The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 107 So, We Are Going To Conquer The World?

Now the so-called wise man played by Momonga has almost revealed his true colors!

He didn't know anything about Demiurge's plan, he didn't know anything about the Guardians' thoughts, and this source of all evil had inadvertently staged a "conquer the world" drama!

This guy must be acting blindly without reading the script!

Just when Ye Yi and Momonga were deep in thought, Demiurge's passionate speech had ended, and he turned around with expectation, hoping to get the approval of the two supreme beings!

Seeing Demiurge wagging the devil's tail with a flattering look on his face, Ye Yi always wondered if Ulbert had added something strange to Demiurge's settings. Otherwise, why would he look like this? It always looks like... woof?

Ulbert's bad taste?

When Momonga saw Demiurge's appearance, he suddenly felt bad. If you want to say yes, then there will definitely be a lot of "193" troubles next. If you want to say no, then His image was completely ruined...

"Uh, Demiurge, you still remember it!"

"That's natural!" Demiurge said with a proud look on his face: "As long as it's the words of Momonga-sama and Ye Yi, my subordinate Demiurge will never forget a word!"

'It's over', this is the common sentiment of Momonga and Ye Yi! Everything they say will be remembered, that is to say, their subsequent conversations must not be even the slightest bit suspicious, otherwise

"Really~" Momonga nodded pretendingly, and still tried not to give up, "When is it?"

"Exactly!" Demiurge nodded without hesitation!

Momonga's face froze and he asked again: "Is that that time?"

"Exactly!" Demiurge nodded again!

"So which time was it?" Momonga went crazy instantly, and Ye Yi also had black lines on her face!

Momonga's question was correct, and Demiurge's answer was correct, but when exactly was it? Such a riddle-like question and answer!

"Is that so..." A faint green light flashed over Momonga's body, and his frantic mood gradually recovered: "I'm very happy, Demiurge!"

I'm so glad you are so good! What did you understand? Ye Yi held up his forehead, completely helpless!

"Thank you, sir!" After receiving Momonga's approval, Demiurge was extremely excited!

Now Momonga is completely in trouble! He couldn't get it out of his tentative inquiry, so he couldn't ask me openly and honestly when he mentioned it, right?

"However, conquering the world is quite difficult!"

"What you said is absolutely true!"

"So...what do you think we should do?"

Having said this, Momonga praised himself for his wit! Now he could clearly understand what Demiurge was planning to do!

However, next to you, Ye Yi's mentality is broken! Let you test when it started and whether you can cancel this goal. You have completely set your goal on conquering the world!

In this way, he undoubtedly completely agrees with Demiurge's words. Momonga, do you really want to conquer the world? Don't mention how miserable Ye Yi is. If you encounter a cheating teammate like Momonga, you can still do well. Have you played?

Before you could figure out what was going on, you jumped directly to the question of how to conquer the world. This is so crazy!

You are really wise!

However, if you really want to conquer the world, it shouldn't be too difficult, right? After all, the Eight Desire Kings who appeared out of nowhere can unify the world, there's no reason why Nazarick can't do it!

Think about it, even if Ainz Ooal Gown and Momonga are the only ones left, they still occupy the twelfth place on the server all year round. There is no reason why they can't compare to that unknown guild!

The possession of world-class props ranks first from beginning to end. It shouldn’t be difficult to conquer ten worlds with this kind of combat power, right?

What Ye Yi, who was thinking about this, didn't know was that his current thoughts were also led astray by Demiurge and Momonga! They all began to consider the feasibility of conquering the world!

Looking at Momonga and Ye Yi who were meditating, Demiurge said softly: "In my humble opinion, Nazarick should be allowed to stand at the front desk!"

"As an organization comes to the fore, Nazarick can do anything openly and openly. There is no need to send only a few personnel to spy on intelligence like now!"

"Of course, for now, except for one person, the Kingdom does not have any charm worthy of being compared with Nazarick. Nazarick does not need to use the Kingdom as the first stop!


As soon as Demiurge made this suggestion, Ye Yi was confused for a moment! Do you want to take such big steps? But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed the case!

If you want to conquer the world, then naturally you have to let Nazarick surface! Demiurge has considered everything and is waiting for their reply?

"What do you think Momonga?"

Nazarick's surfacing is no small matter. There are countless things that need to be involved in the future. Ye Yi is not sure whether to do this!

If he was just one person who changed his identity and was active outside, he would be sure to solve all the troubles, but if the entire Nazarick was brought to the forefront...

There are many advantages to surfacing, but at the same time, there are definitely a lot of troubles! Whether or not Nazarick should be allowed to surface... Ye Yi thinks it is best for him and Momonga to discuss it again. Better.

"Well, this proposal is indeed very attractive!" Momonga touched his chin: "If Nazarick comes to the front, many things will be much easier to handle, but I'm afraid there will be a lot of things to face next!"

"So, Momonga, you agree!" Ye Yi was slightly startled, Momonga had thought of it so quickly?

"Ah, yes!" Momonga nodded: "You don't have to spy in secret like now, twenty people act openly and openly, it is indeed much more attractive!"

"Okay, that's it!"

"So, what does Demiurge think we should do?"

Demiurge pushed up his glasses and said loudly: "My subordinates propose to establish a country called the Great Tomb of Nazarick!"

At this point, Demiurge seemed to have thought of something, turned around slightly and said, "Just in case, let me explain! These are all things that Master Momonga and Master Ye Yi have been planning for a long time!"

5.7 "Of course, with my limited knowledge and limited knowledge, I cannot get a full picture of the plan considered by the Supreme Being who is the crystallization of wisdom. I can only detect the tip of the iceberg!"

Listening to Demiurge's words, Momonga's face turned red (although it didn't mean he didn't have a face)!

He had just learned about a small part of Demiurge's plan, so why did it all become what he had been planning all along? When did he become so wise?

As for why Ye Yi is the same, maybe it is to take care of the face of the Supreme Being, so when Demiurge mentioned it, he also brought Ye Yi in, right?

But why? Momonga is a bit confused!

He and Ye Yi haven't done anything special for so long. Why did they become so steady when they arrived at Demiurge? What on earth gave Demiurge this feeling?

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