The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2310: Anti-kill

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Yuan Feng really didn't expect that he would try his best to deal with Tianjizong's strong man. However, it is basically certain at this moment that these guys in Tianjizong are absolutely problematic. In this case, he Of course, we must start with these people first, and the people present must not be allowed to go on wrong.


A sword-mangling destroying the heavens and the earth, with incomparable hatred, went straight to the Twenty Days of the Great Perfection and was cut off. At this moment, Yuan Feng no longer concealed his true power, and With this shot, everyone present was shocked. It turned out that among these people, there were still such terrible characters.

"What a horrible swordman, this is ............ the sword of the mysterious sword realm? !!!"

They are all super strong, and everyone's knowledge is not covered. When you see Yuan Feng's sword, everyone feels that their spine is cold, and that feeling is like the sword awn of Yuan Feng. About to be cut on their own.

"There are such masters hidden in the Ziyun Palace? This ........."

All of them were startled by Yuan Feng's sudden uproar, and Yuan Feng's horrific swordsmanship also made all the newcomers and strong men who were about to start awake.

Among the people present, there are really few who have experienced the horror of the Xuanjian Realm, and for those young people who have not practiced for a long time, they have never seen such means.

"What? How is this possible?"

Among the team of Tianjizong, the six elders of Tianjizong are headed for a long time. The whole person seemed to see the most incredible thing, and his body was shaking slightly.

He had seen Yuan Feng for a long time, but he never dreamed that the young man in Ziyun Palace would be such a terrible strongman. Aside from other things, this sword alone was enough. Let him retreat.


Seeing Yuan Feng's astonishing sword cut off, the six elders could no longer think about it. Between the flutter of his body, behind him, a pair of dark ink wings appeared, and with this A pair of wings appeared, his body flickered, but it was countless times faster than before, and swept away.

"Oh !!!!!! Hey !!!"

The six elders with wings grew out of the attack for the first time, but a few days behind him were extremely lucky, but they were not so lucky at the moment. With the flash of Jian Mang, the four strongest Emperors were directly hit by Yuan Feng's Jian Mang, while the Jian Mang flashed, the four Super Emperors were already split into eight. half!

If you don't, you can use it, but once you do, Yuan Feng's power is absolutely thrilling. One sword killed four great conquerors. Among the people present, I am afraid that only he has such ability.

"Well? This is ........."

A sword was cut out, Yuan Feng was also a little stunned, because when he wanted to come, he was such a terrible sword, the elders of Tianjizong on the other side could not escape, but the fact is that the other party was really Dodging in the gap that cannot be sent.

With his eyes fixed, he focused his attention on the wings behind the six elders for the first time.

"It turned out to be one wing, wasn't it cultivated the day after tomorrow?"

The technique of condensing the wings behind him was practiced earlier, but at this moment he was able to find out that the wings behind the elders of the Six Heavenly Sects are obviously the same as the arms and limbs of the opponent, not It was born the day after tomorrow, but it was born. This, no doubt made him a little hesitant.

Either a human warrior or a warcraft warrior, it seems that there has never been such a situation now. In this case, the answer may be ready.

"Interracial !!! This is the real interracial !!!"

After seeing the appearance of the elders of the six elders, Yuan Feng finally realized that the so-called alien race was not a monk in the orc world at all, but the extreme elders of the day, apparently a strange appearance.

"Puff puff!!!!"

Just when Yuan Feng was in doubt, the six elders who had just grown a pair of wings just started to change rapidly. Soon, his body was raised a lot and his body was more and more. There was a dark fog, and how it looked, it was definitely a complete alien.

"Puff puff!!!!!"

Immediately afterwards, all the great perfectionists in Tianjizong were shocked, and one by one grew a pair of wings, and in their body, the black mist diffused for the first time, that This feeling is simply terrifying.

"His, this, this ..............."

The sudden change has shocked all the old strong players present, because even if they wanted to break their heads, they never expected that this would happen.

Huo Yunting and a group of veteran people were shocked at the moment. They have been working for Tianjizong, and in their hearts, they have always felt that they are dedicating to the whole world.

However, at this moment, everything is completely different. The elders and strong men who are familiar with Tianjizong are talking about the prototypes of horror, the appearance of wings, and the cold air permeating them, which is the biggest blow to them. And taunt.

What to say is that there is no arrogance to protect, what to sacrifice the ego to make up the ego, now it looks like a joke! For a long time, these people have been busy for so many years, and everything they do is actually working for some aliens! !! !!

This joke is really a bit big. From ancient times to the present, these old guys can't remember how much they paid, but in the end they found out that they have been playing tricks for the tiger, and finally they have completely cooperated with each other. After coming in, the kind of depression from the inside out made them almost vomit blood.

"How, how can this be?"

"What ... what are we doing?"

"Wrong, all wrong, each of us is wrong ..............."

At this moment, everyone felt an icy mat from all over the body, because everyone suddenly realized that since Tianjizong's strong man was a stranger, then Tianjizong deceived them all into the orc realm. What will be the purpose!

"What are you still doing? Tianjizong is the real alien, everyone, it's time to kill the alien, kill !!!"

Yuan Feng was also shocked by the sudden change, but now he was the first to return to God and shouted to everyone.

Although he didn't know what the specific situation would be, at the moment, they must quickly solve these winged bird people. If they want to come, only by killing these guys and the new disciples will they be able to recover some. Sane.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate at all, and the Chixiao sword shook in his hand, and the strong men who went straight to the heavens were killed.

At this moment, only killing these guys is king. As for the others, let's talk after killing these birdmen!

