The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2278: Surprises

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The whole Qingwu Palace is still a quiet one. There is no force or individual who understands this super power that has risen in the corner of Wuleijie, but when the Qingwu Palace is revealed, I do n’t know How many strong people will be watching. Alas,

Of course, these are not what Yuan Feng cares about. For the current Yuan Feng, his only goal is to promote himself in the Qingwu Palace to a semi-god realm. As for the others, he really Have no energy to consider.

It has been a whole day to help his parents improve their cultivation, and during this day, Yuan Feng can be said to be careful and careful, for fear of a slight omission, causing his parents to have an accident.

Fortunately, neither Yuan Qingyun nor Jiang Qingwu are greedy for greed, and Yuan Feng is always in control. Therefore, although the process is not fast, there is no danger.

"Om !!!!!!"

When the whole day slipped away quietly, Jiang Qingwu, who had been sitting there silently, practiced, but now there was movement.

Along with a space shake, Jiang Qingwu's body, a very strange energy wave, suddenly released from the inside out, at the same time, those light purple lights around her, this will Suddenly it turned into a deep purple, just like the original green fruit, it suddenly matured.

"Well? Mother is going to break through?"

Yuan Feng's attention has always been closely watching his parents. When Jiang Qingwu's body changed, he didn't want to, and raised his hands to isolate his parents. In this way, no matter what changes happen to Jiang Qingwu's body, it will not affect his father.

"Okay, well, the divine light is on the horizon, and the transformation of strength is really a sign of promotion to demigod, and the mother really wants to be promoted to demigod !!"

He is a man, and he can see it at a glance. At this moment, Jiang Qingwu definitely realized the true meaning of the demigod and started to charge towards the demigod, and felt that the cultivation of the other person has begun to transform. However, he didn't dare to hesitate. Between raising his hands, he summoned a black fruit again, refining more fruit energy for his mother's use.

"Brush !!!!"

In the process of transforming from the non-polar state to the demigod state, naturally, a lot of energy needs to be replenished. At the moment, Jiang Qingwu's ability to withstand is much stronger than before.

Yuan Feng didn't care about waste at all. At this moment, he dedicated himself to serving his father and busy living with his mother. Although there was a little tiredness, his face was always filled with joy. Smile.

He knew that his mother would be successful. After all, his mother was of good qualifications and had a solid foundation. If this did not advance, it would be too bad.

A lot of energy is put into Jiang Qingwu's body, and as more and more energy is incorporated, the light around Jiang Qingwu's body is getting more and more bright. Looking at the posture, it really seems to bloom. same.

"Eh? I have absorbed so much energy, but I haven't stopped the trend yet. Does the mother want to break through the realm of the semi-godder and go straight to the realm of the second turn?"

When Yuan Feng controlled the output of energy and constantly supplemented his mother, he suddenly discovered that the energy of the fruit absorbed by his mother at this moment was already longer than the strength of the demi-god. The energy level that the person can absorb, but even so, the other party still has no intention to stop!

"My dear, my mother is so extraordinary, she really has to go through a turn in one fell swoop and go straight to the second turn !!!"

After a brief observation, Yuan Feng confirmed his guess. Obviously, at the moment, Jiang Qingwu really wanted to advance to two realms in one fell swoop, but he was going to cross the realm of one pass directly.

I have to say that this approach is actually very crazy.

Everyone knows that the nine realms of the demigod, each realm, need to be felt and accumulated, and only one by one can move forward, then they can withstand the test of heaven. To put it plainly, only Only one level of advancement can carry the test of resurrection. If you advance to two realms at once, it is bound to fall under the resurrection.

Like Jiang Qingwu's practice at this moment, when she enters the semi-god realm and the second turn, then her first turn robbery and second turn robbery will appear together, and after the two major robbery are superimposed, But definitely not as simple as a family equals two.

Speaking of which, breaking through two realms at once is really not a rare situation. In fact, when some practitioners are promoted, they can easily do this because of their luck and condition. So even the situation of being promoted to the third level suddenly appeared.

However, once you can't control your ** at the moment of the shock, what is waiting for him will be a devastating blow.

