The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 102 The Real War

My sweet little cotton-padded jacket! Originally, I was thinking about how to find you! I didn't expect you to come to my door yourself! Do you know how much I have missed you in the past three years?


Rand said, paws slightly harder.

The silver dragon who was hanging in the air felt a sharp pain in his head, as if it was about to split in half.


She moaned, her pain getting even worse.

Don't worry! I won't kill you!

That brass dragon just escaped!

I should continue to call for help! I'll wait for her here! Wait for her to call the reinforcements, and then she will completely defeat your reinforcements in front of you!

I will make you feel what despair is! What does ‘justice must prevail’ mean? Use your eyes to look at it carefully! Do you understand? My little cutie!

Even if, don't...think...that you are...invincible...

Yinlong retorted with difficulty.

Very good! That's it! My cutie! Keep it up!

I like how proud you are! Then say to me, justice will prevail! Hum hum! Ha ha ha ha!

Rand laughed wildly again, and then threw the silver dragon to the ground like trash.

This made Yinlong breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time he felt a little uneasy.

Will that guy Audrey really find help for her? What if the helper I found is still not strong enough and I am defeated by the evil dragon Rand again?

please! Audrey! You must call more dragons over!

It’s best to have five heads! No! Ten heads! And they are all adults! In the prime of life!

There was some worry and some expectation in her heart.

The little female dragon and the little black dragon also flew over at this time.

Seeing the miserable look of Silver Dragon, she almost died of joy. The little female dragon flew to Silver Dragon, raised her head, glanced at Silver Dragon with contempt, then spat directly on her face, and then cursed :

Stinky Bichi! Do you still recognize the great Red Dragon King, Fiona Safis Oakbourne?


The silver dragon's eyes rolled and he glanced at the little female dragon feebly.

Stinky Bichi! Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river! Don't bully the young dragon! It's only been three years now! You stinky Bichi fell at my feet! It seems like it's nothing special!

A mere silver dragon! You actually dare to be my enemy! Don’t overestimate your capabilities! Deal with guys like you! I don’t even need to take action! waste!

The little female dragon came to the top of the silver dragon's head, stepped on her head, and spit on her again!

Does Sister Yinlong still recognize me? I'm Little Ed! Oh, I really didn't expect that three years ago, my sister was so high-spirited, confident, and arrogant. Now, she has become like this. It really makes Long sigh and sigh. .

What did you say you did badly? Why do you want to be an enemy of our eldest brother Rand? Are you seeking death yourself?

The little black dragon seemed to be sighing or saying mockingly.

You...the two...little dragons...oh...seem to have grown...a do it?

This...should be impossible...that's right, ugh...

The silver dragon still wanted to ask without giving up, but was crushed on the head by the little female dragon's foot, and he couldn't help crying out in pain. .

We are growing up normally! But you are a loser! Three years have passed and there has been no progress at all! Bah!

After the little female dragon said this, she spit on the silver dragon's face again. She seemed to be addicted.


Silver Dragon was a little angry.

Fight the dragon, fight the dragon! What does it mean to keep spitting on her pretty face?

What? Still not convinced? You stinky Bichi! You dared to kidnap me three years ago! You should have known that such a day would come! Huh! I, Fiona, once swore! As long as you fall into my hands!

We reverse roles!

I will definitely let you know what true cruelty is!

The little female dragon lowered her head slightly and reached in front of the silver dragon. The dragon's face was full of fierceness.

After Yinlong saw it, he couldn't help but tremble.

She seemed to have thought about what kind of torture she would face in the future, having her scales stripped off? The dragon's claws were removed? Roasted over a fire?

Can she survive this torture?

Silver Dragon was a little panicked.

But I still gritted my teeth secretly in my heart! She is a silver dragon! How could you be afraid of such evil punishment!

Rand glanced aside and couldn't help but remind him: Fiona! Let's have fun and make trouble, remember not to kill her! This silver dragon will still have some value in the future!

Her dragon blood is still worth some money, and maybe a dragon will come to redeem her in the future.

