The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 931: Resident (sixth)

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As night fell, the entire Danxiazong slowly calmed down.

For Dan Xia Zong, this day is definitely a day that can be recorded in the annals of history, because on this day, Dan Xia Zong has more than a dozen powerful Danjings, and the strength of the entire Dan Xia Zong can be described as It's a sea change.

The excited Dan Xia Zong strong men have started preparing for today's feast by themselves. On this day, no matter what major events, they can throw aside and celebrate it.

The entire Dan Xiazong began to be busy up and down. Those ordinary disciples did not know what a happy event is today. Originally, in the recent period, the Xunxue League had been invading. Dan Xiazong was bullied and had no power to fight back. Everyone is still depressed. However, since Muhai, the lord of supremacy, has a big feast, everyone naturally performs it honestly.

Every disciple of Danxia Sect can feel the joy and emotions from the high-level people above, and when everyone was in doubt, they were more relaxed.

When the people of Dan Xia Zong were busy preparing the dinner, Yuan Feng, the protagonist in a secret room of Dan Xia Zong, was finally cleared.

After a short meeting with the people of the Yuan family, Yuan Feng found a secret room, and one person hid in the secret room.

However, after he was left alone in the whole secret room, there was a sudden extra woman across from him.

"Girl Youyue, this is where I'm talking about here. Here, Youyue can rest assuredly do what she wants to do, and never have to worry about someone being against you."

The first time he entered the secret room, Yuan Feng released You Yue. Before coming out of the chaos, he never dared to let Youyue appear easily. At a blink of an eye, Youyue had been in his Dantian space for a long time!

"This ... where is this?"

Opposite Yuan Feng, You Yue's face was filled with astonishment.

The moment she got out of the Yuanfeng Dantian space, she already felt the difference in this world. Compared with the French realm, this world seems to be a lot lower, but compared with the violent atmosphere in the French realm, this world is obviously much cleaner.

Subconsciously released her mind, and based on her cultivation, in the initial worlds such as the Tianlong Dynasty, the mind instantly spread to infinity. Wherever the mind has gone, one martial artist who has cultivated himself has appeared in front of her eyes, and the masses have cultivated himself only in the congenital state.

A world full of ordinary people, at this moment, she really doesn't know what kind of place she is.

"Don't conceal Youyue girl, this is no longer the French realm, but an initial world under the French realm. Would you like to hear the name of the original world?

Seeing the color of surprise on Youyue's face, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile a little, then explained softly.

"Initial world? Me, I came to the initial world?"

When he heard Yuan Feng's commentary, Youyue looked suddenly, and the whole person was startled by what Yuan Feng said.

In the initial world, she naturally heard of the name of the initial world. However, in such worlds, only the strong and powerful Dongtian Realm can come here with great magical power, and not just casually. Can't figure out, how could oneself be brought to the original world by Yuan Feng!

"Youyou girl, do n’t be surprised. You have completed some tasks before and got the reward from the owner of the Blue Jade Mansion. Then you have a chance to come back. In fact, the next one is the person in this original world. It was a coincidence that the French realm was reached. "

For Youyue, he has nothing to hide. Moreover, the situation is here, and even if he wants to hide it, he obviously can't find a suitable excuse.

Therefore, after a while of thinking, he directly told his situation to Youyue once and for all.

"The original world, the original Yuan Feng son, turned out to be the legal realm from the initial world."

After listening to Yuan Feng's narration, Youyue already understood the beginning and end of the matter. However, when she thought that Yuan Feng had originated from the original world, but she had such a terrible strength, she felt a little horrified in her heart.

"Girl Youyue, here I am advocating to bring Youyue Girl to this world. I do n’t know if Youyue Girl is willing, of course, if Youyue Girl is not willing to stay here, there are ways to send Youyue When the girl returns to the realm of law, how to choose depends on the girl Youyou. "

The initial world of the Tianlong dynasty can never be compared with the realm of law. If Youyue feels that there is no development here, he can take the other party back.

"Is there a way to send me back to the French Realm?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Youyue didn't think about her own stay for the first time, but was shocked by the means that Yuan Feng first said.

It was hard for her to imagine coming from the French realm to the original world, but Yuan Feng had a way to send her back. In this regard, she really felt really impressed by Yuan Feng.

