The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2277: Family promotion

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Back to the second day of Qingwu Palace, Yuan Feng started to get busy.

There are really many relatives and friends around, and it is definitely not a small project to want these people to advance to the level of demigod.

The first thing to be promoted is naturally Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu. For their parents, Yuan Feng must do everything possible to help the two as much as possible. Of course, their qualifications and The potential is limited, and how much he can help the two improve, he has no idea.

In addition to Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu, other members of the Yuan family and Dan Xiazong, such as the Yuan's uncle and Sanye, as well as Dan Xiazong's ruler Mu Hai and Elder Fentian etc. Promoted.

Everyone's ascension must be guarded by a strong person above the demigod. At this time, the arrival of the demon flames is undoubtedly very timely.

A super strong man like Demon Flame can completely guard a dozen people at one time, and Waner, who has already been promoted to demigod, can also guard a couple of people at this moment. In this way, everyone is responsible for their work , The efficiency is quite considerable.

As for Xiaoba in Yuanfeng's body world, Yuanfeng did not call the little guy out to help, because he knew that Xiaoba's biggest task at the moment was to find ways to produce more World of Warcraft, and it produced one and a half more Warcraft with five turns in the magic realm, but it is more effective than a few strong gods with a turn in the light dance palace.

In order to enhance the relationship between Yao Yan and Yun Mengchen's daughters, Yuan Feng finally gave Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner to Yao Yan, who helped them to improve.

The strength of the monster flame is there. Except that he does not have many means, the others are really similar. With her shot, she can be completely relieved.

Speaking of which, the process of ascension this time is not complicated. In fact, it depends more on the efforts and understanding of the ascended, and what Yuan Feng and Demon Flame need to do is nothing more than to provide them with the energy and guarantee They are not surprised.

There are a lot of fruits from the Tianlong clan at the moment, and in order to strengthen the power of Qingwu Palace, Yuan Feng does not care about losses at all. As long as it can ensure safety, no matter how many fruits, he will not care at all. Worried about wasting.

The promotion of Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu was separated from Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner. Yuan Feng didn't interfere too much about how the demon flame wants to promote the two women to the semi-godder, because now He has put all his mind on his parents.

"Father, mother, you don't need any pressure. The things that the baby got this time are not too precious. Even if you fail this time, there are other ways for the baby."

Seeing that his parents were ready, Yuan Feng's complexion was slightly correct, and he smiled at his parents.

Shocking the realm of demigod is really not a joke, so he must let Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu strike in a peaceful state of mind.

Having said that, he is actually quite confident about the weird fruits he has obtained this time. You must know that according to his feelings, this black fruit may be able to help him advance to the demigod, and his demigod , But comparable to other people's semi-god realm.

"We know, Fenger, you do n’t have to worry about it. Speaking of it, your father and I do n’t have too high expectations for a stronger state. Even if we keep staying in the infinite state, the two of us are already very I'm satisfied! "

Hearing his son's instructions, Jiang Qingwu nodded and smiled, but in turn relieved Yuan Feng.

In fact, she and Yuan Qingyun are really content. You should know that originally, they were trapped and a small village. Without Yuan Feng, they are destined to be bland and indifferent in their lives. It is impossible for death to meet again.

And because of the appearance of Yuan Feng, they not only reunited their families, but also have the super strength nowadays. It can be said that in their lives, they have been really satisfied.

It's best to be able to advance to demigods, but they can't be sad if they can't be promoted.

"Baby knows, father and mother, now that the second old man is ready, let's start now!"

Yuan Feng also said no more. He could see that his parents should be very open-minded, and such a mentality would definitely have a huge benefit in impacting the demi-god.


When he raised his hand, a black fruit suddenly appeared in his hand, and with the appearance of the fruit, the entire back room space was slightly swayed, and an ancient atmosphere directly filled the entire back room space. .


Why did Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Qingyun ever experience such terrible energy fluctuations, when the ancient and sangcang breath enveloped them, they felt that there was an indescribable feeling all over them. Originally, there was still some restless emotion, but it was completely quiet.

"Father and mother, calm down and run the exercises. As for the others, you don't care about anything."

Seeing that the black fruit was held in his hands, Yuan Feng finally asked his parents, and then he suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, the black fruit was motivated by his power, a special one. Energy also slowly leaked out of the fruit.

