The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 101 Cruel! violent! (8600 words)

Poke City, a wealthy area, is located in front of the gate of Aganfu's villa.

The space here is relatively empty, and the villas in front and behind are separated by a distance of more than ten meters.

There are green grass and green plants all around, which looks very nice.

All I can say is that it is indeed a wealthy area.

It is precisely because of this that a giant beast like Rand can lie down and sleep calmly without causing too much damage.

The people and dragons nearby were very puzzled by Rand's sleepiness regardless of the occasion. They all turned their attention to Aganfu. Someone asked:

President...this...what should we do next?

Aganfu, on the other hand, turned his attention to the two dragon cubs.

Why do you say that you are also brothers? Why don't you shout when your eldest brother falls asleep so strangely?

Aganfu asked with his eyes.

But how dare the two dragon cubs disturb Rand's sleep?

The little female dragon glared at the ignorant human fiercely, and spat again:

Idiot! Don't question any of Rand's decisions!


Aganfu's face turned red after being spat on again, and he wanted to push the little female dragon to the ground and beat him!

This little thing! It’s so disgusting! Why are you so uneducated!

Look at your eldest brother, Lord Rand! Although he sometimes has a bad temper, he is at least knowledgeable and doesn't have the habit of spitting everywhere!

Why can't you study hard?

Just when a group of people don't know what to do.

As the dragon lying on the ground breathed, sparks ignited as its body rose and fell. In an instant, with a roar, the dragon was completely enveloped in a ball of flame!

This time, everyone was shocked!

Who is it! Who dares to attack Rand? Are you impatient?

The little female dragon had a look of shock on her face. She quickly retreated dozens of meters, opened her mouth and yelled, and her eyes couldn't help but glance around.

Are these bastards crazy?

Rand's anger breaks out, and the consequences are quite serious!

The little female dragon will never forget that when she was still a baby, she had a newborn calf. At that time, she was not afraid of the sky or the earth. She was full of energy and always harassed Rand.

But in the end, he beat him to the point where he almost couldn't take care of himself!

From then on, the little female dragon never dared to disturb Rand when he was sleeping!

Listening to the cry of the little female dragon, the others looked around with shocked expressions.

Further away, the people who had been paying attention to the situation here all frowned.

Did a spell caster attack this giant dragon just now? Isn't he afraid that the dragon will become angry after waking up and destroy the city?

Or is this the work of a spy from an enemy country in the city?

But... I didn't seem to sense anyone casting a spell just now?

Everyone felt strange.

What's even more strange is that the giant dragon wrapped in flames is still sleeping soundly!

The flames scorched the ground, slowly scorching it black, and bursts of black smoke continued to rise, but the giant dragon showed no intention of waking up.

This made everyone feel a little relieved.

But they immediately discovered something strange.

I saw that these flames were constantly jumping, expanding and contracting with the dragon's breathing.

It seems to be perfectly integrated with the entire body of the dragon, giving it a unique and strange feeling.

Everyone watched in silence for a while, feeling that nothing happened, and dispersed again. The two dragon cubs rested next to Rand.

The others went back to their respective homes and went to find their respective mothers...

Just like that, the night passed.

The next day, Rand woke up with a haha. When he opened his eyes, he saw his body on fire. This made him stunned and immediately thought of everything in his dream last night.

A thought came to my mind. The flames on his body dissipated instantly, and with another thought, the flames appeared again.


His eyes were slightly bright, as if he had found an interesting toy, and his mind was spinning.

Those who were observing from a distance saw a fireball suddenly appear in front of the giant dragon. They were shocked. Did this giant dragon want to destroy it?

But immediately, the fireball changed and quickly turned into a person's palm, then a flower, an eyeball, and a person...

In just a few minutes, this ball of flame changed into dozens of forms under everyone's gaze!

How did this giant dragon... do it?

Seeing this, some great mages felt even more chilled in their hearts.

This fire control ability reminds them of some legendary mages who specialize in fire spells! Only this kind of being can control ordinary flames like an arm, right?

There are too many things that have changed, and it seems that the dragon is tired of it.

I saw the last change of a flaming tiger, starting to expand! In a short while, the original body length expanded from one meter to five meters! Ten meters! Twenty meters!

The fire is burning, and it looks really powerful!


The flaming tiger looks up to the sky and roars. It is obviously silent, but it makes people feel that the roar is in their ears!

The next moment, the color of the tiger also began to change.