"Youyou girl doesn't have to worry about anything, as long as you want to go back, you can go back next time."

Seeing Youyue's expression, Yuan Feng thought the other party didn't believe it, so he continued quickly.


When Yuan Feng's voice fell, Youyue could not help exhaling gently, but her eyes suddenly showed a smile.

"Mr. Yuan Feng, the environment of this initial world is quiet and there are not so many crises to be prepared for. Why should I return to the realm of law?"

With a slight smile, you clearly have a decision under you.

Speaking of which, in this initial world, not only is there no one who can threaten her, but also the peace of mind to cultivate here can be said to be the true return to the truth. Maybe at some point, she may really be able to bless her soul and appreciate that A powerful cave world.

Of course, even if you don't understand the realm of Dongtian, at least, life here should be very easy and easy.

"So, did You Yue girl agree to stay here?" After hearing You Yue's words, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help showing a smile. You Yue's strength, looking at the entire Tianlong dynasty, is definitely a super strong. Except for the old monsters that cannot be hidden from the four gates, Youyue is almost standing at the top of the Tianlong dynasty. , I can be considered a strong companion.

"It's very nice here, I believe I will like it soon." Nodded his head, Youyue's heart revealed again, this time it only covered the whole area of ​​Lingcui Mountain, watching the situation of Lingcui Mountain .

"Mr. Yuan Feng, this Lingshan is so spiritual. Is this your martial art in this world?"

Although the whole state is far away, but from the perspective of Lingcui Mountain alone, this cave heaven is nothing worse than the Lingshan Mountain of the French Phase Realm. Moreover, the environment here is quiet and there is no dark smoke like the French Realm. She is simply I like it.

"Yes, the name here is Lingcui Mountain, and the upper school is called Danxiazong. I practiced here and grew to this state step by step."

Nodded, Yuan Feng replied without concealment.

"Lingcui Mountain? It really is a very proper name. By the way, Yuanfeng Son, can I stay in this Lingcui Mountain in the future? Rest assured, I will not affect anyone here, as long as I am here Just find a quiet place to practice in the mountains of Pingling. "

When she saw this Lingcui Mountain at first glance, she already liked this place. If she could, she really wanted to stay here and practice in a carefree way.

"Haha, naturally, it is okay. Youyue girl is willing to stay in Lingcui Mountain. That is the honor of the entire Dan Xiazong. In my spare time, you and I can also prove each other's cultivation. The end is wonderful."

You Yue will stay in Lingcui Mountain. Yuanfeng is naturally 11 million willing. There is such a super strong man sitting in Lingcui Mountain. If he is not home in the future, he will not have to worry about the safety of Dan Xiazong at all. .

"Oh, so, thank you, Yuan Feng, for your acceptance."

In front of Yuan Feng owed her body, Youyue seemed to be joking, but also seemed to be authentic. I can see that she is really happy this time. Being able to come to the original world and escape all the disturbances of the French realm is the best choice for her.

However, before today, she never thought that, with her strength, she would have a chance to come into the original world.

"Ha, don't make fun of Youyou, if you can, I would really like to have more beautiful women like Youyou."

Laughing loudly, Yuan Feng was obviously rejoicing and joked subconsciously.

"Girl Youyue, this world is different from the realm of law. The heaven and earth aura is relatively thin. If you only absorb the heaven and earth aura, it is difficult to cultivate successfully. I still have a lot of star crystals here. Go and use it. "

Laughter fell, Yuan Feng then raised his hand, took out a full three Najing rings, and tossed them to each other.

He was in the Chaos Demon Realm, how many annihilation powerhouses were beheaded, especially the last time in the Valley of Flowers. Finish.


Subconsciously took the Najing ring. Youyue naturally wanted to refuse. However, before she refused, Yuan Feng continued to open her mouth suddenly, "Girl Youyou, there are many stars in my body, So, these stars, you must not refuse. "

Having said that, he did not give the other party a chance to refute. "Well, Dan Xiazong has a dinner today. I wonder if the girl Yueyou would like to know everyone together?"

ps: Six more for support, the last few hours, shock the data! !! !! Thank you brothers! !! !!

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