Don't worry! Rand! I will never hurt her! I hope she can live well! Hehehehe! This way I can play longer!

When the little female dragon heard this, she smiled softly with her mouth full of fangs, looking extremely kind.

Silver Dragon breathed a sigh of relief.

But the little black dragon looked at her sympathetically, tut! So young! Miss Silver Dragon! Fiona, this idiot, is a person who must retaliate against others! More petty than him!

That's good! You can do whatever you want after that! Let's wait here for now. The two idiots Amt and Wuga will be here soon.

Rand whispered.

Amut is the strongest among the more than thirty dragon people, and also the strongest level 10 warrior among the people who entered the island.

After two years of dragon transformation, his current strength is estimated to be comparable to a level 13 warrior.

And Wu Ga was the first sardine man to meet him.

After Rand said that, he walked aside to find a place to sleep.

The little female dragon quickly turned her head and showed a weird smile to the silver dragon. Then she turned around and pointed her back body at the silver dragon!

Afterwards, under Yinlong's somewhat puzzled gaze, he raised his hind legs.

You...what do you want to do...

Silver Dragon's voice trembled, as if he thought of something terrible.

Hehehe! Stinky Bichi! This is a gift from the Red Dragon King Fiona to you! Accept the baptism well!


Damn it! You... you can't do this... you can't... humiliate the dragon like this... this is... not a dragon's right... Silver Dragon was trembling with anger.

The little female dragon turned her head and showed a sinister smile: Thank you for the gift of the great Red Dragon King! Hehehehe~

The little female dragon smiled.

The silver dragon was frightened and fainted in the end, but the little female dragon did not stop moving.

The expression on the little black dragon Ed's face changed one after another as he watched.

Fiona! It’s so vicious! How did this make the arrogant, confident, and beauty-loving Silver Dragon suffer?

I'm afraid this would be more uncomfortable than killing her, right?

After hearing the silver dragon's cry, Rand couldn't help but glance at the two dragons. Then his face twitched, he stopped paying attention and began to rest peacefully.

When he woke up for the second time, he couldn't help but glance at the silver dragon. This guy was too seriously injured and couldn't move now.

There was a black lump on Long's face, and he looked helpless.

As for the stupid little female dragon, she was holding a branch in her claws and playing with the black thing on the silver dragon's face.

This stupid thing! The disgusting dragon is really good at it!

The army still hadn't arrived, so they waited for another day.

Then there was a loud noise in the distance, and when I looked up, I saw the familiar figures of dragons and dragon fish people.

Rand waited silently for them to approach and asked:

You guys came a little late.

Master, there is nothing we can do about it. After we boarded the road, we were afraid that conflicts with those noble lords would affect the master's precious time, so we walked into the woods and mountains, so...

Forget it! This is not the point! You send three dragonmen and fifty dragon fishmen to watch this silver dragon! Remember not to let her run away and die!

Rand interrupted the words of Atem, the dragon leader, and glanced at the silver dragon not far behind her. There were two dragon cubs beside her. The little female dragon had not left the silver dragon for a moment in the past two days.

Seeing the appearance of the silver dragon at this moment, the leader of the dragon people, Atemu, was filled with astonishment, but he didn't say anything more and immediately obeyed the arrangement.

Rand roared low, called two dragon cubs, three dragons, nearly thirty dragon people, and a thousand dragon fish people, and set off in a mighty manner.

Before leaving, the little female dragon warned her repeatedly not to let anything happen to this silver dragon!

It was only at this moment that Yinlong breathed a sigh of relief, and tears of humiliation flowed from the corners of his eyes.

She is annoyed! remorse!

These two days left her in an abyss!

Her pride and self-esteem were all severely shattered by the little female dragon, and she almost collapsed in humiliation!

Sometimes she even thought about dying.

But this was completely seen through by the red dragon cub!

That shameless and vile thing threatened her! As long as she dares to commit suicide, her story will be spread to the ears of all dragon clans, making her the laughing stock of all dragon clans! shame! Engraved into the heritage of the Dragon Clan!

In the future, we will try our best to resurrect her as a dracolich!

