The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 197 Strength and appearance must be both

After saying that, the rainbow dragon emerged from Rand's nostrils, then ran to a pile of organs, selected some things, returned to Rand's head, and drilled into his nostrils.

Rand looked up at the ceiling of the underground space and said nothing, but continued to do what he did.

At this moment, he was looking at his own virtual panel.

He saw.

In the column of natural abilities.

One more talent.

[Thunder Transformation] (Intermediate level): The innate ability obtained by picking the throat of a thunder rhinoceros and transforming it has the ability to transform its own magic power into thunder. (Thunder Rhino’s strength is epic)

Feeling good?

He wanted to try this innate ability.

So he drove the rainbow dragon out of his mouth.

Then, as always, take a deep breath.

He felt the magic in his heart and blood flow rapidly. After entering his throat, he could feel that he seemed to have reached a fork in the road.

One path is the main path and the other is a minor path.

He guessed that the main channel was the organ he originally used to transform the dragon's flame breath.

The fork in the road comes from Thunder Rhino.

He chose to transport the magic power into the forked road.

There all the magic power is transformed into the power of thunder and lightning, and finally spurts out!

Tsk la la la~

Thunder thundered in Rand's mouth, and the electric flowers jumped and flashed wildly, flashing with blazing white light.

It actually made the entire underground space light up for a moment!

till the end.

laugh! boom!

A thick thunder pillar spurted towards the earth wall in the distance.

The unique high temperature of the Thunder Pillar slowly melts the land and extends into the distance.

The effect is not bad. The quality of the land here is too high and the dissolution speed is very slow. If used in the world of Io, the power of this pillar of thunder can definitely reach the level of a tenth-level spell.

Rainbow Dragon looked on from the side and gave comments.

Ten rings? Isn't this kind of rubbish spell only suitable for scratching an itch for a truly strong person who has reached the epic level?

Rand closed his mouth and extinguished the thunder pillar, saying with some disdain.

The thunder pillar just now was the result of his slight modification at the moment of the spray of dragon flame rays according to the magic model of the dragon flame ray.


It seems to be much less powerful than the dragon flame ray.

Moreover, it consumes more than Dragon Flame Ray, and the upper limit is also lower.

Sure enough, they are just the organs of an inferior creature...

Don't underestimate the ten-ring spell!

Rainbow Dragon frowned.

Do you think all epic heroes are the same as our real dragons? Have super physical strength and defensive capabilities?

This spell of yours attacks very fast. If you take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and directly hit those strong humans, it may have miraculous effects.

If those guys don't have permanent defensive spells on them, spells of this level can definitely annihilate strong human beings in an instant.

Well...what you said makes some sense.

Rand thought for a moment and then replied.

Thunder's speed is indeed far superior to his dragon flame ray.

His dragon flame ray's previous speed was about fifty times the speed of sound.

In the past, it was naturally extremely fast, but now as his strength becomes stronger and stronger, this is not enough.

Fifty times the speed of sound, if under normal space gravity, it would not even be as fast as his flying speed...

The Thunder Pillar is different. Its speed is comparable to real thunder. It arrives almost instantly. If the opponent is not prepared, there is a real possibility of being killed instantly.

Perhaps, in the future, you can let your people develop in the Thunder field? Or is it a combination of thunder and fire?

This has the speed of thunder and the destructive power of fire. Wouldn't it be invincible?

He couldn't help but think about it, feeling a little moved.

The power of thunder has also been tested, let me try other things quickly!

The rainbow dragon couldn't wait, so he immediately made Rand lie down again and got in.

The deer-headed monster on the side couldn't help but look at Rand and the cave that was just blasted out by the thunder. It was at least a kilometer long at the moment. His eyes were slightly focused:

Aren't these two lunatics afraid of being punished by God by relying on their physical abilities to do such unethical things? Damn it!

She cursed in her heart, but a trace of envy could not help but flow out of her eyes.

If her body is like a real dragon and has strong compatibility, she would also like to try it...

The iridescent dragon was inside Rand's body, moving around and doing things.

Then came her rather surprised voice:

Not bad! Rand, although your adaptability is not as omnipotent as I just expected, it is far better than mine.

No! Even beyond any creature I can imagine.

great! It's great. Such a good body is absolutely perfect for experimentation!

I can truly transform you into the ultimate beast!

After saying that, she seemed to move faster.

Rand discovered that he had many new talents.

【Toxic Gas Transformation】

【Storm Transformation】

【Acid conversion】

【Sleep Transformation】

There are a bunch of breath transformations like this, some of which are of little use, and some of which are of little use.

