The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 856: Tear the face (four more)

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The icy cold wind was mixed with a piece of white snow, blowing in the mountain ridge of Xuelong Mountain, and the kind of severe cold was getting lower and lower, so that everyone present felt cold all over. A strong man has retreated no less than a thousand kilometers.

"Why, what's going on? Why is it getting colder? Is this going to freeze everyone?"

"It was only after the boy entered the cave that it became colder and colder outside. It seems that the boy was caused by the boy's own hands, and I don't know what he did!"

"It's been five days, and the kid still hasn't come out. I think Bacheng is frozen to death inside!"

"It shouldn't be, before I saw he walked into the cave easily, as if he was not affected by the cold at all, it should not be frozen to death."

"Isn't I frozen to death? Why hasn't I come out for so long? Even if I haven't been frozen to death, I'm afraid it was eaten by the Nether Beast. Otherwise, I should have come out already."

The strong men are obviously waiting impatiently. They can feel that the temperature here is getting lower and lower. If it's a while later, I'm afraid they will keep away from it and can't stay around the cave entrance. Already.

Obviously, Yuan Feng enlarged the cold air in the ground and picked the spiritual plant above the cold air, but it made the underground cold air gush even more intense, and the temperature outside became lower.

"Okay, noisy? Nobody can't wait to get out of the way. No one forced you to stay. If you are noisy again, the old man will fry you one by one."

As the hearts of everyone waited and talked to each other one by one, among the five people in front of him, the skinny old man suddenly whispered, threatening to be authentic.

For five days, let alone other people, even their five annihilated powerhouses were a little impatient. Of course, when they heard these people roaring in the back, they felt very upset.

In the past five days, there was no movement in the cold cave. Only the lower and lower temperature made everyone's nerves more and more tense. As for Yuan Feng who went in, whether he was alive or dead, did he gain anything? They are all ignorant. As for the Nether Dragon Beast, they didn't even see a single hair.

"Oh, don't Brother Feng Kai need to be in a hurry, those people can't hold their breath, can't Brother Feng Kai hold their breath?" Hearing the furious drink of the thin old man, there were a few great successful men on the side, but they were Many smiled and shook his head, and one of the younger-looking strong men joked with a smile.

"Hua Ye, you don't have to pretend to be calm. It's been five days, but the boy hasn't moved yet. I see that most of them are dead in it. It seems that I want to get the Nether Dragon Beast, the hope is slim. ! "

The old man named Feng Kai was not angry when he was teased by the other party, but he calmly returned.

"Mr. Feng Kai is right. It seems that the boy is also a silver-like stunner. He is already dead inside. We want to find the cubs of the Nether Dragon Beast. We have to find a way."

Among several people, Xiu Wei's strongest ancestor Miyae also stood up at this time, but he was also not very optimistic about Yuan Feng.

"Then what to do next? The temperature inside is obviously lower than before. Even if some of us want to try it now, is it really necessary to give up?"

Several great perfectionists frowned, but for a while they had no idea.

"Hey, it's an impulsive guy. They said they can't go in anyway. It's really helpless."

Among the five people, Shui Jinzhen didn't think so much at the moment. At the moment, she thinks more, but Yuan Feng fell into the cold cave, but it was a pity.

She really wanted to get the Void Dragon Beast to be true, but she didn't want to see other people lose their lives because of the Void Dragon Beast. A natural kindness made her hope that everyone would be safe and not to die.

However, all she could do had been done, and Yuan Feng had lost her life, and it was only he who could pay the bill.

"Well !!!"

However, just as several great perfectionists were thinking about how to enter the cold cave for investigation, a sound of wind breaking came from the cave in front. Although the sound was not loud, they were all present. Master, how can I not hear the sound inside?

"There is movement!" It was almost a momentary effort. All of them suddenly held their breath and looked at the cave in the distance. While everyone looked at the cave, a familiar figure, but It flew out of the cave quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was through the cold wind that came to the crowd.

"His, is this ... the kid wasn't dead? He, he came out?"

"Good anti-freeze guy, what kind of material is he made, so cold temperature, he actually stayed inside for five days?"

"Monster, this kid must be a freak!"

Seeing the young man in front of him, everyone's face was filled with incredible expression. With the temperature outside the cave getting lower and lower, everyone thought that Yuanfeng had fallen into the cave, but it was unexpected that five days later, Yuanfeng ran out of the cave with all his spare time.

"Such a thing like this?"

