The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 205 Powerful Domain

Rand looked at the head of the butterfly-like beast next to him.

Although she had an insect head, he could still feel a hint of naughtiness in her face. This guy seemed to be an interesting guy.

Rand's heart moved and he smiled:

Want to take a walk? It is indeed the calmness of the strong.

However, there is a group of wizards in front of them, and it is not easy to deal with them.

How about we cooperate? What is your goal? The blood of the world snake? Or divine blood?

None of them. The strange butterfly replied.

Something that was beyond Rand's expectations made him pause in what he wanted to say and was a little distracted.

Fortunately, the surrounding meteorites had been cleaned up by the true god-level battle just now, which did not allow him to directly perform the embarrassing scene of hitting the meteorite with his head and being slightly injured.

Then what are you doing this for? Rand asked.

It's very interesting. It's very interesting to watch you greedy guys fighting to the death.

I don't know if the blood of the World Serpent is effective for creatures like you, but the divine blood is absolutely effective. It is the essence of divine power and can be regarded as a panacea. Whether it is to restore physical strength or enhance one's own potential, it is extremely effective. good.

You don't even like this kind of thing? Rand didn't believe it.

Hey? Does it have this effect? ​​Isn't it just some blood? Don't lie to me. I have eaten the flesh and blood of many powerful people, and I feel it is of no use.

The butterfly monster was stunned and asked a little naively.

This time Rand understood that the strange beast in front of him was obviously a second-rate person.

The blood and body of powerful creatures have miraculous effects. Normal creatures should understand this common sense, right?


Can your ordinary exotic beast be comparable to the king beast and the true god?

He immediately said:

Hmph, who do you think I am? In the world of Io, have you heard of the name Metal Dragon?

Of course I have. I heard they are all guys with good personalities. Why do you ask?

I am from the Metal Dragon clan. Our clan values ​​integrity the most. Do you think I would lie to you? Rand looked sincere.

Huh? You? Metal dragon? Something doesn't seem right? I remember that metal dragons don't look like you...

Golden dragon? Silver dragon? Copper dragon? Brass dragon? What kind of dragon is there... Butterfly Alien Beast was a little doubtful.

I was born from the combination of a copper dragon and other dragons. Isn't it normal to be a little different?

Even if they are all of the same race, there are also some alien forms. You are too rare and strange, right? Or do you think a metal dragon can deceive people?

Oh...what you said makes sense...

Blood of the True God? After you said that, I became a little interested.

Let's work together. How about you go over and hold those wizards until I come over, and we can annihilate them all together, and then the divine blood will be divided equally?

Just stalling? I didn't see that, you are quite confident.

Just hold on, and when I arrive, I will kill all those bastards. Rand said firmly.

This seemed to affect the butterfly beast, and she finally agreed. She flapped her wings quickly, doubled her speed, and flew over quickly.

Soon he went over to entangle a few wizards and started a fight.

This butterfly beast is very strong, with the power of time all over her body. It can always dodge various attacks just right. Its speed is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, making it difficult for the enemy to judge her true strength.

Similarly, when some spells are used on her, their power will be greatly reduced after the power of time wears away.

With the entanglement of this strange beast, the wizards' actions were undoubtedly much slower.

Of course, the other two strange beasts also contributed a lot, although they did not attack these wizards.

But their purpose is very obvious, they are all for the divine blood.

In this way, they will naturally become the target of wizards, and they will be constantly attacked and hunted, which also helps him a lot.

Ouch, ouch, ouch...Help! Help! Come and save me, I can't hold on anymore! Someone come and save me! I really don't want to fight you!

In the starry sky, the deer-headed monster is protected by a green basalt-like spirit.

But she was still being bombarded by spells one after another, which shook her body violently. The hair on her body was constantly overflowing with blood, dyeing her entire body red.

It looked extremely miserable.

Damn it! Since you beg for mercy, leave me the divine blood and the blood of the king beast!

No! If I give it to you, that bastard Rand will definitely eat me alive! You have no idea how ferocious these dragons are!

I have to go out hunting every week and eat strange beasts alive, which is really scary.

