The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 206 This is the virtue of a metal dragon

The two great wizards also noticed the rainbow dragon's gaze and looked in the direction.

Looking at the figure that was as fast as lightning with pure speed, I couldn't help but feel anxious.

This dragon has a strange pseudo-domain, and has great restraint on our spells... It won't really pose a threat to the empire, right?

A great wizard couldn't help but said in shock.

Another man was furious when he heard this and yelled:

How stupid!

It's just a dragon, more than a hundred times worse than the king beast! Can it also threaten the empire? Threaten the banned wizard? That's ridiculous!

As the great wizard of the empire, how could you have such ridiculous ideas? Is there something wrong with your thinking?


The great wizard who was scolded immediately apologized.

But at this time, they were blocked in space and seemed to have no way out.

But that's not all.

In fact, as great wizards, they have many means to save their lives.

Of course, the premise must be before Rand arrives, otherwise being shrouded in that strange realm may be the only way to death.

Just like the two great wizards before.

Even if you have all kinds of abilities, you will never die without a burial place.

This time the two great wizards have already learned the lesson.

Before Rand arrived completely.

The body expanded rapidly, and with a roar, it transformed into a powerful explosive bomb.

Covering thousands of kilometers around it.

The rainbow dragon that was still attacking and blocking them was forced to retreat temporarily due to this explosion.

The energy of the great wizard's self-destruction is too powerful.

If it is placed on a planet like a blue star, even if it does not directly attack the center of the earth.

They can change the world and destroy the ecology of the entire world, leaving all living creatures in it to survive in a world shrouded in smoke and dust to die.

Split all continents, and the aftermath of the impact may destroy the world.

If the power of the self-destruction of the two great wizards is measured by spell level, then they are at least twelve-level spells.

Compared with the world of Io, some weak divine powers are not weak.

The impact of the explosion and the various elemental energies absorbed in its body continued to spread.

When the Rainbow Dragon and Rand in the distance saw this, they both showed a look of surprise.

Rand didn't stay here too long and prepared to go to other areas for support.

But before leaving, he suddenly discovered it with sharp eyes.

The center of the explosion.

The souls of the two great wizards just now were wrapped in two strange energies, turned into two rays of light, and fled into the distance!

These two guys did have a way to save their lives, but they actually gave up their physical bodies.

Rand thought to himself.

In fact, this kind of operation is a routine operation for many legendary mages.

But in practical application, it is difficult.

One is that when fighting powerful enemies, those above Legend level will usually have tricks to attack the soul.

Another problem is.

The body that self-destructs and sacrifices is usually very compatible with the soul.

Changing the body rashly will lead to a significant reduction in one's strength, especially in terms of mental strength.

Maybe someone would say.

Don't creatures like lich often do this kind of thing?

Only retaining his own soul, he has already given up his body, but he is still strong and alive.

But in fact, the limitations of this are also very large.

The biggest problem is that it is difficult for them to increase the energy intensity of the body.

Many weird energy practices in the infinite world are generated by the physical body.

The magic power of the caster can be stored in the soul, or even increased by using only the soul to practice.

But its efficiency is far worse than that of living creatures with physical bodies.

Powerful creatures such as giant dragons are very obsessed with their bodies. Even if they become lichs, they still use dragon bodies.

Rand did not chase the two great wizards who abandoned their bodies and fled, but instead killed in other directions without looking back.

There is too much self-destruction here.

Some great wizards and strange beasts who were entangled in the distance were all horrified.

Especially the butterfly monster who was just fooled by Rand.

Her expression was filled with astonishment.

He turned to look at the three great wizards who were entangled with him and said:

What's going on with you guys? Did your two accomplices just blow themselves up? They didn't even fight that dragon, so they blew themselves up? Isn't this too cowardly and weak?

Shut up! You worm! It's not your turn to talk about our affairs!

A great wizard said angrily.

But his expression was extremely anxious.

He and the other two great wizards looked at each other.

Everyone can imagine the terror of Rand's dragon. If he didn't think it was absolutely impossible to deal with it, his companion just now would never have self-destructed!

They no longer had the desire to continue fighting, so they all turned around and ran away.

However, the butterfly beast was flying aside and causing trouble, making it impossible for them to escape normally.

