The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 972: Strike iron while hot (second more)

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As an unknown superpower, no one can explain the singularity of Zhenwu's magic.

In principle, this super exercise should be very difficult to practice, and it will not be easy to improve the realm. This point, every promotion from Yuan Feng must make every effort, but also can be seen with various assistance.

However, I do n’t know what the reason is. When there is the power of Dongtian for auxiliary cultivation, the operation of Zhenwu Divine Power is just like a machine. It does not need Yuanfeng to control it deliberately. That situation is like the power of Dongtian. It is the grain of Zhenwu's magical power, and you can grow up by eating it.

In this regard, even Yuan Feng himself couldn't explain it. He could only say that this super power method is really too strange. As for what causes Zhen Wu Shen Gong to be improved by the power of the cave, this point, he It can only be explored slowly in the future, maybe one day, or he finds the answer himself, or someone will answer it for him.

In the large array, Yuan Feng sat quietly in the air in a small enclosed space. The whole person seemed very calm, but at this moment, compared with the previous one, he was just like two people.

From the great consummation to the annihilation, it is undoubtedly a sea change for anyone. For Yuan Feng, this is even more true.

The annihilation of Yuandan was transformed into the unique mysterious cave of the annihilation powerhouse. This process is like a seed planted in the ground, and then a towering tree grows. It can be said that this process is an extremely wonderful process.

From the air of ordinary innate realms, to the Yuandan of the powerful realm, to the mysterious cave of the annihilated realm, the warrior will experience a strange process that is difficult to express with words. Of course, if you can go further and transform the mysterious hole in the body into a cave sky, it will be even more wonderful.

"This is my annihilation. This feeling is really fascinating !!"

Feeling the power flowing in the body quietly, Yuan Feng felt a little drunk.

The mind sank into the Dantian space, where the original seven Yuandans had disappeared, replaced by seven unusually weird bottomless pits. After seeing these seven weirdless bottomless pits, Yuan Feng immediately thought of it, and It's a black hole in the Three Realms. However, there is no such thing as a black hole in this world. He knows that these seven weird bottomless holes are the mysterious holes that destroy the powerful.

The existence of the Xuandong is a higher level than that of Yuan Dan, who is a person who lives in the Dan Realm. It is precisely because of the appearance of the Xuandong, the annihilation powerhouse has the ability to continue the limbs, and the head can be different.

The mysterious cave is indeed a bottomless cave. No amount of energy can be contained in the mysterious cave, and the ultimate of the mysterious cave is to evolve into the world of the cave and achieve the supreme situation of the cave.

"The Seven Great Yuandans have become seven mysterious caves, but they are one step closer to the realm of Dongtian! However, how will my seven big caves evolve into the world of Dongtian in the future?"

According to the normal situation, the warrior from Qihai to Yuandan, and then from Yuandan to Xuandong, can finally use the Xuandong to evolve the cave, and open up a small universe in the body.

However, his Zhen Wu Shen Gong has seven great Yuandans. Now he is annihilated into seven great caves. If he wants to evolve the cave heavens in the future, wouldn't he say that he will evolve the seven cave heavens all at once? It's just that seven small universes evolved from one body, which sounds like a sensation!

Evolving a cosmic cave sky is already difficult and difficult. As for the evolution of seven cave days, it is unknown whether there is any possibility.

It can be seen that there are no problems with these seven mysterious caves. The seven mysterious caves are independent of each other, but hidden. Each of them is very normal, but how to evolve the cave heaven in the future, one by one, It's still seven merged together to evolve, but it can only be seen at that time.

"No matter what, there must be a road to the front of the mountain. I have just reached the weight of annihilation, and it's a hundred thousand miles away from the evolution of the cave!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng simply tossed out all these unsuccessful ideas and stopped thinking about them for the time being.

"It feels so powerful, it absorbs the power of a small half-hole of a cave heavenly triple-strength strongman, and the energy of energy that he escapes to the surroundings. Now I, on the basis of energy, should not be weaker than ordinary caves. The situation is so heavy! "

Feeling his current strength, Yuan Feng was simply unspeakable satisfaction. The small half-hole power of a cave heavenly triple-strength strongman, and most of the energy of Qi, he is now integrated into his seven mysterious caves, and that kind of power is definitely a strong one called Bandong heavenly heavy-strength Qualifications.

"Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong also seems to have improved a lot. Even if my body is standing here to be chopped, at least I can carry the chopping of the heavenly strong one!"

At the moment when Yuan Dan was annihilated, he felt a tremendous amount of power being fed back into the flesh. At that moment, Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong had a qualitative improvement, and his physical strength was not known how many times stronger.

Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong is so strange. Xuan Gong will be continuously strengthened because of the cultivation of practitioners. Yuan Feng's cultivation will be strengthened once every time the Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong is strengthened. Of course, the energy required, naturally It is also extremely huge.

Before, if his flesh had absorbed a lot of energy from the ancestors of the blood demon, then his seven mysterious caves would have gone straight to the dual realm of annihilation. It can be seen how much energy is used in the purification of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong.

For promotion, his spirit and the devouring martial spirit attached to him have been greatly improved at this moment. At this moment, he releases his mind again, and the area covered by the mind may not be heavier than the cave heaven. Heaven is bad.

"Now I don't use the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. Even if I rely on this body alone, plus my Chixiao sword, it will be enough to play against the heavenly people in the cave world. Unfortunately, in the power of space, Still want to lose a hole in the heavens. "

In terms of strength alone, he now definitely has the same strength as Dongtianjing's one heavy heavenly strongman. The caveman's power is really powerful. With the help of caveman's power, people can shuttle space freely. This is, He couldn't compare with it.

Of course, if you give him some time and let him arrange the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, then everything will be different.

"Hey, this really helps me. Just came to the world of Mo Luo, just let me break through the realm of annihilation. Is this going to make me sweep the rhythm of Mo Luo?"

For a long time, he never feared any unknown world. When he first entered the realm of law alone, he was full of confidence. As a result, he did mix well in the realm of law.

But now, he has come to the magic world, although he has not yet started to work hard, but this time the improvement has prepared him well for the next hard work. Relying on the super strength of a person who is like a heavy sky in the cave world, the Moro Realm will be stepped on by his feet.

The powerful feeling made him obsessed, but at this time he knew what he should do. For him, every minute and every second in the Mo Luo world must not be wasted thinly.

"The annihilation is complete, but now it is time to practice the blood curse!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng did not hesitate. While Xiu Wei had just made a breakthrough, he felt extremely comfortable during this time. He wanted to go all out and practice the blood curse directly.

When he raised his hand, he took the cheats of the blood curse and his magical powers, and the texts and illustrations on the cheats were scanned one by one into the Wutian Wuling and started to be analyzed and processed by the Wutian Wuling.

He has already learned about the practice of the Blood Curse, which may be because his practice is much stronger than when he first practiced the mirror magic. After watching the cheats of the Blood Curse, he found that this The difficulty of cultivating the blood curse is much easier than mirroring the magic.

At this moment, cultivation is promoted to annihilation, and the power of the soul and soul is stronger. The swallowing martial spirit is also rising, and it will undoubtedly become easier to cultivate this blood curse.

It's a rare environment to practice with peace of mind. He simply let go of all his thoughts and devoted all his mind and body to the practice of the blood curse.

It took him almost a year to realize the power of mirror image, but today, after Xiu Wei reached the annihilation level, he realized the power of blood curse and it took only half a month.

In half a month, the first-level cultivation method of the blood curse has been smoothed out by him, and even some of the error-prone key links have been deliberately standardized by him. The next time is to start Cultivate this super magical skill.

If you want to practice the blood curse, you must first have the cultivation materials, and the so-called cultivation materials are naturally people who need to be controlled.

For the cultivation materials, of course, Yuan Feng has nothing to worry about, because at this moment, in a certain space of his Jiuqu Yellow River Array, tens of thousands of people who had been arrested by the blood demon ancestors were still there. Set it! Tens of thousands of people are available for his cultivation, and the issue of materials naturally does not need to be considered.

Non-my races have different hearts. Anyway, they are all aliens, but he doesn't need to have any sympathy and compassion for these guys. In the end, he should be careful when he practices, and don't casually harm these people's lives.

"Blood curse magic skill, within three months, we must win this super magic skill, when that time, what kind of blood demon palace can be truly in my hands!"

Picking the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng smiled brilliantly at this moment.

The Gorefiend ancestor has said on more than one occasion that he will give the Gorefiend Palace to his domination, and that he has long been intrigued by the other party's proposal. However, how can a verbal gift be compared to holding the Blood Demon Palace in your hands?

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