The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 958: Blood Demon Palace (four more)

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It was confused that a strong man in Dongtian Realm was included in the world of Dongtian. Yuan Feng could only stay in the other Dongtian obediently, waiting for the next action of the old man in red robe.

The number of people caught by this old man in the red robes is tens of thousands, but the strongest among these tens of thousands is a person who is a heavy annihilation, and even a guy who is a heavy annihilation. I want to come and be arrested by the other side, otherwise, the goal of this old man in red robes should be only those talents who are innate and born of Dan.

Caught tens of thousands of people in the congenital and Dandan realm, the old man in the red robe is obviously not for fun, but unfortunately, what this guy is going to do, but only he knows it.

In the following time, the old man in the red robe did not earn more people to the cave world. After warning everyone, the whole cave world was completely calmed down.

I have to say that the silent blood-colored space is a torture for everyone here, everyone does not know what their destiny will be, and the fear of the unknown makes everyone look pale It doesn't look so normal.

Although the old man said before that it won't hurt everyone, but in places like Mo Luojie, the ghost will believe him.

"The situation is a little bad. Where does this guy take us? Will he not run directly out of the Moro Realm? If this is caught in a different world, it will be closed for ten or eight years. The task, I am afraid, can only be futile! "

Frankly speaking, Yuan Feng was also anxious at this moment. For the unknown, he was at least a little worried, even if it wasn't scary.

In the Dongtian world of the Dongtianjing strong, if the other party does not actively move him out, he will never go out. If the other person really keeps him here, or brings him into the different dimension space, then he can only stay there honestly and don't even think about doing anything until he doesn't reach the cave realm.

"Damn old guy, I hope you can rely on something. Don't leave me here."

It was useless to say anything at this moment. The road was chosen by him, and it was indeed the most suitable. In this case, everything else could only be left to fate.

As time goes by, everyone in the world of the red robe old man's cave world naturally doesn't know what the old man in the red robe is doing. All they can do is wait. As for the result of life and death, they can't help them ... ...

This is a rare and desperate situation in the Moro Realm. There are raging space storms everywhere, and the dark space cracks, even the strong and powerful annihilation, must be smashed and crushed by the space cracks here.

Not only those who annihilated the realm, but even the super powers of Dongtian Realm, they will definitely not come here idle to find excitement. It's not that people in the cave heaven are afraid of these space cracks, but once they are swallowed by the space cracks and accidentally get involved in the unknown space, it will definitely be an extremely troublesome thing.

You need to know that the strong man in Dongtian Realm is not invincible, nor is it immortal. If he tossed over the fire, he would also be in danger of death.

In this dangerous area raged by the storm, a gorge of rock and stone was quietly hidden under the storm, but it just avoided the area ravaged by the space storm and became a treasure in the entire area.

An open and level land in this rugged rocky canyon is hidden secretly underneath the space storm, and on this flat ground, a huge disc with a diameter of almost five meters, It is displayed here quietly. If any expert sees this disc, he will find it immediately. This disc is basically a teleportation array.

The transmission of the mysterious array under the Jedi in the presence of space storms naturally has great dangers. It is for this reason that no one will ever find this calm valley under the storm.

Storms are raging for thousands of miles. Who would have thought that there would be such a vacuum zone that the storm would not affect?

At a certain moment, the huge teleportation mysterious array suddenly lightened slightly, and with the light shining, the position of the center of the array, a figure of a red robe, appeared in the center of the array.

The old man was covered in red robes all over his body, and his body was covered with **** mist. He could not see the appearance, nor could he sense his breath. And this old man is the old man in red robe who brought Yuan Feng and others to Dongtian World before.


Just when the old man appeared from the teleportation mysterious array, two bursting sounds came suddenly. The time between speeches and the teleportation array was accompanied by two more red robe men.

"Welcome to the ancestor's return.

The two men in red robes came to the side of the teleportation Xuan array, and they fell to the ground with one knee, crying out to the old man in the center of the array.

At this time, if there is an outsider present, you will find that the two men in red robes who are kneeling on one knee are actually super powers who have achieved great annihilation.

"Well, get up and talk!"