"Kill, kill these aliens and get justice for ourselves !!!"

Was reminded by Yuan Feng so many people have come back to God, and the thought that they and others have been deceived so miserably, including many strong men, including the host of the Purple Cloud Palace Huo Yunting, these are all Resentful hate shots, one after another to kill the people of Tianjizong.

At this moment, they really want to devour these guys, and they will never continue to die for them anyway.

"Stupid guys, now that you all know it, let's all die !!! Hey !!!"

Here at Tianjizong, after seeing things have been exposed, all the Tianjizong strongmen have revealed their prototypes at this moment, and seeing these old guys who have regained consciousness launched an attack on themselves and others, All the men in black suddenly released all the breath on their bodies. Suddenly, the young strong men who were promoted by special means were all like they got some kind of instructions and launched crazy to the people around them. attack.

Almost half of the thousands who were present were the newcomers who were later promoted, so when the battle started, it was basically a scuffle, and people like Huo Yunting and others who wanted to get closer to the Heavenly Emperor were simply not. Way to do things.

At this moment, the disciples of each of the great forces no longer belong to their respective sects. At this time, they only knew that killing was different from their own. As for the purpose of killing, it seemed that it was just for venting.

"Wake up, wake up all, do you know what you are doing?"

"Damn Heavenly King, what did you do to them?"

"Wake up, all wake up, don't you all want to betray you?"

Each of the palace masters is trying to call out to his disciples, but unfortunately, these people who have been promoted to the great consummation through Tianjizong means do not listen to their calls at all. .

These disciples who have lost their minds can attack them without any fear, but they understand that the other party is under the control of the puppet, so they dare not use too much force when they start.

In this way, those who remain sober will of course be at an absolute disadvantage.

"Well, die, let's all die !!!"

The chaos began, and the strong men in Tianjizong laughed wildly. Obviously, this scene is definitely the one they most want to see. Regardless, the coalition forces have cleared away many orc powerhouses, and when these people kill each other again, so that the last few remaining, then the extreme action can save a lot of trouble.

"A scum of the heavens, die !!!!"

Just when everyone in Tianjizong was watching the excitement one by one, but waiting for everyone to lose and get hurt, a low drink came suddenly. Between the words, Yuan Feng's body was unknown when he got rid of the strong Came to the top of the crowd.

"Om !!!!!! Brush !!!!"

The whole world shook slightly at this moment, and in a blink of an eye, all the horrible swordmangs seemed to destroy this side of the world, and the power was truly unmatched.

Obviously, Yuan Feng was completely provoked at this moment, and how powerful a provoked superpower can burst out is simply unthinkable.

"Not good, scattered escape !!!"

The sudden appearance of Yuan Feng and the earth-shattering attack frightened everyone in Tianjizong. At this moment, neither the six elders headed by them nor the rest of them had the slightest idea of ​​shocking them.

"Well !!!"

Between the tremors of the wings, one by one, the strong ones are all birds and beasts. For them, their task has been completed. Next, the only thing they need to do is to find a way to survive.

"Want to run? How could it be so easy, die for me !!!"

Yuan Feng was really crazy at the moment, because in the crowd, he saw Wang Zhong and Baihua Fairy who had gone completely crazy. Of course, for the changes of these two, he of course put all the blame on Tianjizong. For those who have made Wang Zhong and Baihua Fairy the culprits of the current situation, he must make the other party pay the price of blood.


Almost as soon as the people of Tianjizong were about to flee, the swordmang cut out by Yuan Feng suddenly exploded in the middle of a group of strongmen of Tianjizong. Suddenly, the horrible swordmand became a root. The sharp needlemang shot like a torrential rain pear towards the surrounding Tianjizong people.

"Well !!!!!!"

This move is invisible and tangible, and it can be said to be extremely horrible. The speed of the aura of the sword is as short as an extreme. All the strong people who look in this direction can only see the space threads. Spreading in all directions, each silk thread is actually the result of a needle-puncture.

With a muffled sound, all the Celestials were hit by needles, most of them were pierced into transparent people, even if they ran faster, now they are all He was badly wounded and could no longer escape.

"Do not!!!!!"

The six elders were also injured by several sword air needles at the moment, but in the middle of the stroke, he only felt that the strength of his body was a bit loose, especially the pair of wings behind him, which was really true now Qi Jian Mang is so sparse that it can no longer take advantage of speed.

"Give me back !!!"

Just when the six elders were wounded by the sword-shaped needles, but it was a painful roar, Yuan Feng's figure had already come to him, and shot him unceremoniously. Palm.


The palm that covered the sky was directly photographed on the body of the six elders, but it was the superpower who was extremely extreme, and he was suddenly taken to the ground, and he was already severely hit. Now suddenly A few mouthfuls of blood spurted out one after another, and eventually passed out.


One palm stunned the other side, but Yuan Feng did not kill him, but raised his hand, sucked the other side into his own hand, and threw it into the physical world for the time being.

Right now, he still needs to get more reliable information from this guy, so the other party here still has some useful value. Of course, when he gets what he wants, he will surely make the other person die terribly.

"It's enough to leave one alive. As for you guys, let me die !!!"

After capturing the six elders, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help looking at the rest of the Celestial Sect. At this moment, the rest of the Celestial Sect were basically deadly wounded and injured, and there appeared to be several attempts to escape. Unfortunately, at this moment, they want to escape from Yuan Feng's hands, which is absolutely unrealistic.

"Brush !!!!"

His body flickered, Yuan Feng seemed to be transformed into a gust of wind. When the gust stopped, the Tianjizong black man present was no longer alive.

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