The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 946: I am in (five more)

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The entire Tianlong dynasty became boiling in an instant, but everyone who is among the Tianlong dynasty, whether it is a superpower who has a clear sky, or a street trafficker who has died, have heard this sound through the world. Arrogant applause.

Yuan Feng's declaration this time was to integrate all his strength, but with his current strength, he covered the entire Tianlong dynasty with a howling, but it was not difficult at all.

Originally, he had not thought about pushing the Montenegro country to the front desk with such great fanfare, but now that he was ready to leave the avatar in the Montenegro country, why not be overbearing?

In today's Tianlong Dynasty, he really doesn't fear anyone! It can be said that today's Tianlong Dynasty, he is the most peak of existence. As for whether there is a strong one among the four major gates that transcends annihilation, this is not something he needs to consider.

According to Yunlong's protection law, 80% of the Tianlong dynasty is a strong man in the cave realm. However, characters of this level are afraid to act in the Nether, because once they start, there will be big trouble waiting for them. In addition, he is now nine-turn Xuan Gong Xiaocheng, Jiuqu Yellow River is also in the body, but he may not be afraid of the strong hands of the cave world.

Heavenly Dragon Sanctuary, where the four gates are located.

Here is a vast expanse of mountains and cliffs, with sword peaks lined up in countless numbers. Among countless sword peaks, above a tall sword peak, the ancestor of the sword ancestor Qiu Wanjian, sitting cross-legged on a piece of bluestone, felt the vast depth of Kendo.

"Everyone in the Tianlong dynasty listens. From now on, dare to commit me to Montenegrin, kill no pardon ... no pardon ... pardon !!"

When Qiu Wanjian quietly realized his sword, between the heavens and the earth, an unusually loud voice resounded suddenly. The voice was full of vitality, among which there was indescribable coercion, that coercion, It was definitely something he had never felt before.

"Uh, this is ..."

Qiu Wanjian, who closed his eyes and realized his sword, suddenly opened his eyes, but in his eyes, there was an indescribable shock.

"Fenger? This is Fenger's drinking?" As a person familiar with Yuan Feng, of course Qiu Wanjian heard the identity of the master of the sound for the first time, but when he heard the sound When he was the master, the shock in his heart became stronger.

"How can it be, how can this little guy's strength become so powerful? I am afraid that this voice is transmitted from hundreds of millions of miles away, and it envelopes the entire Tianlong dynasty, hiss ... What kind of cultivation is this Can do it! "

Qiu Wanjian's heart trembled. For more than three years, he had almost forgotten the existence of Yuan Feng, but at this moment, when he heard this loud drinking, the shock was brilliant and the means were clear. The local young man naturally emerged from his mind, but the appearance of this time was obviously a little different from the past.

"What a terrible boy, after three years of silence, just making such a big noise as soon as he appeared, is this a warning to the entire Tianlong dynasty?"

Looking complex, Qiu Wanjian at this moment was really frightened by Yuan Feng's generosity. I've seen an overbearing one, but I've never seen an overbearing one like Yuan Feng. It can be said that Yuan Feng's move is almost to fight against everyone in the Tianlong Dynasty with his own strength!

However, judging from the coercion of Yuan Feng's applause, it seems that Yuan Feng is not without challenging the strength of the entire Tianlong dynasty!

"Perverted boy, in just three years, he has grown to such a terrible degree. Where can such a character be restrained by the four gates?"

Taking a deep breath, Qiu Wanjian's face was suddenly full of bitter smiles. He is the most aware of Yuan Feng's potential, but no matter what, he still did not expect that in three years, Yuan Feng would become strong. It is conceivable that if he is facing Shang Yuanfeng now, I am afraid that the other party will raise his hand casually, and he will die soon!

"Is the country of Montenegro? It seems that we need to have a chance to meet this little guy and see how powerful this little guy is!"

Once upon a time, Yuan Feng was still a little bit small, but now it seems that today's Yuan Feng has reached a state where people like him are jealous. This change really made him unacceptable for a while.

The same scene was performed in three other places of the four gates.


"Good domineering statement. Is this the voice of Yuan Feng's little guy? I haven't seen it for three years. How can he be so powerful? Terrible, really terrible."

Su Wenxin, the ancestor of the Tianxin Sovereign, stood in front of the bay window of the hall, and his face was also filled with strong shock. Yuan Feng's voice, of course, he could hear, but the thought of that little guy three years ago had reached the point where he could sound the entire Tianlong dynasty, and his heart was full of shock.

"No wonder the little guy doesn't look down on the four gates. So, where can the four gates be kept? Hey, I just hope he doesn't take the evil path, otherwise it will be a disaster of the Tianlong Dynasty! "

Shaking his head and sighing, Su Wenxin found that his old well was not in a state of confusion. At this moment, he was in a state of chaos, apparently surprised by Yuan Feng's change.

