The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2309: Hate shot

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Yuan Feng's words undoubtedly made Huo Yunting think a lot, he was not a fool, of course, he could understand what Yuan Feng was about to express. However, the more he thought deeply about these words, the more he felt in his heart. Feeling uneasy.

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng is the least necessary to be okay. The words spoken by Shicai are very pertinent, and it is related to what Yuan Feng said and his own experience. Next, there is naturally a very clear line.

The most important point is that when he came to the orc realm, everything he saw really did not have the imaginary scene. To say that the strong men in the orc realm would go to attack the world of delusion, it was like a character without a word. Skip it!

"Master Gongzhu, there is one more point. I want to come to Gongzhu Master to feel more clearly than my disciples!"

Just when Huo Yunting was thinking, Yuan Feng's voice came again, interrupting the other party's thinking.

"It's this time, what else can't you say?"

After chatting with Yuan Feng for so long, Huo Yunting's whole body's killing intention has weakened a lot, and speaking more and more like the past, this also makes Yuan Feng feel happy from the heart.

"Master Gongzhu should clearly see that all those who have been promoted to the existing realm through special means have lost their self and become a killing machine at this moment. This is even the most peaceful Joe. But Brother and Sister Baihua are no exception. Master Gongzhu thinks, is this normal? "

This time to follow the team to the orc realm, his purpose is to protect the people of the Ziyun Palace, especially Wang Zhong and Bai Hua, but now it seems that if this continues, even if he can guarantee that these people will not be The strong men in the orc realm will kill them, and I am afraid these people will torture themselves to death.

Therefore, even to get rid of these people, he must stand up and do something.

"Hey, how could I not notice, but I think of these as the sequelae after taking the panacea."

Hearing the questions raised by Yuan Feng, Huo Yunting was completely talked about this time. As he said, originally, he thought that these young disciples were really because of the special promotion method, which led to the current brutal killing. But now I think it seems that even he has been affected, so this is absolutely It's not just the sequelae.

"Yuan Feng, what do you think we should do?"

By now, he also knows that he can't make mistakes again and again, and deceives himself. After all, the situation in the orc realm is impossible to launch an offense against the delusional realm. Instead, it is their arrival that seems to really invade the world Massacres were also carried out on their people.

However, at this moment, he really didn't know how to deal with the situation at present. After all, if he and Yuan Feng guessed everything right, then everything he did before, I am afraid Is wrong.

This is not a problem that is wrong for a day or two, but that since the war of ancient times, all his preparations were wrong. Such a mistake, he could n’t accept it for a while, let alone make up for it. My fault.

"If the Lord Gongzhu can trust his disciples, then the next time, I recommend the Lord Gongzhu to disclose the meaning of the disciples to everyone. The disciples believe that if our guess is true, then someone will show up."

The idea is very clear, and if his guess is true, then he believes that in their current team, there are definitely people who contribute to the flames, and even, the reason why everyone has such a big killing intention, is very good * It was caused by someone secretly shooting.

"Well, since you said so, let this palace listen to your arrangements."

For a moment's thoughts, Huo Yunting agreed to Yuan Feng's proposal. After all, Yuan Feng's proposal is undoubtedly the best solution. If Yuan Feng and his guess are wrong, then continue to kill.

"Let me tell you, you are responsible for reminding me from the side." Calming his emotions, Huo Yunting felt a bit of a sense of shrinking. There is no way. The killing during this time has made him a bit of a strain, and He didn't know what he was talking about with such a group of murderous guys at the moment, and what would happen.

"Everyone, everyone wants to come to rest, but I don't know. Can you give me Huo Yunting some time and let this palace say a few words to you?"

With a decision in mind, Huo Yunting no longer hesitated. When he looked straight, he suddenly stood up and opened his mouth to everyone around him.


Huo Yunting's sudden speech made all the people present be a little stunned, and subconsciously looked at the other side. Obviously, no one expected that Huo Yunting would stand up at this moment.

"Huo Yunting, what are you talking about?"

Just when Huo Yunting just spoke, an old man stood up quietly among the crowd, seemingly unhappy to ask.

This old man is not unfamiliar to all the people present, even Yuan Feng among the crowd recognizes it, because this one is the elder of Tianjizong who had a relationship before.

