The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 971: Annihilation (one more)

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In the Luo Luojie, deep underground of the Blood Demon Palace, the super large array of Jiuqu Yellow River is still running quietly, and at this moment, in this large array of space, Yuan Feng's figure has been in a Sit down in a closed corner.

The Jiuqu Yellow River Array formed its own realm, and the internal space was entirely up to the people who set it up. It was natural to create an independent small space in this large array of space.

Sitting cross-legged in this small space, the joy on Yuan Feng's face was hard to dissipate for a long time. No way, this experience was really something he never dared to imagine, but it all happened.

"Destroyed a strong hole in the heavenly realm and got a martial arts skill. This trip to the magical world was a good start!"

With a long sigh of relief, Yuan Feng finally calmed himself down slowly, and looking back on this short day or so, it really felt like a dream.

"Blood curse magic, as long as I can practice this magic, I will soon be able to establish a foothold in the magic world, and as the blood ancestors said, even if they become the master of the magic world Possible. "

The biggest gain this time must be the secret of this blood curse. I don't know where the Blood Demon ancestor got such a high-quality goods. It seems that the other party has hundreds of annihilation subordinates who have completed their annihilation. They should rely on this magic.

"God-level martial arts, blood curse and magic skills, this thing must be cultivated, but not now, for now, I still want to promote cultivation. At that time, my physical body and spirit are both upgraded accordingly. It's easier. "

Divine martial arts can not be practiced by anyone. He had cultivated the mirror magic skill at the beginning, but it really took him about three years. Although he is not the same now as before, but there are no months, it is equally difficult. Practice this magic skill.

However, if he can make it a step further, it will inevitably be compressed in a few months. Perhaps it won't be long before he can practice this blood curse.

"Oh, oh annihilation, finally you can hit annihilation."

For the time being, throwing the blood curse to the side, Yuan Feng's heart sank, and the first time he found his own Devouring Martial Arts, and now, among the Devouring Martial Arts, a lot of silver hole power, it was almost Like the most precious jade liquid agar, it stimulated his nerves.

"With so much power in the sky, this time, it will definitely help me to successfully break through the **** of the annihilation realm, and in one fell swoop to reach the realm of annihilation, I just don't know what kind of strength I will reach after annihilation.

He really looked forward to annihilation for too long. Although the Jiedan Realm is strong, compared with the Obliteration Realm, it is one in the sky and one in the earth. Only when the Oblivion Realm is reached can it be regarded as entering the ranks of masters.

People who live in a state of Dan will be broken if their hands and feet are broken. They can only keep their hands and feet broken. People who can destroy the state have the ability to regenerate with broken limbs. Even if they are strong enough, they can be split into After two halves can live, only this point, we can see the difference between the realm of dandan and annihilation.

"Tengtian Wuling, what are you waiting for? Refining me !!!"

When thinking of the state of annihilation beckoning to himself, Yuan Feng's heart was unavoidably a little eager to wait, and the time between speeches was directly ordered to devour the heavenly martial spirits, refining these collected celestial powers.

The Blood Demon ancestor was still trapped in the Jiuqu Yellow River Array at the moment, and there were ten Warcraft guards. He was not worried about the other party's small actions. Furthermore, even if the other party wants to recover to Dongtianjing, that is definitely not something that can be recovered in a short while.

Moreover, if he can, he really hopes that the other party can return to Dongtian Realm soon, so that he can have more Dongtian power to collect.

Sitting cross-legged, Yuan Feng, while refining a large amount of the power of the cave, began to run his own true martial arts skills, and was ready to break through to the annihilation.

He has spent more than a year in the realm of Jiedan's great consummation, and he has already been familiar with this realm. As long as the external force is large enough, he can go to the rank at any time.

"After refining and absorbing the power of Dongtian, my cultivation will be improved by myself. I wonder if it will be the same this time."

Although when the power of the cave was refining, the effect was really good, but now he is not the same as before, so before he saw the results, he was really a bit timid.

"Well !!!"

Swallowing the Wuling Spirit to refining the power of the cave, the speed is still so fast. Soon, the silver power of the cave is refined by it into a special form of energy, and it is slowly under the control of Yuanfeng. Dissipated towards the meridian Dantian.


