The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 208 God’s Limitations and Continuous Growth

This figure has a body nearly two kilometers long, and its wingspan even exceeds four or five kilometers.

The appearance also made all the spirits feel familiar.

The air around it is constantly twisting.

It's Rand Safis Oakburn! The president of the Dragon Chamber of Commerce!

Here comes Goddess Dorothy! How could the president of the Dragon Chamber of Commerce become so huge... so... so scary!


Squeak, squeak, squeak!

Wow wow wow...

A series of screams and the frightened cries of the spirit beasts rang out.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

What's even more frightening is that.

The high temperature emanating from the body of Rand Safis Oakburn, the president of the Dragon Chamber of Commerce, has passed through the air and is separated by several kilometers.

passed to the ground.

At this moment, everyone in the square felt as if they had been soaked in hot water, and they let out a series of screams.

Ouch! It's so hot! It's so hot! Help! Someone help me!

Who has water or ice attributes? Please save us! Wow!

Goddess Dorothy! Help!

The spirits shouted wildly.

There were tens of thousands of spirit beasts in the square, and naturally there were some of them with ice and water attributes. These spirit beasts each used their own special skills to cool down the square, but they still couldn't withstand the high temperature Rand naturally emitted.

This scene is simply despairing.

However, within seconds of exposure to high temperatures, some people suffered burns and dehydration.

If this situation continues for a few seconds, the spirits and spirit beasts in the entire square may die on a large scale.

But that's about it.

The void fluctuated.

Dorothy, the succubus goddess, finally appears.

With a wave of her arm, a space barrier was created between Rand and the crowd on the ground, blocking out the heat.

The spiritual beasts on the ground relied on their freezing abilities to cool down the space.

The succubus goddess looked up at Rand, with a look of wonder and disbelief in her eyes.

I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and you have actually grown to this point? In the world of Io, except for the gods, legendary dragon species and hateful dragons, there is probably no creature that can be your opponent.

she exclaimed.

Gods? Legendary dragon?

Rand said softly, his voice rolling down like thunder, making the air vibrate.

His expression was noncommittal.

Rand, I'm happy to see you again, but there seems to be something wrong with the way you appeared, right?

The succubus goddess said with some dissatisfaction.

If she hadn't appeared quickly enough, wouldn't all these tens of thousands of spirit beings and spirit beasts have died in Rand's hands?'s not my fault, they are too weak.

You know, creatures that are too powerful will always leak out some breath inadvertently, but weak creatures cannot bear it.

I remember a guy who should be considered a strong man once said this.

It is difficult to master the strength of stepping on ants without hurting them.

I think this sentence makes sense.

Rand responded calmly.

Forget it, let's talk somewhere else.

The succubus goddess did not continue the debate with Rand and glanced at the portal where he appeared. It was still not closed.

The Succubus goddess waved her hand, wrapping herself and Rand with the power of space, and her figure disappeared directly from this world.

Of course, this is without Rand resisting.

Underground, spirits and spirit beasts saw Rand disappear.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Someone said happily:

It's so terrifying. Rand Safis Oakburn, this dragon is a hundred times more terrifying than what we have heard and recorded before!

If Goddess Dorothy hadn't appeared today, we would all have been roasted into charcoal...

Water! Water! I need more water!

A group of people said in shock as they survived the disaster.

Soon, news about Rand's arrival began to spread throughout the entire world of spiritual beasts.

At the same time, many people couldn't help but ask, is this dragon chamber of commerce good or evil? Who is stronger compared to the goddess Dorothy?


Nearby, on a certain gaseous planet.

The iridescent dragon, the deer-headed monster, and the butterfly beast looked at Rand who had returned and the newly brought back succubus goddess, but their expressions did not change much.

The rainbow dragon, on the other hand, looked at the succubus goddess and looked a little surprised and said:

It's actually a succubus? Huh? The power of time and space seems to be very strong in this succubus. What's going on?

Let me introduce you, this is Dorothy, a succubus who once lived in the bottomless abyss.

Later, he cooperated with me and under my wise leadership, he became a god who controls time and space. Rand said.