In this operation, Tianjizong dispatched more than twenty demigods, many of them are elders of Tianjizong. The six elders are faintly some leaders, at least, purple The twenty or so great conquerors of Yungong seem to have been protecting him in the middle.

"Six elders, you and I are also old acquaintances. Brother and I have a few words that I can't vomit at this moment. I also ask the six elders to allow them to speak, so that the old brothers can be comfortable with me."

Seeing the six elders stand up, and obviously not very happy, Huo Yunting frowned, but he was more suspicious under his heart.

In his impression, the six elders of Tianjizong never seem to call his name directly. Basically, he is always called by the title of the palace master and old brother, and at this moment, the other party Not only did he call his name directly, but it was obviously a little threatening, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"It's the moment when I wait to kill the enemy. What do you have to say? Let's wait until everyone has wiped out all the aliens. Now, you can sit down and hurry up and adjust your breath!"

Regarding Huo Yunting's application, the elders of Tianjizong did not give the other party any chance. Obviously, the six elders didn't mean to let Huo Yunting say anything at all.


When he heard the words of the six elders, Huo Yunting's brow was tightened even more. Obviously, at this moment, if he can't feel anything different, then it is really wrong.

"Six elders, don't you let me finish my words, shouldn't you have ulterior motives? Don't you feel that our killing is invading this peaceful world at all? Didn't you find out that all of this world Everyone lives in a safe and secure manner, do they simply have no reason to invade the world? "

The overreaction of the other party undoubtedly made Huo Yunting even more sceptical. Therefore, this time he did not wait for the other party to agree at all, but directly expressed the idea he wanted to express.

"Bold, Huo Yunting, you are disturbing the minds of everyone. It seems that you have been bought by this alien, come on, take Huo Yunting, don't let him talk nonsense !!!"

Hearing Huo Yunting's questioning, the six elders suddenly changed their faces. Speaking, he waved to the people of Tianjizong who were all around him. Suddenly, all the Tianjizong strong men and himself were in succession. When he moved, he directly surrounded Huo Yunting.

"Uh, this ........."

Suddenly, all the people present were slightly surprised, and no one thought that it would take just a few words to make this happen.

Although everyone has lost some sense, at least, everyone knows that they are all present, and it seems that there should not be such a conflict between themselves and theirs.

In addition, Huo Yunting's words were heard in their ears. Many questioned Huo Yunting's presence was also the first time to think about it.

Not all of them were promoted through special later methods. Almost half of the strong players present were leaders of major forces. Some of these people live from ancient times to today, and some are rising stars, but No matter which one they are, they are almost the same as Huo Yunting, or they have some judgment ability.

Being reminded by Huo Yunting, where do they not feel the problem? As Huo Yunting said, there is no tendency for this orc world to invade the world without any hint! !!

"Slow, Elder Six, what are you doing? Everyone is your own person. If you have something to say, why do you need to do something with yourself and kill each other?"

When the six elders stood out with the people of Tianjizong, the two major protection methods on the side of the Ziyun Palace, they also hurried to Huo Yunting's side, and stopped at the six elders.

"Well, which round here got you talking? It seems that the Ziyun Palace was all bought by the aliens, everyone shot together and cleaned up and killed everyone in the Ziyun Palace !!!"

Seeing that the two major protection methods of the Ziyun Palace also joined Huo Yunting's ranks, the six elders couldn't help but change their looks, and then issued an order directly to issue a command.

"Brush !!!!"

Twenty-odd great conquerors shot together. The small team on the side of Ziyun Palace had not yet understood what was going on. All the horrific attacks had fallen into the team of Ziyun Palace.

"Puff puff!!!!!"

Jian Mang went mainly to some of the great conquerors in Ziyun Palace. However, these great conquerors in Ziyun Palace are certainly not so easy to win. Obviously not so lucky now.

It was almost a blink of an eye. The dozens of people in the Ziyun Palace who had turned around in a half-deity state had almost half died.


After killing half of the Ziyun Palace's eight-turn strong, more than twenty elders of Tianjizong shot together and killed Huo Yunting and other Ziyun Palace great conquerors directly. It can be seen that they absolutely wanted to Everyone in Ziyun Palace should be killed here.

"Jack !!!!"