Oh my God! At that time, when the silver dragon heard the words of the dragon cub, his whole body was frozen and his soul froze!

This is simply a demon wearing dragon skin!

She swore that she had never seen a dragon as shameless as that dragon cub!

Ouch!!! Ouch!!!

Hoo! Hoo!!

hold head high!!!

Under the leadership of the three dragons, the entire dragon army was mighty and they were advancing unscrupulously.

The dragon roar resounds all the way through the sky!

Go forward dozens of kilometers.

A small town appeared in front, and the dragon army rushed towards it without dodging!

Several kilometers away, some villagers heard the roar of the dragon.

On the observation deck in the village, the soldiers who were resting noticed the movement and placed a magic telescope in front of them.

With the help of the magic telescope, from a high position, he could clearly see the terrifying army several kilometers away!

This time, he was so scared that he peed his pants.

The soldier shouted with a broken expression, quickly came to the military camp, found his commander, and reported what he had just seen in a panic.

The officer naturally didn't believe it at first, but he still went to the observation tower and took a look with a telescope!

Then, he also peed directly!

The baron who came to the town formed a trio of pants-wetting trio.

The lookout soldier looked at the baron with some collapse and said, Lord Baron... I, what should we do?

What to do? What to do? How do I know what to do? Damn you bastard! What the hell is going on? Why is it so good! An evil dragon is heading towards my territory!?

Who is the one who got a thousand cuts? To provoke this evil dragon? If only I had known! I had to chop him into pieces and feed him to the dogs!

The baron yelled wildly and cursed for a while.

Then he looked at the guard captain, grabbed his shoulders and said:

You! As a former ninth-level warrior! Can you lead my army to deal with that evil dragon and his retinue?


The captain who was questioned was confused.

He looked at the baron as if he were a fool and said:

Lord Baron! Are you kidding me? You ask us to fight against the three-headed evil dragon and his evil retinue? Do you think I am a great warrior? No! Even a great warrior cannot fight against the three-headed evil dragon. Fighting!

The captain said so.

Then...why did you ask me to come here to watch this? The baron was stunned and asked.

Me? I just want you to take a look, and then we can all run together! After all, as your subordinate, I can't run ahead of you! the captain explained!

The baron suddenly understood!

Afterwards, he returned to his house in a panic, took some valuable things, and ran away!

Other citizens and soldiers also discovered that something was wrong! After accidentally learning about the lord's escape.

He even ran away with him!

Such a large town has a population of at least nearly a thousand.

When Rand arrived with his army, there was no one in sight! And a dog!

The whole town was deserted.

Rand didn't care about this and continued to move forward slowly.

On the contrary, the two dragon cubs slowly slowed down and then turned back to the town.

Of course Rand knew what these two guys were paying attention to. He probably wanted to go back and pick it up to see if there was anything valuable.

The result was self-evident. Looking at the disappointed expressions of the two dragon cubs, it was obvious that they had found nothing.

This is also natural.

After all, Rand led the army, and the marching speed was actually very slow, which gave them enough time to evacuate!

When the entire dragon army left.

After more than half a day, the people in these towns finally had the courage to return. Looking at the towns that were not much damaged, these people felt a little strange.

What do these three-headed dragons and their evil legions want to do?

Not robbery! It’s not destruction either…

Wherever the dragon army went, it could be said that the kings retreated, and no noble forces dared to face it directly.

This matter was quickly spread to the ears of the surrounding nobles.


Doro City.

Earl's Castle, in a basement.

The three nature elves were tied to an iron pillar, covered in sweat and blood. Their originally fair skin was now covered with whip marks!

Tell me! Where did that evil dragon go?

A man who was probably in his sixties, but whose body looked extremely strong, like a brown bear asked fiercely.

He also held a whip covered in blood in his hand.

The voice was full of violence and violence, like the evil wind coming from hell.

I...have...said...I...don't know...

A nature elf tied in the middle had his head lowered, making a sound like a mosquito or a fly, and his breath was extremely weak.

