The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 947: Gifts (one more)

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The national capital of Montenegro, among the palace halls.

"Ha ha ha, brother Yuan Feng, my ancestor I really served you this time. From now on, I am afraid that the country of Montenegro is really going to be famous, ha ha ha ha!"

On the throne of the main hall, Ji Xinghe, the ancestor of Montenegro, laughed a long time, and the whole person was inexpressible.

Just a moment ago, Yuan Feng killed two of the dragon powers in the Dragon Kingdom, relieved the crisis of the Black Mountain Kingdom, and issued a declaration of the entire Tianlong dynasty. Until this moment, he thought of the previous situation. , Still still feel the heartbeat surge, the blood is boiling.

Ever since the founding of the State of Heishan, he has never raised his eyebrows like this time. It is conceivable that after this, the name of the State of Heishan will be known to more people throughout the Tianlong Dynasty.

"The ancestors are so popular that the so-called people do not commit me and I do not commit people. My Montenegro country only wants to maintain long-term peace and quietly develop its own forces. If anyone dares to find trouble in Montenegro, it is naturally unnecessary to relent."

Aside from Ji Xinghe, Yuan Feng sat in the lower hand position and heard the former laughter. He shook his head, but didn't feel how aggressive he was doing this time. In fact, the declaration he issued before was nothing more than to warn those who were not honest. There was really no idea of ​​showing off.

"Old ancestors, the younger generation didn't know much about the situation of the Dragon Country, but now the two strong men of the Dragon Country are dead. How should the Dragon Country deal with it, and the ancestors and the emperor? If possible, I also hope that my ancestors and His Majesty will give priority to life, and do not create too many killings. "

Pan Jiang and Pan Yue were both damned and killed. However, there are countless populations in the upper and lower reaches of the Dragon Dragon Kingdom. It is impossible for everyone to be damned. He would like to remind Ji Xinghe and Ji Hongxuan and others now. Can be expressed to their own attitude.

"Fenger, rest assured. I have always regarded peace in Montenegro as a nation. I will take the matter of the Dragon State seriously."

This kind of thing does not need to be managed by the ancestors of Xinghe. Ji Hongxuan himself can obviously make a decision.

While answering Yuan Feng's words, Ji Hongxuan's face was still wearing a touch of excitement. He had witnessed Yuan Feng's great power before, but he didn't understand until now that Yuan Feng was already strong enough to make him The unimaginable height, that height, even the ancestor of Xinghe, can only look up.

"Your Majesty, my ancestor, there is only one ancestor in the country of Montenegro, who is in ruins, and is still weaker. I will send His Majesty and my ancestor a gift, hoping that the two can make good use of it, little eight !!"

Smiling slightly at Ji Xinghe and Ji Hongxuan, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, in the hall, there was a weird eight-claw Warcraft.

"Squeak !!!"

Xiao Ba's figure appeared in the hall, and he cried excitedly the first time. Perhaps it was because its predecessor spent a long time in the country of Montenegro, and this time appeared within the range of the imperial palace, but its body had a kind of intimacy to pass on.

"Well? This is ..."

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Ba, Ji Xinghe and Ji Hongxuan were slightly surprised. Obviously, they all felt a little familiar with this Warcraft in front of them.

"Oh, Your Majesty, my ancestor, this is my eighth friend of Warcraft. As for its predecessor, it should be clear to both of you." Seeing the surprised expression of the two, Yuan Feng smiled slightly, but did not explain too much. "Xiaoba, to the best of your ability, I want a Warcraft that has both looks and power at both ends."

"Squeak !!!" After receiving Yuan Feng's order, Xiaoba didn't hesitate. After a few squeaks, the guy suddenly ducked and hid behind a pillar in the hall.

"Well, brother Yuanfeng, what is it doing?"

The suspicion of the ancestor of Xinghe has not faded away. After seeing that Xiao Ba was hiding in the pillar very humane, the expression on his face has become even more miserable.

"Hey, you'll know in two minutes." Picking the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng didn't explain, and looked directly at the pillar where Xiao Ba was, but couldn't help showing a smile.

"Well !!!"

After a long time, after the pillar, two muffled sounds suddenly resounded in the hall, and with the muffled sound, Xiao Ba's figure appeared again from behind the pillar, but it appeared again. Behind it, I do not know when, there are two more powerful Warcraft.

The two World of Warcrafts look similar, almost in the form of a dragon, but they are both magical cans that can go to the sky and enter the sea, land and air.


Seeing Xiao Ba reappear in front of his eyes with two enchantments, the ancestors of Xinghe and Emperor Ji Hongxuan all shrank their pupils instantly, and everyone's eyes were full of shock.

"So powerful Capricorn, these two Capricorns are both in the Extermination Realm?"