Then there are some other, weirder abilities.

for example.

[Pacemaker Bug]: A special bug placed in the heart has a chance of resuscitating you when your heart stops beating.

This innate ability is not bad for ordinary dragons, at least it has an extra life-saving ability, but for Rand, it is useless.

After all, he no longer has this fatal weakness.

So he directly smashed the insect into pieces.

Others, such as consuming magic power and recovering injuries, were also cleaned up by him.

However, he retained some auxiliary talents that consumed magic power, restored physical strength, and made it easier for him to use his thoughts, speed up the recovery of physical strength, and increase the flexibility of his limbs.

Originally, Rainbow Dragon wanted to install some weird things for Rand.

For example, the fifth limb and the sixth limb, which even allowed him to stick out his tongue longer, reduce the amount of food required for eating, and the inner eyelids, etc., were all removed by Rand one by one.

These strange things will not bring much improvement to his strength, but will affect his appearance and make him extremely disgusted.

Although he doesn't object to loading some organs, he does object to those weird looking limbs.

strength! appearance! Must have both!

And all the remaining talents, Rand tested them one by one.

Some small uses, but nothing huge.

If Rand's previous strength is evaluated as 100 points, then his maximum combat power may only increase by 2 to 3 points.

But facing more situations, there are also more choices. Overall, it's not bad.


Rand comes into contact with the iridescent dragon.

Two months have passed.

What can be transformed has almost been completed.

But Rand was not too satisfied with this.

He frowned and said:

Are there no other powerful innate abilities? For example, accelerated growth? Enlargement of the body? And abilities in time and space?

The abilities you mentioned are all very advanced. There are such strange beasts in Dordoros, but most of them are extremely powerful and will cause unnecessary trouble for some alliance cadres.

There are other good materials that I use myself. The current materials are not high-end.

Rainbow Dragon explains.

I see, but don't we have a guy here who has excellent spatial abilities? Why not use her?

Rand said suddenly.

The rainbow dragon was stunned and turned its gaze to the deer-headed monster. This glance made the deer-headed monster tremble with fear.

She stammered:

Hey, hey! Don't look at me like that! It's very scary.

I almost forgot about this guy! It's such an excellent experimental subject that I left it here for so long without using it. It's such a waste. It's my dereliction of duty.

The rainbow dragon sighed and slowly approached the deer-headed monster.

Don't! Don't be like this! Hindley! If you have anything to say, say it! We are all advanced intelligent beasts. It is really against the ethics of beasts to dismember other beasts at will and snatch their body organs like this!

What stupid words are you talking about? We beasts have a way of being beasts! We all ate each other to grow to where we are today. What's wrong with dismembering your body and organs?

The Rainbow Dragon smiled disdainfully.

Wait! No! Don't come here! Help! Help! Don't come here!

The deer-headed monster huddled in the corner, shouting and frightened.

But the iridescent dragon kept coming, until the end.

The deer-headed monster couldn't bear it anymore. She looked at Rand and yelled:

Quick! Stop this crazy dragon! I know that you creatures from the Io plane will draw up a master-servant contract, right? I am willing to sign the contract and serve you as my master! Save me!


It was only at this moment that the rainbow dragon finally stopped and looked at the deer-headed monster and Rand with some surprise.

My space ability is actually not matched with yours. You should understand! It's better to keep me. I can spy on intelligence for you in the future and assassinate any creature you want to kill. I can do it!

The explanation of the deer-headed monster's hard work.

Rand was silent.

Spatial ability is indeed too unfriendly to large, high-quality creatures.

However, Rand is a very large and extremely heavy person.

He has well-developed muscles, strengthened muscle fibers, a shorter neck than a normal true dragon, and another pair of dragon wings.

Rand's weight far exceeds that of a normal-sized dragon.

In terms of weight in a single wheel, he may not be worse than a dragon twice his length!

This makes his spatial teleportation consume at least a hundred times more energy than the deer-headed monster.

Master-servant contract? That's okay, but I'm afraid a normal one won't be able to restrict her.

Use what I modified, the effect will be better, but there are limits.

Lu Lin is a very powerful guy, so you'd better be careful in the future.

In addition, my master-servant contract can still be released from the control of the master-servant contract if the Witch King or a spiritually proficient king beast helps her.

The rainbow dragon on the side warned.

Then just kill her when she leaves a certain range.

Rand said indifferently.


These two devils.