Don't know? You are the captain of that evil dragon's elf lackeys! You tell me you don't know? Are you kidding me!

The brown bear-like old man roared, and immediately flicked his arm, and the whip in his hand turned into a long snake, and struck the elf viciously!

Snapped! ! !


The elf groaned and fainted. His breath became weaker and weaker, as if he was about to die.

Want to die? It's not that easy!

The old man, who looked like a brown bear, roared and actually took out a bottle of red potion from a dimensional bag on his waist. He grabbed the elf's chin, forced her to open her mouth and drank it.

When a few mouthfuls of red potion are poured in.

The elf coughed twice and woke up. I...not dead yet?

The elf's voice was full of doubts.

The evil dragon's lackeys! The suffering you are suffering now! Not even one ten thousandth of what my daughter is! How could I let you die?

And that incompetent guy from Ireland! You actually allowed your subjects to harm my daughter! The death of those untouchables alone! Do you think this is over? Absolutely impossible!

Just wait for me! Regardless of that evil dragon! still you! And Ireland! I will take your heads and hang them on my daughter’s grave! Wait for me! !

The brown bear-like old man slapped the elf on the face and spoke viciously again.

He is the father of the Viscountess of Ireland, Count Doro.

He is also an extremely powerful warrior, rated as a level 17 warrior by the Adventurers Association!

Legend has it that this Earl was abducted by a legendary spellcaster and great alchemist during his adventurous journey in his youth.

When he reappeared a year later, he had a body and strength as strong as a bear. He skyrocketed on the career path, eventually becoming a level 17 warrior and successfully winning the title of earl.

Dong dong dong~

There was a sound of footsteps, and in the basement, a man in his forties appeared in the basement, who was about 70% similar to the count, but a little smaller.

He glanced at the bound elf, with a hint of greed in his eyes, and licked his lips unconsciously.

What are you doing here?

Count Doro glanced at it and couldn't help but ask.

Father! I just got the news! There is an evil dragon and his followers running rampant in the kingdom, causing many nobles to complain.

The man replied that he was the eldest son of Count Dorne, and he was also a powerful level 15 warrior.

What does this have to do with us? Anyway, our dear King will take care of the evil dragon. Earl Dorne couldn't help but said.

Father, I heard that that evil dragon has black scales on its back and only red scales on its chest and abdomen. Moreover, its neck is very short. The most important thing is that the path it takes seems to be heading straight towards us!

What? The dragon that killed your sister?

Earl Dorne suddenly became excited and slapped his eldest son on the shoulder, making him grin.

No, I heard that this evil dragon is very big, with a body length of at least twenty meters. We suspect that it is the parents of that evil dragon.

snort! What a timid dragon! Fortunately, we spent so much time setting up the air defense field, but we didn't expect that the evil dragon was just a timid kobold!

The parents of that evil dragon? Hahaha! That's good! I kidnapped his elves! Killed nearly half of them and enslaved nearly half! That evil dragon may also know the news!

He knew he was no match for me, so he called his parents! This is good! Parents to parents! Then let us compare! Who is more powerful! Just defeat the parents of that evil dragon! There will be no dragon to protect him!

Then you can easily find the evil dragon by searching for spells with your bloodline! Kill it!

Earl Dorn shouted with excitement.

Of course there is no doubt about it! Father, you are the strongest among all the counts! There are more than thirty masters above level 15 in the entire territory! An army of fifteen thousand!! A mere giant dragon! Another one! What the hell!

Even if he is a legend, facing his father's military power, there is no way back! ” boasted the son of Dorne.

How many days will it take for them to get here?

Earl Dorne was not happy with his son's praise, but continued to ask.

Two more days.

Okay! You tell all the troops! Leave the city immediately and join me to fight against this evil dragon!


Dorn's son responded, but immediately a strange smile appeared on his face. He glanced at the three elves and licked his lips again:

Father! Now that the evil dragon's father has appeared, these three elves are useless, right?

Two of the three elves were shocked after hearing the words, but immediately fell silent. Death may be a kind of relief for them at this moment.