Ji Xinghe felt the arrogance of the two captives for the first time. In his perception, these two big guys are definitely the existence of annihilation. I am afraid that his strength must be above him.

"My ancestor, Your Majesty, these two World of Warcraft were just produced by Xiaoba. Xiaoba's orders will be executed forever and unconditionally. Now, I will give these two World of Warcraft to the two as the two Warcraft mounts. In the future , They will completely obey their ancestors and His Majesty. "With a slight smile, Yuan Feng explained to the two first, and then winked at Xiao Ba.

"Squeak !!!"

Yuan Feng's meaning, of course, Xiao Ba understood it instantly. When he saw Yuan Feng's wink, the guy yelled directly at the two captors, and then the two tyrannical extermination captive captors flickered and flew to the feet of Xinghe ancestor and Ji Hongxuan. Gently lying on the heels of the two.

"His, this ..."

When the two captors ran to the feet of the two and lay there honestly, both the emperor Ji Hongxuan and the ancestor Ji Xinghe were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The scene in front of her is absolutely more shocking than Yuan Feng's beheading of the two annihilation powerhouses. Kill two big annihilation powerhouses at will, and create two big annihilation powerhouses at hand, these are definitely two completely different concepts!

However, in these few breaths, Yuan Feng has actually created two super existences of annihilation. For them, this is simply a miracle!

"My ancestor, Your Majesty, these two maggots are two-fold cultivation of annihilation. It may have limited growth space, but it will be enough for a short while. From now on, they will be completely obedient. Will betray. "

Seeing the astonishment of the two, Yuan Feng was able to understand their mood. Frankly, he knows it well, let alone Ji Xinghe in front of him. Even if he looks at the realm of law, if the super powerfuls are aware of Xiao Ba's ability, I am afraid they will be shocked!

"This this………"

Neither Ji Xinghe nor Ji Hongxuan could speak at this moment.

The crisis in Montenegro has been eliminated, and now, they have got two powerful annihilation Warcraft mounts, all of which are just as unreal as dreaming. However, the Capricorn at the foot is obviously not fake. The energy fluctuations that are so powerful that it is trembling are like torches in the night, which makes it impossible to ignore.

"Two, try your Warcraft mount!"

After giving them enough time to digest the situation, Yuan Feng smiled at them.


Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the ancestors of Xinghe and Ji Hongxuan looked at each other, but they both saw the eager look from the other's eyes.

Destroyed World of Warcraft mounts, this is something they dared not think of before. However, Yuan Feng will never fool them, that is to say, at this moment, these two powerful annihilation monsters are really under their command.

"Get up !!!"

The ancestor of Xinghe is not inferior to that of the Capricorn, Ji Hongxuan dare not act lightly, but he does not have much concern. Taking a deep breath, he suddenly stood up and ordered to the Capricorn at his feet.


When his order was given, the Capricorn at his feet stood up instantly, and at the same time snarled.

"Get down!" As soon as his eyes brightened, the ancestor of Xinghe continued to order, and as his order was issued, the Capricorn lay down directly and became a well-behaved kitten again.

"Okay! It really is very obedient." Seeing his two orders, the Capricorn executed without hesitation, Ji Xinghe screamed, "Go, take my ancestor for a ride !!"

When ordered to the Capricorn again, Ji Xinghe flew up to stand directly on the back of the Capricorn, and between words, the Capricorn got up again, and flew out carrying him directly.

"Really so obedient !!!"

Seeing Xinghe's ancestor giving orders to his Capricorn mount, Ji Hongxuan beside him finally couldn't help it.

"Get up, get out and walk around !!"

Anyway, with Yuan Feng beside him, he didn't worry that this Capricorn could hurt him. In the end, he gathered his courage and ordered to the Capricorn.

"Roar !!!" When his order was given, the Capricorn also stood up and signaled that he could ride.

"Brush !!!" As soon as he bit his teeth, Ji Hongxuan stepped directly on the back of the Capricorn.

"Hoo !!!!" When he got to the back of Capricorn, Capricorn yelled again, as if reminding him that it was about to take off, and while talking, Capricorn was the tail. A pendulum, following the previous Capricorn flying away.

"Hahaha, okay, okay !!!"

At the moment when the magic wand flew out, Ji Hongxuan's laughter came faintly. Obviously, this time he got such a super WoW mount. His Majesty, the emperor of Montenegro, was afraid to laugh and wake up!

"Hey, two annihilation Warcraft mounts, plus the annihilation man of the ancestor Xinghe, this time, should no one be able to easily pose a threat to the country of Montenegro?"

Seeing that the two flew out while driving Warcraft, Yuan Feng's face could not help showing a touch of reassurance.

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