The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 959: Practice materials

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This is a huge underground space. To be specific, it should be a large secret room in the Blood Demon Palace.

Deep inside the Blood Demon Palace, outsiders have no idea where the Blood Demon Palace is located. As a large and famous force in the Mo Luo world, the scale of the Blood Demon Palace naturally needs no more words.

This huge closet space is nothing more than a small corner of the entire Blood Demon Palace underground palace, but this small corner is definitely the restricted area of ​​the entire Blood Demon Palace. The reason is beyond him, because this huge back room is the place where the bloodlord of the blood demon palace and the ancestor of the blood demon practice.

"Well, tens of thousands of people have been caught this time, my ancestors, I really don't believe that I can't practice the second level of this blood curse."

The ancestor of the blood demon appeared in a huge confined space. When he had to stay in shape, he couldn't help laughing.

In order to practice the magic, he personally went to a remote place in the world of Mora to find suitable exercises. He believes that even with the so many exercises, the second layer of the blood curse can not be practiced to great success. At least I can get started!

"Well, God sees pity, if I can practice the skills of the second level of the blood curse magic skill, one day, sooner or later, this Mo Luo world will be my blood demon ancestor, oh !!!"

It is rumored by outsiders that he was able to control so many powerful subordinates because he knew how to make an elixir and controlled those people with elixir. However, everyone knows that this message is nothing more than the smoke bomb he released.

I would like to ask, what kind of elixir can make people honestly obedient and never betray? This is simply not realistic. The real reason for this is only clear to him.

"Blood curse magic, since God found me, then it must be doomed to make me the master of the Mo Luo world, the ancestors will never let down God's love for me."

A day ago, his blood curse magic power broke through the limit of the first layer, and finally he can practice the second layer. Once he can practice the second blood curse magic power, no matter he himself or his blood demon palace There will be a substantial improvement and change, so no matter what the price is, he must practice the second layer of this blood curse.

"Come out for me all !!!"

The smile converged, and the Blood Demon ancestor suddenly raised his hand. Then, all the people who were previously included in the physical world by him were released by him and directly dropped into the confined space.

Tens of thousands of people appeared one after another. Soon, the entire confined space was almost full of people, and all the Mora people were horrified and did not know where they had been.

"Come out, finally come out!"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng was just like everyone else, and even the Blood Demon ancestors fiddled with him casually without any resistance.

Before that, he and the others have been trapped by each other in the world of the cave, and almost have no mantra, frankly, even if he is calm, he has been a little anxious.

No way, if the other party has been placed in the world of Dongtian, I'm afraid he will never think of it in this life.

Fortunately, the Blood Demon ancestors have not been trapped in the cave world all the time. Right now, although the space world in front of me is unknown, at least it will not be the Blood Demon ancestor's cave world.

"Very good, as long as it comes out, there is hope for everything."

He slammed his fist secretly. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little excited. If it wasn't for the right occasion, he almost shouted with joy.

"Well, everyone is broken inside. Come out and breathe. Everyone adjusts and adjusts his state. Next, the ancestor will ask you to help."

When Yuan Feng and everyone were moved out, and for a while still in doubt, the laughter of the Blood Demon ancestor rang again in everyone's ears.

The laughter of Gorefiend's ancestors was really hard to hear, but when they heard the laughter, everyone in the room couldn't help looking at the direction of the sound. There, the figure of a red robe hugged with both hands The chest, standing high above the ground, is like a high emperor who controls the life and death of ordinary people.

When I saw the Blood Demon ancestors again, naturally everyone in the audience could not be happy. Everyone glanced at the superpower, and then they waited honestly for the other person's following.

In the face of this super strong, the vigilance of the Moro people has weakened, after all, in the presence of this, any vigilance is simply a waste of effort. They know exactly what kind of existence they are facing.

"This old guy should be on the right track!"

Yuan Feng's gaze also looked at the Blood Demon ancestor, but then he closed his gaze and continued to explore the surroundings while feeling underneath.

At the moment, there are two things that are more important. One is to find out what the purpose of the Blood Demon ancestors was to catch them, and whether it will cause damage to their lives. Second, he has to figure out where he is now and how he can leave here.