It's really useless! Do you want it again? Earl Dorne couldn't help but glance at his son.

Ah! Of course! Father! Please reward me with that male elf! I have noticed him a long time ago! Among all the male elves, he is the most beautiful!

Dorn's son said, staring intensely at the only male elf among the three elves, which made the latter's body tremble wildly. He couldn't help but raise his head, revealing a face that was so white that it was both male and female.

No! can't do this! Kill! Kill me! Kill me if you can!

The male elf screamed in horror.

Kill you? My little baby! I can't bear to do it! Dorn's son smiled strangely.

Hmph! Your hobbies are really special! Earl Dorn couldn't help but his face twitched.

Father! What's wrong with this?

You taught me since childhood! A real man should do what a real man should do!

Let the enemy wail in fear, bleed, and shed tears in front of you!

I've always done this! Isn’t he a real man?

The Dornish son laughed.

Okay! Come out with me and mobilize the army! Get ready to fight!

No! Father! I can't help it anymore! Let me finish first! It only takes five minutes! Just wait for me for five minutes!


The Earl of Dorne looked at his son and deeply doubted whether what he had said was right.

A real man must be tough!

A real man will let his enemies bleed! Cry!

A real man must make his enemies fear you!

His son seemed to have no problem doing all this, but there seemed to be a big problem.

Oh~ five minutes! Just five minutes! If you dare to take one more second! I will break your legs!

Earl Dorne finally got up and left.

Behind the scenes, the male elf's wail sounded!

Five minutes later, Dorne's son walked out of the basement with his trousers lifted and a happy look on his face, and he and Count Dorne began to rectify the army!

after one day.

Throughout the city, more than 20 senior professionals above level 15 were dispatched, as well as a total of 12,000 troops heading towards the path that the evil dragon must pass through!

At this moment, Rand was slowly flying in the air, still calm and unhurried.

The little female dragon was on the side and couldn't help but ask:

Rand! If we are so slow, then hasn't Lord Dorne been ready to meet the enemy? Why not just launch a surprise attack?

Just like how you dealt with the Irish Viscount before, launch an attack in the sky to kill their majesty. They must be extremely scared by then. We can easily defeat them with a frontal attack, right?

Idiot! How can a dragon fight with others in its own territory! My losses will be huge!

Rand glanced lazily at the little female dragon and said.

My own territory? Isn't our territory in the Green Forest?

No! The city of Dorne is mine! From the moment I return to this continent! It belongs to me!

Rand growled, meaning something.

Everyone there! Every gold coin! It's all mine! I'm just going to accept my property now!

Huh? Is that so? The little female dragon didn't know why and was a little confused.

She was stunned for a while before she understood, and then looked at Rand with bright eyes:

Rand! You are so powerful! What you say makes sense! I think not only is that place yours! The entire kingdom is yours!

The little female dragon had a look of admiration on her face.

The next morning.

The dragon army and the army of Lord Dorne.

A few kilometers apart, we met on a wide grassland!

The commanders who led the team all had eagle eyes on their eyes, allowing them to see the dragon army clearly from a long distance.

He wasn't surprised when he saw the three-headed dragon, but he couldn't help but frown when he saw the scaly dragons and the dragon-fish people with tails.

Although I had heard about it in the intelligence, seeing it with my own eyes was different.

What kind of monsters are those?

Earl Dorne couldn't help but ask.

“I don’t know, there is no record in the book of monsters.

Perhaps they are a new breed of dependents bred by the evil dragon.

You also know that these evil relatives have no reproductive requirements. As long as they are of the opposite sex, they will usually take action.

I once saw a statement in an ancient book that originally there were no small heads in this world, but some evil ancient apes that looked exactly like us humans attacked some small hellhounds, so there were small heads.

Those orcs, I heard, were the result of the ancient ape's attack on the green-faced demon in the abyss.

That elf is the result of attacking some tree monsters that became spirits... an adjutant explained earnestly.

That's enough! I know what you mean! No need to continue!

Earl Dorne interrupted.

