The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 203 Rand’s insidious plot

That idiot won't provoke other king beasts on the way to deal with that dragon, right?

After all, those guys have no idea how terrifying the King Beast of Dordorus is.

The Morning Sun is a god with an extreme personality. I don't think his followers are normal guys.

Heh, what should we do? If this guy dies, won't our plan to lure Dawn Sun be in vain?

Do you want someone to notify Chen Xiyang?

If you do this, the purpose is too obvious. Let's wait and see. If we don't get any news, the guy may continue to do something else.

Several great wizards discussed for a while and finally fell silent.

So, weeks passed.

Plane of Io.


The morning sun and the earth goddess Chantia are still walking.

But compare to a few weeks ago.

The look of the morning sun was even more gloomy.

The frolicking crowd didn't care much about the beautiful surroundings.

My dear, look away. Armitok may have just encountered some minor troubles and was trapped. He may be back soon.

The Mother Earth walked beside the morning sun, holding His hand and whispering comfort.

Armidoch is probably in grave danger.

A user of the power of space can't even escape...

And the armor I gave him.

Generally speaking, after suffering a certain amount of damage, it will break away on its own.

But now, I can't even escape... This makes me lose all the information about the Antoli plane and Amidok.

I always have an ominous premonition.

The golden face of the morning sun was full of worry.

But right away.

His body shook.

A look of doubt appeared.

Seeing this, the Earth Mother Goddess on the side couldn't help but ask:

Dear, what's going on? Is there any news from the Antoli plane?

At this moment, a small portal appeared in the hands of Dawn Sun.

A crystal stone fell from it.

Is this a recording stone?

Mother Earth said softly.

Yes, from the world of Io, some believers' photo stones.

Chenxi Yangyang's expression became even more strange.

Oh? Is it still the world of Io? What happened there?

Recently, on the Blue Star side, haven't you formed an alliance with the forces there, stabilized the Dragon Transformation Curse, launched a counterattack, and suppressed the Black King City and the evil god Lowns? Did something unexpected happen again?

“The situation in the world of Io is indeed like this.

But this time things are a little strange.

Over at Black King City, they actually sent their men to deliver this image stone.

He also named him as a return gift from Rand Safis Oakburn to thank me for sending Armidok to the Antori plane.

The morning sun looked stunned.

That guy knows everything. It seems that Armitdock is indeed in danger.

He dedicated his life for justice.

All righteous people will remember him.

So, is this an image of them torturing Armitock? The Mother Earth Goddess said in a deep voice.

At this time, the morning sun did not answer.

Just open the image stone.

A beam of light like a projection shoots to one side.

The first one to appear was his subordinate Armitock.

But at this time, Armitock seemed to have something wrong with the situation.

There seems to be some dementia.

His entire body was tied up, and he was lying naked and limp on his side.

And outside the screen.

Soon someone walked out.

No, it should be said to be an angel.

The angel's blond hair and blue eyes were also a little dull. He slowly walked towards Armitok and then approached him.

Soon, a strange sound sounded.

The Morning Sun and the Mother Earth couldn't help but frown.

This evil dragon gave us something like this to show us what to do? He doesn't think he can hit us like this, does he?

As an old monster that has survived for who knows how many thousands of years.

The life experiences of the gods, as well as all aspects of life including sex, are extremely rich, and there is nothing they have never seen before.

This kind of thing in front of me is nothing more than pediatrics.

Soon, though.

The image of the Picture Stone shifted, and the figure of the evil dragon Rand Safis Oakburn appeared.

Although Rand had grown a lot after not seeing each other for more than ten years, the two gods could still recognize each other instantly.

The other party has grown a lot, but the exact amount cannot be judged from the image stone.

The dragon looked at them with an evil smile and said:

Are you confused, why should I give you something like this?

Don't rush and think about it, it's actually nothing.

I didn’t give it to you specially.

They just gave these things to most of the common people in the Io world.

Although these things may seem boring to you old monsters, for civilians, I believe they are still very exciting.

Isn't it? The holy angel actually has such a cheerful side.

I think these civilians will love the messenger of God even more in the future, right?'s just a pity that this guy Amidoc couldn't seem to bear the reality of blaspheming the messenger of the gods, and actually went crazy.

Oh, of course, that's not the main thing.

In fact, the most important thing is this.

Rand Safis Oakburn disappeared from the scene, and the camera returned to Armitdock.

At some point, the angel on top of Armitock disappeared, and instead came an elegant lady.

Seeing this lady, whether it was the morning sun or the mother goddess of the earth, their expressions changed drastically.

This evil dragon actually dares to blaspheme me like this! Damn it!

