The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2270: Where the variables are (second more)

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Yuan Feng really didn't expect that he just turned to Huo Yunting casually, and the other party directly gave him three ancient artifacts. In this regard, his heart was full of surprises.

Three ancient artifacts, each of which is definitely a rare treasure, especially the colorful lotus plant, which gives people the feeling that it has given birth to a super strong in it. He believes that with these three treasures, , He can at least make his cultivation a promotion.

He turned around in the demigod and already had the power not to fear any great perfectionist. Once he was promoted to the second turn, he didn't know how strong he would be. But what is certain is that once he enters the demigod realm, he really doesn't need to be afraid anymore.

By that time, no matter what kind of change occurs in the world of no delusion and the beast god, at least he can stand up and pick the girders, become the real key person, and protect the person he wants to protect.

"Master Gongzhu, when are you going to lead everyone to Tianjizong?"

Putting away the three artifacts for the time being, Yuan Feng temporarily suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then asked Huo Yunting.

Where is Tianjizong? He really doesn't know. If he wants to go to Tianjizong, he must lead the way.

"Time is tight. I am going to leave after January. Before that, I need to train these young disciples, at least to adapt them to their current strength." Alas, ...

These newcomers and disciples have been promoted too fast and too fast. Without some sharpening and exercise, I am afraid it will be difficult to exert effect in the next major event.

"A month? It's almost enough."

With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng was very satisfied with this time limit. One month was enough for him to return to Qingwu Palace and try to impact the realm of the second turn.

"Master Gongzhu, one month later, I will come back with you and go to Tianjizong together, and before that, there are still things for my disciples to deal with."

Ziyun Palace is not his own home in the final analysis. He impacted the realm of the semi-god realm, and naturally he would not do it. Besides, the situation of the imaginary world is changing, he needs to return to Qingwu Palace and find ways to help himself Those friends and relatives improved their strength.

This time is not a time for slackness. Once there is a war, there is not enough power in the light dance palace to protect itself, then it will be very dangerous for the entire light dance palace.

In addition, at this moment, he has given an order to Xiao Ba. At this moment, Xiao Ba has almost used all the available babies and is fully engaged in the production of Warcraft.

Fortunately, he got a weird spirit tree in the Tianlong tribe before. The fruit on it is full of energy, which can help Xiaoba to continue his unlimited production.

"Also, this month, you'd better prepare carefully and hope that at the critical moment, you can exert enough power."

Huo Yunting is of course no problem. Yuan Feng is the one selected by the Dragon Emperor. First of all, there will be no problems in character. Therefore, he does not have to worry about his three treasures being given to Yuan Feng, which will be wasted.

Furthermore, Yuan Feng's strength was there, but it was not his ability to control it. Yuan Feng wanted to leave, and that was impossible for anyone to stop. As for his three babies, it was all about making an investment with no return.

"I also hope that I can contribute enough power." Nodded his head, Yuan Feng had a sense of course that he would not let it go. In his heart, he knew his true power. Among them, his comprehensive strength can basically be ranked in the top three. Even the Dragon Emperor may not be much stronger than him.

You know, there are many methods on his body, as well as the anti-World of Warcraft such as Xiao Ba, as long as he is willing, it is possible to erupt the power of others unimaginable.

The so-called capable man is overworked. At this time, he does not stand up, but it is justified.

"Master Gong, two defenders, I want to speak to Brother Wang Zhong first, and then leave for a while."

Before leaving, he still wanted to take a look at Wang Zhong to understand the situation of Wang Zhong at this moment. Of course, some of his treasures can also be shared with Wang Zhong.

"This ......... Okay, you can see Wang Zhong, but there are some things that don't let him know well."

Hearing that Yuan Feng was going to see Wang Zhong, Huo Yunting and the two major guardians could not help but hesitated. Obviously, they didn't want Yuan Feng to meet Wang Zhong at this moment.

However, when it comes to this, they believe that Yuan Feng should not do anything to disappoint them.

"Hehe, the three rest assured, the disciples know how to do it." With a slight smile, he certainly understood what the three were worried about, but in fact, the worry of the three was really unnecessary.

"Master Gong, two guardians, let's see you later !!! Brush !!!"

In front of the three strong men, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When he moved, he disappeared in situ. As for the space barriers where the three big men were, he couldn't do anything. He creates obstacles.


