The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2152: Xuan Gong Ba Zhuan

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Chapter 2150: Eight Turns Of Xuan Gong

The entire mysterious space was silent, and Yuan Feng sat quietly there for a while, and couldn't see any change. On the one hand, Xiao Ba was looking up and wanted to wake up Yuan Feng. But afraid of disturbing Yuan Feng himself, he could only stand there for a while and hesitate.

For Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng's safety is above all else. For Yuan Feng, that can be sacrificed to everything, including its own life. Because of this, it did not dare to disturb Yuan Feng easily, so as not to have a bad influence on Yuan Feng.


However, when Xiao Ba was standing hesitant and wondering whether he should wake up Yuan Feng, at a certain moment, Yuan Feng's eyes opened suddenly.

"Yu, it's so comfortable, I can't think of it. The immeasurable monument has turned out to be such a magical existence. It seems that this time it is a blessing!

With his eyes open, Yuan Feng breathed a sigh of relief for the first time. The whole person felt unspeakable and comfortable, and when he thought about what happened during this time, he even felt himself. To some incredible.

No one knows what kind of communication he has had with the Infinite Monument during this year, and what benefits he has gained from the Infinite Monument. Even himself himself has always had an unreal feeling. .

"Sans !!!!!!"

Between the moments of his thoughts, he suddenly released his mind, and suddenly, his mind passed through the surrounding space of the mysterious array directly to the world of the beast **** world.

"Curious and strange feeling, this is the beast **** world, now I want to come and be truly a whole with the beast **** world !!!"

The mind was scattered in all directions, and Yuan Feng could feel it. At this moment, he seemed to be a part of the beast-god realm. As long as his mind was toward him, every piece of space would carry him to the most The warmest welcome, the feeling is like a child welcoming his parents.

"It's amazing. The monument to me is one with me. Now I am the monument to me and the monument to me is me. As long as I can gather other monuments to me, then ...

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng at the moment was full of indescribable light.

During this year, he and Wuliang Shenbei completed the process from initial contact to integration with each other. At first, he did not think about doing this, but it was not up to him to leave the rest of the process.

The immeasurable monument conveyed a signal to him that it was to be integrated with him, and after a little thought of this request from the other party, he agreed.

In fact, as soon as he saw the monument to Wuliang, he knew that it was definitely a treasure, but it was only after he truly integrated with the monument to Wuliang that he realized that Meaning, but also above his original conjecture.

Now think about it, it is no wonder that so many beast **** powerhouses are desperately trying to get the immortal monument. If he had known that this immortal monument is so precious, he would probably have thought about this thing in the morning. Already.

Of course, if it wasn't for the unpleasant things that happened before, he would still hand the Wuliang God Monument to the hands of the Tianmon Python family. After all, the Wuliang God Monument is a treasure auctioned by the Demon Flame, and he should certainly not According to its own.

"Ah, this time I really want to be sorry for the flames. It seems that I can only find an opportunity in the future to find a way to make up for her!"

Wuliang Shenbei has been integrated with him. Even if he wants to, there is no way to give this thing to the monster flame, so at present, he can only be sorry for the monster flame, and then seek other ways to make up for each other.

Having said that, after the last farewell, he did not know if he had the opportunity to meet the other party. As for the sneak attack by the elders of the demon python, of course, he did not plan to avenge himself again.

In any case, he was swallowed up by the immeasurable **** monument, and it was said that it paid the price from the top to the bottom, and it would undoubtedly look stingy if he avenged himself at this time. Of course, if he sees the elders of the Tianmon Python family in the future, he wouldn't mind packing and giving each other some lessons.

"Brother, you, are you awake? !!!"

The time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, aside, he was already so anxious, Xiao Ba, at this moment he finally showed an excited smile, and came to Yuan Feng immediately, shouting at Yuan Feng. .

It was really anxious for a while, and finally saw Yuan Feng woke up, and his condition was not good. In this regard, it was finally able to put a heart back in his belly!

"Oh, little guy, you worked hard this time."

Seeing Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a friendly smile on her face, and she thanked him for speaking out. He also understood that during this time, Xiaoba had definitely followed him a lot, and he couldn't help feeling a little unhappy about this.

"Hey, what did Brother say? I have nothing to work for." Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Xiao Ba couldn't help scratching his head and grinning at Yuan Feng. "Brother, what about the immortal monument? I saw It suddenly exploded and turned into a sky full of energy. Shouldn't it really disappear? "

At the moment, it was still thinking about the whereabouts of Wuliang Shenbei. Speaking of which, it had previously exploded, and then disappeared. It was simply curious about it.

"Oh, disappear? How could it disappear? Waiting for the treasure, it is not just to make it disappear, but the infinite monument at this time has changed into a form of existence."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng did not explain too much. He knew that there were some things that could not be clearly explained in one sentence, and it was really unnecessary to say more. Maybe slowly, Xiao Ba would understand.

"Well, Xiaoba, wait a moment, I still have some things to do. When this is done, we should be able to go out and continue fighting!"

Infinite monuments enter the body and become one with their own body. Of course, it is impossible for him to be of no use at all. You know, how can such a treasure be given to him without any benefit?

In fact, the infinite number of monuments are integrated with the body. This is the worship of all the strong in the beast **** world. As for the benefits, only Yuan Feng himself knows.

"Hey, I have nothing to do with my brother. I'll wait for him."

Xiao Ba has nothing to worry about at this moment. Naturally, the mood can be said to be a good one. In the next time, he can relax and do his own thing easily!

