The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 209 The Fourth Sleep

Soon, he grew from 1800 meters to about 1950 meters.

The planet beneath him, which was about 700 times the size of the Blue Star, had another large hole chewed out.

Just when Rand was in high spirits and wanted to become stronger.

However, the Succubus Goddess stopped the supply of divine power and said with a somewhat depressed expression:

Sorry, more than 90% of my divine power has been used up. I have to stop.

Is this the end? Rand showed a hint of regret.

But I'm actually quite satisfied.

After this round of strengthening, he felt that his strength had doubled again.

Your resistance to magic is too high. I'm afraid it will be even harder in the future.

The succubus goddess sighed.

You guys are really outrageous.

Under the power of time, he has grown so much at once.

If I were your enemy, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep.

By the way, what race are you? I'm a little curious.

The butterfly beast asked aloud.

I... am just an ordinary descendant of a metal dragon. Rand responded seriously.

The rainbow dragon and deer-headed monster on the side did not speak, but rolled their eyes secretly.

The succubus goddess looked at him in surprise, then at the butterfly beast, but she was too smart to say anything.

Hmm... I always feel like you're lying to me, but I have no proof.

The butterfly beast was silent for a while before speaking.

Rand, do you have any next plan now? The rainbow dragon on the side asked again.


Rand was about to respond.

As a result, the system in my mind reminded me again.

You will be completely asleep until you enter the next age.

As a congratulatory gift for becoming a young dragon, you can choose one of the following two options as a strengthening reward.

A: Magic growth +5

B: Physical growth +5

B: Physical growth +5.

Physical growth: 236+【150】

Please choose a suitable area full of high thermal energy for deep sleep. (The higher the quality and quantity of the energy in the area, the more consistent it is with yourself, and the better you will grow during the sleeping process. )

Actually, it's the growth stage again.

Rand was stunned.

After he fell asleep for the third time and entered the teenage stage, only more than ten years had actually passed.

Now he is about to enter the young dragon stage.

Among them, due to the influence of the power of time, he quickly passed through at least several years, or even nearly ten years...

For ordinary creatures, the loss of nearly ten years is definitely a heavy loss.

But for Rand, it accelerated his growth.

I haven’t learned any new knowledge or experience in the past ten years, and it doesn’t matter.

After all, 80% or even 90% of his strength comes from the natural growth of his body.

He glanced at the rainbow dragon and the surrounding beasts and succubi:

Right now, I may be going into deep sleep. Even I don't know how long it will take.

While I'm sleeping, just be more honest and just stay there.

After Rand finished speaking, he took a special look at the deer-headed monster and said:

Especially for you, if you want to get rid of the slave contract, you'd better succeed at the first time, otherwise I don't think you want to face the consequences.

...My beloved master, you are joking. It is an honor for me to follow such a powerful being as you.

With the help of your blood, I have exceeded the limits of my race. What else can I be dissatisfied about? The deer-headed monster said quickly, showing his loyalty.

You're going to sleep... Then it's time to say goodbye. I won't stay in one place for too long. These were the words of the Butterfly Alien Beast.

You don't want my blood anymore?

I have exceeded my own limits with the help of your blood.

The effect after your blood should be much worse, I can feel this.

Rather than waiting like this, it is better to experience some other scenery.

The whole world, infinite planes, and too many landscapes are still waiting for me.

After the butterfly beast finished speaking, without waiting for Rand to say anything more, the power of time surged around his body, and his figure quickly disappeared from the spot.

In that case, let's say goodbye for now. I want to return to the world of spirit beasts.

The succubus goddess also said.

Rand didn't speak this time, just watched the other party leave.

Lu Lin, you can go back first. Let Rand and I stay here for a while. Hindley, the rainbow dragon, glanced at the deer-headed monster.

This guy also disappeared without warning.

Okay, all the troubles are gone. Now where are you going to sleep? Have you thought of a place? Rainbow Dragon asked again.

If you go anywhere, it's right there.

Rand said, raising his forelimbs, extending his paws, and pointing towards the starry sky.

There, there is a red star shining with its own brilliance.

