The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 173 Coiling Dragon Sword


From the huge waves rolling under him and the water surface being exploded within a radius of a kilometer, we can see how terrifying the power he released at this moment was.

The Dragon Emperor's body shape has undergone tremendous changes. Before, he only had scales on his body, but he was definitely in human form, but now he seems to have completely transformed into a monster!

The figure that was originally the same as an ordinary person turned into a size of dozens of feet, shaped like a dragon, but not.

It is somewhat similar to the Western dragon that Qin Hao has seen before. There are two huge bone wings. On the bone wings, there are sharp claws that are more than ten feet long!

The head is somewhat similar to that of a dragon, except that in the huge mouth, sharp teeth protrude and unknown liquid drips continuously.

Behind him, a giant tail more than ten or twenty meters long whipped the water!


Above the water, the water needles all stopped moving. Xia Wu naturally noticed the Dragon Emperor's changes all the time, with surprise in his expression.

Brother, this monster is so scary! Xiaobai sat back and said to Qin Hao.

Well, yes. Qin Hao rubbed Xiao Bai's head. The appearance of the Dragon Emperor was beyond Qin Hao's expectation. The Dragon Emperor's identity is a human-dragon hybrid, and his true body should also be a dragon. such as.

The current change should be because it has already become a zombie!


The Dragon Emperor roared, the huge dragon head kept shaking, black dragon energy flowed on his body, and the corpse energy filled the air.

Under the corpse poison, even the dragon's energy was contaminated!

The next second, the Dragon Emperor saw Xia Wu rushing towards him, opening his huge mouth and biting away.

There was no change in Xia Wu's expression. He waved one hand, and the water flowed up, turning into a chain, entangling the body of the monster transformed by the Dragon Emperor. No matter how much the latter tore at it, it could not break free.

The Dragon Emperor became a monster and had no consciousness. He could only scream and howl there!

Oh, forget it. The old man Xia Wu transformed suddenly sounded melancholy. He waved his hand casually, and thousands of water arrows formed and shot towards the Dragon Emperor.

In an instant, the water surrounding the Dragon Emperor's body was filled with water mist, making it difficult to see the scene inside clearly. Only the roars of wild beasts and the hoarse roar of dragons that had long been changed could be heard.

After a few breaths, everything returned to calm, the water mist dissipated, and the Dragon Emperor's body fell downwards and landed on the water, causing countless splashes!


As soon as Xia Wu waved his hand, the water curtain completely dissipated.

Qin Hao swallowed his saliva. Xia Wu had never used his true strength before, but just now he really took action, killing the fierce Dragon Emperor in one blow!

Of course, this is also the reason why the Dragon Emperor has been dead for a long time and his strength is far less than what he was during his lifetime. Otherwise, even if Xia Wu can win, he will probably pay a huge price.

You must have taken a huge risk by bringing my son's body back. The dragon energy in my son's body will be given to you. As Xia Wu spoke, a stream of water wrapped Xia Dian's body, and then began to work Extract all the dragon energy from Xia Dian's corpse.

Thank you, senior. Qin Hao was busy thanking him, but he didn't expect that Xia Wu would give him the dragon energy from Xia Dian, which was another gain!

This is the stuff left by that guy. It's of no use to me, so I'll give it to you too. Xia Wu was refining the dragon energy from Xia Dian's corpse. As he spoke, waves appeared around Qin Hao, and then , a domineering Qingfeng appeared in front of him.

This is that sword! Qin Hao looked happy. This Xia Wu was really kind. He had seen how powerful this sword was before, and it could even cut through the void.

Qin Hao was also ashamed. It turned out that the sword fell directly into Xia Wu's hand. Fortunately, he didn't go searching for it, otherwise he would have been embarrassed!

Thank you, senior...

Qin Hao was about to say thank you, but Xia Wu interrupted his words: Don't say it if you are too polite. The power of blood in you is extremely strong, not bad at all, and can even be said to be extremely pure. This sword has more than 100 dragon blood. The more pure and powerful it is, the more suitable it is for you.

Seeing what Xia Wu said, Qin Hao didn't show any pretense. He was indeed interested in the sword used by the Dragon Emperor, so he reached out and grabbed it.


Suddenly, a huge pressure was released from the sword, and at the same time, accompanied by the roar of a dragon, Qin Hao looked again and saw that the sword in front of him still looked like a sword. It was obviously a lifelike real dragon.

At this moment, staring at him, the sword energy on the dragon body was continuously released, vaguely capable of tearing apart the soul.

The space around Qin Hao also changed, and the surroundings were filled with mist.

Where is this place? What happened in front of him made Qin Hao a little confused, but he had experienced strong winds and waves, so naturally he would not lose his bearings.

Moreover, the strange real dragon in front of him had no intention of attacking him. However, even if it stared at him like this, it suppressed it with extremely strong pressure.

That feeling is quite strong.

Qin Hao even had a feeling that his soul was trembling under this pressure. This dragon actually gave him a kind of blood suppression!


Suddenly, the dragon's shadow flickered in the big dragon's eyes, and its huge mouth opened amidst the roar of the dragon.

This is it! Qin Hao saw that what was in the huge mouth was clearly the Coiling Dragon Sword from before, which was quietly suspended in the dragon's mouth.

What's wrong, brother? On the boat, Qin Hao suddenly stopped moving, and in front of him, Qingfeng trembled, and a dragon's roar came out.

You call him brother, this little guy is not simple, he seems to be about to get a big opportunity. Xia Wu said with strange eyes.

Around Xia Wu, there are already hundreds of dragon auras suspended, all swimming around, extremely mysterious, but Xia Wu is still refining, and there are still a lot of dragon auras on Xia Dian's corpse.

Qin Hao walked forward despite the pressure. The pressure was extremely strong and had an extremely terrifying feeling.

It's as if if you go any further, you will fall into eternal disaster. However, even so, it cannot stop Qin Hao from moving forward.

Besides, Xia Wu is here, Qin Hao decided to take a gamble. What is suspended in front of him must be the test of this dragon sword. If he passes it, he can get this emperor's sword!

Qin Hao walked forward.


With one step, his soul seemed to be hit hard, and Qin Hao's face turned pale.

Two steps later, the feeling of tearing came over him. Qin Hao's face was extremely solemn. At this point, the feeling of destruction became stronger and stronger, almost tearing him apart.

Qin Hao guessed that this was not the real world, but a test to recognize the master of the Coiling Dragon Sword!

And his current state should be some kind of soul state. However, the more it is, the more careful Qin Hao is, who knows what kind of danger there will be here.

However, since the Dragon Emperor can get this sword, why can't he Qin Hao? He is determined to surpass the Dragon Emperor, become a true dragon, and evolve into a legendary creature!

Thinking like this, Qin Hao's eyes burst out with an astonishing determination.

He took several steps forward, each step shaking the ground. Qin Hao's face became increasingly ugly during these steps, and he was only two steps away from Qing Feng.

These two steps are indeed the abyss of heaven!

This is a dead end, I will die!

This is Qin Hao's most intuitive feeling now. He took a step forward but never fell down. It seemed that with one step, life and death were separated and he died on the spot.

Even if I die on the road, I will never stop! Qin Hao seemed to be saying to the dragon sword, and also seemed to be saying to himself. Even if he sensed a fatal threat, he did not stop. , take a firm step!

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