From red and orange to yellow and white, then to green and blue, and finally purple!

As the colors continue to change, the flaming tiger looks more and more powerful! The more solid!

Its temperature also changed from the initial 3000 degrees to the final 7000 degrees!

It's not over yet!

Sparks burst out from the dragon's body again, and a dragon-shaped monster appeared, flew into the sky, expanded to about twenty meters, and its color quickly turned purple!

Then, another long purple snake appeared and kept burrowing into the ground. Following the movement of the long snake, the whole ground made a hissing and exploding sound, and actually dissolved into a pit two meters in diameter and more than ten centimeters deep. Then, As it gradually cooled, red crystal particles adhered to it.

These operations really confused the people who were investigating the situation from a distance, for sure!

This giant dragon! Absolutely a legend! At least a legendary spellcaster! If paired with his own dragon power!

Hiss... you can't mess with him! Not to be messed with!

Thinking of this, a group of archmage hurriedly went to find the Lord of Pork City, preparing for him to negotiate with this terrifying giant dragon!

Lan...Rand! How did you do that? It's so cool!

On one side, the little female dragon's eyes were shining, and she stood with an envious look on her face.

The little black dragon Ed's eyes are a little red, I don't envy him! Aren’t you just playing with fire? I can also spray sulfuric acid! Will you?

The other people who had been guarding Rand all morning were silent, feeling that they had no place to speak.

But at this moment, Rand was still deep in thought.

He was thinking about the effect of the newly awakened innate ability [Natural Disaster·Fire].

After preliminary testing, he understood a little bit.

First of all, using these flames, he does not need any spell casting process, which is much more convenient than using dragon flames.

When using Dragon Flame, he mostly relies on a certain organ of the body.

Convert one's own physical strength and magic power into dragon flames.

To use these flames, he only relied on an idea.

He can use it whenever he wants, as convenient as his hands and feet.

Of course, using this power is not without cost, but the price is extremely low.

Although Rand is essentially a dragon who is not proficient in magic, he has systematically learned some fire spells.

The essence of the spell is just to rely on the spell model to convert magic power into flames, other elements or physical objects.

The amount of magic power consumed by this transformation is determined by the superiority of the spell model.

And this kind of consumption, in the eyes of ordinary people, is 1:1.

So when Rand used this ability, he compressed it to an extremely unscientific and unmagical ratio of about 1:15!

This is something that the spell model absolutely cannot do.

Let him use flames faster than any mage! It consumes less!

Coupled with his huge magic power as a giant dragon, his continuous combat ability and destructive power will become extremely exaggerated!

However, this thing also has shortcomings! That means he can't simulate his dragon breath! Other special flames cannot be simulated either.

Of course, this may be due to his current lack of strength.

It may also be a defect in natural ability.

After all, the basic temperature of flames like dragon's breath is not high, but it is mixed with special magic power. Generally speaking, its lethality is far higher than that of ordinary flames.

However, this is not absolute! After all, Rand is not a magical dragon, he is not proficient in this! He planned to meet Yakus later and let him study it.

Maybe in this way, he can directly control the dragon flame? In this way, the combat power is expected to be greatly improved!

Rand was in a very good mood. He glanced at the two dragon cubs and was about to say goodbye to Aganfu. Unexpectedly, several spellcasters came to him with an old man in his sixties who was dressed in luxurious clothes.

Your Majesty the Dragon! I am the Earl of Pok City. I am really honored to have you in the city. I wonder if you need help in Pok City?

The old man spoke in a gentle tone and looked very respectful.

There is no way to be disrespectful! The two great mages around him just now told him! This giant dragon in front of me! Maybe a legendary spellcaster!

Legendary spellcaster + own dragon power =?

When he thought of this, his body couldn't help but want to tremble!

Oh my god! terrible!

Don't worry! I'm just here to check on the situation of my Chamber of Commerce. As long as you don't have any bad thoughts about my Chamber of Commerce, I won't take action against you!

Rand glanced at Count Pork, his voice was extremely calm.

I haven't drained the wallets of you guys, how can I be willing to touch you? My dear little cuties!

I see, the Dragon Chamber of Commerce belongs to you! Hahahaha! We are honored to have an excellent chamber of commerce like you! Your Audition is popular throughout the kingdom!

Even I can’t help but watch it once a week! This is really an artistic dance!

Earl Pork kept complimenting him with a strange smile.

Okay! I don't want to hear any more compliments. There are some things that need to be dealt with, so let's just leave it at that.