This made several great wizards extremely angry.

One person yelled:

You insect! What do you want to do? Get out of our way!

Go away? You can go away. Hand over all the blood of God in your hands. I want that thing. The dragon said that eating the blood of God will make you stronger.

Damn it! Are you worthy? A great wizard said angrily. He and the other two great wizards were the main force in collecting blood.

There is a lot of divine blood in his hand, which is perfect for research, so he is willing to give it away like this.

Forget it! Give it to her, don't delay it any longer! The dragon is coming soon. If we all self-destruct together, even if we get our bodies back, our strength will be reduced a lot. I'm not willing to do that.

This body in my body has been with me for more than two thousand years.

Damn it! This is a shame! A naked shame! I actually... actually...

Several great wizards were extremely angry, and finally, frightened by Rand's terror, they could only hand over all the divine blood and world snake blood they had just collected.

Although the butterfly beast in front of them only talked about divine blood, they had no time to play word games now.

Several space bags are floating in the starry sky.

The butterfly beast flapped its wings, stretched out its tentacles and put them away, showing joy.

The anomalies here also attracted the attention of other wizards who were still fighting.

They all gave up chasing the other two strange beasts that were collecting divine blood and fled.

The battle for the divine blood finally ended at this moment.

Rand single-handedly frightened this group of wizards and beasts.

These guys have no thoughts of entangled with each other at this moment. All they have left is the thought of getting as much divine blood as possible.

Of course, because of the terrifying abilities Rand had just displayed, even other alien beasts did not dare to confront him head-on.

Their group is the group that has collected the most divine blood and world snake blood.

till the end.

Rand and his gang found a nearby uninhabited gaseous planet to land on.

Prepare to divide the spoils.

Take out all the divine blood and the blood of the world snake.

This blood floats above the gaseous planet.

Exudes glory.

Among the divine blood, there is only the blood of the Morning Sun. The Earth Mother Goddess is stronger than the Morning Sun. Even in such a fierce battle, she did not bleed.

That drop of blood of the morning sun.

Bright yellow, red, and round.

Emitting terrifying heat and energy, each drop of the morning sun's blood is almost as big as a washbasin.

The heat lingers, even more so than in Rand's blood.

There are thousands of drops of this kind of blood.

The blood of the World Snake is somewhat similar to that extracted by the Rainbow Dragon before. The quantity is much less than the divine blood, only about a thousand drops. After all, this guy is not the one being besieged.

However, Chenxi Yanghe was actually able to injure the World Snake during the siege and draw out so much blood, which showed his terrifying strength.

He is absolutely different from what he is now.

Looking at the blood, Rand felt the desire to become stronger and greed in his heart.

The effect of the world snake blood on him is self-evident.

Even if it is the blood of the Morning Sun, Rand has never tasted it, but he has absorbed the opponent's divine power, the sun, and feels that these things will definitely bring him a huge improvement.

He couldn't help but think.

How about going black directly? Kill this butterfly beast? Or captured alive?

As a dragon, he can do anything.

His eyes changed slightly unconsciously.

The butterfly beast on one side had very keen senses. It immediately flapped its wings and moved back several kilometers.

Then the body was filled with the power of time and he warned:

What did your dragon look like just now? You don't want to take advantage of others, right? Didn't you say you were a metal dragon? It doesn't feel like it.

She said so.

When the rainbow dragon and the deer-headed monster heard this, they couldn't help but glance at Rand.

There was a bit of disdain in his eyes.

Metal dragon? That's not a joke, is it?

The most important thing is that the idiot in front of me still can’t seem to see it?

Cough cough cough~ What are you thinking about? It's true that creatures with dirty thoughts are dirty when looking at other creatures.

How could I, a descendant of the metal dragon clan, break my promise?

Dear Bahamut, what you just said is simply an insult to my character. You will hurt my heart.

Rand said with displeasure and a hint of sadness.


When the butterfly beast heard this, his expression changed. He stared at Rand for a long time and then said cautiously:

Well, if that's the case, I apologize for the misunderstanding just now. I'm sorry, a sincere, honest, and kind-hearted descendant of the Metal Dragon Clan.