Seeing the two dragons discussing their own lives, the deer-headed monster felt sad for a moment, and its big Kazilan eyes instantly moistened, feeling that the future would not be easy.

Two days later, Rand learned the master-servant contract that she had improved from the rainbow dragon.

Sign a contract with the deer-headed monster.

Then Rand said thoughtfully:

“There is a shortage of organ materials for powerful alien beasts, so why don’t we act together to capture some.

If the three of us attack together, nothing should be able to resist us, right?

Rand is quite confident about this.

He himself doesn't know how much epic level his current strength is.

But the comparison is still in the world of Io. The growth in the past ten years has undoubtedly made his strength increase dramatically.

The deer-headed monster is actually very strong, but it is suppressed by its domain space. If it is not restrained, it will definitely be very difficult to deal with. Before the domain space is opened, this guy actually does not use his full strength at all.

In addition, this iridescent dragon's attitude towards the deer-headed monster and its attitude of not taking it seriously made it obviously much stronger than the other party.

If these three beasts deal with the beings below the king beast, isn't that a random killing?

Your suggestion is good. If it's just me as a dragon, it's really difficult to take action against those powerful beasts, but the three of us together, excluding the king beasts and a few powerful beings, should have no enemies.

The rainbow dragon thought for a moment and responded.

Except for the king beast, are there any other beasts that can compete with us?

There was some confusion in Rand's voice, and to be honest, he was a bit disbelieving.

Just assume that the other party has not seen your strength.


The iridescent dragon nodded.

This guy Lu Lin, do you know what level he should be classified according to the strength of the Ao world?

Don't ask me, just tell yourself.

Epic level seven.

Only the seventh level of epic? Rand was slightly surprised.

It's just the seventh level of epic. Rainbow Dragon confirmed.

“As for me, I am at the eighth level of epic, and there are ninth and tenth levels above this.

Eighty-ninety is a high-level level. At each stage, the strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The existence of the epic ninth level can even defeat two or three eighth levels in a head-on battle.

Of course, I am not included in the scope of the ordinary eighth level.

Hearing this, Rand nodded slightly to express his understanding.

So he himself is considered to be the eighth level? Or the ninth level? He wasn't sure.

But there is no need to find a corresponding one to compete with.

Instead he said:

Then just think that I am also at the eighth level, so what are our goals in the future?

To be honest, I still prefer those talents that can speed up my growth and increase my strength, defense ability, magic power, and size limit.

Of course, the top priority is the ability to accelerate my growth.

In addition, if anyone has unused imperial pulp, I am also very interested in this.

Emperor juice? You actually know this thing? Then you should also know the general origin of this thing, right?

Rainbow Dragon Path.

Of course, this is what Lu Lin told me. Rand nodded.

That's right, the imperial juice is removed once every hundred years. Generally, once you get it, you will take it immediately. It is basically impossible for you to want it now.

As for accelerated growth, this is a time-related ability, which is extremely rare even in Dordorus.

The most important thing is that the owner of this ability is too elusive.

To increase body size?

When you mention this, I think of the World Snake. His body organs and genes must have the characteristic of growing in size.

It's a pity that it's too strong and we can't get it.

However, the World Serpent has its own offspring.

Among those offspring, there are several snakes that are extremely powerful. If they are them, they may be able to meet your needs.

The rainbow dragon thought for a moment and responded.

A descendant of the World Serpent? Are you sure it's okay to do this?

Rand asked rhetorically.

Although he was confident, he didn't want to provoke this kind of king beast that was stronger than the average true god level.

“Snakes are cold-blooded animals.

The World Serpent itself is an extremely cruel guy, killing anyone wantonly and devouring all living things.

Even his own children were eaten by him in large numbers.

So, even if we don’t hunt His children, we might bump into Him one day and eat them?

In order to prevent them from killing each other, shouldn't we help them?

It's really cold-blooded, Rand said.

“However, you are right, why help them not kill each other, only we can do it.

But how strong are the descendants of the World Serpent? Do they have an alliance?

“The most outstanding ones among them are all between the sixth level of the epic and the ninth level of the epic.

Our target should be between the sixth and seventh levels. Although it can still be killed at the eighth level, it will make more noise and easily attract other beasts.

As for the alliance? Hehe hehe~ They are the children of the World Snake. Their father doesn't love them, the foreign beasts don't believe them, and no king beast is willing to take them in.

Okay! Then it's decided! Target! The descendants of the World Serpent!

Rand finally said.

Two dragons and one beast began to move.

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