The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 202 Things are different now


There was a shiny white angel with purple hair, about two meters tall, being pressed down by a dragon man about five meters tall.

The weird sound just now came from the mouth of the purple-haired angel.

Perhaps feeling someone looking at them, Angel Yilongren couldn't help but turn around and look at them.

Immediately, the dragon man showed a look of astonishment.

It's you.

The voice was full of surprise.

Although Armitok was wrapped in armor, he could not escape Rand's evil eye.

In just a moment, he saw through the other person.

That's why I was so shocked.

He never expected it.

Chenxi Yangyang’s men actually came over.

Isn't it said that this is a forbidden area for the gods? Isn't this really a good idea?

That old female dragon Tiamat is bragging again!

Rand Saphis Oakburn! You damn dragon! How dare you blaspheme the messenger of God! You are seeking death!

Amydock's eyes immediately turned red.

As a general under a god like the Morning Sun, Armitok has naturally dealt with many angels and knows what they represent to ordinary creatures.

Angels are the embodiment of holiness and the messengers who best represent the gods.

Although Armitok is extremely powerful, he is far stronger than more than 99% of angels.

But for most angels, I still have a lot of respect.

Because, each of them is indeed a symbol of justice and light, dedicated to bringing happiness to all living beings.

But at this moment...

Such a messenger of God, the incarnation of holiness, was actually suppressed by the dragon-man in the form of an evil dragon!

This is simply the greatest contempt and humiliation for the gods!

Armidok had the treasure given by the morning sun, and he recognized Rand's identity in just a moment.

But he couldn't see through the rainbow dragon's transformed angelic form.

Therefore, they thought that this angel was a tool bound by the evil dragon to humiliate the gods...

How could this make the righteous Armitoc not angry?

Of course, what made him the most angry was that angel. What was going on with her expression?

Could it be that she felt comfortable and enjoyed being kidnapped by an evil dragon and doing such a thing?

This bastard! Don't you have any shame? Why not just commit suicide? To maintain the face and justice of the gods?

Amydock's anger went straight to his brain, almost burning out his sanity.

He waved his right hand hard.

A series of space rifts shot towards Rand and the Rainbow Dragon!

He wants to kill these two bastards who blasphemed the gods!

What a bastard that disturbs my mood! If you want to die, then I'll help you!

Rand said coldly with some annoyance.

He did not reveal his true body, but instead used his dragon body to dodge to the side.

Under the body of a dragon, his full speed is naturally far inferior to that of a dragon.

This is because the dragon body is too huge.

With a length of nearly 1,400 meters, one step per second is nearly twice the speed of sound.

At full speed, as long as the gravity is offset, his full speed can even reach about a hundred times the speed of sound.

But that's all because of his sheer size.

As for the dragon form, due to its smaller body, in terms of visual effects, his speed is even far faster than that of the dragon form.

At that moment of dodge, a large amount of electricity erupted from his entire body.

In Armidok's retina, Rand, in the form of a dragon, moved in the air, and a series of afterimages appeared, layer by layer, easily avoiding all space cracks.

The rainbow dragon that was pressed under him also frowned slightly at this time, and disappeared in a flash.

Damn it! You angel, why are you hiding? Why don't you just die? You are obviously a messenger of the gods, but you do such a shameful thing! You actually want to live in an ignoble way! You deserve to die!

Armitock had already expected Rand's avoidance.

But after the angel in the form of a rainbow dragon evaded his attack, he became even more annoyed and chased after him in a flash! He came to Rainbow Dragon in an instant and punched out with his right fist!

With the cooperation of the armor on his body, his power of space is accompanied by the power of God.

A group of space cracks were bound by divine power, like a black hole that swallowed everything, cutting open a large space and blasting towards the rainbow dragon!

You guy! Are you crazy? Are you talking about something stupid?

The Rainbow Dragon was left speechless by Armitok, and at the same time he was also a little annoyed.

What is this thing in front of me? Suddenly disturbing her elegance, she actually dared to say such arrogant words? Are you seeking death?

The iridescent dragon's eyes flashed.

A strange barrier appeared in front of Armitok's black hole-like sphere, deflecting it in other directions.