Rand nodded lightly, picked up a dragon cub in each claw, shook the dragon's wings, and flew straight into the sky!

As it flew thousands of meters into the air, with a roar of a bear, the dragon's body ignited with flames and turned into a real flaming dragon!

The flames on the dragon wings became even hotter, turning into a pure purple. At the end, the wing membrane and the keel, a row of purple flames suddenly sprayed out!

Accompanied by the flapping of dragon wings.

His speed starts to increase!

300 kilometers per hour! 320 kilometers! 350 kilometers!

This wasn't over yet, the purple flame at the end of the dragon's wings began to increase greatly, from the original five meters to ten meters! It became fifteen meters again! Even the last thirty meters!

His speed started to increase again! 380 kilometers! 400 kilometers! 420 kilometers! 450 kilometers! 500 kilometers!

In an instant, Rand turned into a red-purple stream of light and shot out into the distance! The whole sky left a long red-purple track for this! Lasts forever! Beautiful as a dream!

The entire Pork City residents watched for a long time.

Earl Pork and others saw the dragon leaving, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at Aganfu and others with a kind smile on their faces:

President Aganfu, I think our relationship should be closer. Are you free to come to my house tonight? I have prepared a great party.

Of course, it is my pleasure, Your Majesty.

Hahahaha! After saying that, the two laughed and hugged each other.

Wow, wow, wow! So fast! So fast! Rand! This feels so comfortable! Wow, oh, oh, oh!

Thousands of meters above the ground, the little female dragon held in Rand's claws roared excitedly.

The speed was 500 kilometers per hour, which was obviously a top speed she had never experienced before.

The flames all over her body didn't affect her at all, but made her inexplicably excited.

On the contrary, the little black dragon, who also had red dragon blood, but not as strong as it was, gradually became red all over because of the flames all over Rand's body. He couldn't bear it anymore and yelled.

When Rand saw this, he put away all the flames on his body except the dragon wings.

Of course, the dragon wing's flames are also much smaller.

There was no other way. Flying at high speeds was quite tiring for him. He estimated that if he continued like this, he wouldn't be able to last for an hour and a half.

The continuous huge explosion of purple flames and the constant flapping of the dragon wings are extremely exhausting.

So he lowered his speed and turned the purple flames of the dragon wings back into red flames. The frequency of flapping the dragon wings also dropped by several percent, and he continued to use gliding to maintain a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

After flying steadily for several hours, Rand returned first to Green Forest.

You have to ask why he didn't fly directly to the Doro Earldom to take revenge?

The reason is also very simple. He is ready to wait for his family members to arrive, and then launch a general attack on the entire Doro City!

The dependents have raised so many, but they are not just for viewing, right?

There is a saying that comes from this.

Raise an army for a thousand days, use it for a while! This is the moment!

at the same time.

green forest.

The silver dragon Emily arrived at the green forest early. She flew over the green forest for a long time, yelling, trying to seduce Rand to show up, and then let Audrey, who was ambushing at the moment, show up again. Surrounded by dragons.

But I didn’t expect that after roaring for a long time, there was no movement in the green forest!

This made Yinlong's expression extremely ugly.

I thought to myself, could I have thought wrong?

Was that evil dragon's so-called three-year agreement just a lie? Is that a coward without guts?

She and Audrey discussed it for a while and decided to wait here for a while.

But unexpectedly, before Rand's evil dragon returned, four archmages arrived!

The two dragons and the four great mages looked at each other, their hearts skipping a beat.

Silver Dragon is afraid that these four archmages will do something bad.

The four archmages were afraid that this dragon was just like them, and they all took a fancy to the evil dragon's treasure.

Because Audrey was in human form at the moment and was wrapped in a black robe, in order to catch Rand off guard when she really met him!

This prevented the Archmage from recognizing her identity.

The atmosphere between the two parties was a little cold for a while.

The breeze blew slowly by, making the surrounding trees rustle.

One of the great mage spoke solemnly:

This lady from the Metal Dragon Tribe, who are you?

We are here to punish evil! There used to be an evil dragon living here! He is violent by nature! Cruel! He kills like crazy! We have to teach him a lesson! Take him back to Dragon Island and face trial!

Are you talking about the evil dragon named Rand?

That's right!

I heard it's been three years since he left here?

That's right! But he made a three-year agreement before. I saw that the time has come, so I roared here!

