The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 995: The second super thug (one more)

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Above Ranshigang, everything has been restored to peace, but there is no sign of the slightest difference, but no one knows it. Just now, the super strong Guanlan guardian under the main seat of the Capricorn Realm actually underestimated it. The ground was captured by Yuan Feng and the Blood Demon ancestor.

When it comes to Dongtianjingqiang, the first words that appear in the mind of many people are powerful and unprovocative words, but for the capture of Dongtianjingqiang, it is almost impossible to imagine.

Just like before, the power of Guanlan's protection is indeed above the Blood Demon ancestors, but he wants to capture the Blood Demon ancestors and deposit them directly to the Lord of the Demons Realm, in fact, he is whimsical.

He can use forceful forces * to force the Blood Demon ancestor to follow him, but it is really unrealistic to want to grab the opponent and push him over.

It is a pity that Guanlan Guardian did not realize this clearly, and even thought that he had picked up a big deal.

After capturing Guanlan's protection, Yuan Feng and the Blood Demon ancestors did not dare to stay too much. The first time was to continue to rush. After such a long rest, the energy of the Blood Demon ancestors has been completely restored, and once again hurrying, the speed almost recovered to its peak.

Guanlan's law protection is not an ordinary meditation. The master of law protection is a high-powered person under the Lord of the Capricorn Domain. If the Lord of the Capricorn Domain knows that his love will be captured, I am afraid he will Someone rescued someone by himself.

Therefore, within the sphere of influence of the Capricorn Domain Master, Yuan Feng and the Blood Demon ancestor did not dare to have the slightest delay, and could not wait to leave the sphere of influence of the Capricorn Domain Master and go to a safe place.

Galloping all the way, the Blood Demon ancestors were fighting their lives this time. The speed was obviously faster than before. Obviously, he is also very clear about the consequences of the incident.

Fortunately, in the next time, the two did not want to see each other. After about half a month or so, the figures of the two finally left the sphere of influence of the Lord of the Devils and arrived. The confluence of Capricorn Realm and another realm, and here, even the Capricorn Realm, can't explore as he wants.

Looking for a relatively hidden barren mountain and wild mountain, Yuan Feng and the Blood Demon ancestors concealed themselves for the first time, and Yuan Feng, who was stunned, arranged a mysterious array for the two of them, People are completely isolated from the outside world. In this way, even if a strong person probes them, they may not be able to find their existence.

"It's finally time to breathe, this kind of terrible thing can't be done in the future."

Stopping his figure, Yuan Feng exhaled for a long time, his face was full of fear. Although he didn't need to expend his energy on the way, he felt very tired even if he was just worried.

Now think about it, he actually caught the love of a domain master former, this is just playing with fire! However, at the time, he really had no other choice.

"Woohoo !!!"

Yuan Feng felt tired, and aside, the Blood Demon ancestor was naturally more tired. In the next rush, he didn't even breathe once, but spent all his time and energy on the rush. His exhaustion was much more tiring than Yuan Feng.

The qi runs, the Blood Demon ancestor slowly dissipates the fatigue, but the mood is difficult to calm for a long time.

"Young Master, the Capricorn Domain Master is not easy to mess with. His people are afraid that they will not be able to move at will. How does Young Master plan to handle this Guanlan law?"

Frankly, his impression of Guanlan's protection of the law is definitely not good. At first, the other party had shown his bravery to him before and completely ignored him. Secondly, the strength of the opponent must be above him. In the case of one-on-one, he is definitely not his opponent.

In his heart, naturally, he didn't want Yuan Feng to leave Guanlan's law protection. If he could kill it directly, it would naturally be a hundred and clean, but it would not be a threat to him if he conquered the opponent.

Of course, even so, he still did not dare to dispose of Guanlan's protection law without authorization. After all, if it caused Yuan Feng to be unhappy, it would also be a terrible thing for him.

"Blood old, get that guy out first, I'll talk to him."

In the deep battle, and also far away from the Mochi domain, Yuan Feng has nothing to worry about at this moment, and now it is time to deal with Guanlan's law protection!

Of course, a strong swordsman in the heavenly realm can't be killed casually, but as for how to deal with the other party, he still needs to talk to the other party and then talk about it.

The Blood Demon ancestor was not hesitant, and when he raised his hand, he released Guanlan's protection law.

At this moment, the Guanlan Law Protector was raging, his hair was still scattered, and the whole man was ashamed, as if he had lost his support to live.

