The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 855: Cold air refining (three more)

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The Nether Dragon Beast is in hand, which means that the business is done. Right now, listening to Dahei's meaning, the depth of this cold cave should be the source of the cold, and the source of the cold that can make Dahei interested may be something Harvest it!

It is rare to have such a physical advantage that outsiders can't compare. Yuan Feng naturally wants to give full play to this advantage. No matter what is in the depths of the cold cave, in short, it is necessary to go in and see what you can get. There is nothing to regret.

When Dahei said so, he also felt that the more he moved toward the depths of the cold cave, the colder it became. The feeling was like there was a source of cold air inside, which kept releasing the cold air. To the outside. Now think about it, the cub of the Nether Dragon Beast is probably over-stressed and wants to escape deep. Unfortunately, it miscalculated the temperature inside and was directly frozen to death there.

Yuan Feng and Da Hei went deep all the way, but the speed was not slow. Soon, one person and one dragon passed through the narrow cave and came to the end of a slightly open cave.

This is an open compound cave. The whole cave looks very spacious. When Yuan Feng and Dahei came to the entrance of this compound cave, even their level of physical strength felt a trace from the bottom of their hearts. Coolness.

"It's a cold cave, is this the source of the cold?"

One person and one dragon looked at each other, they saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes, and then they stepped into the open complex hole.


Entering Fudong, Yuan Feng's eyes locked a place in the cave for the first time, where a white cold was constantly escaping from the ground, and the white mist looked like ordinary Water vapor, but even if it is still far away, Yuan Feng has already felt the cold chill in the cold.

"It's an underground cold exit." Dahei's gaze was frozen on that cold eye for the first time, and the words were the tail of the dragon, flew straight to the cold eye.

"Big black, be careful !!!" Seeing Da black flying away from the cold, Yuan Feng couldn't help pinching the sweat for the other side. His physical strength is now stronger than Da Black, but even so, he has Don't dare to approach, you have to be careful.

"Yuanfeng kid, really made me guess. This time, I didn't run in vain!" Dahei didn't get too close to the chill eye. After a few meters from the chill eye, it stopped his figure, right Shouted at Yuan Feng.

"Oh? Have a baby?" Hearing Dahei's words, of course Yuan Feng also came to the spirit. When he stepped on his feet, he came to Dahei's side and stood, looking at the cold air hole.

"Well? That's ..."

In the eyes, just beside the blast of cold air, a turquoise green plant is bathing in the terrible cold, exuding a scent of incense and vitality that is hard to hide. Whoever sees this green spiritual plant At first glance, they will be infected by that tenacious vitality.

"This is the true treasure of heaven and earth. In such a harsh environment, it can grow proudly. This plant of spirits is probably enough to support your needs of spiritual plants at the time of the fourth turn of the Ninth Turn of Xuan Gong. "

There is a strange color flashing in the **** eyes. It is very clear that if there is no one affecting the growth of this plant in front of it, then after countless years, maybe it will grow into the acquired Lingbao level. Baby, there will inevitably be tremendous power.

"Enough to support my 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong in the fourth revolution? How powerful is it?"

Hearing Dahei's explanation, Yuan Feng also moved his heart, and his face flashed with joy. The spiritual plant he had previously picked up was exhausted when he practiced the Ninth Zhuan Xuan Gong in the third revolution, and he was worrying about where to find the heavenly treasures in the Ninth Zhuan Xuan Gong in the fourth revolution. Need to worry about it.

"This strain of Lingzhi was born in the cold, not only enough for you to practice the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong in the 4th turn, but it will definitely help your Xuan Gong, maybe you can improve your 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong as a whole. . "

Big Black's eyes are like a torch, naturally he can see very clearly. The energy contained in this plant is extremely huge, and I am afraid that it is enough to catch up with the annihilation of several heads of war.

"It's so good? It seems that this plant must be kept safe!" With a slight smile, Yuan Feng raised his hand, but recruited his Chixiao sword.

Since it is a good baby, of course, this thing can't be humiliated, digging this thing with the red Xiao sword, it should be regarded as paying enough attention to it!

"Brush !!!" Jianguang flashed, and Chixiao Sword cut out a beautiful sword horn, and chopped it directly on the rocky ground around the cold eye. The rocky ground here has been affected by the cold of the ground all day, but it is harder than ordinary magic weapons. However, in front of the Chixiao sword, no matter how hard the rock is, it is impossible to withstand the might of the Chixiao sword.