Speaking of it, today, it does not have a half-god of Warcraft, which is obviously absolutely impossible. In the next time, it must find a way to reproduce a half-god of Warcraft. Loss of number one.

Yuan Feng didn't manage Xiaoba's situation. When he finished talking to Xiaoba, he raised his hand, but took out the corpse of Warcraft with a half-god.

This is a corpse of Warcraft that only has one turn in the semi-realm. When he held the body of Warcraft in his hand, he hesitated a bit, and then suddenly raised his hand to directly pinch the Warcraft in the demigod into a group The blood mist was then absorbed directly into his body.

"Om !!!!!!"

As the huge blood of Warcraft entered the body, his body trembled slightly, and then he closed his eyes and sat quietly there to practice.

"Well? Brother is trying to cultivate? Is it impacting the demigod?"

Xiao Ba was about to do his own thing right now, and when he saw Yuan Feng suddenly sitting there, and devouring a half-god of Warcraft blood, he couldn't help wondering. But I don't know what Yuan Feng is going to do!

"No, in the case of the elder brother, it may not be realistic to impact the demigod. It seems that the elder brother should practice his mysterious skills!"

As the closest person to Yuan Feng, Xiao Ba naturally knows the situation of Yuan Feng the most. He knows that Yuan Feng has many methods on his body. One of them is the rarest one. The cultivation of this method looks like It is precisely the essence of Warcraft that is needed. This method is exactly the signing skill of Yuan Feng-Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong!

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng can live to the present, especially the way of escorting the Demon Flame before, so many sneak attacks or secret calculations, he only survived because he had the Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong body. It can be said that Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong is really the strongest extinction for him.

"Om !!!!!!"

Almost at the time of Xiao Ba's thoughts, Yuan Feng's body suddenly oozed an unusually ancient atmosphere. At the same time, all his musculoskeletons began to change wildly. It felt like everything was being broken and reorganized.

"Sure enough, it ’s the practice of ninth turn Xuan Gong. The older brother has already practiced Xuan gong to the seventh turn. Right now, it is about to impact the eighth turn. When the eighth turn is completed, the elder brother should really be able to achieve it. Immortal? "

It is very clear that Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong's horror, Yuan Feng's prodigal practice, can rely on Xuan Gong to resist the attack of the semi-god realm six-turn strong. Once Yuan Feng is promoted to the semi-god realm, then he must be playing Immortal existence.

Although he can't be promoted to Demigod Realm at present, as long as the Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong is taken a step further, then at least the Demigod with seven or eight Zhuanqiang might not be able to kill him.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Yuan Feng at this time did indeed begin to cultivate his own nine-turn skills.

Since the Ninth Zhuan Xuan Gong reached the seventh, he has not been able to make this magic work any further, and in terms of his current practice, the seventh Xuan Gong is still a little worse.

Just like the previous crisis, if he is facing a strong man with seven demi-gods, then I am afraid that everything will be different.

Right now, he has incorporated the infinite monument into his own body. This super stone monument provides him with a steady stream of special strength. It can be said that as long as he is in the realm of the beast god, he basically will not feel tired. And there is no need to worry about energy.

The eighth turn of the nine-turn Xuan Gong, this is a realm that he could encounter before but ca n’t ask for it, but this time there is an infinite number of monuments. He believes that he can successfully reach the eight-turn realm, even if he ca n’t enter the half. Divine realm, but it is also enough to laugh at the proud animal world, no one wants to kill him!

"It's really energetic. Although there are immortal monuments integrated into the body, when practicing Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, I still feel pain. It seems that there is not too much between this immortal monument and Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong. Complementary places. "

Yuan Feng has begun to practice desperately at this moment. He can feel that the immortal monument is integrated into the body. This is definitely an opportunity for Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong to be promoted. Only if he wants this opportunity can he let Jiuzhuan. Xuan Gong has taken another level, otherwise, he basically feels that Xuan Gong in the seventh turn has been cultivated.

"Come on, no matter how painful I am today, I will take the eighth turn of mystery, and from now on, I will never have to look at other people's faces."

The practice of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong has never been easy. He has already prepared for this, so he is very open to the pain at hand.

It ’s okay to have some pain and some pain. Right now, it ’s better to improve your strength. It ’s most important to increase your registration. \

"Well !!!"

The eighth turn of the nine transfer of Xuan Gong, that ordinary people have no way to imagine, even Yuan Feng himself, sometimes feel that this magical power should not exist in the world. The difficulty of horrible cultivation has been terrible and painful, which naturally means powerful effects. This is always relative.

I do not know when, Yuan Feng's body is covered with a blood-colored mist, it is not known whether these blood-colored mist is the blood of the previous Warcraft, or the effect of his own blood vessels.

Xiao Ba has no intention to do other things at this moment. Yuan Feng started to practice the Xuan Gong. Of course, he has to be the first to witness this historic moment. It is thinking now that once Yuan Feng is reached, The realm of the eighth turn of Nine Turns and Xuan Gong. Then, even if you do not enter the semi-god realm, will you be able to completely abuse all the deities?

In particular, he also swallowed a huge monument, and the effect of it made it even more difficult to imagine.

The Xuan Gong of the eighth turn is not so easy to achieve, but Yuan Feng is not in a hurry at this moment. Frankly, after swallowing the immortal monument, he is already confident in the survival and development of the beast **** world He believes that in the next time, even if the Xuan Gong of the eighth turn fails, there is nothing in this beast-god world worthy of his fear.

Time goes by, day by day in the mysterious space, and for Yuan Feng, this is a painful and wonderful process, because after a certain moment, he will let everyone know that the beast **** world , Will be stepped on by his Yuan Feng.

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