The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2271: Brotherhood (three more)

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"Brother Yuan Feng, what is going on? Didn't Master Gong say that he wants to teach you cultivation, why did you put it back? Did you offend his old man again?"

When Yuan Feng was let into his own hall, Wang Zhong did not give Yuan Feng a chance to speak at all. ↑,

Speaking of which, after returning to the ** Temple, he originally wanted to find his master and celebrate with his master, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find it. In this regard, his mood is very unhappy.

However, just when he was upset, Yuan Feng, who should have followed Huo Yunting's practice, was even "rushed" back. In this way, of course, his mood was even more upset.

"Oh, brother, don't worry, things are not what you think."

Seeing Wang Zhong's anxious look, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile a little, signaled the other party not to be anxious, and waited for them to sit down, and then slightly corrected his look, and continued:

"Brother, there is something, the younger brother actually wanted to tell you before, but there were too many people around at that time, the younger brother had no chance to export, but now there is no outsider, but he can tell the real truth . "

With a somber expression, Yuan Feng at this moment was simply more serious than ever, and there was even a little regret in his eyes.

Speaking of which, Wang Zhong apparently regarded him as a real brother, but he didn't even want to tell his situation to him at the beginning.

"Well? Brother Yuanfeng has something to say to me? Anything, brother, but it doesn't matter."

Seeing Yuan Feng's so solemn expression, Wang Zhong's heart was really a little curious. In his impression, Yuan Feng rarely seemed as serious as he is now.

"It's not a big deal. The younger brother just wants to tell the brothers. In fact, I really don't need to follow the master to practice, because the master of the palace at this moment really has nothing to teach me."

Yuan Feng tried to make her narrative more acceptable, but as his voice dropped, Wang Zhong's eyebrows could not help but slightly pick, apparently aware of some problems.

"Master Nothing can teach you? This ........."

This is the second time Yuan Feng has said such a thing. At the first time, he didn't go too far into his heart, but after a careful taste, he realized that what looks like Yuan Feng's words seems to have something else. A sense of meaning!

"Hey, just talk to your brother. In fact, the younger brother has now been promoted to great consummation, and the cultivation has reached a limit."

When the words fell, he suddenly shook his body. Suddenly, a horrible wave of energy spread out in all directions, and instantly filled the entire palace. The kind of calmness and calmness was better than the king. The breath released before the bell was even more terrifying.


When Yuan Feng's breath was released, Huo Yunting already had a hint of hunch, but was still startled by the breath suddenly released by Yuan Feng, and bounced directly from his seat.

"The Great Perfection's energy fluctuations? You, you have even been promoted to Great Perfection?"

He stepped back subconsciously, and now Wang Zhong had a feeling that he couldn't believe everything he saw.

This time I saw Yuan Feng again, and the latter showed that the cultivation has always been a demi-god's turn, but at this moment, Yuan Feng suddenly released the momentum of semi-god In this regard, even if he thinks of his demigod and great consummates, he can't even turn the corner.

"This, how is this possible? Your practice is that there is only a half-god realm !!!"

The sudden change was nothing like a trick to him, but Yuan Feng's momentum was there, even if he couldn't believe it, he had to believe it.

"Brother, be calm and restless !!!"

Yuan Feng had already anticipated Wang Zhong's reaction at this moment. Seeing the other party ’s response was so exaggerated, he couldn't help but stand up and press the other party back to his seat again, indicating that the other party should not be surprised.

"Hey, don't hide my brother, this time I went out, but I went to a whole new world, where the younger brother encountered some encounters, and then I was lucky to be promoted to the semi-final world. So, Brother does not need to worry about the cultivation of the younger brother at all. "

His true situation, he did not intend to tell anyone, but for his great strength, he decided to use the great perfect cultivation as a cover. As for why no one can see through his cultivation, he will not talk to Anyone explain.

Wang Zhong and others can be promoted to great consummation by virtue of foreign objects. Of course, it is also possible for him to advance to great consummation by unknown means. There is nothing unimaginable to say.

"you you………………"

Looking at Yuan Feng stunned, Wang Zhonghan was unable to speak. Frankly speaking, Yuan Feng suddenly showed him the power of great consummation, which was still a little too exciting for him.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, Brother Yuanfeng, you are hiding such a big thing from me, and you must punish you for a few drinks later, hahahaha !!!"

