The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 196 There are limits to being a dragon

Seeing this, Rand couldn't help but look surprised.

Did you see it?

The rainbow dragon turned to look at Rand, seemingly not surprised that Rand could see through his true form.

The true dragon's true dragon eyes have the ability to see through illusions.

Of course, this ability is not too advanced.

But it's not difficult to see through the iridescent dragon's transformation.

At least that's the case when the rainbow dragon doesn't deliberately hide its identity.

Ah... I'm a little surprised. As a proud true dragon and a legendary dragon species, you would actually transplant organs and limbs from other beasts into your own body. From the dragon's point of view, it is indeed a bit difficult to understand.

Rand said calmly.

Hmph! The legendary dragon...

The rainbow dragon spoke, with some exclamation and sarcasm in his voice.

Although the deer-headed monster on one side was tied up and dragged by Rand on the ground like a dead dog by a rope, after hearing the words of the rainbow dragon and Rand, he still couldn't help but said:

Hey! Except for the time dragon, none of the legendary dragon species in your plane seem to be particularly strong, right?

The power dragon's force field control and the rainbow dragon's rainbow light spell are not particularly advanced.

On the contrary, the time power of the Time Dragon is the most mysterious.

I heard that it has the ability to summon the future and travel through the past and future. The upper limit of its strength may be terrifyingly high. Well, especially its ability to escape, even the king beasts are not as good as them.

“This guy Lu Lin doesn’t have a very good mind, but he made a good point this time.

As a legendary dragon species, I am proud.

But after coming to this world, I discovered that the pride of the legendary dragon species was really useless.

Except for the time dragon, my clan and the power dragon are nothing at all.

Compared with Lu Lin, there are many different races.

Therefore, I know that being a dragon...has its limits...

Rainbow Dragon said lightly, with the same brilliance in his eyes.


So...I won't be a dragon! I want to become the ultimate beast! Combine the power of all beasts with myself. Only in this way can I break through the shackles of the rainbow dragon and even surpass the legendary dragon species. Rival the Hateful Dragon.”

Becoming the ultimate rival the Hatred Dragon?

Rand was surprised by the other man's desire.

This guy can completely be classified as an outlier among the dragon clan.

It's simply weirder than him being reincarnated the day after tomorrow.

Okay, that's enough gossip. You can just find a place to stay.

I'm going to continue my experiment. If there's nothing serious, don't disturb me.

After saying that, the rainbow dragon slowly walked to those organs and limbs and returned to its original appearance.

After that, several dragon scales fell off and transformed into a dragon. In front of Rand and the deer-headed monster, he took a strange organ and drilled it into the nostril of the main body.

Rand watched silently.

Watching those clones slowly come to the heart of the dragon, cut open a blood vessel and stuff the foreign object into it.

Rand could clearly see that after the magical blood washed away the foreign matter, it would decompose some strange energy and slowly heal the injured cardiovascular system.

The foreign object just now seemed to give the rainbow dragon stronger resilience.

Well, strictly speaking, it should be a converter, a converter that converts magic into resilience.

For the next few days, Rand stayed in the underground space, watching the rainbow dragon do this and that, experimenting with his own body, and choosing organs that were more suitable for him.

This kind of day does not make Rand feel boring, but rather novel.

But compared to the iridescent dragon and the deer-headed monster.

There was something about Rand's body that forced him to expend more energy.

That's eating.

Several days.

He had to eat for once.

The hungry Rand said to the rainbow dragon:

I'm a little hungry, so I have to go catch some food on the ground to fill my stomach.

Okay, just go up by yourself.

Remember not to run too far away from the surrounding area, which is a thousand kilometers away. This area is my territory. If you stay away from here, you may encounter some unnecessary trouble.

Rainbow Dragon Head didn't reply.

Rand left at once for a full day and night.

After returning the next day.

The rainbow dragon looked at him with a slightly surprised look and said:

It seems like you spent a lot of time cleaning up that guy Lu Lin...

It takes a lot of money? Does she deserve it?

Rand replied casually.

Haha~ Really?

Rainbow Dragon did not continue chatting on this topic.

The conversation ended quickly.

The daily life between the two parties also returned to what it was a few days ago.

One continued to experiment and transform his body, while the other watched silently.

Another few days passed.

Rand resigned again and went to eat on land.

Return this time.