The deer-headed monster cried loudly, but its four hooves were still running wildly.

As a vegetarian, she has seen many carnivores, but this is the first time she has seen one eating so frequently.

The image of a small beast in his mouth, with blood continuously flowing out of the corner of his mouth, has never been forgotten in his mind.

She felt that at this moment, she knew everything about the other person...

If you don't hand over the divine blood and the blood of the king beast, then you can just die!

The two chasing wizards became increasingly impatient with the deer-headed monster. They roared angrily, and their thoughts vibrated in the starry sky.

In the void, aurora lights, lightning, and meteorites hit the deer-headed monster one after another.

The deer-headed monster's ability seemed to have malfunctioned again, or it could be said that it was temporarily blocked and smashed.

The cyan basalt guardian spirit on the body broke.

One of his legs was directly smashed off.

But despite this, she still ran away with all her strength on three legs, and blood continued to scatter.

Until the corner of her eye glanced in the direction of Dordorus again.

A hint of joy appeared on his face.


The red meteor representing Rand is approaching rapidly!

The speed is very fast, at least about 1500 times the speed of sound.

Fortunately, all the rocks and meteorites on the path have been cleared away.

Otherwise, he would have to hit his head and bleed.

It's the dragon! He's coming!

The two great wizards who were chasing the deer-headed monster also discovered Rand and started communicating with each other.

Do you want to get out of the way first? This dragon seems to have grown a lot. A great wizard couldn't help but said.

What are you afraid of? They are just inferior creatures from the world of Io! Even at the same level, we are much stronger than them!

The other one responded calmly.

The next moment, the two wizards all stopped attacking the deer-headed monster.

Turn around and attack Rand together.

They wore luxurious wizard robes with many runes and high-tech equipment on them.

When casting spells, it is extremely fast.

Just by spreading his arms, one arm turned into a thousand-meter-long Tyrannosaurus head, opening a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, ready to bite the meteor that Rand had transformed into.

Hundreds of dark caves appeared behind another wizard, shooting out colorful energy beams representing various elements.


The beam of light penetrates the starry sky.

It spans at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of kilometers in an instant.

All of them hit the red meteor.

Red Meteor had no intention of avoiding it.

Hit upon sight.

But there was a scene that surprised the two great wizards.

Those beams of light that could easily defeat meteorites usually faded and became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye when they entered the dragon's side for more than ten kilometers.

The energy intensity is greatly reduced.

If we say that each beam originally had a spell strength of at least ten levels or above.

Then in that instant, when it fell on the giant dragon, it was weakened to the eighth or even seventh ring level.

The spell that might originally have caused a little trouble to Rand due to its quantity and the combination of various attributes, ended up being like a water gun, spraying on his body and splashing some elemental fireworks. It was beautiful, and the effect was beautiful. But nothing was seen.

What's going on? There's something wrong with your spell? Is it because the magic pattern on your body is damaged?

Another great wizard couldn't help but ask.

This is absolutely impossible! Didn't you see? The power of the spell just now is only reduced when it comes into contact with the dragon's surrounding area.

Around the body...area? Area?

The two great wizards murmured, and suddenly looked at each other, and saw a hint of horror in each other's eyes.

Isn't the area around this dragon the domain?

This...this is the unique ability of king beasts and titled wizards...

Unbelievable! This should be a pseudo realm, a special space that imitates the real realm and possesses some power.

I heard that only some super geniuses can use it under the guidance of titled wizards! I didn’t expect the dragon in front of me…”

Run! Those who can use the pseudo-realm are not something we can deal with!

A great wizard was shocked and roared.

Then prepare to teleport away together.

But at this moment, the deer-headed monster suddenly appeared not far from them, looking at them with a vicious smile.

And they also discovered that they could no longer teleport through space.

Silently looking back at the deer-headed monster.

One of the great wizards shouted:

The space was blocked by that guy!

This damn bastard didn't kill her earlier. Something happened!

The two great wizards were annoyed.

At this time, he could only prepare to resist Rand, who was approaching.

That guy's pseudo-field should be used to reduce energy attacks!

We can use physical attacks and mental attacks to stop this dragon!

A great wizard comforted himself.

