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Chapter Two One Hundred and Thirty-Five

Here is a deserted Gobi near the wild sands of the Beast God Realm. The entire Big Gobi can't see its head at all. On top of this big Gobi, there are occasionally some places with standing water, but although it is standing water , But still can form a small oasis around, it feels very comfortable.

At this moment, in an oasis in this big Gobi, a young man is wandering around a pool of lake, admiring the rare green in this wild sandy area.

"Yu, it's been a long time since I came out to breathe. The outside air is really fascinating!"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng felt as if he had sucked the whole beast-god realm into his abdomen at once. The feeling of being comfortable to every cell was really beyond words.

Of course, his heart is the clearest. The reason why he feels this way is not because of the good environment of this Gobi oasis, but because he has swallowed the immortal monument, he has reached a certain level with the whole beast **** world. This kind of agreement, now, the whole beast **** world provides to him, can be said to be the best.

"Finally, I have calmed down, and now I have no trouble to solve, but in the next time, I can go all out to find the whereabouts of Dahei. As for the method of impacting the demigod, I don't need to worry so much. "

Feel free to find a shade and sit down. Yuan Feng can't help but enjoy this moment's ease.

Speaking of him, at this moment, he is already very different from the five elders in the battle against the demon pythons. Although his cultivation is still infinite, due to the integration of infinite monuments, there is also Jiuzhuanxuan. Gong breakthrough, at this moment, he already has the strength to not be afraid of the demigod six-turn strong.

Of course, if you can kill the strong man who has six turns in the semi-god realm, this is probably a bit of bragging, but even if you can't kill the strong man who has six turns in the semi-god realm, at least he will never fear that level again. The strong one will be it.

The practice of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, he finally succeeded. This process is really painful and complicated, and later he summed it up for himself, and he has to say that he must thank himself for getting the immortal monument, if not because of the integration of the immortal monument, not because of the immeasurable monument Shenbei provided him with a steady stream of cultivation energy, so he did not even think about the mysterious power of the eighth turn.

As for how the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong of the eighth turn brought him a change, it is not enough for outsiders. If he can, he hopes to find an opponent with sufficient level to feel it.

Lying down under the shade of the tree, Yuan Feng let himself relax as much as possible. Suddenly, he felt that he instantly became one with the surrounding oasis. The surrounding grass and trees provided him with everything. A steady stream of power, as long as he wants, then he can borrow these powers at any time and become part of himself.

This was given to him by the infinite monument. To put it plainly, as long as he is deep in the beast **** world, then his power is inexhaustible. Unless the entire beast **** world collapses, there will be absolutely no Accident.

"This feeling is so cool, I don't know if it will be able to put together all the infinite monuments and integrate them into your body as much as possible, what kind of scene it will be."

Just an immeasurable monument can bring such unimaginable changes to him. If there are more, the situation will inevitably be more different.

"Since I can incorporate the immortal monument into my body, there are no doubt that there are powerful people in other ethnic groups who can do this. I just do n’t know how many immeasurable things are today. The monument still exists independently. "

He can swallow an infinite number of monuments into his own body, so other strong people in the beast **** world must be able to do this, but I do n’t know if he will encounter that kind of existence one day, will he move with the other party? Do it.

As the owner of Wuliang Shenbei, he believes that the meeting will be unlikely to be friendly. After all, Wuliang Shenbei is so precious that absolutely no one will not want it.

Obviously, if a strong man with a monument of immeasurable swallows another existence integrated with the monument of immeasurable monument, then he is equivalent to having two monuments in his body.

Of course, these are the last words. At this moment, he has just finished cultivation, and then he must gradually take action. Therefore, for those situations that may not happen, even if they do not know when, it is not necessary at the moment. Been to much consideration.

"Roar !!!!!! Hey !!!"

When Yuan Feng was lying beside the pond and relaxing, thinking about doing nothing for a while, a roar filled with anger was suddenly heard from under the pond on the side. A powerful underwater Warcraft sprang out from under the lake and focused his attention on him for the first time.

"Human? Bold human boy, dare to stop at this place for so long, do you want to find death?"

The huge World of Warcraft is like a mang of water, but it is not the same as Mang of Water. It has almost reached the peak of the second turn of Demigod Realm, and it will soon hit the third turn.

"Hey, but I just want to find a clean place to rest for a while, how can it be so difficult?"

When the huge aquatic World of Warcraft jumped out from under the pool, Yuan Feng couldn't help but sit up from the ground and shook his head helplessly.

Speaking of which, as early as when he first came here, he actually knew the existence of this big guy through the perception of the infinite monument. However, originally, he did not intend to meet the other person, just wanted to stay for a while and left, but he did not expect that this big man seems to have no intention of making him stay alive.

"Hey, big guy, I'm in a good mood today, I don't think so, you still go back to your pond obediently, and I won't be bothered by you."

He just wanted to stay quiet for a while, and when the rest came over, he began to look for the whereabouts of Dahei. As for this watercraft, he had no intention to compare with the other person.

A half-twisted World of Warcraft, for him now, obviously there is no threat at all, and now he does not lack this level of Warcraft, so I really do n’t want to follow The other hands.

"Presumptuous, **** human kid, dare not put this seat in your eyes and see that I don't chew you, roar !!!"

However, in response to Yuan Feng, Water Warcraft had no meaning at all. Speaking of it, it has been practiced here for a long time. For this oasis, it has already become its own proprietary site. A human kid ran over to occupy, and it couldn't accept it at all.

If it were done by a Promise of Warcraft, it would still be able to tolerate it a bit, but Yuan Feng is a human warrior, and it almost treats it as his own territory. Regardless, it cannot endure.

