The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 108 The ‘Root Of Evil’ Laid Down At The Beginning!

Being killed by Demiurge like this, Momonga could only go down this dead end! But Ye Yi really admired Momonga for being so thick-skinned! (He didn't have it in the first place)

"As expected of Nazarick's first-class wise man, I'm really lucky you noticed it, Demiurge!" Momonga tried his best to stay calm, and his tone didn't even change at all!

"Of course!" Demiurge has always been proud of being able to detect what the Supreme Being is thinking!

The conversation between the two made the guardians below who were not good at intelligence look up with emotion and look up to them. It turned out that their Supreme Lord Momonga was so wise (meng) and wise (bi)!

Looking at the uninformed guardians below, Demiurge patiently explained: "As long as you seriously think about the profound meaning of Momonga-sama and Ye Yi's actions so far, anyone can understand it!"

The admiration on Demiurge's face almost made Momonga feel ashamed. Why didn't he know anything? Ye Yi also had a strange look on his face. Almost every action he took until now had a clear goal, but why? Demiurge seems to be trying to conquer the world?

No, no, at least ask something. If you don’t know anything now, I’m afraid the secret will be exposed minute by minute when you execute the plan in the future!

Thinking of this, Momonga held his chin with one hand and said in a deep voice: "So, it was that time!"

"Exactly!" Demiurge nodded!

Fighting back the emotions that were about to go crazy in his heart, Momonga asked again: "Is there another time?"

"Exactly!" Demiurge nodded again!

"So which time was it?" Momonga went crazy again, feeling like he was going to be ruined! There were only a few things that happened during this period. Which one made Demiurge behave like this? idea?

Ye Yi next to her instantly covered her face. What a familiar scene! It happened once not long ago, and now it happens again. Really, can you explain it better? Why do you always like to play riddles?

The turquoise light flashed past Momonga again. Today, Momonga was forced to calm down for the second time. You can imagine how depressed Momonga is now!

Even though he was forced to calm down, Momonga was still full of dissatisfaction. Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind. Momonga seemed to have grasped the key point and asked softly:

"That's right, then Demiurge, do you think that time is the most critical!"

Now even Ye Yi has to give Momonga a thumbs up. If you ask like this, you can at least know one of them and not all of them will be confused!

There are only a handful of things that happened during this period. If you know one of them, maybe you can figure out the other things too!

When Momonga asked, Demiurge thought for a moment, and then said: "I still think it should be Kaan Village!"


This time, Momonga and Ye Yi were not the only ones. Except for Albedo and Demiurge, all the guardians were in a state of confusion!

Kahn Village? Did Momonga and Ye Yi do something to Kahn Village that they don’t know about?

As for the person involved, Ye Yi is a complete fool! Didn't he just go to Kahn Village to kill some knights, then save some villagers, and finally met the warrior captain, and even repelled the invading Sunshine Holy Scripture, but why does this have anything to do with conquering the world?

Ye Yi racked her brains but couldn't figure out what it was for!

Momonga watched the whole battle, and even in the end, he took Demiurge to capture all members of the Sunshine Scripture. How can this be called the first step to conquer the world?

Nonsense, okay?

However, even if he doesn't understand, Momonga still has to pretend to understand now. It's now time. If he fails at the critical moment, all the previous efforts will be in vain!

"That's true. It was indeed a success that time!" At this point, Fei Shou glanced at Ye Yi with his head lowered from the corner of his eye. He also wondered if Ye Yi had done something that he didn't know about. !

Although he was watching the whole battle, he didn't know what Ye Yi said. Maybe Demiurge misunderstood something he said? (He started to blame it wildly!)

"That's the village that Lord Ye Yi condescended to control personally. Of course it can't fail!" Demiurge said matter-of-factly!

"A human village?"

"We don't even know~"

"I really can't think of anything!"

The guardians also raised their own questions appropriately and were worried about their own IQ!

Demiurge pushed up his glasses and explained without any impatience: "It is easy to destroy human beings, but Lord Ye Yi and Lord Momonga chose peaceful domination!

"That is to say... Master Ye Yi and Master Momonga thought of conquering the world at that time, so they started to prepare for experiments on Kaen Village!"


After Demiurge explained it like this, all the guardians instantly understood that this was so!

Fuck you two, when did they think of conquering the world? Ye Yi is in trouble and can’t tell. Dimi653 Ugos’s brainstorming is simply invincible. The chat channel they co-authored is not on the same point at all. ah!

This is really chatting across the world!

What a sin! He and Momonga decided to save Karn Village, and the purpose was simply to allow Ye Yi to integrate into the world and collect intelligence. How come Demiurge's mind changed and he started preparing to conquer the world?

But when Demiurge said this, Ye Yi finally knew when the root cause of these things began!

Since the incident in Karn Village was mentioned, it means that Momonga had consciously or unconsciously mentioned the words "conquer the world" to Demiurge before that, otherwise his purpose would never have been misinterpreted like this!

Just on the first day of time travel, Momonga had already committed evil?

Thinking of this, Ye Yi's malicious eyes immediately focused on Momonga: "My dear Momonga, what good things did you do that night? What did you say to Demiurge?" What?

Momonga slowly grew his skull mouth, obviously remembering what happened when he went to see the starry sky that day! Just because he pretended to sigh deeply, "I didn't expect to be completely killed by Dimitrigos." Damn it!

Could it be that the source of all evil is here?

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