At the forefront of the crowd, the eyes of several great masters revealed a startled look, but their faces were a little different. Yuan Feng was able to come out of the cold cave, which was naturally beyond their expectations, but these were not the issues they were concerned about at the moment. What they really cared about at the moment was what Yuan Feng got in it!

"This guy is still alive?" The five Great Perfectionists, to say something different, but only the captain of the Shuiyue Law Enforcement Team, Shui Jinzhen, is left.

When she saw Yuan Feng appear, she didn't think about what Yuan Feng brought to her. For the first time, she felt more happy for Yuan Feng's return.

"You have been waiting a long time, but there is something in it, but it has taken a while."

Yuan Feng did not deliberately observe the crowd. He came out of the cold cave. He was obviously in a good mood. While joking, he landed in front of the five Great Perfectionists and arched in front of several people.

During these five days, his body absorbed a large amount of cold energy, but his body strength has been further improved, especially the absorption of these cold air, allowing his body to adapt to the cold nature of the place. Become stronger, and if you encounter a colder environment in the future, you will be able to fearlessly.

"Well, I welcome the triumphant return of the little brother. I can't think that the little brother's method is so arrogant. It really opened the eyes of the old man!"

The thin old man Feng Kai took the first step forward, complimenting with a smile at Yuan Feng.

"Yes, I have practiced for countless years, and this is the first time I have seen someone who can withstand such a cold, admire, admire!" Another great conqueror stood out and admired Yuanfeng's winning streak.

"Ha, where and where, in the next day, the ability to resist cold is relatively strong, and I didn't think it was an advantage. This time, it is nothing but luck. All luck is luck."

Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling a little funny when he heard a few great perfectionists praise and praise himself. He could almost think of these people, but with a few words of compliment, he wanted to benefit from him, which is obviously whimsical!

"Little brother, what's going on inside? Did you see the cubs of the Nether Dragon Beast?"

The ancestors of Gongjiang also took a step forward at this time, faintly sealing Yuan Feng's route, posing a very friendly face. Although Yuan Feng, a small character who came here with special abilities, is not worthy of his attention, at this time Yuan Feng is the only person who has entered the cave. He wants to put on display, I'm afraid he doesn't want to understand it. Situation.

"This ... don't hide a few people, this cave is too deep, and halfway down, it is really dare not set foot easily, so after a few days, it is quickly escaping, as for the young of the Nether Dragon Beast Beast, I have never seen it underneath. "

Yuan Feng has already thought about it. One more thing is not as good as one thing, anyway, only he entered the cave by himself, so why is he not reasonable? As for whether these guys believe or not, that's not what he needs to manage.

"What? Come out halfway in? Little guy, aren't you kidding me?"

When Yuan Feng's words came down, the skinny old man Feng Kai's first complexion changed, and his face, which originally seemed to be mild, was naturally exposed with a hint of nagging.

"You guys, that's not right. After spending five days in it, you told everyone that you only entered half of the cave and found nothing. Do you think we will believe it?"

"That's it, little guy, we didn't mean to embarrass you, but everyone has waited so long. If you don't give everyone a satisfactory explanation, it seems that you can't justify it!"

Regarding Yuan Feng's answer, of course they did not believe it. If Yuan Feng really couldn't get in after half of it, then I should have come out already. How could he stay in it for five days? Therefore, Yuan Feng would naturally not be satisfied with this explanation.

"Hello, let's be honest, this will be good for everyone." Gongjiang's ancestor's brow has also wrinkled, and faintly, he has gradually released the momentum, apparently putting pressure on Yuan Feng.


Hearing these four great perfectionists one by one questioning one after another, and just like interrogating prisoners, Yuan Feng's face slowly became gloomy.

He explained to these people that it was his face to several people. Speaking of which, his excuse was not intended to convince others. The reason why he said that was to let others know and to retreat.

However, at the moment, it seems that these four great perfectionists are not very understanding!

"Oh, a few of you, my words are true or false, it seems that there is no need to tell you so clearly ?!"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng hugged his hands and shoulders, but was not afraid of the four's momentum, his face was indifferent and authentic.


Hearing Yuan Feng's answer, the four great perfectionists were all cold, and at this moment they realized that the young man in front of him was still a hard-bone.

"Boy, it seems you haven't figured out what's going on!"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, the skinny old man Feng Kai smiled chillyly for the first time. During the conversation, his whole body suddenly rose up with a sense of coldness, and that kind of breath was actually more than the low temperature here. People are heartbroken.

ps: Today's four more, really a bit tired! !! !!

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