There is no need to say more about Yuan Feng. At this moment, Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu have already entered the state of cultivation, and as they start to cultivate, the strange energy around them is also moving towards them. Penetrated into the body.

"Buzz !!!!"

As these special energies began to enter the body, Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu both trembled in shape. It can be seen that absorbing these energies with their physiques is probably a bit of a struggle. This, but It's visible from their slightly frowned brows.

Seeing his parents seemed a bit overwhelmed, Yuan Feng hurriedly reduced the energy output so that the energy of the fruit refinement could be integrated into the two's bodies at a slower rate.

"Buzz !!!!"

A lilac light, I do not know when it appeared in the body of Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu, at the same time, their cultivation, like sitting on a rocket, began to increase rapidly with the naked eye, The speed of such improvements is much faster than Yuan Feng expected.

"Well, it seems that the effect of this fruit is really good, but I don't know how much power my father and mother can improve this time, and whether they can surpass the realm of the demigod."

This is the first time he has used these fruits to promote cultivation for others. The specific results are not very clear, but he believes that as long as these energy are sufficient, his parents are sufficiently savvy, and then will be supplemented with some luck. The cultivation of the two can definitely achieve more than one turn of the semi-god.

The next time, Yuan Feng, while observing the changes of his parents, carefully controlled the output of energy to ensure that his parents could afford the energy supply, but there was a little pressure.

For him, that was an urgent matter. Of course, in order to maximize the improvement of his parents, he was not afraid to spend some time.

The entire Central Palace of Qingwu Palace is shrouded in the Yellow River Formation of Jiuqu. Every change here is not felt by the outside world. No one can think of it. At this moment in the Qingwu Palace, It is undergoing earth-shaking changes, and when the change is over, Qingwu Palace will become the most terrifying force in the whole world of no delusion.

Yuan Feng started to be busy here, and in another secret room, the three people, Yao Yan and Yun Mengchen Mu Yuner, had already made the final preparations.

"Two sisters, we are about to start. Remember, you only need to practice with peace of mind. As for the rest, your sister will take care of it for you."

The face of the monster flame is very serious, and it is unprecedentedly serious.

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng gave such an important task to her, and she also understood Yuan Feng's intention. No doubt, Yuan Feng wanted to give her this opportunity so that she could get more familiar with Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner.

However, she was actually a bit worried. After all, if she didn't really grasp it, she wouldn't be able to advance to the demigod state. At that time, I'm afraid she's full of mouth, but it's hard to tell.

"Sister Lau."

Hearing the words of the demon flame, Yun Mengchen hesitated a little bit, and finally said a word of thanks, but this time, her title of the demon flame also changed from the demon flame girl to her sister.

Such a title is tantamount to a disguised confession. It seems that at this moment, she is slowly accepting each other.

In fact, this is also no way out. She has already seen Jiang Qingwu's attitude before. Obviously, Jiang Qingwu is very welcome to join the flames. And if she has been very cold, regardless of how Yuan Feng is going to get along, Jiang Qingwu alone will not make her feel good.

After thinking about it, Yuan Feng really has a lot of confidants around her. Mu Yun'er, Wan Er, and Chu Chen, who is still in retreat, these women will probably not leave Yuan Feng in the future. In this case, even more What about a monster flame?

Moreover, the strength of the monster flame can also help Yuan Feng to do a lot of things, and even protect Yuan Feng, which she can't do.

After thinking about this, her heart slowly calmed down.

"Giggle, where's my sister, this is what I should do." Hearing Yun Mengchen finally called himself to her sister, the demon flame suddenly smiled, and the mood suddenly became very good.

"Two sisters, rest assured, this time, my sister will definitely help you improve your level, and strive to make you align with me as soon as possible."

When she was in a good mood, her self-confidence was actually improved. Speaking, she took out the black fruit entrusted to her by Yuan Feng and began to promote the two women.

Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner didn't talk much anymore. To tell the truth, no one would be more eager to be promoted to the demigod. Yuan Feng has already left them too many, if they do n’t chase at this time. God knows if there is any chance to catch up in the future.

Therefore, after the monster flames finished speaking, they all became extremely serious. Such a rare opportunity, their goal, will not be as simple as a demigod turn, if they can, they really hope that they can break through the three-turn state in one fell swoop, then they will be really capable of helping Feng.

ps: the first arrives, the second is later !!!

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