He pulled out the sword in his hand and shouted suddenly:

My soldiers! This evil dragon destroyed countless towns along the way! Killed countless citizens of the kingdom! Now it is heading towards our territory! Our home!

he! Want to destroy our home! Can we let this evil dragon succeed? No! we can not!

We need to take the initiative! Protect our home! Destroy this evil dragon!

Lord Dorne gives a pre-battle pep talk.

The soldiers broke into amazing shouts.

All soldiers, listen to the order! Disperse all! Stay in groups of ten and be ready to attack at any time!

Spellcasters and crossbowmen are ready!

Priest, make my soldiers stronger!

Lord Dorne roared and gave orders.

The army of over 10,000 people quickly moved into action.

And far away.

Rand, who was flying at the front of the team, grinned and roared:

My dependents! Now! It's time to show your strength! Prove to me that you can tear any enemy to pieces!

After hearing the words, a dragon man took out a conch horn and started playing it.

Oh oh oh ~ the high-pitched trumpet sounded.

Oh oh oh oh! For my lord! Kill!!!

The Dragon Man and Dragon Fish Man were shocked and rushed away with extremely fanatical expressions.

Compared with when they were humans and fishmen, although they were not brainwashed, they were unconsciously brainwashed.

The courage is obviously much greater.

He became more fanatical about the war and began to act recklessly.

They charged forward fearlessly.

The two dragon cubs also roared excitedly and rushed over!

Rand, on the other hand, was at the end of the team, advancing slowly. He was not in a hurry to launch an attack. He mainly wanted to see how his army would perform in a real battle!

Although the combat effectiveness has been estimated before, after all, these guys have never participated in a real battle.

Now is the time for them to be truly tested.

Having not received the baptism of blood and fire, in Rand's eyes they are just a bunch of domestic pigs!

When the distance between the two sides was still about seven or eight hundred meters.

Some spellcasters who had been prepared for a long time used spells to shoot a rain of fire from a distance towards the incoming dragon army!

Fire spells are the most powerful among all elemental spells, and they are also the ones most chosen to kill enemies in battle formations!

In just an instant, hundreds of fire spells fell overwhelmingly!

Boom boom boom! Bang bang bang bang!

These rains of fire made a roar when they hit the ground!

A large area of ​​grass was ignited, and some dragons and dragon fish were directly hit, and their entire bodies were swallowed up by the flames. But the next second, they passed directly through the smoke and dust of the explosion and broke through the layers of flame barriers!

Keep roaring and charging into battle!

There aren't even many scars on their bodies!

Just a little darker?

This made Earl Dorn's pupils shrink sharply, and with the blessing of wind communication, he roared again:

All spellcasters! Prepare thunder spells! Crossbowmen prepare to fire!

Following the roar of Earl Dorne.

The entire army was immediately ordered and banned.

When the dragon army and the army were still four to five hundred meters away.

The blue lightning flashed across the sky, cut through the void, and shot at a group of evil dragon relatives. Immediately afterwards, an overwhelming rain of arrows fell towards the evil dragon relatives!

All the members of the evil dragon were hit by lightning and were all numb, but even so, some recovered quickly, and only a few were frozen in place.

Since ancient times, elemental spells, thunder and fire have not been separated very much.

As descendants of Rand, the true fire dragon, they also have extremely high resistance to thunder and fire.

Even if those arrows hit these dependents, they rarely cause damage. Most of them are bounced away by the scales, and some are barely embedded in the scales of the dependents. Only a few can be shot into their bodies, allowing them to They let out a scream!

Soon the distance between the two sides was only two hundred meters!

It was only at this moment that Earl Dorne's army, the army at the front, roared and rushed towards the Evil Dragon Familia!

The moment the two parties come into contact.

The dragons burst out with astonishing fighting power. Each of them was like a giant bear, running rampant!

All the soldiers in front! As long as he was touched, he would either be knocked away or his head would be smashed with a punch.

Even if they accidentally hit a dragon with a sword, most of them just cut through the scales and were punched to death before they could be happy!

Those ichthyosaurs are far less ferocious than the dragons, and their strength is only about level 2-3.