The whole person's eyes burst into intense light.

A series of mental shocks were shot towards Rand.

The result was that it collapsed again, making him feel dizzy.

Before the tyrannosaurus transformed from the arm of another great wizard could bite it, it became a bit illusory due to the reduction of energy, like ooze, and was smashed to pieces by Rand along with his entire body!

Idiot! No matter what spell it is, as long as it involves energy and space, it will cease to exist within my domain!

but me! This is the nightmare for all you spellcasters!

After Rand smashed a great wizard, he couldn't help but secretly taunted him. He suddenly looked back, made a quick turn, and killed another person who was imprisoned by the deer scales again.

The two great wizards themselves are not weak.

It can be seen from their ability to completely suppress Lu Lin, an epic seventh-level beast.

There must be a seventh or eighth level of strength.


The energy system used by these wizards, witchcraft can be regarded as a pure spell system.

Restrained to death by Rand's domain.

Facing him, there was no chance of winning.

Now Rand's enemies want to fight him, or even defeat him.

Either he is physically stronger than him.

Or the energy intensity far exceeds the current limit of Rand Domain weakening.

Just like.

Indicate the power of the spell in numbers.

The damage of a spell is 100.

Rand's domain can reduce the damage of a spell by 100 every second.

Then, this spell will naturally be completely erased the moment it enters the domain.

Only when it reaches an extremely high level of one thousand or ten thousand, can Rand's domain be erased without haste and his defense broken, so that real harm can be caused to him.

But is this realistic?

Powerful spells, whether they are spellcasters in the world of Io or wizards in this world.

All require a lot of time to prepare.

Want smooth hair? almost impossible.

In this way, if you want to simply use spells, Rand, a hexagonal monster with high attack, high defense, high magic resistance, high physical strength, and high recovery, will have to deal with it.

Inflicting damage is almost impossible.

Even if you want to trap him, you can't.

After all, all spells will be weakened by his domain...

For now.

Rand estimated that only those powerful beings at the level of titled wizards could use instant spells to cause harm to him...

Of course, it is almost impossible to kill someone with one blow.

Now, he can completely crush spellcasters who are not too far apart in strength.

It's a caster killer.

The restraint relationship is too obvious.

Two powerful men at the level of great wizards died miserably in his hands with almost no resistance.

This scene quickly attracted the attention of other great wizards and strange beasts in the distant starry sky.

Their expressions changed drastically.

far away.

The two great wizards who were fighting with the rainbow dragon had no intention of continuing the fight.

He actually wanted to run away.

However, the rainbow dragon's ability in spells is not inferior to them. Even if it does not have the innate ability of space, it still has the ability to block space.

The two great wizards were unable to escape in a short time.

Make them hate it.

One by one roared:

Damn Dragon! What are you doing? Do you really want to be an enemy of our Baile Gang Empire?

If this is the case, your sister, who has long been the pet of the Eternal Star, cannot save you!

As soon as these words came out.

The rainbow dragon Hindley immediately changed her expression.

A dragon's face is full of gloom.

Originally, I wanted you to hand over the divine blood and the blood of the king beast and spare your life, but now it seems that I can't even spare you!

Wait! Sooner or later, I will definitely let you damn things know what despair means!

Capture the noble iridescent dragon! Those of you who enslave real dragons will soon know how terrifying real dragons are!

When the Rainbow Dragon finished speaking, he glanced at Rand flying in the starry sky from the corner of his eye.

That was her ray of hope.

As an iridescent dragon.

She also once had the pride of the True Dragon Clan.

But as her sister came to this plane with her, she was attacked by wizards while they were wandering together. After her sister was captured and made a pet to cover her up, she threw away the pride of the true dragon clan.

That kind of useless pride cannot allow her to break through the restrictions of her race, become a king beast, and save her sister.

So...she stopped being a dragon.

But it's a pity that even if she doesn't become a dragon anymore, she will replace a large area of ​​her body's organs in order to make herself stronger.

It’s hard to become a king beast, let alone fulfill your heart’s wish and save your sister.

Until... she met Rand, this strange dragon with so much potential but too high to understand appeared.

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