The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 930: Family gathering (five more)

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This world is full of magic. Everyone will have their own unique encounters. For the ten elders of Danxiazong, and the masters of the Yuan and Yun families, this time they can directly reach It was an unimaginable encounter with them.

It has not been a blessing for everyone to change from innate state to become a strong one. It seems that these people should have done a good job in their last lives, which has made this life so rewarded.

After the people in the Danxiazong Discussion Hall were elevated to the state of Dandan, Yuan Feng took the main members of the Yuan family directly and directly found the five grandfathers Yuan Qingyan.

As the Yuan family who had the best relationship with Yuan Feng, Yuan Qingyan was naturally excited when he saw Yuan Feng. However, the excitement of seeing Yuan Feng this time was soon covered by the appalling power of Yuan Qingyun and Yuan Qingqing.

When it was learned that Yuan Qingyun and others were already strong Dandan realms, Yuan Qingyan had been simmering for no less than half a minute. Of course, in the end, Yuan Feng naturally took Ning Dan fruit again without any hesitation. Coming out also allowed the five masters of the Yuan family to reach the state of Dandan.

In the end, Yuan Feng found the old master of the Yuan family and the old gentleman of the Yun family. He also upgraded the two to the level of Jiedanjing. In this way, he was promoted to two of the innate world. Except for the one who accidentally fell in the Yuan family, the rest of them have reached the level of Jiedanjing.

In the blink of an eye, within Danxiazong, there were more than thirty masters of Danjie, all of them were afraid of the entire Tianlong dynasty.

The thirty or more powerful Dandans, even if they are the royal family of Montenegro, are nothing more than that. It can be said that at this moment, Dan Xia Zong, the number of strong Dandans alone is not afraid at all. The royal family of Montenegro.

For Dan Xia Zong, this day is definitely worthy of being included in the annals of history. After completing the promotion, Dan Xia Zong, the host of Mu Hai, personally presided over the entire Dan Xia Zong, but began to arrange the largest banquet. .

Obviously, after one after another, they have become more open-minded, and now they are not attentive to the **** alliance that made them worry.

Regardless of what it is, the blood-drinking alliance is nothing to the present Dan Xiazong. Leaving aside the god-like existence of Yuan Feng, let alone Dan Xiazong's own strength at the moment, plus the assistance of the strong members of the Yuan family and the Yun family, the so-called blood-blood alliance must be honest. Stand up.

The people of Dan Xiazong started to be busy, but at this moment, the principals of the Yuan family, together with Yuan Feng who had just returned, were gathered together.

It wasn't too busy a secret room. The Yuan family went up to the elder grandfather Yuan Tianqi, and the next to the three young master Yuan Feng, but exactly six people gathered here.

This reunion is completely different for the Yuan family members. In the past, they were all ants that could only be protected by Yuan Feng, but now they have been promoted to Dandan. In the entire country of Montenegro, they are truly tyrannical. Naturally, they are already in their hearts. Not the same.

"Children Feng, how strong are you guys now? You have created so many powerful heroes in your hands. Uncle Wu now admires you!"

Wu Ye Yuan Qingyan is still the one who talks the most. Although he has succeeded in forming Dan, this has obviously not affected his personality.

"Hey, uncle Wu, don't say that. My nephew just has better luck. This is how I got this condensate. It's not my ability."

Hearing Yuan Qingyan's admiration, Yuan Feng smiled and shook his head, a flash of embarrassment flashed on his face. Frankly speaking, letting everyone be promoted to Dandan, these are the effects of Ning Danguo, and their relationship with him is really small.

"Well, let's not talk about that, Fenger, Dad asks you, how many such dandan fruits do you have on your body? How many people can be promoted to Danjing?"

As the head of the Yuan family, Yuan Qingyun was more concerned about it, but the overall strength of the Yuan family grew again, and the stronger the better.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Feng, how much of this fruit do you still have? If there are still many, we will promote everyone in our Yuan family to the kingdom of Dan. Then we will see who dares to treat me. Disrespectful. "

Yuan Qingyan still plays Yuan Qingyun's loyal supporter. When Yuan Qingyun's words fall, he asks in a hurry.

Obviously, this topic must be a matter of concern to the senior members of the Yuan family, so they all looked at Yuan Feng and waited for Yuan Feng's answer.

"Grandpa, dad, a few uncles, to tell everyone that the baby has almost forty Ning Dan fruit, at least forty people can be promoted to the Dan state."