Huh? Time? Space? This bastard actually has the same ability as me and Light Butterfly? This really disgusts me.

When the deer-headed monster heard that a creature had taken control of his own abilities and the power of time, he felt a little unhappy.

The power of space is her signature, and now another one has appeared. Isn't her position about to be in jeopardy?

The power of time? This power is indeed the power of time... However, judging from the quality, it doesn't seem to be particularly high. Guangdie commented.

Wait a minute... Rand, are you saying that this succubus became a god because of you?

The iridescent dragon Hindley showed a strange color.

“I met a group of gods in a certain world before.

It turns out that these gods all became gods with the help of a blue diamond dragon.

I have reached cooperation with some of these gods and obtained the method of becoming a god from them.

Rand explained.

How to become a god? What method? Rainbow Dragon asked quickly, apparently very interested in becoming a god.

The art of ascending to the gods.

The art of ascending to the gods? Isn't this a spell to seize the throne of God? In my opinion, this is simply an extremely stupid suicide spell.

Of course not that idiot Karsus.

But this is the blue diamond dragon's.

Blue Diamond Dragon...a true dragon that is at the top of the Abomination Dragon and rivals the Plutonium Dragon.

It is said that she controls all magic, and her abilities are similar to those of the goddess of magic.

If it comes from this kind of dragon, then maybe it can be done.

What a terrifying dragon. The rainbow dragon sighed, and immediately said:

Quick! Rand, tell me about this divine ascension technique.

Faced with the rainbow dragon's inquiry, Rand had no intention of hiding anything and directly told everything.

After hearing this, Rainbow Dragon's brows relaxed and then tightened, and then tightened and relaxed again.

On the other hand, the deer-headed monster on the other side drooled when he heard:

According to what you said, wouldn't it be easy to become a god? Hehehe~ In that case, why not all of us become gods? Maybe we can become as powerful as the two gods before.

When the time comes, any titles such as wizards and king beasts will all depend on our faces.

not that simple.

Not to mention that after becoming a god, he will be affected by world consciousness.

Just after becoming a god, you don’t know how strong you will become, right?

I see that the succubus goddess who controls space and time seems not very strong.

The rainbow dragon looked at the succubus goddess up and down and said this.


Rand, the deer-headed monster, and the butterfly beast couldn't help but cast their gaze over at this time.

The aura of this god is indeed not powerful, and it is far from as terrifying as the morning sun. Is it because he is still too young?


Facing the dragons and beasts' gazes.

The succubus goddess sighed softly.

“Everyone should know that gods are also divided into levels.

Weak divine power, medium divine power, strong divine power.

The standard of measurement does not come from the amount of one's own beliefs.

The more power of faith you have, the more your continuous combat capabilities will increase and your explosive power will increase.

What really affects the upper limit of strength comes from the level of the godhead.

And the level of godhead.

It comes from whether the world where the god is located is strong.

Unfortunately, the world of spirit beasts is not a powerful world.

Therefore, even if I become a god, I will only have weak divine power.

The succubus goddess said with a somewhat depressed expression.

This information was discovered during more than ten years of research.

I was depressed about this for a long time.

You are the only god in that world, but you have only a weak divine power? Isn't this gap too big?

The world of Io does not have an absolute advantage compared to the world of spirit beasts in terms of breadth...

Rand couldn't help but whisper.

“The Io plane is an upgraded product.

The bottomless abyss and the nine hells have improved the status of so many people in this plane.

The world of spirit beasts is simply incomparable.

What I have to do now is to develop the world of spirit beasts and make it stronger, and then learn about the Io plane and expand it.

Only in this way can my divine level be improved.

Ability to better use one's own strength. The succubus goddess explained.

I see.

A weak divine power...that's all.

The deer-headed monster suddenly became a little unconcerned.

With her weak divine power, it's hard to tell who is stronger and who is weaker in a real fight with her.

But immediately, she changed her mind and said:

Since the power of the world affects the strength after becoming a god, then... I mean, if we become gods in the Antoli plane.

Then how powerful will this god be?

As soon as the words came out.

The surrounding dragons, beasts, and succubi suddenly paused.

They cast their gaze into the distance.

