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Chapter 2204 Invitation

The robbery dissipated, and the entire world was restored to its original clarity. However, when everything was calm, new problems were immediately before everyone present.

The wild sand of the sky seems to be more stagnant at this moment. The powerful men headed by the patriarch of the demon python are at this moment full of solemnity, and opposite them, Yuan Feng and the second princess of the demon python side by side And Li, it seems that the flames of the demon now seem to be no longer the camp of the Tianmon Python family.

At this moment, Yuan Feng had an indifferent expression, and there was a slight smile under his eyes, and he could see that he didn't feel any uneasiness at this moment, as if he was facing him, not A group of super strong, but a group of ordinary people.

Yao Yan's face was rarely so unnatural, but eventually she stood stubbornly next to Yuan Feng and told everyone in her own actions that at this moment, she had already stood with Yuan Feng. It's a team.

Of all the patriarchs of the Tianmon Python, the complex is undoubtedly the most complicated. To tell her heart, when she saw her daughter was rescued by Yuan Feng from the robbery, she already knew that her daughter I am afraid that it will be completely occupied!

Looking at Yuan Feng in front of her, and then taking a look at her daughter, she realized that the two people's breath became more and more similar, and this situation undoubtedly made her aware of many problems.

The main thing is that after experiencing the last incident, her daughter hasn't smiled for too long, but after Yuan Feng arrived, she found that her daughter had finally come alive.

As for the eleven veterans and quasi-elders of the Tianmon Python family, they are hard to say at this moment. After all, the situation is very wide-ranging, and as their role, they can only help from the side, without any decision s right.

The silence has continued, but no one wants to break it out loud. The patriarch of Tian Yao Python looked at Yuan Feng like this, and Yuan Feng looked at each other without shrinking. The posture seemed to be deadlocked. same.

In fact, this is an invisible game between the two super-powerful players. Whether it is the patriarch of the day demon python or Yuan Feng, they all understand that if anyone shrinks at this time, then in the next negotiations, I am afraid that To be completely at a disadvantage.

The demon flame came in intentionally, but unfortunately, after Yuan Feng and her mother began a stalemate, an invisible energy field made her dare not speak up to break this silence.

Of course, although she didn't dare to speak easily at this moment, her heart was always moving.

"Is this his strength after being promoted to Demigod Realm? It can be compared to a strong Demigod with great consummation, which is really a big metamorphosis."

Feeling the kind of horror coercion that escaped from Yuan Feng, and thinking about the calmness and calmness of Yuan Feng before coping with the robbery, she could hardly worship Yuan Feng at this moment.

At the time, Yuan Feng was still weaker than her six-turned goddess when she was still at the Promise, but now she is promoted to the semi-god, her whole body is awful. If she did n’t know it, she would absolutely Yuan Feng will be regarded as a true demigod.

In addition, others do n’t know, but she knows Yuan Feng very well. Now Yuan Feng is nothing more than a state of demigod and a turn, and at the turn, he has a demigod. Great consummation of strength, just ask, when he is promoted to the second and third turn of the semi-god realm, and even one day become a true semi-god real great conqueror, at that time, it will definitely be another scene!

When she thought of this, her heart was full of indescribable emotions.

"Just don't know, at this moment, whether Wuliang Shenbei is still on his body, and if I speak, whether he will give Wuliang Shenbei to the Tianmon Python family."

Reunion is naturally fun, but at this moment, she has to face another reality, that is, the question of the belonging of the infinite monument.

At the beginning, she got the monument to Wuliang. In fact, from that moment, the monument to Wuliang is indeed a thing of the Tianmon python family, but the variable later made the monument to Wuliang finally disappear. Now Yuan Feng comes When she came to the Tianmon Pythons, she didn't know how to resolve the matter.

Of course, in her heart, that would never force Yuan Feng to do anything. If Yuan Feng was willing to hand over the infinite monument to the Tianmon Python family, she would naturally feel happy for the group, but if Yuan Feng Do not want to pay, or the monument at this moment is no longer on Yuan Feng, then she will not complain about Yuan Feng in the slightest.