When these refined cave-like forces entered the meridians and came into contact with the Seven Great Yuandans, a bang suddenly came from within Yuanfeng's body, but all his Qi and Yuandan were in This moment started the crazy operation.

"Effective, as always, effective, hahaha, okay, okay !!!"

Seeing that these special energies entered the meridian Dantian, his cultivation began to advance rapidly, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh loudly.

The power of the sky, this thing really does not bear the weight of hope, the same force as before.

"Well !!!"

A trace of the power of the cave melts into the body, Yuan Feng feels that his true martial arts power is working to the extreme in an instant, and the part of the great consummation is directly at the edge of the breakthrough.

The huge vitality is as turbulent as the Yangtze River. The Seven Yuandandans are operating at an unprecedented speed. The Seven Yuandandans at this moment are like seven bright suns that illuminate the whole. Dantian space.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

With the rapid operation of the Seven Great Yuandans, the entire Dantian space has also begun to expand sharply at this moment. If anyone sees the changes in his Dantian at this moment, he will be frightened.

"Hurry up, swallow up the heavenly martial spirits, give me the energy to refine these energy, annihilation, I must break through to annihilation today !!!"

There is still a lot of power in Dongtian. Yuan Feng believes that after all the power of Dongtian is integrated into the meridians and Yuandan, his cultivation will definitely undergo a qualitative change.

At the moment, I'm afraid it's hard to find a second time. If he can't break through the annihilation with so much power of the sky, then he really doesn't know when he will wait for the second time. Tried it.

The tremendous power of the cave is constantly integrated into the Seven Great Yuandans, and the Seven Great Yuandans have now reached the extreme.

The true martial arts movement runs on its own, and it also has Yuan Feng's careful control. At this moment, Yuan Feng's whole body almost forms a perfect cycle, and his power is like a rocket boosting speed. It can be described as appalling.

The power of these cave days is not just as simple as a catalyst. You must know that this is the strength of a cave sky that escapes from the strongest of the three heavens of the cave heaven. It is comparable to the energy of an ordinary cave celestial body.

The more he reached this critical moment, Yuan Feng's mind became more calm.

"True martial arts, go against the sky, Yuan Dan annihilates, at this moment !!!"

Almost an hour or so later, Yuan Feng could feel that the true martial arts of the great completion of Dandan had reached the true limit, no matter how fast it was, it was no longer possible.

In the middle of his mind, the remaining power of the sky and all his brains were integrated into the Seven Yuandandans. Then, his entire Dantian space, all the seven Yuandandans, were all set there at once. The foot is still for a second.


The static time only lasted for one second. Then, in Yuanfeng's Dantian space, the seven Yuandans, like balloons filled with gas, suddenly exploded.

"Well !!!"

The seven Yuandans exploded together, and the golden Yuandans instantly became seven black caves. With the appearance of these seven caves, the entire Dantian space became extremely thick and huge at this moment. The storm of energy swept Yuan Feng's body up and down, reshaping his body.

"Yuan Dan annihilation, turned into a mysterious cave, annihilation, I finally reached the annihilation, ha ha ha ha !!!"

When the seven Yuandans in Dantian space were annihilated and turned into seven black mysterious caves, Yuanfeng could no longer control the excitement in his heart and laughed loudly.

"Om !!!"

The surrounding Jiuqu Yellow River trembled in a big burst, and then, the true energy that had previously escaped from the body of the blood demon ancestors gathered toward Yuan Feng.

However, after completing the Yuandan Huaxuan, his seven great caves are simply bottomless pits. No matter how much enthusiasm there is, they are almost unstoppable and have merged into the seven great caves.

"Cracking !!!"

After being promoted from Jiedan Realm to Desolate Realm, Yuan Feng's body was full of crackling sounds, and his entire breath became completely different at this moment.

At this moment, he is also in the midst of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. Otherwise, at this moment, he doesn't know how many strong people's attention and attention should be drawn!

The annihilation of the annihilation world was easily broken by him in a time less than this hour, and his annihilation of the annihilation world was obviously too different from the annihilation of the ordinary people.

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