With a roar, it did not hesitate anymore. Between the flashes, it was straight towards Yuan Feng, and the mouth of the blood bowl seemed to be swallowing Yuan Feng.

"Yu, really a guy who doesn't know how to live or die, anyway, anyway, Xiao Ba is producing a demigod of Warcraft at this moment, and the energy required is still huge. Since that's the case, I'll barely accept you!

Seeing the water Warcraft rushed towards himself, Yuan Feng could not help but shake his head, but his heart felt unlucky for this big guy. It's not good to meet anyone, but I met him. It seems that today, for this big guy, it should be doomed to have such a calamity.

"Try my power and kill !!!!!!"

Just before the blood of Warcraft's blood touched his mouth, Yuan Feng's body was like a cannonball suddenly, and he suddenly ushered up towards Warcraft. The casserole-like fist, but It was banging directly into the head of Warcraft.


With this punch, Yuan Feng used about 70% of his strength, and as the punch blasted out, the huge head of Water Warcraft was like a balloon that couldn't help but explode.

"Dead to me !!!"

One punch smashed the head of Warcraft, Yuan Feng said nothing, between the movements of the body, it was on the body of Warcraft, and then he lifted his sword and dropped the hand. After a period of pure energy.

The energy of this big guy is not bad, and Xiao Ba swallowed it, at least he can produce a half-limb World of Warcraft's limbs, which is not bad.

In this way, the World of Warcraft with half a divine realm, but did not even have the slightest chance of resistance, was already dead. It's a pity that no audience was present at this moment, otherwise, no matter what level of strongman, it will be frightened by Yuan Feng's terrifying strength.

"That's it. I've got another half-god of Warcraft. Although it's only two turns, it's better than nothing!"

Taking all of Warcraft's corpses into the body world, at this moment, he basically didn't have the slightest special feeling. Obviously, for him today, it is simply not easy to kill a World of Warcraft with a half-god.

Having said that, the main reason that this big guy can be killed instantly is because the other party is too careless and does not take him seriously. If the other party is careful, at least there is a chance to escape. As for whether you can escape, it depends on the specific situation.

Of course, anyway, after the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong reached the 8th Zhuan, and after incorporating the immortal monument, he has improved his strength too much!

"Well? It looks like a new friend is approaching again. Well, it looks like this should be enough."

When Yuan Feng wiped out a half-wonderful World of Warcraft and felt a little unpleasant under his heart, his eyebrows couldn't help but pick a little, subconsciously looking in the direction of the distance, there, a wave of If there were undue energy fluctuations, they came from tens of thousands of miles away. If it was not for swallowing the immortal monument, perhaps he would not feel it.

Judging from the level of this energy fluctuation, the man's cultivation is obviously better than the talented Warcraft, and if he doesn't feel wrong, this should be a strong man with a demigod of about five turns.

Undoubtedly, the World of Warcraft with five turns in the demigod is a level that is definitely worth his shot, and once he can kill this level of Warcraft, then the future of Xiaoba will be full of light again!

"Come on, come on, first see if you are coming at me, and if you are hostile to me, if not, you can't do anything with them at will!"

He is not the kind of person who is okay to find things. If it is not trouble to come to the door, he has always disliked bullying, which is a small rule for him!


Did not let him wait too long, not long, a small black spot appeared far in his sight, and instantly zoomed in front of his eyes. In the end, a man with a beautiful appearance and a special breath on his body appeared in front of him.

"Eh? Hehe, I was so lucky. My luck was so good. Soon after I came out, I found the target person. Little guy, nice to meet you."

The man stood not far from Yuan Feng's body, and when it was standing, Yun Feng didn't wait for Yun Feng to speak at all, it was a look of joy, and then he laughed.

"Well? Do you recognize me?"

Yuan Feng was thinking about chatting with the caller to see if the other party ran to him, but he did not expect that the other party had such a performance.

Obviously, the man definitely knew him, otherwise he would not say such a thing. However, in his memory, it seems that there is no such acquaintance.

"Ha ha ha ha, naturally recognize, after the second princess went back, you have told everyone your appearance, now you, the whole Tianmon Python family, who would not recognize?"

The man laughed loudly, but did not have any fear of Yuan Feng at all.

Before the action, the three princesses of the monster Tianguo had said that Yuan Feng's cultivation was not strong, but there was only a way to control the self-explosion of Warcraft. As long as he was prepared for this method, basically he could It's eating hard.

"Eh? Hehe, in this way, are you from the family of Tian Yao Python?"

Hearing the words of a handsome man, where did Yuan Feng not understand the situation at the moment? Obviously, this guy should be a member of the Tianmon Python family, mostly a vassal of the Tianmon Python family. As for the purpose of the other party, you don't need to bother to guess!

In fact, he had already guessed that this day would have happened. After all, the Celestial Boa family couldn't get the immeasurable monument and would definitely not want to give up. As the second princess of Celestial Boa, the demon flame would definitely make his situation simple Tell those people.

In this regard, he understood it very well. If he thought about it, even if he changed it, I really couldn't choose.

"Okay, boy, I know what we want is on you. Now, you give it to me, or go with me to the Tianmon Python family. If you want to come to my Tianmon Python family, I will definitely treat you as VIP. "

The handsome man's complexion slowly became very serious. It seems that when he went out this time, he ran to the infinite monument.

"Hey, Your Excellency is late. The immeasurable monuments you want are no longer with me."

After a little groaning, Yuan Feng picked a corner, but gave an answer that the other party would never be satisfied with.

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