After being released by the Gorefiend ancestor, Guanlan Guardian subconsciously looked around, but the first time he saw the opposite Yuan Feng and Gorefiend ancestor. However, at this moment, Yuan Feng and the Blood Demon ancestor were obviously Yuan Feng's dominant ancestor, and the Blood Demon ancestor was the servant. The primary and secondary relationship between the two was exactly two extremes when he first saw him.

"Did you really look away? Hey !!!"

Seeing the scene before him, he couldn't understand the mistake he had made. Obviously, the mysterious array he was in before is probably set by the young man in front of him, and the young man in front of him will definitely not be the disciple of the Blood Demon Patriarch, but the master of the Blood Demon Patriarch. .

"Oh, Guanlan protects the law, right, before glancing at it, I didn't talk to you, now we can talk about it."

Facing the eyes of Guanlan's law-protection, Yuan Feng looked down at the place directly, and even the high-handed domineering felt a faint oppression.

"Who the **** are you? Why count this law?"

The sound of Guanlan's law-protection was a bit hoarse, apparently enough to be tossed by himself.

"It doesn't matter who I am, and what you said counts you, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding. In fact, the blood old and I just pass by. You have to run out * to force us, otherwise, we will Don't bother to waste time on you. "

Hearing the words of Guanlan's law protection, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile slightly, his face full of expressions.

He just wanted to tell the other party that everything at this moment is what the other party was looking for. Otherwise, it wouldn't happen at all.


Sure enough, after listening to Yuan Feng's words, Guanlan's protection of the law forced her anger, but she had the urge to vomit blood. He could see that what Yuan Feng said should be the fact. Maybe, if he didn't find it himself, then the blood ancestor and Yuan Feng should have passed through his territory, and he didn't know where he was!

"Huh, the king is defeated, I'm in your hands now, I'm going to kill you, I will listen to you."

With a cold hum, Guanlan's law protection was speechless. As Yuan Feng said, everything he asked for was what he was looking for, and no one else was surprised.

"Well, being able to say such things means that you don't want to die, so put away your poor acting skills!"

Looking at Guan Lan's law-defying expression, she was afraid of life and death, and Yuan Feng couldn't help smirking, with a look of scorn. Of course, he understands that the reason why the other party says this is to show his own integrity, but in fact, if the other party is really not afraid of life and death, then he should have died with him as long as he tried to capture the other party. .

"You don't want to die. Similarly, I don't want you to die. I give you a chance to surrender to me. At that time, I will let you restore your previous strength, and maybe you will get more in the future."

Yuan Feng didn't go around the other side, waved her hand, and went straight to the point.

"What? Let me regain my strength? Is this true?"

Yuan Feng's straightforward way of speaking was not difficult to accept, and when he heard Yuan Feng's talk about restoring his strength, he couldn't help moving slightly, and his face was restored again. look.

"The words I have said will never be false. As long as you surrender to me and do things for me in the future, then I will help you restore the power of Dongtianjing. In the future, you will still be the Guanlan protector who admires all people."

Nodded his head, Yuan Feng's complexion was a little bit straight, facing Guanlan's protection.

"Okay, as long as you can restore my strength, I will listen to your mission in the future." With a bright eye, Guanlan defended the law and said nothing, it was directly agreed.

For him, the most important thing right now is to restore strength. As long as he can return to Dongtian, who else will he be afraid of then? As for the so-called surrender, it was a joke.

As a matter of fact, he is nothing more than a servant of the mob domain master, but there is no such thing as surrender.

"Oh? It's so quick to promise, since that's the case, I'm welcome! Blood old man, settle him for me!"

Yuan Feng certainly knew the idea of ​​Guanlan's law protection. However, his so-called surrender is not quite the same as the surrender's surrender.


The ancestor of the Blood Devil has been waiting for orders, and when he heard Yuan Feng's words, his body flickered, and he went directly to the guardian of Guanlan, and took the shot to control the opponent in place, unable to move.

"You, what are you doing?"

When the Blood Demon ancestors controlled themselves, Guanlan Guardian suddenly realized that the situation seemed not as simple as he imagined!

"Hey, what am I going to do, you will understand later! Now that you have promised to surrender, let me take care of my life!"

With a grin, Yuan Feng's hands were linked, one by one, and complicated inscriptions were then presented one by one in his hands. The weird runes, one by one, entered the body of Guanlan's protection.

For a short time, Guanlan's law protection felt that his head was dizzy, and then he fell into a sluggish state.

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