"Here ... it seems to be underground!"

I glanced around, except that the cave wall is the cave wall, it seems that there is no door, but he believes that this is definitely not a different dimension world, because there is no such rock cave wall in the different dimension space.

"It's not a different-dimensional space, as long as it is not a different-dimensional space, then there must be a way to leave." Looking at the surrounding stone walls, Yuan Feng's heart was very pleased, he is really easy to satisfy, as long as With a glimmer of hope, it is much better than no hope at all.

"Let's take a look at what this guy is going to do first. As for how to leave, I'll study it later."

With the presence of the Blood Demon ancestor, even if he wants to study how to escape from the sky, it is certainly impossible for him to escape under this eyelid. Everything, still have to wait for an opportunity.

"Well, everyone, my ancestor, I'm here to bring you all this time, but I just want everyone to help, and when my ancestor's purpose is achieved, I will let you go."

The **** ancestor's voice filled the whole confined space, and at this moment, his tone was not bad, many people were secretly relieved when he heard this time, of course, more People, that is, horrified, obviously did not believe this word very much.

In the world of Mo Luo, there are often big men arresting Zhuang Ding. They have heard of it, but they have never experienced it in person. And if anyone is arrested, it seems that few of the results are really good.

"Well, listen to my order now, and stand in front of Tianjing to the front, and so on, and the person who has completed the Great Danjing Realm and the fellow who is annihilated, you stand at the end, line up!"

Although the Gorefiend ancestor's tone was relatively light, when his voice fell, none of the people on the scene dared not execute the order and practice the speech. Everyone hurried to act.

"It's sloppy !!!"

No one dare to disobey the words of the Blood Demon ancestors. It is not long, and the weakest group of people stand at the front, and so on. The more arrogant, the last, is ranked last, and the last Pai, including that annihilated person, only eight people.

Among these eight people, there are seven people who have achieved great success in the kingdom of Dandan, a person who annihilated the people, and those who are also the gathering place of the Moro tribe. The masters present are almost familiar with each other.

However, at this moment, one of the eight people aroused the curiosity of several others. Because they found out that the young people around them didn't even know each other, and they had never seen it.

The scope of Fang Baili is not large. Everyone should not know each other. At the moment, there is a person who has never been seen before and has a great consolation. They are unavoidably curious.

Of course, the situation isn't right at this moment, no matter how curious they are, it's impossible to ask them. Big deal, they treat each other as a master who can't be hidden, or they happen to pass by. In the days when they ca n’t be sure, they ca n’t take care of themselves. Where can they have energy to care for others?

When being watched by several warriors who were also at the same time, Yuan Feng glanced coldly at a few people, and the viciousness of the Moro people was clear. Obviously, even now, Yuan Feng still wants to maintain his identity as a Mora.

Yuan Feng was so glared, but a few people who had achieved great success in Dandan no longer looked at him, but instead set their sights on the sky ahead, where the Blood Demon ancestor nodded with satisfaction, it seemed to be right Your obedience is very comforting.

At the critical moment, no one dared to have the slightest care. At this time, if he violates the Blood Demon ancestor, there must be only a dead end.

"Well, very good, everyone is very cooperative. This is the best. I like obedient people."

When everyone stood up in accordance with the grade and gradient, the Blood Demon ancestor couldn't help but smile, and the howling didn't fall, he suddenly extended his arm and lifted it with a hand, it was a silver light. .

"Well !!!"

The silver light is like dense raindrops, directly covering the tens of thousands of people present, immersed in everyone's body, and after the silver light has penetrated into the body, the people present suddenly found that their own body was already unable to move. Already.

"Now, everyone is here to stay honestly. My ancestor, whoever I order, follow me. Don't worry about the rest, you all have a share, hey!"

Everyone was imprisoned again at random, the Gorefiend ancestor laughed strangely, raised his hand between words, and the person with the highest level of a priori in the front row was arrested by him for a dozen, and His figure, with these dozens of instinctive guys, flickered towards a small palace below.


The Gorefiend ancestor took these dozen instinct-heavy guys into the small palace not far away, while the others were imprisoned one by one and could only stand there honestly, wondering what would be waiting for them again. what!

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