The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 996: Ask the sword (second more)

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It is certainly not just a few words of promise to surrender a strong man in the heavenly realm. Guanlan's law protection is obviously considered naive. If Yuan Feng would really believe his promise, it would be a fool.

Soon, Guanlan's law protection understood what Yuan Feng meant by surrender. He watched his soul be made into a special blood-colored soul body by Yuan Feng, and then got into the palm of his hand. At that moment, he felt that everything he had was in Yuan Feng's hands.

Following so long under the seat of the Capricorn Realm, Guanlan protects the law can be described as a knowledgeable person, however, in the past half a month, he still has an eye-opening feeling.

Before that weird and powerful mysterious array did not say, at the moment, he even saw a super secret technique that can control his life and death. At this moment, he was shocked to a shock.

In the mysterious space, Guanlan guarded the law to stand there for a long time, and it was difficult to return to God for a long time. He did agree to surrender to Yuan Feng before, but it was just talking. In fact, letting him surrender to a little guy who has not yet understood Dongtian is like a joke!

However, it's better now, his soul is in the hands of the other party, and he can feel that at this moment, as long as the other party has a thought, he will disperse his soul, and he can't die anymore.

"Oh, Guanlan protects the law, but do you have anything to say? If you find it difficult to accept it under my control, then I will give you a death now."

Yuan Feng looked at it with interest, and looked at Guanlan's law enforcement still in there.

Frankly, Yuan Feng himself had never thought of it. He had just come to the Moro Realm for such a short time. He even contacted two Dongtianjing strongmen, and these two Dongtianjing strongmen even became him. The cricket in his hand, he wants the other party to be born, and the other party must die.

It is wonderful to control the feeling of his life and death. It is even more fascinating to control the feeling of life and death of Dongtianjingqiang.

"Is there any choice until now?" When Yuan Feng's words came down, Guanlan Hufa slowly returned from the horror and shook his head with a bitter smile.

By now, of course, he has no choice but to die, he will never choose, as Yuan Feng thought, if he has the courage to die, then he will not survive. At this moment, in addition to obediently obeying Yuan Feng, he has no other choice.

"My life is in your hands. I wonder if your promise to me will be honored."

His complexion slowly eased, and Guanlan's protection of the law had already taken his fate. To tell the truth, this result is really difficult for him to accept. Even the Capricorn domain master has never given him such restraint. Now look at it, not only is his life in the hands of others, he even feels that his every move, even his thoughts, are completely under the supervision of Yuan Feng. This feeling is really not ordinary depressed.

"Oh, don't worry, you are already mine now, even if you don't say it, I will restore it for you."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng thought for a moment, then took a few steps forward, and came directly to the guardian of Guanlan, "sit cross-legged and prepare to support the cave sky again."

Now that the other party has been used by himself, then he naturally has to give the other party sufficient strength. If it is a subordinate of a annihilation, what use is he going to come?

Guanlan did not hesitate to protect the law. Until now, Yuan Feng had no courage to resist any orders. Besides, what Yuan Feng had to do now seemed to help him restore Dongtian.

With a glimmer of hope, Guanlan guarded Pharaoh sat down and waited for Yuan Feng's shot.

"Let's start !!!" When the other party sat cross-legged, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. When he raised his hand, he reached the top of the other's head with a palm. Then, the cave that was collected by the swallowing martial spirit The power is a continuous flow of protection into the Guanlan law.

Dongtian Power is also a real treasure for him, and he can't bear any waste. However, if he wants to restore Guanlan's protection to practice, he can't regret these powers.

This is also a matter of no means, compared to letting himself to promote a two-level realm, he still feels that it is more cost-effective to control a cave heavenly subordinate.

There was a hint of surprise on Guanlan's face, although I do n’t know where Yuan Feng came from so much cave power, but I do n’t need to think about it at this moment. In any case, I ’ll return to the cave world first. talk later!

Because it is not long after being downgraded, and it is a strong person who has been immersed in the realm of Dongtian Realm for many years. When a large amount of Dongtian power enters the body, Guanlan Law quickly uses these precious energies without damage. It was almost less than half a quarter of an hour, and there was a sound in his body.


The huge energy fluctuations escaped from him, the kind of breath that belongs to the strong man in Dongtian Realm is so fascinating. Obviously, at this moment, he has already recovered to the realm of cave heaven.

