The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2205: Alone after reunion

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Chapter 2205 Alone After Reunion

Yuan Feng was very happy with the invitation of the prince of the monster of the demon python. After the chief of the monster of the demon python opened his mouth that day, the other members of the demon python had no right to participate at all.

The next time, Yuan Feng became the first human guest in the history of the Tianmon Python family under the personal leadership of the Tianmon Python clan.

The Tianmon Python family does not have any prejudice against human warriors, but there is no human warrior who can enter the Tianmon Python family in ancient times. This is an indisputable fact.

The happiest of course is the second princess demon flame, and even if her mother doesn't say it, she will actually plead with the other party, and let the Yuanfengdao Tianmon Python family be a guest. The patriarch spoke by himself, but saved her trouble.

When Yuan Feng came to the underground world of the Tianmon Python family, the huge earth palace in front of him still shocked him a little.

It can be said that the underground palace of the Tianmon Python family can be called an independent small world.

The entire underground palace did not know where it was hiding, he only knew that when entering from here, it was necessary to transfer back and forth a dozen times, and each transmission of the mysterious array should be a single person of the Tianmon Python family. To control, outsiders want to enter into it, it is simply impossible.

It seems that the outside world has no news of the old demon python family's nest, which is completely excusable. Ask a hidden such a deep group, as long as they do not want to be exposed, who can let them be exposed? ? Yuan Feng believes that even if he was taken outside and asked to do it again, he would never be able to do it.

Having said that, after seeing the concealment of the Tianmon Python family, his heart could not help becoming more diligent in searching for other hidden world ethnic groups.

This is still the case of the Tianmon Python family. What kind of situation will be those ethnic groups that have a long tradition and are much stronger than the Tianmon Python family?

Of course, these are not what he can imagine now. Anyway, there must be a road to the mountain. Now that he has found the place of the Tianmon Python family, and has successfully connected with the Tianmon Python family, then no matter what In this way, he must be able to find other large groups in the hidden world.

This is the most sacred underground palace of the Tianmon Python family. The entire huge palace is like a giant pillar that supports this underground world. At this moment, it is in this huge building. On the platform, a man and a woman stood on a platform on the palace, overlooking the entire underground world.

"Yu, I can't think of it. It turned out that the Tian Yao Python family had sealed themselves underground. No wonder the outside world wanted to see the Tian Yao Python family. It was so difficult."

Standing at the highest point of the underground world, Yuan Feng was able to see the entire underground world seven or eight, and the more so, he felt more and more shocked by the world of the Tianmon Python family.

Frankly, even he couldn't tell, how big is this huge world. In short, the sky monster pythons thrive here, but there is no need to worry about lack of space.

Of course, the large range is not the only characteristic of the underground world of the Tianmon Python family. The most important thing is that he can feel that in this world of the Tianmon Python family, I am afraid that I have poured countless numbers of the Tianmon Python family. The mentality of the strong, even if someone finds out where this underground world is, I'm afraid they can't attack it at all.

"Giggle, the celestial pythons have not always liked to contact with people from the outside world. Since ancient times, our ethnic group has been such a way of living. Nowadays, they are completely used to it."

On the side of Yuan Feng, the second princess demon flame of the Tianmon Python family naturally accompanies Yuan Feng's left and right, and explains everything about the Tianmon Python family for him.

I was invited by the patriarch of the demon python to visit here. After a brief reception, the patriarch of the demon python gave him to the demon flame to greet him, and he himself discussed the matter with the veterans. went. As for what is discussed, only they know it.

In this regard, Yuan Feng did not feel much, and following the flames to stroll around the underground world of the Tianmon Python family seemed to be a good choice.

"Oh, the Tianmon Pythons are really lonely. If they were replaced by human warriors, I'm afraid they would have been smashed !!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng couldn't understand the survival mode of the Tianmon Pythons, but after thinking about it, the Tianmon Pythons sealed themselves underground, as if they were running their own peach blossom source. In this way, both It seems to be a good thing to continue the race and not to conflict with other ethnic groups.

"Giggle, everything is a habit, if you live here for a while, maybe you don't want to leave?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the demon flame couldn't help but smile a little, and seemed to be serious. Obviously, her words did not mean slamming.

"I? Hehe, let's forget it, I have too many trivial things outside, if you let me live here, it might as well kill me."

When the flames of the demon fell, Yuan Feng's head shook like a rattle. Obviously, he could never stand the loneliness of this child.

Of course, it's somewhat wrong to say that I can't bear the loneliness here. In fact, the ones he can't let down the most are of course those of his relatives and loved ones. If he changed places and brought all his relatives and friends with him, it would be possible for him to endure the loneliness and live without care.

"Giggle, joking with you, look at you in anxiety, and then say, even if the Tian Yao Pythons want to keep you here, I'm afraid they can't keep you now?"