Throughout the history of the world without bounds, it seems that there is no monk who can successfully survive the superposition of robbery after being promoted two levels.

However, Jiang Qingwu didn't need to worry about this, because before the leveling, Yuan Feng had told her that as long as she could do it, then if she wanted to improve a few levels, she would upgrade a few levels. As for the robbery, No need to think at all.

You know, no matter how many levels Jiang Qingwu improves, her cultivation will be higher than Yuan Feng, and as long as her cultivation is higher than Yuan Feng, the latter can help when she crosses the calamity, and For Yuan Feng, even if it was a robbery of great consummation level, he was still not afraid.

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if he really can't cope with the robbery, he will take the person to the beast **** world, and when he arrives in the beast **** world, the robbery will be worthless to him.

"Om !!! Boom !!!!!!"

I do n’t know how long, at a certain moment, Jiang Qingwu finally absorbed enough energy, and with the last trace of energy blending into her body, a horrifying wave of energy surged suddenly around her body, and on her face At this time, an indescribable smile also appeared.

"Okay, the second transition of demigod is really the second transition of demigod !!"

Feeling the energy fluctuations spreading on Jiang Qingwu's body, Yuan Feng was simply delighted. Although he did have thought about his mother's promotion to Demi-God II, before he thought about it, when he really saw his mother's promotion to Demi-God II, his heart was full of surprises.


At the time of Yuan Feng's thoughts, Jiang Qingwu's eyes suddenly opened. Suddenly, the two rays of light emerged directly from the radio. It can be seen that Jiang Qingwu's strength at this moment is absolutely intolerable. Xiaoyan.

"Fenger, I succeeded !!!"

Eyes opened, Jiang Qingwu's eyes were also full of joy. Speaking of which, I'm afraid she may not want to, she can cultivate to such a state.

"Congratulations to mother, congratulations to mother, from now on, mother is also a super power of demigod !!!"

Seeing her mother's successful promotion to the semi-god realm two transitions, Yuan Feng's heart is certainly delighted, and from the perspective of Jiang Qingwu, her foundation and understanding are good, and she will be promoted in the future. Realm should not be difficult.

"It's all your credit for Fenger, by the way, how is your father now, can he be promoted to the demigod state?"

At the moment, Jiang Qingwu was most concerned about her husband's situation. Speaking of which, she herself had been promoted to the demigod state. Some are meaningless.

"My mother is anxious, my father is still practicing, but I believe that it won't be long before my father can be promoted to the level of demigod."

Speaking of his father, he couldn't help but look at Yuan Qingyun aside, but unfortunately, at this moment, Yuan Qingyun apparently has no signs of breakthrough. As for when he can break through, it is not very easy to say.

Yuan Qingyun's understanding and qualification is undoubtedly much worse than Jiang Qingwu. At this moment, Jiang Qingwu has been promoted to the second turn, but he has not yet reached the level of the demigod. Feng's heart was also very anxious.

"Hey, I hope Yun Brother can be promoted to demigod sooner, otherwise, my promotion is really meaningless."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help sighing. He just broke through the great mood of repair, and it was almost instantly discounted, and there was no smile again.

"Mother rest assured, since the child can make the mother advance to demigod, then he must be able to make the father also advance."

What else can Fengfeng say at this time? Although there is really no confidence in his heart, in order to reassure Jiang Qingwu, he can only pick and choose.

"hope so!!!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Qingwu also knew that this matter could not be rushed, nor was she able to help. All she could do was to make her repair faster and more stable, and it was better for Yuan Feng. Reduce some stress.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

However, almost at the time of Jiang Qingwu's thoughts, a sound of spatial vibration came suddenly, and at the same time, Yuan Qingyun, who was not far away from her, also had a slight shock around her body. The momentum is brewing in his body.

"Well? This is ........."

Feeling the energy fluctuations uploaded by Yuan Qingyun's body, Yuan Feng's eyebrows could not help but slightly pick, the whole person suddenly came to spirit.

"Father is going to break through?"

Feeling the increasingly powerful energy fluctuations of Yuan Qingyun's body, Yuan Feng couldn't see where. At this moment, the other party also realized the true meaning of the demigod.

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