The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 160 Those who stand in the way will die

The whole place fell silent at some point, and all the monsters looked at Qin Hao, who was approaching the stone pillar.

Rather than snatching the dragon energy, it is better to directly snatch away the source of the dragon energy. Naturally, there were monsters who wanted to uproot the stone pillar before Qin Hao came, but they did not succeed.

Firstly, whoever dares to touch this stone pillar will be immediately besieged by all the other monsters. Secondly, this stone pillar is very strange, as if it is connected to the entire earth. Even quasi-lord-level monsters who are good at strength have tried it before, but they are all. It is difficult to shake this stone pillar.

Therefore, for such a long time, the monsters present were in a stalemate, waiting for the stone pillar to breathe out dragon energy, while they collected and robbed it.

Now this guy who came out of nowhere dares to get close to this stone pillar and offend the public?

Qin Hao naturally didn't know this, but even if he knew it, he didn't care. None of the thousands of monsters present were taken seriously by him!

Watching Qin Hao getting closer, a monster finally couldn't hold it back and attacked Qin Hao.


Amidst the thundering roar, a rhinoceros with sharp horns and thick carapace roared towards Qin Hao.

This rhinoceros monster is huge, seven or eight meters long. It is covered with a thick carapace all over its body. It is as heavy as an armored vehicle. It makes a loud rumble on the ground when it runs, and its speed gradually increases, eventually reaching almost the speed of sound. .

Naturally, the other monsters quickly got out of the way. With the force of the high-speed collision, a huge rhino horn of the rhinoceros monster hit Qin Hao fiercely. If he was hit, the consequences could be imagined!

Facing the collision of this rhinoceros monster, Qin Hao was also too lazy to dodge. Although this rhinoceros monster seemed to be menacing, in Qin Hao's eyes, it was undoubtedly similar to plastic.

Qin Hao slapped his palm towards the huge rhinoceros horn!


In the frightened eyes of all the monsters, Qin Hao slapped the rhinoceros horn. The hard rhinoceros horn was beaten to pieces, and the heavy body like an armored vehicle flew out uncontrollably. The monster in that direction He hurriedly dodged in all directions, but there were still some who couldn't avoid being hit.


The extremely huge body of the rhinoceros monster crashed onto the ground, causing the ground to tremble and dent, and several monsters that could not dodge were crushed to pieces on the spot.

And because of its own weight, the rhinoceros monster fell directly and broke its bones and tendons. It kicked its limbs, but it couldn't get up at all.

Qin Hao's mosquito-like slap sent the rhinoceros monster flying backwards, which undoubtedly frightened all the monsters and made them dare not act rashly for a while.

The old Taoist was so shocked that he couldn't add: This... even an evolver with power-type abilities would find it difficult to achieve his level!

Qin Hao continued to walk towards the stone pillar, and the monsters along the way unconsciously moved out of the way, because if they dared to block the way, Qin Hao would kill them!

When Qin Hao approached the 300-meter range of the stone pillar, a monster finally couldn't bear it anymore. A huge strange object jumped out of the group of monsters in front of him.

This is a soft-bodied creature, green, with no bones in its body, translucent, like an irregular ball, and its diameter reaches nearly ten meters.

Slime monster? Qin Hao was quite surprised when he saw this creature, because he had seen the green translucent spherical creature in front of him in his previous life, and it left a deep impression on him.

The slime monster is a creature that looks harmless or even funny on the outside, but is actually a very terrifying monster. It will swallow its prey into its body and release corrosive mucus. It will eat the prey inch by inch like a pitcher plant. Digest it.

In his last life, Qin Hao saw with his own eyes the scene where an evolved person was swallowed up by a slime monster, and his skin, flesh, muscles, and bones were all digested bit by bit.

The slime monster in front of me has vaguely reached the quasi-lord level!

Tsk tsk tsk!

The slime monster intercepted in front of Qin Hao, opened its mouth wide, and then spit out disgusting corrosive slime and enveloped Qin Hao. Not only that, its body squirmed, and the green tentacles on its body stabbed angrily at Qin Hao's body. Come.

Puff puff!

The mucus fell on the ground, and all the green tentacles were thrown away, tearing the afterimage left by Qin Hao to pieces!

And Qin Hao's body appeared out of nowhere in front of the slime monster.

Is it teleportation? He still has the ability to teleport? When the old man saw this scene, he remembered that when Qin Hao rescued him, he also appeared behind the bat demon out of thin air. He knew in his heart that Qin Hao probably had the ability to teleport. Transfer ability!

Teleportation can be used both offensively and defensively, as well as escaping and making surprise attacks. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the most practical abilities!


Qin Hao punched the slime monster's huge body, and a trace of cruelty flashed in the slime monster's eyes.

The slime monster has a special body structure and is extremely tough. It can be said to be the nemesis of blunt weapons. If anyone dares to attack the slime monster with bare hands, it is like a mosquito landing on a mosquito sticker. It is an act of seeking death!

However, Qin Hao's punch was like a cannonball, hitting the slime monster's body. The huge force exploded, exceeding the limit that the slime monster could bear, completely tearing it apart, and its body was torn apart. .

Another powerful monster was instantly killed with one blow, and the fear of the monsters around him became even stronger.

But as Qin Hao approached the ten-meter range of the stone pillar, the giant fiery tiger with wings on its back finally couldn't bear it any longer.

It had previously captured a ray of dragon energy and transformed into a quasi-lord-level monster. It wanted to snatch the dragon energy from the black ape, which was also a quasi-lord-level monster. However, after a struggle, not only did it fail to grab the dragon energy, but it itself was eaten A bit of a loss.

However, this giant flaming tiger was very cunning. It was also afraid of Qin Hao's strength and did not get close. Instead, it flew in the air, opened its bloody mouth and spit out high-temperature red flames at Qin Hao!


Qin Hao's eyes were cold. Anyone who blocked him, no matter what kind of monster it was, would only die. The genetic energy in his body surged, and the cyan air flow swept away, blowing away the flames that soared into the sky.

The giant flaming tiger realized that something was wrong, and quickly flapped its wings to fly away, but what shocked it was that in the surrounding void, a hurricane suddenly appeared, forming a tornado storm, trapping it to death in it, and a series of wind blades appeared. It is strangled towards its whole body!

Tsk tsk tsk!

The giant flaming tiger let out a shrill scream as the wind blade cut into its body, causing its flesh and blood to splatter!

Looking at it from the outside, it was even more terrifying. A hundred-meter-high wind blade tornado enveloped the giant flaming red tiger. Amidst the piercing screams of the giant flaming red tiger, it was cut into pieces inch by inch, and rain of blood flew with the wind. It rained on the heads of many monsters, which made them shiver.

This fiery red giant tiger was a quasi-lord-level monster, but Qin Hao killed it like crushing an ant. This completely shocked all the monsters, and no one dared to stop it!

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