"Well? It's less than you think!"

When he felt that the restoration of Guanlan's law had been restored to the cave world, Yuan Feng looked very happy, and then quickly drew back his hand and cut off the output of the power of the cave. I am afraid that less than half is left.

Of course, even if less than half is left, he is quite satisfied. You should know that he originally thought that he would have to contribute all the power of Dongtian collected to help the other party to restore Dongtian!


When Xiu returned to the cave world, Guanlan's eyes were opened suddenly, and his eyes were full of joy. At this moment, no matter whether his life is in the hands of others, at least, his strength is still there.

"Thank you, sir, from now on, I will leave your dispatch."

Looking at Yuan Feng, Guanlan was a little hesitant to protect the law, but still had to let go of his attitude, and honestly faced Yuan Feng Road. Shicai, he hoped that when Xiu Xiu returned to Dongtian, he could not be controlled by the secret technique of Yuan Feng, but now it seems that this is obviously not a very realistic thing.

"Very good, you can know the current affairs like this, this is the best." Nodded, Yuan Feng thought for a moment, "From now on, you will be just like a blood old man, just call me a young master, and I will be You grow old! "

"Yes, Master!"

Guanlan's law protection is of course no problem, but when he heard Yuan Feng mentioned the Blood Demon ancestor, he suddenly realized that after a long time, the Blood Demon ancestor on the side had been controlled by Yuan Feng. Already. Originally he was still curious why the ancestor of the blood devil would take orders from Yuan Feng, and now he finally understands it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the Bloody Demon ancestors by the side. At this moment, he could not have any hatred for the latter. Imagine that even if he was replaced by him, wouldn't he be obedient under the orders of Yuan Feng?

"Lao Lao, your current cultivation has been restored to Dongtianjing. It won't be long before you think about it, and you should be able to return to the peak of it?"

After conquering Guanlan's law protection, Yuan Feng was also very happy at the moment. Now, he has two holes in the sky, and he has such a power, even if he looks at the entire world of Mo Luo, he must not be underestimated.

"The young master said that the old man's understanding of the cave heaven's rules below the cave heaven's quadruple level has already reached the level of integration. As long as he gives me a month, he should be able to return to the cave heaven's quadruple level.

Guanlan did not dare to conceal it, and quickly answered it truthfully.

"This is the best." Hearing the words of the other party, Yuan Feng nodded, and was very satisfied.

"I heard that Lan Lao is a strong person who is in the realm of swords. Would you like to come to Lan Lao to be very familiar with the mood of swords?"

His face was slightly positive, and suddenly Yuan Feng's words suddenly turned, but he brought the topic to the artistic conception of swordsmanship.

From the Tianlong dynasty all the way, he was the first time to meet the strong hole in the realm of Yijian, and he was also the strong man in the realm of Yijian subdued by him. Now, of course, he must seize the opportunity. Find out what you want to know the most.

"Is the mood of the sword? This is true. In the world of Moro, the old man is afraid to brag, but when it comes to the mood of the sword, his understanding of the mood of the sword can definitely be ranked in the top five."

Speaking of his own strengths, Guanlan's law protection can't help but feel energetic. He had already realized the realm of the realm of the sword, and the time spent immersed in one of the swords was beyond the reach of many strong men.

"Very well, since Lan Lao is very familiar with the artistic conception of the sword, but I wonder if Lan Lao knows the artistic conception of the sword?

This problem has always been a problem that bothered him. His swordsmanship has been concerned about the realm of the sword for a short time, and he is really curious about the realm above the realm of the real sword.

"Above the realm of Yijian? Why does the young master ask this? Is it ..."

Hearing Yuan Feng asking about the mood of the sword, Guanlan guarded the law for a moment, but then it seemed like something had come to mind, and the whole person was a little shocked.

"Yes, Lan is old and look !!!"

Seeing the other party's suspicion, Yuan Feng didn't say much. When he raised his hand, he directly drawn a swordman, and with the emergence of the swordman, a terrible situation of the world directly rippled on the three of them. In front of it, it is the might of sword power in the realm of Yijian.


Seeing Yuan Feng cut out a sword attack, Guanlan's defense was stagnant, and the whole person was not calm.

The realm of Yijian has been in trouble for a long time. The young master in front of him is actually a super sword repair in realm of Yijian.

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