After a brief shock, Wang Zhong couldn't help laughing.

He was really too excited. Originally, Yuan Feng's cultivation was a heart attack. He always wondered how he could help Yuan Feng to promote cultivation.

Shicai saw Yuan Feng being kicked back. He even thought that if Huo Yunting did not teach Yuan Feng, he would teach it by himself. However, his cultivation has reached the great consummation.

However, happiness came so suddenly. When he was in trouble, Yuan Feng even gave him a big surprise. In this way, all his worries can be set aside!

"Ha ha ha, no problem, but I don't have good wine on my body anymore, and say I have to spend a lot more money on my brother."

When he saw Wang Zhongxi smile, he didn't get angry because of his concealment, but when he felt glad for himself, Yuan Feng was completely relieved.

To be honest, he was really worried that the other party would blame himself. Now it seems that he is a bit worried.

"Okay, ** there is nothing in the hall, but there is no shortage of good wine. Later, I will look for Master, and then find a few masters, let's have a good drink together, hahaha !!!"

At this moment, Wang Zhong was almost as excited as ever, but when his words fell down, the smile on Yuan Feng's face could not help but stagnate, but suddenly it became a little unnatural.

"Oh, my brother, I don't want to call anyone else. It's a good choice for you and my brother to drink a few glasses alone. Doesn't that mean it?"

He is really unwilling to bring up the other party's affairs about Hua Di, the master of the palace. After all, as Huan Wang's brother, Hua Lu has been with each other long ago.

Over the years, Hua Ye's help to Wang Zhong is definitely not small. If Wang Zhong knew that the master in his mind had done such an unbearable thing, he really worried that his fellow brother could not bear it. live.

"Drink a few glasses alone? Yeah, since Brother Yuanfeng wants to drink a few glasses with his brother alone, that brother will tell the old brother and his brother about the old one, and the brother will wait for a while. I will go and find some good wine."

Regarding Yuan Feng's proposal, Wang Zhong didn't think much about it, but only thought that Yuan Feng didn't want to see too many people, but he would tell his master sooner or later about Yuan Feng's cultivation.

** In the hall, there were two great successful men all at once. He believed that his master would be very happy.

"Okay, my brother is waiting for my brother to come back."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng then let go of her heart, and she could not help exhaling a long breath.

He did not intend to let Wang Zhong know about Hua Hua. It won't be long before Huo Yunting takes them out of Ziyun Palace. As for when he will come back and whether he will be able to come back, everything is still unknown, and wait until When he returned, he had no chance to tell Wang Zhong the truth.

Sometimes, a good-faith lie is still necessary. At least he believes that Wang Zhong will never want to hear about Hua Yan's previous events. Let him stay aside for a while.

In fact, not only Yuan Feng's idea is this, but even the Huo Yunting, the owner of the Ziyun Palace, actually has the same opinion. Huo Yunting did not forget about Hua Yuan, but when he found that Hua Yuan had escaped, he naturally chose to ignore it, and secretly gave orders to others, asking anyone not to mention Hua Yuan. Things.

Compared to taking care of Wang Zhong's emotions, a small ** temple master is actually not enough.

Wang Zhong didn't leave for too long. Soon, he ran back with a lot of fine wine. As for where these good things came from, Yuan Feng didn't ask much.

The last time the two brothers met, they were in a state of infinity, and in a blink of an eye, they all turned into demigods, and this change undoubtedly made both of them very emotional.

And with emotion, naturally, the wine is dry to the glass, and it is extremely fun.

Wang Zhong didn't know the after-effects of his promotion. At this moment, he was in a good mood. Most of the time he was looking forward to a bright future, but Yuan Feng knew the situation of the other party very well. Happy, but in fact, he has always been pretending.

However, after a few altars of wine, Yuan Feng also had a hint of drunkenness. In the end, he could not help but set aside everything and drank with Wang Zhong.

Unknown times, unknown futures, no one knows what tomorrow will look like, so he really doesn't need to think too much, it's all about drunk and present!

ps: There is a fourth more, it is not recommended to wait, it will be a little later! !! !!

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