Looking at the boundless starry sky, the stars are still shining in the darkness, and the edge of the universe cannot be seen.

It should be terrifyingly strong.

The succubus goddess said.

How big is the Antoli plane in total? Does it have an end? Which of you knows?

Rand asked.

The end? Of course there will be, as long as there is a plane, there will be an end.

The diameter of the Antoli plane is about 150,000 light years. This is the information I got from the Bailegang Empire a long time ago.

Butterfly Alien Beast was the first to respond.

One hundred and fifty thousand light years, that's almost a galaxy. Rand thought to himself.

It seems that this world is not as huge as he imagined, like the Blue Star Universe in his previous life.

But 150,000 light-years, the size of the Milky Way, is an exaggeration.

After all, this is the plane he is in now.

It is not a cold value. When reading novels, some strong people can grasp the Milky Way and explode into the literal world of the universe with just a few words.

In such a huge galaxy.

A behemoth like Rand, with a body length of almost 1,600 meters, is nothing more than a thing smaller than dust.

But even so, as long as he becomes a god in the Antoli plane, it will be extremely amazing.

The first to become a god.

At least it won't be worse than the Earth Mother Goddess, right? Maybe stronger?

Rand couldn't help but wonder.

How about finding a chance to make the rainbow dragon become a god in this world?

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

The rainbow dragon Hindley was shaking her head at this time.

Among the dragons, beasts, and gods present, he has the strongest magical talent.

She naturally looks at problems more comprehensively.

In the information Rand just said.

I can confirm that.

If you want to become a god, you are carving up the will of the world, which can also be said to be part of the authority and power of the will of the plane.

But the existence of the titled wizard and king beast in this world, isn't it possible that he is doing something similar?

You mean that king beasts and titled wizards... are special beings similar to gods? Rand asked.

“Shallow water doesn’t support real dragons.

But in the pool, it is not an easy task to raise a king beast and a titled wizard.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is the two sleeping emperor beasts.

These powerful beings rely on the support and cultivation of the world's will to live.

I don't think that the world's will has any extra power to cultivate gods.

Yes, maybe, but for this world, I don’t think it is necessary. Rainbow Dragon analyzed.

You have a point.

Rand had to nod, agreeing with the rainbow dragon's point of view.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think of

Things don't seem to be as simple as imagined.

In the world of spirit beasts.

He succeeded in making the succubus goddess a god, but it took a lot of time and cost to spread the identity of the succubus goddess among ordinary spiritual beasts and gain recognition.

But in this world, can he do such a thing?

Obviously impossible.

At least this is impossible until the Bailegang Empire is killed.

So, let’s give up on this matter first.

He shook his head and said instead:

What Hindley said makes sense.

Let’s not talk about becoming a god for now. Dorothy, you should know the purpose of why I came to you this time, right?

Of course, thanks to you, I have accumulated a lot of divine power, so be prepared to accept it.

Then come quickly, I can't wait any longer.

The corners of Rand's mouth curled up slightly, with a look of anticipation on his face.

The divine power in the succubus goddess surged crazily, turned into the power of time, and enveloped Rand.

Rand also felt the loss of life force under the influence of this power.

He became extremely hungry.

On the body, a mouth is naturally transformed, frantically absorbing everything in the gaseous planet under the body to replenish the required energy.

The entire gaseous planet is swept by air currents.

One day later.

Rand's size grew from 1,600 meters to about 1,800 meters.

The price was that the gaseous planet beneath him, which was originally comparable to the earth, was completely devoured by Rand!

This crazy behavior made the dragons and beasts around them twitch their eyelids.

They dare not think about it.

If Rand continues like this in the future, won’t all the planets in this world suffer disaster one by one?

I don’t know where the limit of this monster Rand is?

He soon switched to a gaseous planet.

In the entire starry sky, gaseous planets are the most numerous types, and they are generally regarded as abandoned planets.

There's nothing of value on it.

The diameter of this gaseous planet is more than nine times that of the previous one, and its volume is about 700 times. Rand estimated that it would be enough for him to suck it for a while.

in this way.

Under the power of time, Rand's size is still growing...

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