You actually want to sleep on a star? Can your body bear it? You must know that the temperature of a star is very different between the surface layer and the inner layer. The internal temperature is generally tens of millions of degrees.

The rainbow dragon couldn't help but remind him.

Tens of millions of temperatures.

Generally speaking, even Rand couldn't bear it.

This temperature is even more terrifying than that of the morning sun.

But Rand was not prepared to enter the core of the star.

By the way, before that.

But he still has some good things to take.

Blood of God from the Morning Sun.

Rand took out his share, the iridescent dragon's share, and the deer-headed share.

If you can upgrade your [Intermediate Sun Body] to an advanced one after taking it, it should be easier, right?

Rand swallowed all the blood of the morning sun in one gulp.

All of a sudden.

A stronger temperature emanates from the dragon's body.

The gaseous planet beneath him was mixed into a mess.

Large areas of gas are continuously evaporated, heading towards the planet's atmosphere.

But it was tightly bound by the atmosphere.

The entire gaseous planet was agitated and in chaos.

Rand... what are you...

The Rainbow Dragon looked at Rand at this moment and asked in surprise.

You absorb the rich power of the sun and digest it completely, and your body undergoes changes.

Your [Intermediate Sun Body] has been strengthened and will be upgraded to [Advanced Sun Body] soon.

You have to absorb as much heat as possible to promote better changes in the body.

You are about to be forced into deep sleep, allowing your body to gain new strength.

As expected, after absorbing the divine blood of the morning sun, I have become stronger. Hindley, I must fall asleep immediately.

During this process, remember not to disturb me.

After Rand said that, he quickly burned the portal.

Disappear in place.

iridescent dragon seen.

In the distance, a tiny red spot appeared on the red star.

She knew it was Rand.

But soon, this small spot sank into the bright star and disappeared.

I left in such a hurry... I also wanted to have a good time when I said goodbye.

The Rainbow Dragon muttered something and flew away with a slight regret.

Explosive stars.

Coronal layer.

This is the same space as inside the atmosphere of a normal planet.

Large tracts of hot gas are bound within the entire corona.

The temperature even reached around 1 million degrees.

For Rand, a temperature of 1 million degrees no longer has any lethality. It will only make him feel warm and excited.

I felt the gravity, it was about thirty times more.

Rand felt like he could settle here.

Although there are chromosphere, photosphere, troposphere and radiation zone below.

But the temperature in these places is generally not as good as the corona. Only the core of the sun has a temperature exceeding tens of millions of degrees.

However, wanting to settle down in the corona is also a problem for Rand.

After all, it is affected by gravity.

If Rand did nothing and fell asleep, his body would not float in the corona, but would continue to fall downwards.

And cast ordinary spells to achieve the purpose of making yourself levitate.

It's not an easy thing either.

The reason is that this is inside a star.

Apart from the extremely strong fire element, almost all other elements are excluded.

Except...the fire element...

Then just summon the fire element.

Use a large amount of fire elements to pave it into a bed that can provide him with sleep.

Rand had an idea.

Leaving the corona layer, he began to cast spells.

The elemental plane of fire.

There is intense heat everywhere here.

Flames are everywhere.

The earth is made of magma.

Fire rain fell from the sky from time to time.

Fire elements are playing happily in the ocean of magma, swallowing and absorbing high-temperature substances.

a certain area.

On top of a throne made of magma.

A giant lava demon about three hundred meters tall was sitting upright.

This demon only looks like a demon, but in essence, it is made entirely of flames.

It silently stared at the weak fire elements in front of them who were trying to become stronger, with a gleam of disdain in their eyes.

Opening its mouth, there were fire elements holding red molten cores and feeding them into its mouth.

The molten core is a fire treasure that is abundant in the fire elemental plane.

It is a magical gem that is loved by ordinary fire spellcasters, and it is also a magical item used by fire elements to enhance their strength.

This kind of gem is very rare and cherished by ordinary creatures.

But for this lava demon, it was a normal snack.

Being able to receive such treatment depends on its identity.

He is one of the lords under the God of the Fire Element in the Fire Element Plane.

Rules the fire elemental realm, covering an area of ​​more than 5 billion square kilometers.