The rainbow dragon's expression was obviously even worse. She stared at Rand carefully for a while and said:

You've only eaten twice in a row in about a week? This is very abnormal.

For example, when we, real dragons, reach adulthood, our bodies have stopped growing long ago and we have not experienced battles to consume energy.

Generally, as long as you absorb the energy elements around you, you can fill your stomach.

What's the matter with you?

Is it my imagination? Why do I feel like you've grown up in just this week?


Rand said casually, not intending to say more.

The rainbow dragon frowned and did not continue to ask.

So, two weeks passed quickly.

Rand went to the outside world several times to eat.

The Rainbow Dragon has also officially confirmed that Rand has definitely grown a lot in these three weeks!

Because, two weeks ago, she used magic to measure Rand's body length.

At that time it was almost 987.75423 meters.

In just two weeks, Rand's body length increased by 1.831564 meters...

Two weeks has actually grown so much? Are you sure this guy is a dragon?

As far as Rainbow Dragon knows, there is no dragon that can grow at such an exaggerated speed.

No... there seems to be a kind of dragon with a similar body growth rate.

That's hating dragons!

Thirty-eight pterosaurs.

One of the iguanodons, it possesses physical functions and body shape beyond the ordinary.

But the thirty-eight-winged dragon, as its name suggests, has thirty-eight wings, three pairs of wings at the ears, three pairs on the back, three pairs at the end of the tail, one pair on the chest, and one pair behind the shoulders. The limbs have one pair each at the wrist and elbow, and the last two pairs are on the shoulders and hips.

The body is covered with feathers instead of dragon scales, and the head has no horns but a crest.

Rand only has four wings, and his appearance is too different...

This dragon introduced by Tiamat is definitely not a thirty-eight-winged dragon...

But maybe it's a dragon with the other person's bloodline.

I hate the blood of dragons...

Moreover, his body often emits high temperatures, which far exceeds the energy intensity that a five-color dragon and a red dragon should have.

Was it transformed by Tiamat?

Or does it have Plutonium Dragon bloodline?

Plutonium dragon plus thirty-eight pterosaurs?

Or maybe Tiamat transformed the dragon and added thirty-eight pterosaur bloodlines?

No matter how you say it, it’s amazing!

No wonder Tiamat was so concerned and asked him to seek refuge with me.

Rainbow Dragon looked at Rand silently, and Xiao Jiujiu suddenly felt in his heart.

the other side.

The deer-headed monster that had been thrown in the corner also shouted at this moment:

Hey, hey, hey! Pay attention to me! I'm hungry too! Can you give me something to eat?

I think those strange mushrooms next to me are good. Please pick some for me.

Although we have some festivals, we haven’t reached the point of deciding between life and death!

As I said, my innate magical powers will also be useful to you in the future.

This sound awakened the rainbow dragon from his meditation and turned to look at the deer-headed monster.

I saw this guy being tied to an iron rod stuck in the ground. She lost her strength and looked a little fragile.

Pouting, he looked longingly at some strange red mushrooms not far away.

These mushrooms made the iridescent dragon frown.

She didn't remember these things in her base.

She has cast a spell here, and according to common sense, there will be no grass growing or insects entering.

What's going on now?

She was a little confused.

Rand, on the other hand, saw how pitiful the deer-headed monster was, so he picked a few and threw them to her.

After getting the food, the deer-headed monster quickly swallowed it.

Then his eyes lit up and he said:

Oops! The taste is average, but it contains extremely rich energy! Not bad! Hindley, your lair is really good!


Hindley was stunned when she heard what the deer-headed monster said.

I walked slowly to the mushrooms, picked one and put it in my mouth. After swallowing it in one gulp, I also noticed something abnormal. does contain a wealth of energy. It is no worse than the blood flowers watered with the blood of powerful alien beasts after their death. It is very valuable.

The Rainbow Dragon muttered and couldn't help but look at Rand and said:

Do you know what these are? Why do I feel a trace of your breath in them?

This is a derivative spawned by my power. It has the effect of transforming weak creatures into dragons and transforming them into my dependents. Rand explained.

You...seem to be special.

As the rainbow dragon spoke, his eyes looked at Rand more frequently.

Can you give me some of your blood? I can transform your body and make you stronger.

She said so.

You actually paid attention to me?

Rand was a little stunned.