That's it! This young lady from the Metal Dragon Clan is noble! To be honest with you, we have the same purpose as you!

Then together?


The two dragons and the four archmages discussed for a while and decided to deal with the evil dragon together.

This made the two dragons feel very happy.

The two sides chatted with each other. During this period, the four archmages also knew that the two dragons had not arrived long before them and did not find the evil dragon. This made the four archmage's hearts sink.

He couldn't help but have the same thoughts as the two dragons. Didn't the evil dragon want to come back at all?

Then wouldn’t it be true that the fish they let go before could not be recovered?

The four Archmages also looked ugly.

That's what they thought, but they still decided to wait a while with the two dragons.

In this way, another half day passed.

Suddenly, Silver Dragon Emily seemed to feel something. She looked up at the sky, her pupils shrank for a while, and she yelled:

It's coming! It's coming! The evil dragon is back!

She was so excited! Immediately flap the dragon wings and fly to the sky impatiently!

Although in her field of vision, the evil dragon with its wings breathing fire looked much cooler, but in retrospect it was just a strange spell, and it was not worthy of her too much attention!

As for body shape? Sorry, the distance was too far, and she was a little confused for a moment...

Anyway, when she thinks about it, this separation will only last for a little more than three years. No matter how much you grow, what can you do?

She had been able to fight this evil dragon until both sides were almost injured. Now that she added Audrey, wouldn't it be easy to catch her?

At this moment, Yinlong seemed to have imagined that he would push the opponent to the ground, and after a violent beating, the opponent would continue to scream and beg for mercy!

This made her almost laugh out loud!

The beautiful snot bubbles are about to come out!

Ever since he was beaten up by Rand! The other party can be said to be her inner demon!

Today I can finally break this inner demon!

Audrey quickly jumped onto the silver dragon's neck.

The other three archmages quickly cast an eagle eye spell on themselves. After seeing the giant dragon that they thought about day and night, they trembled with excitement!

The fish is back! The fish is really back! Hahahaha! Hurry! Keep up!

After saying this, the archmage quickly used his flying technique to follow him!

The other two archmages also laughed and followed.

However, immediately, a great mage couldn't help but asked:

Wait! We are going to fight later. Do we really want to help the metal dragon? Her purpose is to bring the evil dragon back to Dragon Island! If they bring it back, how can we get a share of the treasure?

These metal dragons are also very greedy for money!

So what do you mean?

Let's fly slower. After they fight the dragon, we will both lose, and then we will pick the fruits!

So good!

Hearing this, other archmages agreed one after another, and just like that, their speed dropped again and again.

far away.

The three Rand dragons, who were holding the two dragon cubs, also discovered the silver dragon flying towards them. They looked carefully, but they were all overjoyed!

Isn't that the silver dragon from before? I finally met her again! This stinky Bichi! Today I have to blow her head off! Then smear the little head man's feces on her scales! See if I'm not disgusted to death she!

Stinky Bichi! Damn dragon! You are dead!

The little female dragon screamed, and the dragon's face was full of ferocity!

Just thinking about all the torture she had suffered from this silver dragon before, she wanted to tear her scales off!

Let a group of little headmen poop on her every day!

The little black dragon showed an excited smile. Although he had not been abused by this silver dragon before, he had suffered a lot of mental blows and bullying!

He wanted to see Rand beat this silver dragon!

Rand opened his mouth wide and his eyes brightened several times. He let go of the two dragon cubs with his claws and roared.

The dragon wings dance quickly!

The whole body is filled with flames!

The black and red dragon wings turned into purple in an instant! A pillar of flame about thirty meters long spurted out!

boom! ! ! !

His speed increased greatly, and he was approaching the silver dragon like flying!

The distance between the two sides will soon be only 10 kilometers! 8 kilometers! ...6 kilometers!

Silver Dragon was originally very happy when he saw the distance getting closer, but as the distance between the two parties got closer and closer, he seemed to have discovered something was wrong!

Is this evil dragon flying a little too fast?

The distance between the two sides soon became only 5 kilometers... 4 kilometers...

etc! Isn't the size of the evil dragon much larger?

Silver Dragon Emily felt more and more strange, but quickly shook her head, what were she thinking? It’s only three years! How much bigger can it be?

She has helpers anyway!

Audrey is an adult dragon!

No matter what happens, this evil dragon cannot be the opponent of the two dragons!

She comforted herself in her heart that the distance between the two sides would soon be only 3 kilometers, at this moment.