Groups of fire elements are all working hard for it, and all it has to do is sit back and enjoy the results.

Of course, what's more important is.

With the development of the Io plane.

Contact with an alien plane.

The fire elemental plane is also continuing to progress and develop, and they have also come into contact with one world after another.

And burn those mortals and transform them into fire elements.

This causes the fire elemental plane to continue to strengthen.

Today is the same as always.

A portal slowly opened in front of the fire element demon lord.

Make it smile knowingly.

As fire elements, their steps to conquer alien planes are very simple.

Generally, they will look for those who have deep hatred and full desire for destruction.

These guys are a very neurotic bunch.

Having the desire to destroy the world is very consistent with the temperament and purpose of the fire elements.

Therefore, they will cast a wide net in every plane.

Leave some proverbs, books, and ways to summon the elements.

at the moment.

I don’t know which cute guy got the way to summon them...

What a cute little guy, if this world can be conquered successfully.

Maybe consider transforming the opponent into a lava giant?

The fire elemental lord who looked like a demon thought so with a hint of joy.

Among its men, a fire element quickly penetrated into the portal.

At this time, the portal was still not closed.

The fire element lord was delighted.

It seems that the world over there is very resistant to other planes...

More and more fire elements are stepping into it.

The fire element lord looked even more delighted.

It became even happier when a huge fire snake with the appearance of a long snake got into it.

Can it even accommodate a fire snake whose strength is close to legendary?

In this way, perhaps, a plane war can be launched directly.

On the face of the fire element lord, the flames burned even more intensely.

But immediately, there was an unexpected expression.

The moment the fire snake entered the portal, it immediately retracted.

There was a very obvious look of panic and fear on the face of the flame snake.

The fire snake turned to look at the fire element lord in the distance and exclaimed:

Strange! Monster! There is a monster on the other side of the door! Great Lord Red Flame Zinda, help!

This fire elemental was extremely frightened.

This gesture surprised the fire element lord, and he wanted to say a few words.

The accident happened again.

On the opposite side of the door, a huge suction force suddenly appeared, sucking in the fire snake that had just escaped and other fire elemental creatures around it!

This scene.

It really made the Fire Lord, who had a demonic appearance and was over 300 meters tall, a little annoyed.

There is such an arrogant guy on the other side of the door? Dare to attack my territory? How brave! A weak creature from another plane!

I will show you the greatness of fire! Experience the despair of being burned!

The fire element lord stood up from the throne with his huge body and walked towards the portal.

Its body continued to shrink in the process.

When it was only a dozen meters high, enough to pass through the portal, it was sucked in by the suction force.

The entire world changes in the perception of the fire element lord.

I just came to another world.

Before it could fully sense it, it couldn't wait to restore its body to its original shape.

Showing off his huge aura, he shot out terrifying flames from his body.

Then he yelled:

My name is Chi Yan Xinda!

Lord of the Fire Elemental Plane!

All things will burn before my body!

Mortal things! Worship before me! Be afraid! Tremble! This is the oldest element! The power of the gods! Roar! !

After roaring, the fire element lord felt refreshed all over his body.

Perceiving it, the surroundings seemed to be extremely hot, which made it feel even more comfortable.


There seems to be something strange blocking it in front of you?

The fire elemental lord with a demonic appearance had a strange look on his face.

It glanced at its feet.

There are its subordinates, lined up one by one.

These are some ill-informed guys.

The fire element lord didn't care either.

Until I saw the fire snake.

Why is this guy shaking?

The environment here is obviously so warm and comfortable, but you can still shiver? What a piece of trash! Is there really something wrong with the thinking and core?

By the way, where is the monster this guy is talking about?

In this high-temperature environment, what monster can compete with pure elemental creatures like them?

The elemental lord smiled disdainfully.

Oh? It seems like a big guy is here? Not bad! Not bad! I happen to need a guy like you.

A loud voice came from above.

This caused the fire element lord's body to tremble, and wisps of sparks sputtered out.

It silently raised its head, and then its entire body froze in place.

Damn it! I was fooled!

This elemental lord couldn't help but think.

The red flames on his body suddenly dimmed a few points.

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