Five Elements.

"Good guy, is this too exaggerated? It's only been three years since I saw him, is Yuanfeng's little guy so powerful?"

The master of the Five Elements Sect Bi Yun opened his mouth wide and sat down on his futon, but it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

Of course, Yuan Feng's voice cannot be mistaken. However, such a large-scale declaration is definitely a situation never seen in the entire Tianlong dynasty. This time, he was really shocked.

"No wonder my Five Elements gave him so many temptations. He didn't stay. It seems that this guy must have secrets that outsiders cannot imagine!"

With his mind, he could naturally understand the reasons for it. Yuan Feng became strong in three years. It is absolutely impossible to say that he has no unimaginable secrets in his body.

"There are so many amazing people in the world, but the Tianlong dynasty can produce such a character, it is rare, it is really rare!"

Shaking his head and sighing, Lord Bi Yun's heart was full of emotion. However, martial arts practice is the case. The rise of the strong is often inadvertent. The only thing that surprised him is that the rise of Yuan Feng this time is really a little too fast.

In the Five Elements Sect Fire Peak, in a red paved quiet room, a woman in a red dress was standing in front of the window with a look of excitement, with excitement all over her.

"It's Master Yuanfeng, it's Master Yuanfeng's voice!"

Mu Yun'er was extremely ecstatic at this moment. When she heard Yuan Feng's voice rang through the entire Tianlong dynasty, her excitement was mixed with thick thoughts and filled her heart instantly.

It has been three years since Yuan Feng sent her to the Five Elements Sect, and it has not been a full three years. Today, she finally heard Yuan Feng's voice again. The joy is not what ordinary people can imagine.

"The master is so good. The declaration issued from the country of Montenegro can be transmitted to the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Realm. This is how strong the cultivation is!"

While rejoicing, Mu Yuner couldn't help but be shocked by Yuan Feng's appalling power. Her cultivation was too low, and it was difficult to feel the great coercion among Yuan Feng's applause, but she believed that she could pass the sound to Tianlong. From the sacred realm, today's Yuan Feng is absolutely powerful enough to make people tremble.

"Well, my brother is really right. He was obviously in the country of Montenegro and he didn't even come to see me. After I completed the task entrusted to me by the master, I went back and taught him a good meal."

It was learned that Yuan Feng was in the middle of Montenegro, and Mu Yun'er's eyes flashed. Originally, she did not know that Yuan Feng was in Heishan. Now that she knows it, she must go back to find someone.

Green sect.

The huge old Indus tree exudes spirituality as usual, and above the canopy of the old tree, a wooden house sits quietly in it.

At this moment, in the wooden house, the Qingzong ancestor Zongxiu and her legendary disciple Yun Mengchen sat opposite each other. Originally, the pair of masters and apprentices were discussing some cultivation problems, but suddenly a hegemonic declaration came, but It interrupted them.

"Good overbearing power, so powerful coercion. Is this the voice of Yuan Feng's son? How could he suddenly become so powerful?"

Master Xiu Xiu's beautiful brows, now completely froze together. Like the other three lords of the four sectarian gates, she was also shaken with shock by the sudden drinking in her ears.

"I haven't seen it in just three years. How could this Yuanfeng son's strength be improved so much? This coercion, I am afraid, even if it is a complete annihilation, right?"

The master Xiu Xiu's brows became more and more wrinkled and tightened, but he wanted to break his head and couldn't understand how Yuan Feng became so powerful!

She has seen many geniuses, but geniuses like Yuan Feng, don't say she's seen them, even if they've heard them, they've never heard them. For a moment, her heart was full of surprise, but she was no longer in the mood to talk to Yun Mengchen about cultivation.

Of course, at this moment, even if she is in a mood to talk about cultivation, Yun Mengchen has no such mood.

"It's his voice, it's really his voice !!"

When the familiar voice sounded in his ear, Yun Mengchen's heart couldn't help flashing a beat. For three years, she hasn't heard Yuan Feng's voice for three years. At this moment, I heard the familiar voice again. This feeling is really beyond words.

"Did you finally show up? Well, there hasn't been any news for so long, which has kept people so worried."

There was a smile in her eyes, and Yun Mengchen did not control Yuan Feng's cultivation and strength. In her heart, as long as Yuan Feng was peaceful, nothing else was important.

PS: Five more arrivals, three days and five more. Although it is common for Xiaoyan, these days are really uncomfortable. I feel that my body is alarming! !! The editor found me today and asked if I was killing last month? Actually updated 460,000 words! !! Well, Xiao Yan admits that he really killed himself last month! !! For support! !!

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