Seeing Yuan Feng's reaction, Yao Yan's eyes flashed a bit of disappointment. Of course, she hoped that Yuan Feng could really stay with her, but now it seems that it is simply impossible.

Obviously, Yuan Feng must have a lot of people and things outside, and wanting to stay here with peace of mind is tantamount to catching the ducks on the shelves.

However, although Yuan Feng cannot stay here all the time, after this incident, the other party wants to leave her, it is absolutely impossible.

"Hey, where is the patriarch so powerful, and there are so many super veterans, I'm capable, I'm afraid they can't see them?"

Scratching his head, Yuan Feng couldn't help but be modest at the moment. He could see the meaning of the demon flame, but frankly, he really didn't want to mention too much about his strength. After all, he could have today Its strength and the role of the immortal monument can be said to be important.

"Do n’t be humble with me. When you did n’t reach the semi-god, you had no less power than me. Now you have been promoted to the semi-god, you must be much stronger than before. Come on! "

Regarding Yuan Feng's modesty, the demon flame basically simply ignored it. Others didn't understand Yuan Feng. She is now really aware of it.

Yuan Feng is obviously a guy who will never show all of her power. When she was crossing the robbery, although the other party showed her hands, she believed that this little means was not Yuan Feng's at all. All.

When the thunderstorm came down again and again, because she was in Yuanfeng's arms, she felt very clear. Speaking, she really didn't feel that Yuanfeng had a cost in dealing with the thunderstorm. How much effort.

That feeling is like Yuan Feng's powerlessness at all, but she is completely showing to others. However, for these, she would never tell anyone else.

"Yuan Feng, how did you advance to the level of demigod? Did you get enough blue sky dome?"

Yuan Feng doesn't want to mention some things, but she doesn't want to mention them. In fact, she is more curious at the moment, or how Yuan Feng is promoted to the demigod state.

"I went to the Shenji Chamber of Commerce again and made a sale with them with a baby. In the end, I got enough blue sky crystals. Of course, I have experienced many twists and turns. , But it was finally resolved by me. "

Speaking of his own process of obtaining the blue sky, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional, but things have passed, no matter how much hardship he has experienced before, now he has finally achieved the state of demigod.

"Shenji Chamber of Commerce? Giggle, can't see, is this Shenji Chamber of Commerce quite capable !!!"

Her eyes froze slightly, but she could not help but move slightly. Obviously, in her heart, it was the treasure that Yuan Feng said in exchange for the blue sky crystal. Something out.

"Stop that, Yuan Feng. Are there any plans for you next? If nothing is wrong, just stay here for a while. I would like to come to the mother to discuss with the elders, maybe A big gift for you! "

She naturally knew what her mother and others were doing. Yuan Feng saved her life this time. As her mother, the prince of the demon python must show something.

However, to show some sincerity to mark, it is still necessary to discuss it. After all, the Tian Yao Python family is not entirely the patriarch's own, and other people also have their own contributions in it.

"Are there arrangements? There are some arrangements, indeed." One eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng didn't conceal it, and then said, "Without concealing you, I came to the Tianmon Python family this time to come to see you, Secondly, there is something I want to ask for help. After the patriarchs have discussed the matter, I will tell her personally. "

"Oh? It turns out you didn't come here to see me."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the demon flame could not help but pout, apparently not very satisfied with Yuan Feng's answer.

"Ahem, this ........."

Said by the other side, Yuan Feng could not help but scratch his head, and his heart was really depressed. Sometimes he is too real, and at this time, obviously should not say such wicked words.

"Oh !!!!!!"

"Yuan Feng, please invite him to the hall."

However, when Yuan Feng was embarrassed and didn't know how to explain to the other party, a spatial vibration suddenly came. Then, the voice of the patriarch of the Tian Yao Python resounded in the ears of the two, helping Yuan Feng released the siege.

"Master Patriarch is calling us, hey, let's go, let's see what's going on with the Patriarch. Others, let's talk about it later."

At this time, of course, it was not the time to continue entanglement with the other party, and he almost didn't even think about it.

"Well, you can't escape, this is my home."

Seeing Yuan Feng fled away, Demon Flame could not help but churn his lips, but also hurried to follow up.

Although it is not very happy to say, in fact, if Yuan Feng really has something to ask her mother, then she will definitely cooperate with each other and help Yuan Feng achieve her goal as much as possible.

No way, who made her already on Yuan Feng's thief ship and tied it to a rope with the other party?

ps: It's a bit late to come back today. The third one got up and wrote Chapter 4. But I don't recommend everyone to wait, I'm afraid it will be late! !! !! !! In addition, the brothers who have flowers came to a few flowers, and it has not been a long time! !! !!

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