The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 176 The Test Was Successful!

The rift in the void slowly closed. Under Ye Yi's confused eyes, Clementine's body gradually turned into nothingness, and then disappeared completely!

Ye Yi turned slightly and stared at the shadow under her!

One second, two seconds... The shadow suddenly shook, and Clementine's figure slowly emerged from it! The signature smile on her face was still there, but it seemed a little more evil!

"Is it fun?"

Clementine stiffened slightly: "Don't you want to give Master Ye Yi a surprise~"

"What a surprise!" Ye Yi's face remained unchanged and he said calmly: "Stand still!"

"Oh~" Clementine stood still obediently, as if I was very obedient!

Ye Yi shook his head helplessly, opened the Dragon Eye directly, and his eyes gradually converged on Clementine! A slightly familiar scene suddenly appeared in front of Ye Yi!

Name: Clementine


Race: half-dragon lv.1~0, dragon v.10

Occupations: Warrior lv.9, Swordsman Iv.9, Knight lv.9, Assassin Iv.9, Dragon Warrior lv.10, Dark Hunter v.10

Position: The highest NPC in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, an assassin under the Supreme Dragon Ye Yi, and the commander of the assassination team of the Dragon God Guards!

Divine position: Second-class servant of the Dragon God!

"Level seventy-six? It's a bit beyond my expectations! I thought level sixty-nine was already the limit!" Looking at Clementine's level, Ye Yi was a little surprised!

Clementine, the former ninth seat of the Black Holy Code, had just entered the thirty-second level when she first met Ye Yi, and had followed Ye Yi for less than three months. "The level has skyrocketed to level seventy-six!

"See Lord Ye Yi!"

"Sir Ye Yi, please forgive me for being rude, but what you it true?" Yuli pushed up her glasses, her usually calm face now looked more confused!

"It's normal to have doubts. Take a look..." Ye Yi turned his head and saw Clementine's figure behind him. His face turned dark. He raised his right foot and lightly stomped the ground.

"Subordinate Albedo, please see Supreme King Ye Yi!" Ye Yi always felt that Albedo's words were filled with pride!

"As you command!"

As soon as Ye Yi finished speaking, Albedo's voice suddenly sounded: "Hey, Master Ye Yi, please give me your orders. No matter who your subordinate is, Albedo will do his best!"

"Ah? Oh, Albedo understands!" Albedo's tone was a little disappointed, but also a little excited, a very strange emotion, at least Ye Yi couldn't hear it!

"Of course~~" Letting go of her hands covering her buttocks, Clementine looked satisfied and intoxicated: "Because in this way, I and Lord Ye Yi become one, and I can feel the radiance of Lord Ye Yi all the time. The breath~~"

Although in Nazarick, those at level 70 to level 80 can only be regarded as mid-to-lower power, but they are more convenient, convenient, and grow at an astonishing rate!


"Yes, Lord Ye Yi!" After hearing Ye Yi's words, Albedo, who looked like a great devil just now, instantly turned into a good girl!

Ye Yi was extremely speechless, why couldn't she meet a normal person?

"Okay, Albedo!" Ye Yi waved her hand helplessly: "It's normal for Yuri to have doubts. Put your energy back! It's probably something that even Momonga would be confused about after hearing it. Yuri's performance has already Normal enough!”

"Okay, everyone, get up!" Looking at the beautiful woman kneeling on the ground in front of him, Ye Yi looked a little helpless: "You don't have to kneel down when you see me in the future!"

They have thought about increasing their strength before and have been implementing it! However, during this period of time, no matter what they do, their experience points are stuck in place, let alone upgrading.

Yuri was shocked and lowered her head in cold sweat: "This subordinate deserves death!"

…please give me flowers…0

And now, Master Ye Yi said that it can increase the average level of each of them by more than ten levels. This kind of thing...

"Yuri Alpha!" Before Ye Yi could say anything, Albedo turned around and stared at her with an evil look on her face. Her huge momentum directly pressed on Yuri: "How dare you be so rude to Ye Yi-sama?" , do you want to die?"


However, this is the effect Ye Yi wants!

"Yuri Alpha, lead the Pleiades star cluster, meet Lord Ye Yi!"

I have to say that Albedo is really capable. After Ye Yi's order was given, it took less than three minutes to bring all the members of the Pleiades star cluster to Ye Yi through the portal!

Albedo's eyes suddenly widened, and then returned to normal, as if nothing had happened. However, when the corner of her eyes looked at the Pleiades star cluster, there was already a little hostility~~~

"Albedo, are you there?" Just do it when you think of it, this is Ye Yi's style!

Ye Yi did not dwell on this issue anymore and went directly to the topic: "Okay, I'm calling you here this time. There are some things that require your cooperation. If successful, your strength will usher in a surge, and the average level will at least increase. Level ten or above!"

Regarding Albedo's reaction, no one in the Pleiades was not shocked! Starting from Yuri, all the way to Xizi, the Sanwu girl, everyone looked at Ye Yi with shocked eyes!

In addition, if the natives can be given the status of gods by Ye Yi and their strength increases rapidly, can the original members of Nazarick also do the same?

"Yeah, it's not a big deal. I just want you to gather all the members of the Pleiades star cluster to come to the sixth floor. I'll trouble you a little. Of course, forget it, Aurel!"

"come out!":

But where Ye Yi couldn't see her, Albedo clenched her hands and her face became a little ferocious, her silver teeth almost shattered in her teeth. This was a treatment that even she couldn't enjoy. Damn it, she must be killed. ~cai~.

"Is it fun to hide in my shadow?" Clementine asked with a dark face as she looked at pretending to be pitiful!

It took three months to grow to level 44. Even if you say it in the game world, it might be a bit scary. The growth rate is too fast!

Although Ye Yi said so, Albedo and the others also obeyed, but Ye Yi didn't know whether it would be like this after that. After all, he had emphasized this matter many times, and he still hasn't seen anyone change it. , seems to have been integrated into the instinct, and you will kneel down when you see it!

"Ouch~~" Clementine, who was hiding in Ye Yi's shadow, was immediately shaken out by Ye Yi's foot. She covered her butt and looked at Ye Yi with a look of grievance!

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