Yuan Feng didn't hide it. In fact, for him now, Ning Danguo has no value at all. All he has to do is to promote these relatives and friends to Dandan. As for other people, He obviously didn't want to care.

"Forty? Hiss, you guys have so many babies."

After listening to the answer given by Yuan Feng, the principals of several Yuan families were shocked, and then they all showed excitement. Forty or more Dandan fruits, that is to say, the Yuan family can still train more than forty powerful people. If this is really the case, then the next Yuan family is really developed. Already.

"Boy, Feng, what are you waiting for? Walk around and call all the people in my Yuan family and promote them all to the realm of Jiedan!"

Yuan Qingyan is relatively straightforward. After speaking here, he said nothing but to pull Yuan Feng to enhance the strength of the Yuan family. This scene, however, made Yuan Feng cried and laughed.

"Uncle Wu, listen to me first." He shook his head, Yuan Feng remained in shape, hurriedly smiled at Yuan Qingyan, and then continued, "Ning Dan Guo is not something everyone can take, think To use this thing, first of all, we must have the cultivation of the innate state. It seems that at this moment, there does not seem to be anyone in the Yuan family above the innate state? "

Such a powerful fruit, of course, can not be used by everyone, repaired to the innate state, obviously not qualified to enjoy this treasure.

"Eh, it's better to be above heaven? That's ..." Hearing Yuan Feng said so, Yuan Qingyan talked, but stopped talking.

"Grandpa, dad, in fact, the baby feels that this Ning Danguo is better not to use it for the time being. It is too late to change everything and change too much at one time. It may not be a good thing for my Yuan family."

With a slight frown, Yuan Feng really felt that this time, he had cultivated so many powerful people in the Dandan Realm, in fact, he had already slightly exceeded the standard. If all the people in the Yuan family were raised to the Dandan Realm at one time, He really didn't dare to imagine the scene at that time.

"Fenger said it well. It was too late. The Yuan family now has more than a dozen powerful people. This is really quite a lot. As for the latter, it is better to discuss long-term."

Yuan Tianqi, the old lady of the Yuan family, finally spoke, but his speech was the first time he affirmed Yuan Feng's proposal.

The elder grandfather never dreamed in his life. He could even reach the end of Dan in his lifetime. Originally, he was a person who was about to die, but now he was promoted to Dan, and his life has been extended at least hundreds of years. Obviously, he still has a long way to go.

"Qingyun, Qingyan, and Qingtian and Qingshan, you have to remember that everything must have a degree. My Yuan family has grown too much this time. If it grows endlessly, for the Yuan family, , It may not be a good thing. "

Ginger is still old and spicy. Yuan Tianqi is well-informed. He understands these principles better than anyone else. Of course, it now seems that Yuan Feng knows this better than Yuan Qingyun and others.

"This ... the baby is taught !!!"

"Baby is taught !!!"

Hearing Yuan Tianqi's words, Yuan Qingyun's four were all shocked, and then they gave a small gift to Yuan Tianqi honestly and respectfully.

They also realized that it seemed that Yuan Feng had brought back the Ning Danguo, which actually made them all flutter up, and this emotion was obviously an emotion that should not have occurred.

"Fenger, let's talk about your situation. Where have you been in the past three years? Also, come back here, but how long do you want to stay?"

Yuan Tianqi saw blood for a while, but directly asked for ideas. Speaking of which, even if there are hundreds of masters in the Yuan family who are in a state of Dandan, they are totally inferior to Yuan Feng. So, aside from the others, as long as Yuan Feng is willing to stay, then why does the entire Yuan family need so many people who are in a state of Dan?

"Grandpa, grandchildren will return this time, but they will not leave for a while. This time, grandchildren will accompany everyone to help everyone improve their strength."

Hearing Yuan Tianqi's question, Yuan Feng's brow was slightly raised, and then, as if he had made some decisions, he finally spoke.

"No more departures? Is this true?"

By the time Yuan Feng had finished speaking, the few people present, including Yuan Tianqi, who had just asked a question, were all excited.

They all thought that Yuan Feng returned to Dan Xiazong this time, and after helping everyone improve their cultivation, and after solving some troubles, they would go away again, but it was unexpected that Yuan Feng gave out Such an answer!

"Grandpa, dad, baby will stay in the family for a long time this time. It is time for my Yuan family to grow stronger."

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng's heart had a decision now.

Anyway, he will definitely be in danger when he travels to the Mo Luo world. In this case, it is better to leave the clone in the family. In this way, he can not only protect the Yuan family, but also guarantee an extra life.

Mo Luojie, after all, is too dangerous!

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