Taking this step, Qin Hao felt an unprecedented coercion coming down on his body. He groaned, and the ground under his feet couldn't bear this amount and collapsed.

Brother. Xiaobai shouted hurriedly, his eyes full of worry.

Don't worry, the little guy is fine. Xia Wu waved his hand and said casually.

It seemed that he was in control of what happened to Qin Hao.

When Xiaobai heard this, he still looked at Qin Hao closely.

At this time, Qin Hao's face was pale, beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks, and his eyes were tightly closed. It was obvious that everything that happened in his consciousness made his body react.

At this step, Qin Hao was only one meter away from the dragon's huge mouth. The source of the endless pressure was the green blade in the dragon's mouth.

Just like its shape, the Emperor's soldiers are so terrifying!

This pressure is so terrifying. If I endure it again, even if I don't die, it will be quite uncomfortable.

However, I must get this sword today! A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Qin Hao's eyes.

Gamble. While thinking, a shining necklace appeared on Qin Hao's neck, which was the sadness of Timia.

Qin Hao remembered that this necklace could withstand several soul attacks.

However, Qin Hao was not sure whether the attack he received was a soul attack.

Qin Hao's eyes condensed, and he took another step forward. At this time, the necklace actively released light and turned into a light shield to protect Qin Hao inside.


Before this step could be taken, the entire world around him suddenly began to shake violently, and the ground continued to collapse.

And on the horizon, there are space cracks slowly emerging, and the space cracks are constantly flashing with purple lightning.

Sure enough, if you are not prepared for this test, you will definitely not know how to die.

Everything around him made Qin Hao a little ugly, but he still took one step forward.


Almost as soon as Qin Hao's footsteps landed, the shield on Qin Hao's body shattered!

What a danger! Qin Hao didn't pause at all. He took another step forward and appeared in the dragon's mouth instantly, grabbing Qingfeng with one hand.

Coiling Dragon Sword, as its name suggests, the hilt of the sword is a dragon's head, and on the sword body, there is a golden dragon entrenched above it.

There was even a hint of coldness bursting out from the sword blade, tearing apart everything close to it!

However, what Qin Hao didn't expect was that after grabbing and pulling it out with force, the Coiling Dragon Sword actually didn't move at all.


Loud noises continued to be heard behind him. Qin Hao glanced out of the corner of his eye and discovered that outside the dragon's mouth, the entire world was shattered and turned into an endless abyss.

Jie Jie! At this moment, a burst of laughter made Qin Hao's expression change, and he looked warily ahead at the dragon's throat.

This strange and cold laughter came from it.

Under his hand, the dragon sword released golden light, and the dragon's eyes also bloomed with divine light at the hilt of the sword.

Everything that happened made Qin Hao's nerves tense, and his body instantly swelled, turning into a half-dragon form.

Black light burst out from the dragon's throat, and then Qin Hao saw an almost impossible situation!

In the black light, a figure appeared. Its face was blurred, and it was dressed in a golden dragon robe. A black dragon was faintly entrenched on its body, looking at Qin Hao coldly.

In front of Qin Hao, on the Coiling Dragon Sword, divine light was flowing, and the sword body was constantly trembling.

Dragon Emperor! Qin Hao couldn't help but exclaimed. Although the face of the existence in front of him was not clear, Qin Hao could recognize it even if it turned into ashes. Who could he be if he wasn't the Dragon Emperor?

However, this Dragon Emperor has already died, so how could he appear here!

As soon as Dragon Emperor Fang appeared, his figure began to skyrocket, and then he transformed into a dragon-shaped monster, which looked the same as the previous monster he transformed into.


It roared and attacked Qin Hao. There was endless violence in those two eyes. Qin Hao had only seen that kind of look on a creature that could not be called a living thing.

They are zombies, they have no thinking and can only act on instinct!

The latter attacked, and Qin Hao slapped the latter with a merciless claw. At this time, the Dragon Emperor was no different from a zombie, and Qin Hao couldn't help but take it to heart.


When the monster transformed by the Dragon Emperor saw Qin Hao's attack, it refused to dodge and continued to bite him.

Qin Hao slapped the Dragon Emperor with one claw, sending its huge body flying away. Then he leaned forward and slapped it down with another claw!

At the same time, Qin Hao was a little surprised. Logically speaking, the monster transformed by the Dragon Emperor should be extremely powerful, but the impact just now surprised Qin Hao. The feeling of power was not strong!

Qin Hao slapped it with a palm, and the monster transformed by the Dragon Emperor was knocked away again. However, its figure took off again. Obviously, although such an attack could knock the latter away, it did not cause much damage to it.

This beast must be dealt with! Qin Hao looked at the monster. It rushed towards him again. Although it did not pose any threat to Qin Hao, it was still extremely troublesome.

There was obviously something wrong with the Coiling Dragon Sword. Qin Hao guessed that he should kill the guy in front of him to get the Coiling Dragon Sword.

After thinking about it, he decided to take action again. Genetic energy cannot be used here, and he could only use pure physical attacks.


Suddenly, the monster roared, and the black dragon shadow on its body quickly shrank away from its body. The monster seemed to be in extreme pain.

Now! Qin Hao moved, his figure almost turned into a ray of light, and at the same time, two giant claws strangled it.


The dragon emperor who turned into a monster did not resist at all, and many of the scales on his body were torn apart by Qin Hao.

It didn't seem to know pain, and it didn't feel anything at all against Qin Hao's attack!

And it seems to be restrained by the weird black dragon shadow on his body!

Qin Hao's attack was extremely fierce. In the blink of an eye, the monster was completely mutilated.

However, Qin Hao did not relax at all, and the black dragon shadow on his body was completely submerged in his body at this time.

At the same time, the Dragon Emperor suddenly underwent drastic changes, like a mutation.

Countless pustules appeared on Dragon Emperor's body, and his figure also swelled!

Qin Hao retreated and looked at the Dragon Emperor warily. This strange change forced him to be on guard.

After a few breaths, the transformation was complete. Qin Hao's eyes were full of surprise. The existence that appeared in front of him was a completely new life form.

Real dragon? After this guy went through the transformation, his body shape turned into the same as that of a true dragon, and it was a black dragon with a body length of more than 100 meters!

This change made Qin Hao confused for a moment. Just by looking at it, he knew it would be difficult to deal with.

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