The Mother Earth God roared, and the divine power in her body surged, instantly shattering the image stone.

The morning sun also has a dark face.

The lady just now changed completely according to the appearance of his mistress, the Earth Mother Goddess Chantia.

Although it can be seen completely with their eyesight.

Whether it was the angel just now or the Mother Goddess of the Earth, they were all people who were forced to change their bodies by other creatures using transformation techniques.

This transformed guy is not even a humanoid creature.

But a very strange and ugly looking insect.

Rand Safis Oakburn made this bug transform into an angel and the Earth Mother. This was clearly provoking them!

The two gods were furious.

Their divine eyes penetrate the void and look at the world of Io.

They saw people who were either dragons, humans, demi-humans, dwarves, orcs, and many of them were looking at the image stones.

The content in the image stone was slightly different from theirs.

But not bad.

They are all constantly humiliating and challenging their bottom line.

There was even a group of guys who openly gathered together to watch and discuss whether the figure of the Earth Mother was hot or not, and how it compared with that angel.

These guys have absolutely no respect for their gods.

Damn bastard! Disrespecting God! Contempt God! Seeking death!

The Earth Mother Goddess became more and more angry as she watched.

As a god, she is not considered a chaste and fierce woman. Apart from the morning sun, she has also had intercourse with many good gods.

But those are all gods, and their identities are as noble as his.

But when did these human beings have the right to comment on Him so disrespectfully?

Especially the bald one, what kind of perspective is that, actually saying that His figure is not as good as that of an angel?

Simply looking for death!

The world of Io.

Central Continent.

Some gathering place.

A group of demi-humans gathered together and were watching the movie with great interest.

Unexpectedly, the sky was suddenly covered with clouds, before they could think of anything.

Thunderbolts fell, and a moment later, charred corpses were left behind.

The gods cannot physically come to the world of Io, and even their maximum power is limited, but this impact can still be achieved.

To deal with a few weak guys, just a thought can cross the barriers of the plane and kill them.

This day was a strange day for ordinary people in the entire Io world. Thunder kept falling from the sky, killing some people and leaving most people in panic.


The Earth Mother Goddess Chantia killed several demi-humans like she was trampling to death a group of ants.

Of course, this doesn't make him feel better.

He said with a gloomy look:

The hateful dragon Rand Sapphith Oakburn.

How dare you contact the Io plane again!

I have obtained his current plane coordinates!

This time, we will attack together and kill him!

Having said that, the Earth Mother Goddess opened the plane coordinates.

This is the information he obtained at the moment when his spiritual consciousness came to the world of Io.

When Lathander on the side saw this, he immediately realized that it must be a trap, but now, he couldn't help it anymore.

He himself is not a calm and good-tempered guy.

Directly and with the Mother Goddess of the Earth, dive into the plane portal.

Antoli plane.


Rand, Rainbow Dragon Hindley, and Lu Lin are all hiding in an underground space.

In the void in front of them.

There was a virtual screen that projected a mountainous environment from a high position.

There is a figure there that is extremely eye-catching.

It was a huge snake with almost no end visible on the screen.

The long snake's body is covered with scales like dragon scales, and it wraps around the mountains quietly.

The snake's head has two weird long horns, and its entire body is gray-brown.

This is one of the king beasts of Dordorus.

The famous snake of the world,

He seemed to be resting at this moment. The snake's head breathed gently, and the air spurted out caused violent storms for tens of kilometers around the head, and large amounts of dust filled the sky.

Let this become a world of yellow sand.

Look at the scene in the picture.

Rainbow dragon Hindley couldn't help laughing and said:

Rand, you are really wicked. You can come up with such bad ideas. Are you going to make the Morning Sun and the Earth Mother mad? Those two guys have never been good-tempered guys.

He has always liked to kill opponents of hostile forces in the name of justice.

Heh heh heh~ That bastard, it's okay if he didn't come to provoke me in the first place. Just wait until I grow up for hundreds of years and then go back and kill him all the time.

Are you here to provoke me at this time? This is asking for death!

Morning Sun is unintelligent, witless, and very brave. The stupid Earth Mother Goddess can fall in love with this idiot like Morning Sun. He is not a smart guy.

I would like to try to see if they will really come.

There will definitely be a good show to watch by then.

Rand sneered.

Hey, is it a battle between the king beast and the true god? Then I have to take a closer look. The deer-headed monster showed an interested expression.

The two dragons and the beast are all looking forward to it.



The void tens of kilometers above the World Serpent split open.

The morning sun and the earth goddess both appeared.

They just appeared.

The consciousness of the world did not suppress them in any way. Under the surge of powerful aura, the sky and earth with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers changed color.