To put it bluntly, by now, Yuan Feng and the Tianmon Python family have no equal weight in her heart. If she is allowed to choose, she will choose neutrality, and no one will help!

If the Tianmon Python family wants to embarrass Yuanfeng, then she will stand up to stop the first time. Similarly, if Yuanfeng is going to be against the Tianmon Python family, she will also try to oppose it.

This turn of robbery was also regarded as a trip to the gate of the ghost gate, and this trip naturally made her understand a lot of truth.

Life is short, and no one will be truly immortal. Only rare things can make life more exciting. As for things farther away, she does not have that strength to guarantee.

After thinking about this, she felt that she had never been more relaxed. Subconsciously, she moved closer towards Yuan Feng, and her face was full of determination.

The patriarch of the Tian Yao Python has been staring at Yuan Feng, but she can clearly see the change in her daughter's expression. As a mother, how can she not see her daughter's thoughts?

The human warrior has a sentence, called the Women's University, but originally, such words are not very suitable for the Tianmon Python family. But now it seems that this sentence does not seem to apply to the human warrior alone. Even the Tianmon Python family seems to be It is not exempt.

"Hey, nothing. There is a will in God. It seems that I don't need to continue myself!"

The expression on her face did not change, but in her heart she had slowly wanted to open it.

Wuliang Shenbei is naturally full of attractiveness, but for the Wuliang Shenbei, the Tianmon Pythons lost several demigods with five or six revolutions, and finally almost put their second daughter in, so it seems , Wuliang Shenbei, seems to have no fate with the Tianmon Python family, even if it is forcibly seized, it can only be futile.

"Hehehe, I have known for a long time that there is such a character as Your Excellency. It is unusual today to see him. Yuanfeng, son of sons, welcomes the son of sons and daughters to my family of demon pythons."

The silence was finally broken by the chief of the Tianmon Python, and as soon as she spoke, she directly expressed the attitude of the Tianmon Python. One guest is obviously telling Yuan Feng that the next time, the Tianmon Python family will receive him with the courtesy of the guests. This can be regarded as another kind of show!

Yuan Feng's name has been heard from her second daughter long ago, and her second daughter has also been called before. Of course, she is no stranger to this.

"Hey, presumably this is the patriarch of the Tianmon Python clan. After the junior Yuanfeng, he has met the patriarch."

After the prince of the day demon pythons said, Yuan Feng also stole his impermanence, and then gave the other party a little ritual with the etiquette of the junior.

From the years of cultivation, he could not compare with the other party at all, and the relationship between him and the princess demon flame of the second demon python also undoubtedly made him into the other party's junior. Therefore, this ceremony is understandable.

Of course, if you talk about strength, then you really can't say it.

"Yuan Feng's son Chemoduo Li, the world of Warcraft has always been a strong respect, Yuan Feng's son's strength is not under this seat, but the number of such etiquette is a little too much."

She smiled and shook her head. The leader of the Tianmon Python family did not dare to treat Yuan Feng as a junior high school student. You must know that her heart is the clearest. Even if she is, she may not be the opponent of Yuan Feng. At least, she wants to beat each other, she hopes absolutely not.

"Anyway, the son of Yuan Feng saved the little girl. As a mother, I must thank the son of Yuan Feng for his life-saving grace, and thank the son of Yuan Feng."

The other ones are all imaginary, which really made her grateful to Yuan Feng, naturally it was Yuan Feng who rescued her daughter.

It is conceivable that if Yuan Feng had not arrived in time, her daughter would have been robbed and killed, for fear that even a trace of ashes would not be left, and if that happened, she would really I don't know how to face it.

Therefore, for this gift of Yuan Feng, she is definitely from the heart.

"No way, the patriarch, the demon flame is my friend. At the beginning, we faced a much stronger enemy than us. It can be said that it was a fatal friendship. She was in danger. I naturally wanted to take the first shot. Save each other. "

Seeing the patriarch of the Tianmon Python saluting to himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help but startled, but hurriedly flew away.