But immediately, the barrier completely cracked and was shattered.

This caused a hint of surprise in Rainbow Dragon's eyes, but she reacted quickly and wanted to teleport away.

But an accident happened again, the space around her was imprisoned!

Only then did Rainbow Dragon realize that the strange armor on the strange guy in front of him seemed a bit powerful.

But she still didn't panic. Just when she was about to fight back, she gave up the action with a slight glance from the corner of her eye.


Rand, who transformed into a dragon-man, has brought violent electric currents and countless afterimages to Armitok's side like teleportation!

He raised his right leg and kicked it hard!

boom! ! ! ! Accompanied by a loud bang.

The space barrier that Amidok used to protect himself was shattered.

Endless electric current exploded and flew to the side!

The layers of earthen barriers exploded under this astonishing force.

But in fact, Amydock was not seriously hurt.

It's just that at the moment, his mind is a little confused.

who I am? where am I?

Just now, was I attacked by that evil dragon?

But why...he seems to have become so much stronger?

Isn’t it many times stronger than it was ten years ago?

Although the great Morning Sun said before that he has become stronger, is it necessary to be so outrageous?

If it weren't for the armor given by God, the blow just now would have been enough to kick me to death, right?

When he thought of this, he felt his armor shake again.

It was Rand's evil dragon. This guy actually pursued him again and attacked him!

His body was violently punched from bottom to top, and he punched ten times in a row, penetrating the ground and shooting towards the sky!

Rand's incarnation of electricity stepped on the void one by one and continued to pursue.

Every time he put his foot down.

The air will be compressed into air bombs visible to the naked eye, bombing towards the ground, blasting out small craters.

There were constant rumbling explosions.

The power is extremely powerful.

However, Armitok had already reacted at this time. He was fully capable of dealing with Rand's attack. He disappeared in an instant and attacked from Rand's side.

A large space rift erupted.

Rand punched the air and forced himself to change direction to avoid it again.

Amydock gave chase.

But at this time.

Rand had no intention of continuing to evade.

Instead, when the other party approaches, he suddenly smiles evilly and expands his territory!

Invisible fluctuations enveloped a radius of more than ten kilometers.

All the abnormal energy in the entire space was cleared away, and the space was completely blocked at this moment.

When Amidok wanted to use the space rift attack again, he suddenly found that he couldn't use it.

This made him freeze in place.

He could only watch blankly as the blue electric current rushed straight to his face and punched him in the face!

boom! !

The violent current exploded again.

A boundless sonic boom cloud appeared.

Armitok exploded towards the giant mountain in the distance!

Just as he was about to fall, Rand's incarnation of electricity pursued him again, came to the back of Armitock, and kicked him high into the air again!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Thunder rumbled in the sky.

Armitok, the user of the power of space, was being beaten back and forth like a billiard ball.

All resistance is lost.

At this time, Amydock was completely confused.

He simply couldn't understand what he was seeing!

My mind was in turmoil.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

He heard the reminder of the True God Armor given to him by the Morning Sun.

The divine power in the armor is being consumed rapidly, and there is currently only 10% left... Please note that the armor is about to break away on its own...

Have we reached this point? It seems that I am dead this time.

Rand Safis Oakburn...this damn evil dragon, although I don’t know what method it used, made me lose the ability to move in space.

But there is no doubt that he is now ridiculously strong.

Under the great morning light! Please, you must avenge me! Spread the light of the sun into the infinite universe!

You must kill this evil dragon! We can't delay it any longer... This is the ultimate evil dragon that threatens justice!

At the same time, Amydock secretly thought in his heart.

The entire armor also cracked at this moment, turning into a stream of light and shooting away towards the sky.

Rand, who was slapping Armitock on the side, was slightly stunned when faced with this unexpected situation.

He withdrew his punch forcefully the moment he struck it.

He hesitated a little, whether to stay here and guard the fly Armitok, or to pursue the armor.

Rand was actually quite fond of this armor.

In just a short period of time, this armor was able to withstand thousands of his punches.

The defensive capabilities should be comparable to those of epic seventh-level scaly creatures.

Just when he hesitated.

Above the stream of light formed by the armor, the deer-headed monster suddenly appeared and bit into the armor.