Watching the young disciples killed in Ziyun Palace, Huo Yunting was also furious. By now, he can basically be sure that the extreme people on this day must be in great trouble.

Speaking of which, in order to protect the boundless world, he did not hesitate to let the disciples of Ziyun Palace make sacrifices, and ran to this strange world to heroically kill the enemy. He couldn't accept things at all.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

As soon as he raised his hand, the cold long sword had been taken out by him, and he went straight to the sixth elder and others to kill him. No matter what, he had to discuss an argument for the dead Ziyun Palace disciple.

"Protect the lord, kill !!!"

On the day when more than twenty great perfectionists were shot, all the strongmen on the side of Ziyun Palace immediately started to fight back. They are red-eyed, but they still know who they are. Now seeing the people at Ziyun Palace under siege, of course they have to rebel with Ziyun Palace.

"There is a problem, it really is a problem !!!"

Yuan Feng has also jumped out at the moment, and rushed ahead. At this moment, he dared to use his own head to guarantee. These days, the extreme strong must be very problematic, otherwise, These people will never let the words go, and sentenced everyone in the entire Ziyun Palace to death.

"Get away from me !!!"


Now that it's determined that these guys have problems, of course he doesn't need to be polite with these people at the moment. As soon as he raises his hand, the astounding Jian Mang flashes by, a few Tianjizong who are about to besiege. The strong man was directly blown away by Jian Mang, but was struck by a long distance, and then he stopped with a horrified face.

"Rebellion, Ziyun Palace is going to rebel. What are you waiting to see, do not yet act together to destroy these rebels?"

The sudden outbreak of Yuan Feng made Tianjizong's crowds a little stunned, especially the six elders headed by it. It was even unexpected that a master such as Yuan Feng was hidden in the Ziyun Palace.

From the sword that he just saw, he saw a lot of things. At least he could see that Yuan Feng's strength didn't seem to be under him.

"Ziyun Palace rebelled, everyone killed together !!!"

"Kill, kill, absolutely do not allow artificial counter-attacks, kill everyone in Ziyun Palace !!!"

When the roar of the six elders falls, all the newcomers in the team will start subconsciously, as if they heard the word kill, they would be instinctively excited.

"Don't move, disciples in Leiyun Palace, all back, no one is allowed to shoot !!!"

"The disciples of Wuxiang Palace listen to the order. No one is allowed to take any action. Everything is subject to the arrangements of the palace, and the offenders are cut off !!!"

"Don't make any rash move, who dares to move violently, this palace himself abolished him !!!"

At the same time as the new powerhouses were about to make a shot, all the main palace masters of the major forces suddenly stood up and shouted at the disciples of their respective forces, blocking everyone's Shot.

For these superpowers, they see everything in their eyes and remember it in their hearts. Huo Yunting's words aroused their thoughts on the facts, and the reactions of the people in Tianjizong also made them feel greatly wrong.

Speaking of which, Huo Yunting didn't say much, but the people of Tianjizong even shot out to kill each other. When the other strong men in Ziyun Palace came forward to explain the truth, they were directly attacked by the crowd of Tianjizong. In a word, even a dozen people fell in the blink of an eye.

I have to say that the practices of these people at Tianjizong have completely made them aware of the problem. At this time, of course, they will not let their disciples shoot easily to help the people of Tianjizong to deal with the strong men in Ziyun Palace.

"What are you all doing? Are you so dared to disobey?"

Seeing all the powerful men, they didn't even let their disciples take the shot. The elders of Tianjizong and the six elders all changed their looks, and they all became a little anxious.

There is no doubt that the current situation is definitely not in their previous plans and expectations, and suddenly this happened, and they really did not know how to deal with it.

If these people don't really obey their orders, then this time they will really be big.

"Six elders, the host of Yunting Palace didn't seem to say anything more, did the elders' 6 approach go too far?"

"Yes, who do not know the owner of Yunting Palace, who is the main force in the whole world, you say that the owner of Yunting Palace has been bought by a foreigner. I am afraid it is difficult to convince the people?"

"That is, and also, why can you kill innocents indiscriminately, can you just slaughter my disciples and so on with your words?"

"Is it because the six elders and the elders have ulterior motives?"