She heard Audrey's somewhat surprised voice:

Hey, hey, hey! Emily! Are you sure? Is the evil dragon you mentioned before just a little guy in his teenage years? At most, he's just a young man? Why do I feel something is wrong?

Audrey! Don't worry! I'm sure! Silver Dragon replied instinctively.

There are still 2 kilometers left between the two sides!

But...but I'm not sure! No! I'm sure! You're not sure! Audrey said again from behind. Then, she felt a lightness on her neck and turned her head to look.

Audrey actually jumped directly from her neck! Transformed into a giant dragon in mid-air, and then roared:

Emily! You can take care of yourself! I don't want to be beaten with you! Let's take the first step!

After that, the giant dragon flew sideways without looking back! The frequency of the dragon's wings flapping is frighteningly fast!

Behind her, there were archmages who were still ten kilometers away. They watched Audrey turn into a dragon and go directly in another direction. They really didn't understand. They kept communicating, trying to figure out the reason.

And Rand, who was approaching quickly, was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately figured everything out!

This silver dragon is not stupid. He was defeated by her before, so he naturally knows how to win!

However, Rand was slightly surprised when she called out an adult brass dragon that was slightly larger than her.

What’s even more surprising is that this brass dragon seems to be very discerning!

She realized something was wrong immediately and ran away!

Rand didn't pay much attention to this. He just smiled ferociously and continued to approach the silver dragon!

Audrey! What are you doing!?

Yinlong was puzzled and extremely angry.

When she turned her head again, the dragon was only 1 kilometer away from her!

Then, she suddenly realized something, and her eyes widened.

Until 500 meters, 200 meters...

She suddenly burst out into a frightened scream:

This is impossible!!! How did you become so big all of a sudden!!?

The silver dragon Emily was horrified. Could it be that she had met the father of Rand's evil dragon?

The thought flashed across my mind.

The evil dragon has come directly to her!

A claw poked out! Hit her hard on the back!

boom! !

Accompanied by a loud noise!

The silver dragon let out a shrill wail, and the whole dragon exploded towards the ground!

Rand roared excitedly, spun very quickly, and turned into a red-purple meteor. With a swooping momentum, he arrived under the silver dragon first when he was still three or four kilometers away from the ground!


The silver dragon was in pain all over. Seeing the evil dragon's raised hind legs, he didn't know what he wanted to do! He quickly used his magic power to quickly condense a layer of ice on his body, in an attempt to scare the evil dragon away from continuing to attack.

But the evil dragon didn't care and kicked him again!

The silver dragon screamed again.

With a roar, it burst out to the side again!

Heh heh heh heh! Hahahahaha! We haven't met for three years! Accept this great gift! Silver-scaled idiot!

Rand laughed wildly and turned into a stream of light again to chase after him!

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

Rand used his extreme speed to constantly intercept the silver dragon, knocking her away again and again.

The screams of the silver dragon kept ringing throughout the sky, sprinkling large amounts of blood!

This scene made the great mages in the distance look stupid!

What is all this? What about the promised dragon battle in which both sides suffer? How come one dragon ran away and another was beaten violently?

The most important thing is that at this moment, the silver dragon and the evil dragon are in close contact, and they already have a specific reference!

Do you think that the evil dragon seems a bit big? An archmage gasped and asked as he looked at the brutal scene in the distance.

Isn't this a big problem?

That silver dragon we just saw with our own eyes was definitely a giant dragon that was about to reach adulthood and was almost fifteen meters long.

The evil dragon may not be much longer than the silver dragon, but he is too strong...

This feeling...feeling...

Feels like a ten-year-old underage child, versus a strong orc warrior?

Yes, yes! That's what it feels like!


The four Archmages gasped, and three of them couldn't help but cast their eyes on the white-haired and white-bearded master of the Mage Tower. They said with some doubts and uncertainty:

Arch Mage Anthony...are you sure this is the fish you are talking about?

I...the information I received before was not like this! Archmage Anthony blushed, feeling a little embarrassed.

What kind of fish is this? It looks like a sea monster to me!

What to do? Do we want to retreat?

Why retreat? We are archmages! Are we afraid of a dragon?... Keep looking and making a decision!

Archmage Anthony gritted his teeth and said the first half of the sentence, but once again he glanced at the miserable condition of the silver dragon, and after a moment of silence, he added another sentence.

The other great mages did not continue to say anything about this.