Dragons have their limits. If you continue to maintain the pride of a true dragon, you may not be able to break through the level of a king beast in this life.

Only by gathering the advantages of each beast and strengthening ourselves can we make a breakthrough.

I am an expert in biomodification, and I dare say there is no one else in the world who is better than me.

It's your honor for me to transform it for you.

Are you a fire attribute dragon?

As a flame-spitting person, have you ever envied other dragons who could spit lightning? Poisonous fog? Acid? storm? What about these things?

Although magic can also do it, the casting speed will still be slower than that, and the conversion efficiency will not be as good.

But if I transform it for you.

You have the breath of other abilities. How about it? Do you want to try it?

Rand was silent after hearing this.

He began to think about the feasibility of this matter, and it seemed good?

Aren't many of his own talents and abilities pieced together?

The only difference is that one comes from the system and the other comes from transformation.

Does the system produce stronger ones?

But...isn't there any rejection reaction to your transformation?

As far as I know, the genetic sequences of different species are different after all. If you splice them together as hard as you do, won't there be any sequelae?

Rand asked.

Humph, it seems you know a lot.

There will indeed be rejection reactions.

But for a legendary dragon like me, the rejection is not too serious.

True dragons have the aesthetic ability of any creature, and the ability to mate with any creature without reproductive isolation.

Do you know what this means?

Representing the race of true dragons, the genetic tolerance is extremely broad.

This is far beyond comparison with other creatures.

The cost of modifying our bodies and adding organs is much smaller than that of other organisms.

Even if the rejection is too strong, the worst case scenario is to replace it.

With our vitality, a little rejection, what does it matter? The Rainbow Dragon said with a strange smile.

I see. I didn't expect that the issue of reproductive isolation of real dragons could actually involve so many issues. It's interesting.

I promise your transformation! If you want my blood, just take it.

Rand smiled slightly and pulled off one of his dragon scales.

Drops of blood as big as a human fist kept dripping, exuding terrifying heat.

The rainbow dragon caught it in the void, and slowly moved it in front of him with his mind, wanting to take a closer look, and found out to his surprise.

Rand, who had just pulled off the dragon scale, found that the wound had healed. He inserted the dragon scale back in and recovered as before.

The recovery ability is so strong! What kind of dragon are you? Do you really have the blood of a thirty-eight-winged dragon?

The rainbow dragon couldn't help but ask.

you think too much.

Rand didn't explain much.

Forget it, since I have your blood, I can understand everything. I'll leave for a while. Don't follow me!

The rainbow dragon said, taking Rand's blood into the ground again and disappearing.

Rand guessed that this guy should have another more secret base besides here.

Waited for several days.

The rainbow dragon reappeared in front of Rand and said with a look of wonder:

You guys must have the blood of the Plutonium Dragon, right? No! Even the blood of the Plutonium Dragon will not have such an amazing effect.

The energy is so strong that it seems to promote biological evolution.

It's somewhat similar to imperial jelly, although the effect is not as good, but even after taking it, I feel that my potential has increased slightly.

This is really amazing! Can you give me some? After I take it, I immediately start preparing for your transformation.

You need to perform surgery on me first, and I'll give you the blood later. Rand refused.


Rainbow Dragon has no objection to this.

She took out straw-like objects from her pile of materials, then asked Rand to reveal his true form, opened his mouth, and got in directly.

Hmm~ The internal temperature of your body is very high, so the damage to the new organs will be too great!

Rand, can you seal in the heat dissipation?

From the throat, the voice of the rainbow dragon came out.

I can't do this.

Tsk, it's so troublesome, but since I promised you, I will still do my best. I will use spells to strengthen this organ for the time being. I just hope your body can accept the new organ as soon as possible.

The rainbow dragon said.

Rand felt like his throat was being attacked.

After a while.

The dissatisfied voice of Rainbow Dragon came again:

You guy, why are your internal throats so hard? It's hard for me to cut your throat in a dragon-like body!

Rand, please bear with me, I have to use more drastic methods.

she said.

Rand felt that his throat was being cut wildly, which made him a little uncomfortable, so he simply blocked the pain nerve.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

The rainbow dragon exclaimed:

It's incredible! Is this a coincidence? Or is your body too perfect?

This throat has just integrated into your body, and it has been perfectly integrated! Is your genetic tolerance really that strong?

No, I have to try again.

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