In the center of the array, the old man in the red robe smiled strangely, raised his hands to support the two people on one side, and then continued, "Is there anything unusual during this period when the palace is out?"

Slowly out of the teleportation array, the old man in red robe asked indifferently.

"Going back to the ancestor, there is nothing abnormal." Hearing the question of the old man in red robe, one of the two Great Destroyer Conquerors hurriedly bowed his head and replied respectfully again.

"Well, that's good. It's not easy for me to find a hidden place in the Blood Demon Palace. This is a treasure that my palace has found with great care. There must be no difference."

Hearing the response from his subordinates, the old man in the red robe smiled with satisfaction. "Okay, please put away the array first, and then continue to guard, what's the change, the first time crushed the house for your help and jade The cards are. "

I gave a command to the two, but the old man in the red robe didn't say much anymore. The flash of the figure was to go directly to the depths of the canyon, and between the fingers, there was a huge light in the depth of the canyon. The curtain suddenly appeared on a ground in the canyon.

The Blood Demon Palace's reputation is not very good. Naturally, the forces will not be built on the ground with great fanfare. This light curtain is the passage to the Blood Demon Palace. Through this channel, you can enter the Blood Demon Palace. This light curtain , But only he has the right to open. As for other people, unless they are stronger than him, they can be forcibly broken.

"Greetings to my ancestors!"

The two great conquerors fell down on one knee again, and their attitude was not ordinary respect. Until the light curtain disappeared, the two got up and put away the array that transmitted Xuan Zhen.

This teleporter's array is connected to some outside world. However, on weekdays, this teleporter's array will not be displayed casually. Only when the old man in the red robe goes out, or he needs the blood demon. When the strong men in the palace act on a large scale, they will put out the teleportation array.

Putting down the teleportation array, the two Great Destroyer Perfection strongmen hidden themselves again, alert to every change in the area.

There are many strong bloodslayers, and everyone is very loyal to the bloodslayer ancestors. As for how this loyalty is established, there are many different opinions, but the most common saying is that the bloodslayer ancestors are good at making Elixir, everyone who takes elixir can only leave it at his mercy, otherwise there will be a dilemma.

The fact is that this is not the case, there is no way to verify this. After all, so far, no one has been able to * force the Gorefiend ancestor to say his mastery. As for those who are controlled by him, it will be even more difficult. Having said that, this is also an excellent proof of the appalling art under the control of the blood demon ancestor.

Put aside these, but say that the old man in the red robe at this moment, that is, the blood lord of the blood demon palace.

After passing through the passage to the Blood Demon Palace, the shape of the Blood Demon ancestor appeared in an intricate underground palace, and this intricate underground palace is naturally where the Blood Demon Palace is located.

As a well-known organization in the Mo Luo world, the strength of the Blood Demon Palace is beyond doubt. In this tyrannical organization that makes many people talk, the number of super strong is really a little bit more.

The strongest of the blood demon palace is undoubtedly the main blood demon ancestor of the blood demon palace. The entire blood demon palace was created by the blood demon ancestor, and gradually developed and expanded to the present scale. .

The Gorefiend ancestor has been famous for a long time, and has long been the tyrannical figure of Dongtianjing Triple Sky. Under his hands, it is said that there are no less than hundreds of annihilation great conquerors. This kind of heritage is almost worthy of the magic world. The background of some of the super protections.

In the Mo Luo world, the Blood Demon Palace is not the kind of official force recognized by the Mo Luo world, but even compared with those official organizations, the private organization of the Blood Demon Palace has a lot to offer.

It has been rumored that a domain master in the Moro realm wants to take the blood demon ancestor under his command, but unfortunately he failed to do so. The domain master of the Moluo Realm is the equivalent of the lord of the French realm.

In short, the Blood Demon Palace is a powerful and mysterious organization for the people of the Mora kingdom. Anyone who encounters this organization will have a headache. The most important point is that the Blood Demon ancestor has a good reputation, but it is said that it seems that no one in the entire Mo Luo world has seen his true face.

"Brush brush !!!"

The ancestor of the blood demon came to the depths of the blood demon palace. Between the flashes of body, he disappeared into the huge underground palace. When he appeared again, he appeared in a huge empty space.

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