But this armor seems to be alive.

He immediately spun around and fled to the other side.

Its speed is so fast, almost a hundred times the speed of sound.

However, the deer-headed monster's space teleportation was faster, blocking the way several times in a row, and the armor that forced it kept shifting.

In the end, he lost to the deer-headed monster and was bitten.

Buzz buzz~

The armor groaned softly, trying to struggle.

However, its strength is too weak compared to the 100-meter-long deer-headed monster.

The armor that could not be broken free finally returned to peace.

The deer-headed monster gave Rand a look asking for credit.

This made Rand feel at ease.

Unexpectedly, this guy seems to have some effect.

He glanced at Armitoc.

This guy also noticed the situation, and his eyes dimmed.

I... committed a great crime, and actually lost all the armor given by the Emperor of the Dawn...

Evil dragon, you win, kill me.

He looked down upon death.

Rand held his head with his claws and slowly fell to the ground.

At this time, the rainbow dragon and the deer-headed monster all gathered.

The deer-headed monster held the armor in its mouth and said proudly:

Hey! This thing actually wants to run away? Can it escape? In front of me, nothing in this world can escape.

She said proudly first.

Then he couldn't help but look at Armitoc.

Curious said:

Hey! Little bug, what kind of creature are you and where do you come from? Why do you also use the power of space?

She screamed, but unfortunately she didn't know magic and couldn't speak fluently, so Armitok couldn't understand her at all.

Rand and Rainbow Dragon ignored her at all.

The rainbow dragon frowned and looked at Armitok, then looked at Rand and said:

Do you know this guy?

I know you, the lackey of Dawn Sun.

I see, no wonder you are so stupid.

The rainbow dragon nodded, indicating that he understood.

The language of Io continent used by the two dragons can be understood by Armitok.

Hearing that they were insulting him and Chenxi Yang, he immediately said angrily:

I am Armitok, the ninth among the thirty-eight stars under God's crown of morning sun!

Evil dragon! If you want to kill, just kill me! The morning sun will soon come to this world and completely eliminate evil existences like you!

And you! As a messenger of God! Actually got mixed up with the evil dragon?

Don't feel ashamed? Do you still have a heart for justice? Why not commit suicide? Return to the arms of the gods? Protect justice?

Your existence is simply the greatest insult to justice! Pooh! Damn guy!

Messenger of God? Hehehehehehahahaha! This guy is really an idiot!

You can't even see through my transformation?

Take a good look! What am I!

After saying this, Hindley, the rainbow dragon, wanted to show her prototype.

But at this time, Rand held her down and said:

What are you? Aren't you just an angel? The angel I kidnapped?

Rand smiled evilly.


The rainbow dragon was stunned. Although he didn't know why Rand said that, he still changed his words:

Yes, I am an angel, but who said that angels must be loyal to the gods?

Isn't Asmodeus, the nine-level monarch of Baator Hell, also the result of the fall of angels?

Bah! You bastards! A disgrace to the gods! You will have to die! Sooner or later the great morning sun will wipe you out!

Armitock cursed.

You can scold me as you wish, I will make you happy afterwards.

Hindley tied him up and watched him.

I've been busy getting stronger lately, so I'm a little bored.

With this guy at your door, it's time to have some fun and relax.

After Rand said that, he left.

And Amydock was also tied up.

A few days later.

On a planet near Dordorus.

The great wizards who were observing in the dark were still gathered together.

They looked at Dordorus with some surprise.

They have no idea what is happening on the planet.

It's not that they can't observe Dordorus, it's just that they simply don't dare.

The king beast has super sensory abilities.

When ordinary beasts observe them, they don't care.

But wizards are different. Generally, if they are seen, a battle will inevitably occur.

Therefore, the great wizards can only observe the periphery and detect some situations that may occur in the Dordorus planet.

However, since the messenger of the gods from the outer plane entered Dordoros a few days ago, he seems to have disappeared?

There was obviously no sign of the plane being opened, so why did it disappear?

Was he killed?

This shouldn’t be the case!

Isn't that guy a user of the power of space? It's really strange...

This guy may have really been killed.

One of the great wizards finally couldn't help but said.

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