"Oh !!!!" With a muffled sound, the green rock surrounding a circle of rocks was cut off from the ground by him, and he sucked suddenly. This rock connected to the green rock was He was sucked into his hands.

"It's so cool !!!" A pinch of the rock wrapped with the green spirit plant, Yuan Feng felt an extremely cold chill from his hands, and fortunately, his 9th turn Xuan Gong reached the third turn. Xuan Gong in the second turn, then in all likelihood, his arm would be frozen.

"Mr. Yuan Feng, get some more rocks here. I am afraid that this plant has become accustomed to the severe cold environment. If it leaves the severe cold environment, its quality may be lost."

Yuan Feng wants to practice the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong of the fourth turn, and they don't know when to prepare the raw materials. Before that, they must ensure that the quality of this plant is not affected, otherwise Yuan Feng's loss.

"Understand !!" Hearing the reminder from Dahei, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. When he raised his hand, he first gathered up the spirit plant, and then he lifted his sword and dropped a lot of cold rocks. A small iceberg piled up in the ring sealed the ice plant in the middle, preventing the energy loss in the plant.

"Hey, let's live together now!" After doing everything, Yuan Feng carefully folded the Chixiao sword, then rubbed his hands and smiled with a smile.

Picked up the body of a Void Dragon Beast, and got a rare treasure of heaven and earth. This trip to Xuelong Mountain seems to be perfect!

"You guys are so lucky, I don't know how much trouble will be waiting for you in the future!"

Seeing Yuan Feng's delighted complexion, the Black Dragon was sighing, and seemed to be full of worry.

There has never been a smooth life in this world. Heaven is fair. A person may be flat in the first half of his life, but he must be full of bumps and crises in the second half of his life. If the first half of life stumbles, the second half of life will naturally be smoother. This is the heavenly cycle, also known as causality.

At present, Yuan Feng is as good as water to do everything. Then one day, his good luck will be used up. Waiting for him will be difficult and dangerous. The crisis will be heavy. Can he resist at that time? His past depends on his strength then.

"Ha, today is drunk, today is drunk, tomorrow is too far away, why do you want so much?" Hearing Dahei's words, Yuan Feng smiled, and didn't care. Of course, he also understands the reason for the extreme Thainess, but the world is impermanent, and how to arrange it in heaven is all a matter of heaven. He just needs to do well in his own eyes.

"Dahei, find out if there are other babies. If not, it's time for us to go out and see if you want to come to those guys, I'm afraid they've already been waiting anxiously!"

Before entering the cave, he was very clear that those guys obviously wanted to let him enter the cold cave and forced the void dragon beast inside * to the outside, and if he went out in good time, then it is almost certain that the void dragon beast would fall In his hands.

Judging by how bad those people are about the Nether Dragon Beast, no matter what the way, those people will try to **** the Nether Dragon Beast from his hands. However, those guys are better not to mess with him, otherwise he will definitely not Be polite with these guys.

Today, he is not the same as he was at the time, and the annihilation of Yamei is a piece of cake. Even the big perfectionist is not a big deal to him. If he is anxious, he will be killed together.

"There shouldn't be anything good here, but frankly, the coldness here is a bit of help to your nine-pass mystery. If you are not in a hurry, you can practice for a while above the coldness and condense yourself. Body. "

Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong also needs to be continuously strengthened to become stronger. At present, the underground cold air has a good eye environment. If some cold air is absorbed into the body, this will help Yuan Feng to cultivate the next magical power in the future, and encounter cold and Hot environments have unimaginable benefits.

"Oh? Is there such a benefit? In this case, it really takes a while to practice here."

Yuan Feng can also imagine that if he can absorb some of the cold air here into his body, so that his physical body contains some cold and cold properties of the underground cold, then he will be able to adapt to a colder environment in the future. And if it encounters a hot environment, it can also be neutralized by the cold air in the body. Obviously, such cultivation seems necessary.

"My body also needs to be polished. I see you and I will practice here for a few days. It will also make those guys outside anxious."

"Okay, since Dahei also wants to exercise his body, then the two of us will practice together for a while, so don't waste the underground cold eyes."

A slight smile, of course, Yuan Feng had no opinion, and his body moved during the conversation, and he went directly to the cold eyes, and sat down cross-legged.

Cold air refining, this seems to be a good choice.

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