flying car and hit the beating willow."

He puffed up his cheeks unhappily, "They have such a funny thing, they don't even tell Feish!"



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