It's okay. As a descendant of the metal dragon clan with integrity and virtue, I will not pursue such a trivial matter.

Let’s allocate the blood of God as we said before.

By the way, because it is divided equally, we have a total of four here, so the 3650 drops of divine blood are divided equally into 912, is that okay?

Um? Aren't you... in the same group?

A group? Of course not. Our relationship is the same as yours. We are allies.

Oh oh oh. Then I have no problem.

The butterfly beast nodded.

Although I felt a little disadvantaged, I had no reason to refute.

Although she didn't try her best just now.

But she should have collected the most divine blood. After all, she was the one who held back the other three great wizards who were collecting blood.

But Rand won't care so much.

He carefully distributed the divine blood one by one.

Of course, he only swallows the blood of the world snake.

In the end, he did not choose to hack the other party's reward.

This is not out of kindness, but for another purpose.

Of course, he was also a little afraid of this strange beast.

After all, it is the power of time.

He had gotten it before.

Calling the future is an extremely profound use of the power of time.

If the guy in front of me can do this kind of thing, how strong will she be in the future?

If he has reached the level of a king beast, isn't he asking for trouble?

Rand looked at the butterfly beast with a smile and said:

By the way, friend, my name is Rand Safis Oakburn. I haven't asked you your name yet.

Me? Just call me Guangdie.

As she spoke, she swallowed the divine blood.

A dozen drops of hot divine blood entered the mouth.

The body of the butterfly beast was hot, and no abnormal changes were seen.

But looking at the energy she had just consumed, she had recovered a lot.

This seemed to make her feel a lot better:

You really didn't lie to me. The blood of the gods can indeed restore some energy.

I no longer have to worry about lack of energy when fighting enemies in the future.

As she spoke, she stored all the blood into a dark cave that opened out of thin air.

“Hahaha~ Of course, our metal dragon clan’s dragon quality has always been guaranteed.

By the way, we should be considered friends now, right?

Rand said suddenly.

It should be... that's right...

Then among friends, you will also help with some small favors, right?

Probably, yes.

Hahaha! This is the best. You don't have to be nervous. It's not a big deal.

I just want you to use the power of time on me and make me age.

Huh? Are you sure?


What a strange request. In my thousands of years of life, I have never met a guy like you.

The butterfly monster muttered, with a look of disbelief on his face.

The rainbow dragon and deer-headed monster next to them looked thoughtful.

Soon, the butterfly monster took action.

The power of time in her body fell on Rand, accelerating his aging.

He soon felt hungry and opened his mouth to devour the gaseous planet.

Within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, strong winds suddenly swept across.

This went on for several hours.

Rand's body length increased by about 20 meters.

He estimated that based on his current physical growth, he would have only aged three or four months.

This made him a little dissatisfied, and he frowned and looked at the butterfly beast.

This guy was panting at the moment, his chest and abdomen were heaving, and he looked like he was exhausted.

Isn't this possible?

Rand couldn't help but ask.

No, this time has consumed about 90% of my time and energy. I can't continue. Butterfly Alien Beast said tiredly.

But immediately, she looked at Rand with some surprise:

You guys are still in the growth stage? You are such an exaggerated guy.

Rand, if you catalyze yourself in this way and skip the normal growth process, you will lose your own growth potential.

Moreover, as a true dragon clan, our lifespan is also limited.

Even members of the rainbow dragon clan like me have a lifespan of only a few hundred thousand years. Before they become gods, their physical strength will still decline as they age.

The rainbow dragon on the side warned.

Potential? If you can't quickly transform your potential into strength, you won't be able to reason about it when you are beaten to death.

Not long ago we saw the battle between true gods, king beasts, and titled wizards. Do you think our current strength is enough?

Rand is still eager to improve his own strength.

Of course, he doesn't pay much attention to the idea of ​​using the power of time to catalyze himself and consume his potential.

This had been warned by the succubus goddess Dorothy before.

But speaking of potential?

Who knows what his true potential is?

This was a problem that even his own dragon didn't know about.

Speaking of Dorothy, Rand couldn't help but miss that guy.

We haven’t seen each other for more than ten years. That succubus must have accumulated a lot of divine power, right? It’s also time to strengthen yourself, isn’t it?

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