The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 177: Full Marks In Reading Comprehension!

"Okay, no more nonsense! Let's all feel the aura on Clementine's body now!"

Ye Yi doesn't want to get too entangled in this issue. Talking to a woman with abnormal brains, how can Ye Yi who is not an experienced driver be her opponent?

After listening to Ye Yi's words, Albedo's face returned to normal and her eyes focused on Clementine. Soon, Albedo showed a shocked expression!

She knew Clementine's information, after all, it passed through her hands! However, Clementine's level in the information was only thirty-two, so why was the fluctuation now at least level seventy-five?

Although she could still crush her with one hand, Clementine's growth rate made Albedo feel a little bit of a crisis!

Apart from Albedo, Nabe was the most shocked. She knew Clementine's strength. She had been beaten by her twice before and had no power to fight back. But now, Nabe has no confidence that she can win over her!

A difference of five levels means steady suppression, and a difference of ten levels means absolute crushing. Before, she crushed Clementine, but now, it is Clementine who crushes her!

Thinking of this, Nabe's face turned slightly gloomy. It was not that she was jealous of Clementine's growth, but that she was afraid that Ye Yi no longer needed her. After all, Clementine was stronger than her and would definitely have more uses than her. And she has followed Ye Yi for so long but she has not grown at all~~

The supreme honor of being Lord Ye Yi's temporary teammate seems to be about to leave her!

Unless there are special circumstances, her position will generally not be moved without authorization!

"This...obeys me!" Although she felt extremely regretful, Ye Yi had already spoken, and Albedo had to listen. She could only walk aside and look at everyone in the Pleiades star cluster with envy on her face!

"So, if you are willing..."

Then Belal Gamma, a dual racial phantom, a warrior with a level 1 occupation, then a battle mage, elemental mage, etc., a violent mage with some physical output, with a total level of sixty-three!

Clementine was about to say something, but Ye Yi glared back!

Ye Yi shook his head slightly: "No, Yuli and the others are less than level 100, and there is still room for growth, so I will give them the status of gods so directly!"

Very good, perfect score for reading comprehension!

"You can't be so full of words. Whether you can succeed or not is another matter!" Ye Yi shook his head helplessly: "After all, the people who have been given the status of gods by me are all natives of this world. Whether you can succeed is not yet known. !”

The tears in Albedo's eyes gradually dissipated, and her pretty face turned red~~ The wisdom belonging to one of the three wise men of Nazarick began to operate, and her imagination suddenly couldn't be contained!

When Ye Yi said this, Albedo immediately understood that Clementine's strength had soared to this level precisely because she became one of the one hundred and eight gods under Ye Yi's command. ?

Albedo gritted her teeth and spoke softly: "Master Ye Yi, Yuri and the others have succeeded, so is it my turn next?"

"No~" Ye Yi shook his head directly, without any room for maneuver: "4.1 I will not do this until I am 100% sure!"

Master Ye Yi cares about me... I am very important in Master Ye Yi's heart... Master Ye Yi~~ likes me?

"But Albedo is different. Level 100 is already the maximum level in the game world. Players or NPCs above level 100 never exist! If you try rashly, an irreversible situation may occur!"

"Nabe-chan, you can't beat me now~~Fufufu~~" Looking at Nabe's eyes, Clementine squinted her eyes and covered her mouth with a chuckle!

"That's not the case!" Looking at Albedo who was about to cry to you, Ye Yi suddenly had a big head: "It's not that Albedo is useless, it's because Albedo is too important. Yes, I don’t want to see anything happen to you, Albedo, do you understand what I mean?”

"My subordinate is willing to try. For Lord Ye Yi, Albedo will do anything!" Albedo was still a little unwilling!

"What a slug!" Nabe snorted disdainfully and looked away from Clementine!

Yuri Alpha is a zombie and headless knight, and her profession is striker and knight, etc. In short, she is a human shield warrior with a total level of fifty-one!

Yuli took the lead, and the entire Pleiades star cluster bowed their heads and requested in unison: "All the Pleiades star clusters are willing to become Lord Ye Yi's servants. This is our supreme honor. I sincerely ask Lord Ye Yi for your permission!"

The next second, the intense jealousy almost caused Albedo to explode on the spot! That kind of supreme glory, actually, actually...

"Then now, let's start with Yuri!"

But it is a pity that Albedo was not included in this appointment meeting! As a result, she can only look at the Pleiades star cluster floating in the sky with envy, exuding golden light!

"We are all willing to cooperate with Master Ye Yi in the experiment, even if we die!"

Finally, Eldoma Basilisa Zeta, whose race is Spider-Man, whose profession is Talisman Master, Talisman Striker, etc., is an all-rounder who prefers field control, with a total level of fifty-one!

Soliuxiang Epsilon, race amorphous slime and initial chaos, occupation is assassin, etc., biased towards auxiliary type, the actual combat effectiveness is not high, the total level is fifty-seven!

Shizu Delta, whose race is an automaton and whose occupations are gunner, sniper, assassin, etc., is familiar with all the traps of Nazarick, referred to as the Nazarick Instruction Manual, and has a total level of only forty-six!

"You're curious, right?" Looking at the shocked Pleiades star cluster, Ye Yi smiled softly: "As you can see, I am the Dragon God! And under the Dragon God, there are one hundred and eight gods!"

Starting from Yuri, an extremely humiliating appointment meeting started in the arena on the sixth floor!

Lupusregina Beta is a werewolf, and her occupations are monk and priest, etc. To put it simply, she is a violent type of combat nanny with a total level of fifty-nine!

"That's it, that's okay!" Anyway, you can use various methods to resurrect without any damage, so just give it a try: "But, as for Albedo, just wait for now! After all, you are at level 100, There are too many uncertainties!"

Although Pleiades has a younger sister, level 100 Orel Omega doesn't need these things yet. After all, her profession and identity responsibilities are a bit special!

"She's one of them now!"

"Please be sure to let your subordinates become Lord Ye Yi's servants!" Before Ye Yi finished speaking, Albedo couldn't wait to answer directly!

"Is it because my subordinates are too useless?" Albedo's eyes filled with tears, and she clutched her skirt with both hands: "Does Master Ye Yi dislike Albedo?"

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