Seeing that Yuan Feng left directly, and did not undermine their prohibition in any way, the three strong men were stagnant, and everyone's heart was full of unspeakable emotions.

"What a weird young man, who is this sacred and how can there be such a terrible means?"

Huo Yunting was really shocked at this moment. Yuan Feng's strength and temperament is definitely not what ordinary people can show. Even in his long life course, he has rarely seen anything like Yuan Feng. Genius.

The great power of the demigod, the sword-like realm of the mysterious sword realm, and the appropriateness to easily find the forbidden leaks leave this place, and everything is definitely not what ordinary strong people can do.

"What do you two think?"

Taking a deep breath, Huo Yunting couldn't help but look at the two guardians beside him and asked them.

"This son can be described as unfathomable. It seems that he is not very young, but his strength is really very scary. However, his cultivation is ......... It seems that there is only a half-god realm."

The first to speak is Zuo Hufa. His strength is not much weaker than Huo Yunting, and his mind is even stronger. In his observation, Yuan Feng's power was really horrible, but no matter how he looked at it, he could not see that Yuan Feng had a hidden practice.

"This little guy is either an alternative, or he really has the means to hide the practice, but then again, with the knowledge of the three of us, we can't see how he hides it. If it is really a way to hide the practice , It seems a bit too appalling. "

Right Hufa was also unable to start at this point, similar to what left Hufa felt. His feelings about Yuan Feng were basically the same.

"In fact, the palace master does not need to consider too much, and the situation of the world without danger is critical. The appearance of this son should be a good variable, not to mention that he has the Dragon Emperor's inverse scale in his hand, but he is the man whom the Emperor fancy wants. It shouldn't make things worse. "

After living for so many years, of course, they all have a pair of eyes to see the world. Yuan Feng's situation is there, no matter how you look at it, the other party doesn't look like a bad person. Besides, Yuan Feng really didn't do any bad things.

"I hope that the appearance of this son will bring new vitality to the world of no delusion!" His eyes narrowed slightly, and Huo Yunting no longer thought about it. No matter what, Yuan Feng was on his side now. , Waiting for Tianjizong, the other party can at least be a helper, but it is much better than Wang Zhong and other new and successful people.

The three strong men looked at each other, but eventually they did not get too entangled in this matter, because for them, the development and evolution of many things are not what they can anticipate and control at all. What they can do is Do what you can do, and do your best!

Putting aside the three strong men such as Huo Yunting, Yuan Feng said at this moment.

After leaving the sanctuary hall where the three strong men are located, he flew directly towards the Liuhe Hall.

Huo Yunting did arrange around the hall of the back room, but unfortunately, he was so familiar with Xuan Zhen's ban on these things. With such a simple ban, he found the flaw in it at a glance.

The entire Ziyun Palace was filled with a festive atmosphere at this time. There was no way. There were so many superpowers at once. This is indeed a rare event in Ziyun Palace.

However, compared to the festive occasions of other major palaces, the Liuhe Palace looked unusually deserted.

When Yuan Feng came to Liuhe Hall, there was no abnormality in the whole Liuhe Hall. It seems that Wang Zhong's promotion was not known to the disciples of Liuhe Hall, and the master of Huahe Hall, Liu Hua, fled again. The entire Liuhe Hall is almost a state without heads.

Without alarming anyone, Yuan Feng came directly to the interior of Liuhe Hall and appeared outside Wang Zhong's palace.

"Brother Wang Zhong, brother came to see you."

Standing outside Wang Zhong's hall, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate to speak, and said softly to the inside.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

Almost immediately after Yuan Feng's words fell, the gate of the main hall was opened directly. Then, Wang Zhong's figure appeared outside the gate for the first time, standing in Yuan In front of Feng.

"Well? Brother Yuanfeng, haven't you gone to practice with Master Gongzhu? Why are you back so soon?"

Seeing Yuan Feng appearing in front of his eyes, Wang Zhong's face could not help but reveal a trace of incomprehension, and his eyes were faintly anxious. It seems that he was afraid that Yuan Feng was kicked out by Huo Yunting and did not get Huo Yunting's professor.

"Hehe, I'm afraid I can't teach it now." Hearing Wang Zhongzhi's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help smiling, "Well, let's go in and talk, this is not the place to talk."

At this moment, he does not intend to continue to conceal his strength from Wang Zhong. As for other situations, he will consider it in his own way.

ps: I will go out in the afternoon, and the third one will be a little later. !! !! !!

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