In the distance, the two dragon cubs that were still flying slowly laughed happily when they saw the miserable appearance of the silver dragon.

Stinky Bichi! How dare you bully the great Red Dragon King, Fiona Safis Oakbourne! Are you being punished now?

who I am? I am Rand Safis Oakburn's biological sister! How dare you bully me! ? idiot! go to hell! ! Hahahahaha!

The little female dragon screamed, indescribable happiness.

So strong! Rand is so strong! Who can stop him now? He is already a real dragon that can really dominate! The little black dragon murmured to himself, with an envious look on his face.

bump! ! !

After another blow knocked the silver dragon away, Rand chased after him. At this moment, the aura of the silver dragon was weakened by more than half.

This is because he has the strength to hold back, otherwise he would have killed the dragon long ago!

With this round of beatings, he felt that he had almost vented his anger and was almost ready to end it!

So he overtook him again and grabbed the opponent's tail!

Then, amid the screams of the silver dragon, it was thrown into the air!

After that, he suddenly opened his mouth!

A fireball appeared and expanded at an extremely fast speed! In just one breath, it turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of twenty meters! Squirting out!


Silver Dragon subconsciously glanced in Rand's direction and couldn't help but howl with fear on her face. She endured the severe pain all over her body and squeezed out her remaining physical strength and magic power to form a layer of ice around her body!

Then the fireball suddenly hit the silver dragon!

The whole sky lit up.

A huge firework exploded.

Along with the silver dragon's last shrill howl, her limbs, tail, and head were all flailing weakly, and she was falling straight to the ground like a broken doll!

Until there was a bang, and there was a close contact with the earth!

Heh heh heh heh! Hahahaha!

Rand patted the dragon's wings gently and couldn't help but laugh wildly in mid-air.

far away.

The four archmages looked at each other again.

I think we should leave? A great mage couldn't help but said.

Let's go! Let's go! What's the point of catching fish! This is a monster! A complete monster! If the four of us really fight against him, it's really not sure who will win and who will lose!

Alas! The damn spy mistaken me! When I go back, I must make him look good!

Archmage Anthony gritted his teeth.

I excitedly brought three great mages to fish together, but this is the result?

It's all the fault of the spellcaster spy from before!

That guy must have been blind since childhood! Otherwise, how could a huge dragon that was at least twenty meters long be described as a teenager or a young dragon that was only over ten meters long?

What a fool!

If you don't even have this kind of discernment, you deserve to be a low-level spell caster spy for the rest of your life!

What? You said he can't grow ten meters in three years? Do you think I, Archmage Anthony, am an idiot?

The Archmage cursed in his heart, and finally left quickly with the other three Archmages!

Um! The evil dragon probably didn't notice them now!

They have no interaction with the evil dragon!

All this is a misunderstanding!


The ground shook slightly.

Rand landed at the place where the silver dragon fell, and looked at the motionless silver dragon lying in the pit, with its scales charred black and covered with blood, and smiled coldly.

Then he stretched out his huge claws and pinched the silver dragon's head and lifted it up!

He stood, a pair of red eyes staring closely at Yinlong's face.


The silver dragon felt something strange, groaned weakly, opened its eyes, and met Rand's eyes.

Rand felt fear, surprise, disbelief, and doubt about Longsheng...

Tell me! Who won this time? Who is going to be imprisoned in Dragon Island Prison? Has your so-called justice defeated evil? My dear, beautiful Miss Silver Dragon?

Rand spoke slowly, his voice was loud and low, but his words were full of disdain, contempt, and sarcasm.

The way he looked at Silver Dragon was like looking at an imbecile.

If he hadn't been merciful, this idiot would have died three or four times by now!

Even if it was the last giant fireball, he actually kept it in reserve.

Because it is not Dragon Flame Jade, it is just an ordinary flame condensed by using the natural ability [Natural Disaster Flame], and it is the most basic red flame instead of purple flame.

Therefore, the fireball just now looked powerful, but it was actually just a 6- to 7-level spell. fast...and Why?

The silver dragon looked in pain and moaned intermittently.

Thanks to [father-in-law, please come sit down] for 10,000 coins, [Jin Taiyi's Guoda] for 500 coins, [book friend 20210406232321187] for 200 coins, and [FFF333] for 100 coins for the reward.

Thanks to all the bosses, the first helmsman was finally born. I feel in good condition today. I just wrote 8,600 words and broke through again!

thanks for your support!

I feel like this book is still helpful!

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