Awakened the world snake that was originally sleeping.

Feeling the two powerful auras, the World Snake raised its head and looked at the sky.

On the snake head, which is at least ten kilometers wide, there are two eyeballs several kilometers in size, staring at the two gods with extremely cold eyes.

Hiss!! Ang!!

The World Snake roared, and without any explanation, it raised its tail and swept towards the two gods in the sky!

The power of this tail is too strong.

The force of this sweep alone seemed to shatter the space.

Within a thousand kilometers, violent hurricanes of more than ten levels were blowing.

Forests 10,000 meters high were uprooted.

“Is this monster the reason why Rand Safis Oakburn lured us here?

It does look huge enough, but its huge size does not mean it is powerful! monster! Feel the power of God!

Then, tremble under this power!

The body of the morning sun suddenly turned into a blazing sun, and it moved gently to avoid the tail of the world snake.

The tail flew down along with him and landed on the ground.

The powerful force directly caused the ground to sink more than ten kilometers.

A crack tens of thousands of kilometers long, like the Great Rift Valley, continues to spread backward.

The body of the morning sun split at this moment.

A blazing sun with a diameter of ten kilometers shot towards the head of the World Serpent.

Millions of degrees of temperature erupted at this moment. The entire world seemed to be melting and space was distorting.

Then, this terrifying power went away as quickly as it came.

A strange wave of power swept through his body, causing his body and the splitting blazing sun.

From about ten kilometers, it turned into a small sun with a diameter of only about one kilometer.

After the volume was greatly reduced, although the temperature did not decrease, the power was far less than before.

When it fell on the head of the World Serpent, it was swallowed directly by its mouth!

The small sun emits a huge amount of light inside the body of the World Snake, which is still clearly visible inside the body.

Slowly slide down the esophagus.

It didn't take long for it to be completely digested and disappear.

The World Snake that swallowed the miniature sun didn't look any different, but was a little unhappy, as if it had eaten junk food, and roared in annoyance.


What? What kind of monster is this? It can actually weaken my solar power and then swallow it directly? Is there such a monster hidden in the Antoli plane?

exclaimed the morning sun.

Don't be afraid, dear! I'm here to help you!

The Earth Mother yelled.

Divine power exploded, and the rocks on the ground rose up one by one.

It turned into a rock giant hundreds of kilometers high, but at the same time, his body quickly shrank ten times.

However, the Earth Mother Goddess was not discouraged. Instead, she continued to explode with divine power, and once again transformed her body back to a height of hundreds of kilometers.

However, his expression was no longer as optimistic as before.

Instead he exclaimed:

This guy is using the field! He is a Witch King-level monster! There is actually such a monster in this world! If we want to compete with this kind of field, the consumption of divine power is too great. If the confrontation lasts for a long time, it will not be good for us. !

Get out of this area quickly!

After speaking, the Earth Mother Goddess punched the body of the World Serpent, smashing it into the ground.

Then broke away.

Thousands of kilometers have been stretched.

It's back to normal.

At this time, the two gods no longer dared to approach the World Serpent. Instead, they continued to attack the World Serpent in the sky.

Small suns and a group of stone giants are attacking the World Serpent.

But because of the existence of Sumeru Realm, these attacks cannot cause much effective damage to the World Snake.

But it also made him extremely angry.

He flew into the sky and wanted to pursue him, but in terms of speed, he couldn't compare with the two gods, and he was in a deadlock for a while.

The Morning Sun and the Earth Mother are deities of great power.

Among them, the Earth Mother Goddess is the top deity.

But facing the World Snake, it seems that it is powerless.

This is entirely due to the strength of the field.

Similarly, another reason is that the two gods do not want to fight to the death with the world snake in front of them.

To the gods.

Fighting consumes divine power.

Divine power is a consumable.

Provided by believers in all realms.

is limited.

Although they have been operating and developing for hundreds or tens of millions of years, they are still limited.

But the World Snake, or the Witch Kings of this world, are different from gods like them.

After using power, you can quickly recover as long as you practice normal cultivation.

This kind of recovery speed is far beyond the comparison of gods who use divine power.

As long as they cannot kill the Witch King in one battle, they can continue to recover, fight again, recover and fight again.

However, the divine power of gods such as the Morning Sun and the Mother Goddess of the Earth will be consumed again and again...

This is unacceptable to ordinary gods.

If it breaks out with all its strength, there is no guarantee who will win in a fight to the death, one on one.

After the battle thousands of years ago.

The gods of the Io plane have already made a lot of progress and have developed some methods to deal with the Witch King, but they are just too expensive.

Most people don't want to use it at all.

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