The scale armor defense is more fragile than that of the Dragon Man, and it is easy to be seriously injured if it is struck by some powerful soldiers.

But they are extremely crazy. After being hit, they will hug you and then bite the flesh with their sharp teeth! It looks extremely fierce!


Dragon roars not far away!

Two dragon cubs also rushed to the battlefield. They were flying dozens of meters in the air, constantly breathing dragon breath.

Huge amounts of flames and sulfuric acid were sprinkled down, causing large swaths of soldiers to scream and wail.

One by one, the fire men were wailing and rolling on the ground.

Those covered in acid can't help but tear their flesh and skin, and die miserably!

The giant dragon, even if it is still young, is truly like a meat grinder on the battlefield!

As long as there are no senior professionals standing in the way!

The Earl of Dorne, who had not moved in the distance, couldn't help but frown as he watched all this. An adjutant next to him couldn't help but say:

These monsters are very powerful! Although their equipment is terrible, the scales on their bodies are too much of a hindrance!

Those tall monsters are even more powerful and cannot be dealt with by dozens or twenty soldiers.

Even those short ones can take on two or three soldiers...

As for the two dragons, it would be very difficult to deal with them without advanced spellcasters and hunter-rangers.

No need to wait any longer! That evil dragon hasn't taken action yet! Let's destroy all his followers first!

Lord Dorne immediately gave the order.

The entire army immediately mobilized!

Oohohoho! Humans! In front of the great Red Dragon Queen Fiona Safis Oakburn, tremble! Wail! Experience the true despair! Hahahaha!

The little female dragon laughed wildly and her dragon breath surged wildly. In just a few moments, she burned at least fifty or sixty people to death. The sight of these people wailing in despair in front of her made her feel very excited.

Finally found the self-respect of being a dragon!

By the way... this seems to be her first time killing someone?

This feeling! It makes the dragon fascinated! No wonder Rand likes to kill weaklings so much...

At this moment, an arrow wrapped with green light suddenly appeared and shot at the little female dragon!

The little female dragon was so excited that she didn't pay attention at all and was shot right through the dragon's wing!

A stream of blood shot out.

She screamed and fell to the ground.

At this moment, a figure in black appeared under her and jumped up! The dagger flashing with cold light in his hand stabbed straight into the neck of the little female dragon!

This is an extremely powerful magic weapon!

It can definitely break through her scales!

The little female dragon just took one look and realized something was wrong. If she was hit in a weak spot like the neck, she would be seriously injured even if she didn't die!

This made her unconsciously show a hint of panic, and she instinctively opened her mouth and shouted:

Rand!!! Help!!!!

next moment.

Buzz! ! !

There was a strange sound, and an extremely bright purple ion stream beam pierced the void, suddenly descending like the only light in the world!

The man in black's dagger instantly moved across his neck.

Zhi! ! !

Countless sparks flashed, and the man in black quickly turned red and hot with the dagger. The moment it hit the ground, he threw it away, and then the whole person disappeared into the darkness!

But the purple beam did not stop and pursued towards the left!


Anyone caught by the beam will be instantly ignited by the flames and fall to the ground rolling around! Let out an extremely shrill howl!

This sudden change caused Earl Dorn and others, as well as the two dragon cubs, who had not yet taken action, to look at the purple beam of light.

Only a few hundred meters away.

The giant dragon that had never made a move raised its head high, and its originally red eyes flashed with purple light! Terrifying purple ion currents continued to spurt along his eyes! Amazing power!

Thanks to [Nekono] for 10,000 coins, [**Death Emperor] for 1,500 coins, [Yuhua Stone Loves Immortality] for 600 coins, [I am just a homebody, bite me] for 500 coins, [loveblonde] for 500 coins, [How to Get Fat Four 13125] for 100 coins, [Hammer of the Skin God] 100 coins reward.

Thanks to everyone for your tips. Today I coded 9,400 words. I wrote and wrote and finally let the protagonist take action. I kept writing until 0 o'clock.

I was shocked by my potential. Tomorrow may be a little normal...

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