The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 161 Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

When Qin Hao was ten meters close to the stone pillar, the black ape had the urge to stop him, but Qin Hao looked over coldly, with an icy cold light flashing in his eyes, which made the black ape shiver unconsciously. It took a step back, fear rising in its heart. If it dared to go up, it would only die!

This black ape has reached the quasi-lord level for a long time, and its strength is not weak, but it is undoubtedly not enough for Qin Hao.

Qin Hao came to the stone pillar, and all the monsters were staring at it from a distance. They neither dared to step forward to stop it, nor were willing to leave just like that. They just hoped that something unexpected would happen.

Brother! At this time, Xiaobai ran from a distance, squeezing the surrounding monsters away as if they were nothing, and came to Qin Hao. Her little face was full of satisfaction. There is no doubt that the white giant rabbit It must have entered her stomach. It was a quasi-lord-level monster with a lot of energy, enough to digest it for a while.

Qin Hao patted her head and observed the stone pillar carefully. There was a golden dragon entwined on the stone pillar, which was very majestic. However, Qin Hao didn't know much about these, so he couldn't see why. At this time, the golden dragon There is no dragon spirit coming out of the carving.

Jiang... I know him! At this time, the old Taoist also squeezed in, with a shy face, and a slow smile on his face, Little brother... you are really strong, I have seen it before The most powerful evolver!

Qin Hao was too lazy to pay attention to the old man's flattery. At this time, the old man was also observing the stone pillar. Of course he came over to see if he could get any benefits. He had managed to grab five wisps of dragon energy before, but all of them fell to Qin Hao. in hands.

Now the old Taoist is empty-handed. If he doesn't get even a ray of dragon energy, he feels unwilling to do so!

This carving... The old Taoist stared at the golden dragon carving on the stone pillar, his eyes gradually showing a look of surprise.

Qin Hao's heart moved, and he knew that the old Taoist must have seen something, so he asked: What secrets have you seen?

The old Taoist swallowed with shock on his face and said: This statue is very similar to the sculptures from the Great Qin period. This golden dragon is a five-clawed golden dragon. This kind of sculpture can only appear in the royal family of Great Qin.

Great Qin? Qin Hao was slightly stunned. This Great Qin is also a famous period in legends. It was at the end of the Fourth Era. At that time, the Yanhuang civilization had basically been destroyed. The Fourth Era was about to end. The period when spiritual energy disappears.

At that time, a peerless figure appeared. He went against the grain and established the Great Qin Empire at the end of the era when the environment was extremely harsh. He suppressed luck and made himself extremely powerful. He swept across the world and created a glorious and prosperous age. !

That emperor was said to be the reincarnation of a real dragon, so he was called the Dragon Emperor by later generations!

However, it is a pity that no one can resist the great changes in the world, let alone prevent the end of the era and the reincarnation of the new era, not even Emperor Xuanyuan can do it.

With the complete end of the Fourth Era, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth disappeared, the empire created by the Dragon Emperor was also completely destroyed, and the Dragon Emperor himself probably died. Is this place related to the Dragon Emperor?

The old Taoist looked at the stone pillars all around and the stone pillar with the five-clawed golden dragon carved in the center. He swallowed and said: This place... is most likely the tomb of the Dragon Emperor!

Qin Hao also shrank his pupils slightly. This Dragon Emperor is a real fierce man. Even in the harsh conditions at the end of the era, he can reach an extremely terrifying level. Even if it is not a legendary creature, it is a quasi-legendary creature. Is this his tomb?

Qin Hao said in disbelief: How did you judge it?

The old Taoist pointed to the eyes of the golden dragon carving and said: Under normal circumstances, such a golden dragon carving would not appear in the wilderness in the Great Qin Empire, but it just appeared, and the eyes of this golden dragon carving are still closed, so Nine times out of ten, this is the tomb of the emperor!

As expected, Qin Hao discovered that the golden dragon's eyes were closed, and his experienced judgment was quite reasonable.

Moreover, Dragon Turtle Xiago also said that its third son, Xia Zhan, died at the end of the Fourth Era. This may be because Xia Zhan encountered the Dragon Emperor, had a fierce battle with him, and was beheaded by the Dragon Emperor.

There is dragon energy in this place. It may be emitted by the corpse of the Dragon Emperor, or it may be emitted by the corpse of the dragon turtle Xia Dian. After all, if the Dragon Emperor really killed Xia Dian, he would probably use this powerful force when he built the mausoleum. The creatures were buried in their own mausoleums as funerary objects!

This Dragon Emperor is a cruel lord in legend. Anyone who dares to disobey will only die. The empire he established was built with a lot of heads!

Qin Hao licked his lips, his eyes blazing. This ruins may not only contain the corpse of Xia Dian, but also the corpse of the Dragon Emperor. Not to mention that there must be top-quality treasures among the funerary objects. This Dragon Emperor is also said to be the reincarnation of a real dragon. Maybe there will be dragon balls buried with him?

Seeing Qin Hao's eyes, the old Taoist shuddered and said: Little brother... let's forget it. Ninety percent of the emperors' tombs after death have dangerous traps in them to prevent their bodies from being offended. This Dragon Emperor is a first-class terrifying character. There is definitely a murderous intention in his tomb. If he dares to offend the emperor, the emperor will be angry and many people will be killed!

Qin Hao glanced at the old Taoist indifferently. He knew that what the old Taoist said was very reasonable. The Bone Demon Lord was probably aware of the danger here, so he chose not to wade into the muddy waters.

But first Qin Hao accepted Xia Wu's commission, and Xia Wu's black earth beads can help him obtain a five-element ability, which is very important to him. Secondly, it is the benefit of this tomb, even if there is no such thing in the Dragon Emperor's tomb. There is a lot of dragon energy in the existence of the dragon ball. If he gets enough dragon energy, among other things, Qin Hao can evolve from a half-dragon into a real dragon!

There was definitely danger, but giving up exploring this cemetery when he knew there was danger was certainly not in line with his style.

So what about the Dragon Emperor? After death, he is just a pile of loess! Qin Hao said indifferently. The Dragon Emperor is certainly a peerless figure, and he is suspected to be a terrifying and powerful man in the quasi-legendary realm. He was born in a period of strong spiritual energy and could advance to the legendary level.

But he died after all. Aren’t characters more terrifying than him, like the Evil Dragon King, also dead? If the dead are still afraid, what ambition does Qin Hao have in the future to become a legendary creature?

The domineering energy exuding from him frightened the old Taoist, and Xiaobai also admired him extremely.

But having said that, you need to be cautious. There must be great danger in the Dragon Emperor's tomb. For safety reasons, Qin Hao decided to make some arrangements.

Qin Hao turned to Xiaobai and said, Xiaobai, look at this stone pillar and kill anyone who dares to get close!

Yes! Xiaobai nodded vigorously, showing his white and crystal clear teeth, making a fierce look.

Qin Hao went to the dense forest in the distance and began to arrange the space teleportation array, and inspired the Blood Dragon Jade Soul to increase the intensity of his space ability!

Qin Hao consumed his own blood to obtain an increase. Originally, the space teleportation array could teleport a distance of 150 kilometers, but the increase reached nearly 500 kilometers. Qin Hao quickly went to 500 kilometers away and arranged a second space teleportation array. Array.

In this way, even if he encounters danger, Qin Hao can use two consecutive enhanced versions of the teleportation array to teleport to an area a thousand kilometers away, far away from the Bone Burial Mountains!

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