The strong men one by one came out to blame the elders of Tianjizong. They didn't know anything else, but they saw the dozens of innocent disciples in the Ziyun Palace. As far as they are concerned, if their disciples are treated this way, then this battle is simply meaningless.

Therefore, when the Six Elders shouted at them, everyone stood up and questioned the Six Elders and Tianjizong.

"Reversed, all reversed. It seems that you don't want to serve Tianjizong. In this case, then blame the elders for being ruthless !!!"

With the development of such a field, the elder six clearly understands that he wants everyone to continue to work for Tianjizong, which is really impossible. However, don't think that this will make him helpless. For them, even if there is an accident, there is a final solution.

With a smirk, the six elders suddenly stunned, and then a mass of black mist was released from him, covering the entire canyon directly.

More than just one of the six elders, at this moment, all the powerful men in the Celestial Sect release the black mist for the first time. These black mists are connected into one piece, and everyone in the coalition has failed to escape the fate shrouded in mist.

"Om !!!!!!"

With the mist covering all people, among the great forces, everyone who has promoted cultivation in a special way is trembling at the moment. Then, everyone's eyes are all at once He became dull, and deep in his eyes, there was only boundless killing intention.


When the black mist spread, the six elders of Tianjizong had retreated to the periphery with other Tianjizong people. After reaching the periphery, all the Tianjizong people shouted a killing word together, and with their shouts After the fall, a horrible momentum rose into the sky, and then, the incredible scene that made the powerful men of all major forces appeared in front of everyone.


The horrifying killings shrouded the entire gorge at once, and then, the new powerhouses in each of the forces were killed directly towards the palace masters and rulers around them. At this moment, they could not see the eyes at all. A touch of reason, as if all the creatures appearing in front of them are the targets of their attack.


The powerful men, one by one, are still thinking about what Huo Yunting said before. They suddenly did not imagine that their disciples attacked themselves suddenly. Therefore, after being attacked by their own people, There are a lot of strong people who have suffered some injuries, but in general they are OK.

"No, we've been cheated !!!"

At this moment, the fool knows that he has been deceived by the people of Tianjizong. After all, if it were not for Tianjizong's secret manipulation, these disciples would never launch a sudden attack on them.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Of course, at this time, obviously it is too much to think about. Seeing that his disciples are actually killing themselves, one by one, the strong ones can only fight one after another and have to fight against them.

They can all feel that their disciples are obviously completely irrational. Therefore, at this moment, they cannot keep their hands at all, or they will be hurt by their disciples.

"Sister and Brother !!!"

On the side of Ziyun Palace, all the newly-increased people, including Wang Zhong and Baihua Fairy, turned their guns at the same time, but killed Huo Yunting and the two major guardians.

Obviously, there is a unique method for distinguishing between the strong men who have been promoted through the methods provided by Tianjizong. Therefore, the targets they provide are all the old strong ones, but they will not kill each other.

Although Yuan Feng is not a veteran strongman, he obviously does not belong to the opponent's camp. Therefore, when the black mist struck, he was immediately attacked by Wang Zhong and Fairy Fairy, and he was shocked by this. At the same time, it is also full of anger.

"Damn Heavenly King, what did you do? !!!"

At this moment, everything is obviously done by Tianjizong, but at this moment, he can't care so much, because at this moment, he must quickly rush to find a way to save Wang Zhong and other talents.

"Tian Ji Zong, I want to make you pay !!!!!!"

With his eyes fixed, at this moment, he turned his eyes to the celestial beings in the periphery. He knew that if he wanted to restore the disciples of these major forces to normal, then he must first eliminate these celestial forms. Guy, only then can he solve the problems of those young disciples.

"Hum !!! Boom !!!!!!"

The momentum of terror rose into the sky, and the red-red Chixiao sword finally appeared in front of people for the first time. Obviously, at this moment, Yuan Feng was finally going all out.

However, he would never have thought of it before. After the Chixiao sword came out, the people who had to deal with it would be the strongest in the sky.

"Wanjian returns, kill !!!"

With his eyes fixed, the red-red Chixiao sword chopped down sharply. Suddenly, a shocking Jianmang went straight to the sky. Twenty people chopped it down. With this sword cut out, the whole world was full of Shook for a while, and all the people who just started, subconsciously looked at the shocking Jianmang, one after another opened their mouths.

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