Although he has the same level of strength as the current Tianqiangbo clan leader, his identity as the head of the Tianqiangbo clan is still not far behind.

Besides, let this person salute himself, then where does he put the demon flame? Therefore, no matter what, he could not accept the gift of the other party.

"Mother, Yuan Feng is my friend. It ’s also your junior. You do n’t have to be too kind to him. Also, he was so late that he almost killed his daughter. For this reason, the daughter has not Find him to settle accounts! "

When the atmosphere was opened, the demon flame could finally speak now, and when she returned to normal, she spoke amazingly when she spoke, so that everyone present was slightly surprised.

For her, the relationship between her and Yuan Feng does not need to be explained at all. As she said, Yuan Feng saved her, which is a matter of natural justice, and of course there is nothing to thank.

"Heh ... hehe, I came here desperately before. Speaking of it, if it wasn't the moment when vitality was burned, I'm afraid it would be too late. I should be a victim of this. Is that right? "

Hearing the words of the demon flame, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth, and couldn't help but be speechless. Of course, he also knows that the other party is just joking with him, speaking more ambiguous, this should be regarded as an alternative coquettish!

"What? You, you actually burned your life? You ... let me see, let me see soon ..."

Hearing that Yuan Feng had burned his vitality at the critical moment, the demon flame suddenly changed his face, and then he hurried to Yuan Feng's near, and began to examine it indiscriminately.

Burning vitality, this is not a joke. She originally lost her life because of burning vitality. If it was not because of her mother's shot, I am afraid she would really be ruined.

Hearing Yuan Feng burning her vitality right now, she was of course scared from her heart.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. My vitality is strong, but I don't care about that one star." Shaking his head and smiling, Yuan Feng's face was calm, as if his vitality was really endless.

Speaking of which, he came from afar before, watching the flames of the demon being bombarded by robbery, and at that moment, he had no regard for everything at all, almost without even thinking about it, he just ignited his vitality, And arrived in time at the last minute.

Of course, to say that there is no influence at all, it is definitely impossible, but at least, the burning of vitality has not affected him much. Basically, as long as he cultivates for a while, it is almost Can add it back.

"Yuan Feng's son really has a deep affection for the little girl. It seems that this ceremony is indispensable."

When he heard that Yuan Feng had burned the vitality for his daughter, the patriarch of the Tian Yao Python could not help but trembled, and his heart was a little hurried and admired.

Did she say that, according to normal circumstances, even if Yuan Feng's speed is fast, it can never reach the point where she can't even see it clearly. After a long day of trouble, it turns out that Yuan Feng actually burned her vitality.

Being able to burn her own vitality to save people is obviously not something anyone can do. At this moment, her gratitude to Yuan Feng has reached the point where she cannot express with words.

"That's ......... Nothing, since the patriarch insists so, there is nothing to say next."

Seeing that the prince of the day demon python gave a gift to himself again, Yuan Feng did not hide again this time, but returned a gift very naturally, which can be regarded as expressing his sufficient respect.

"Yuan Feng's son, the Tianmon Python family has always disliked outsiders, especially human warriors. However, Yuanfeng's son is different from others, but I don't know if Yuanfeng's son can reward his face and visit the underground palace of my Tianmon Python family. Something? "

For Yuan Feng, she must be grateful, and the biggest way of gratitude of the Tian Yao Python family is undoubtedly to invite the other party into the underground world of the Tian Yao Python family.

Others naturally do not have such treatment, but Yuan Feng, who saved his daughter, must be treated differently.

Of course, if there is any other purpose, it is only she knows it, but it is not humane.

"It's an honor to thank you, Lord Matriarch."

Hearing the other party's invitation, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile slightly, and agreed in one sip. He came to the Tianmon Python tribe this time to find a way to get in touch with this group, and then started a search for Dahei. Now, since the chief of the Tianmon Python personally issued an invitation, he certainly did not refuse The truth.

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