The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2141: Torn face

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Chapter two thousand and forty-one torn face

Yuan Feng never dreamed. Just when he handed the demon flame to the strong hands of the Tianmon Python family, the guys of the Tianmon Python family immediately turned their faces and did not recognize anyone, and gave him a casual The count is to kill him.

The injuries in his body were not minor, but what hurt him even more was the actions of the three strong men of the Tian Yao Python family.

Due to the relationship between the demon flames, he has regarded the strong men of the Tianmon Python family as his own, even without a trace of caution to these guys. However, the reality is that he slaps a slap on his face. , Also gave him a vivid lesson.

It is obviously an excuse to say that he sneaked up on the two princesses of the Tianmon Python family, but judging from the reactions of the young women of the Tianmon Python family and the old man who was fighting, it seems that these two people did not have this. Any doubt, he even felt a tacit attitude from the young woman and the old man.

Obviously, what did he say when he attacked the two princesses of the Tianmon Python? This is simply an excuse for the Tianmon Python family to want to unload and kill the donkey.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, the Tianmon Python family, I really saw it today !!!"

Seeing that the three strong men of the Tianmon Python family made it clear that he was going to be killed, among them the young man rushed to himself, Yuan Feng's face suddenly showed a hint of madness.

There is no need to be detrimental, and it is necessary to be defensive. This is a sentence he has always believed in. However, today, he has left behind a sentence he most values, and in this regard, he But it also paid a considerable price.

Regarding why the three demon pythons had to kill themselves, he could think of some reasons. Perhaps, the three guys saw the relationship between him and the demon flame, and felt that something was wrong. It is also possible that all this was because the young man was jealous of him, and then he wanted to get rid of him.

Of course, no matter what the reason, several guys of the Tianmon Python family obviously did not take his life seriously, and even did not treat him as a benefactor of the Tianmon Python family. This, but There is no doubt at all.

It is said that Snake Warcraft is a born cold-blooded animal, and it seems that it is true at all.

In fact, Yuan Feng's guess is already inseparable. The reason why the young men of the Tianmon Python family shot at him was because they were jealous of the relationship between him and Yaoyan. Before, he was holding Yaoyan, and the latter did not have any resistance. The relationship between them is absolutely different.

And for a guy who dared to hold a princess of the Tianmon Python family, any male of the Tianmon Python family obviously could not accept it.

As for the old man and the young woman, they also felt that Yuan Feng should be killed. As for Yuan Feng's dedication to save the demon flames, they did not have any gratitude at all, because Yuan Feng did not save them.

"Want to kill me? How could it be so easy !!!"

Seeing the young man of the Tianmon Python family killing himself again, Yuan Feng's face became cold and cold, and when the other person's body had not reached him, his whole body was up and down. He shuddered suddenly, and then, he was still very weak, as if suddenly full of electricity, instantly became energetic, and significantly stronger.

"Booming !!!!!!"

With a bang, all over his body suddenly waved an unusually terrifying momentum, which was a powerful breath that belongs to the semi-divine realm, and at this moment, because he was full of anger, it made it even more invisible. The momentum is even more amazing.

"Om !!!!!!"

The momentum of terror rose into the sky, and the red sword that he held in his hands suddenly released the earth-shattering light. At this moment, the entire battlefield became bright because of his outbreak.

"Well? This is ........."

In the battle situation on the one side, the old man of the Sky Demon python family who is fighting the three powerful men can no longer ignore the situation below at this moment. Although the breath coming from below, there is only a level of four shifts in the semi-divine realm, but The sharp sword qi, and the raging anger that destroyed the sky, made his heart sway.

"It's so powerful, I still have reservations !!!"

I glanced at the crazy Yuan Feng, and the old man's heart was almost shocked to add. Speaking of it, he really saw the young people in the clan shoot at Yuan Feng, and after it wanted to come, after that punch, Yuan Feng should He was seriously injured and lost his combat power, and was eventually killed by the young people in the clan.

However, let it never think that this young human man, not only was not seriously injured, but suddenly became more powerful and horrified, which is obviously not a good phenomenon for them.

Opposite the old man, the three strong men of the three major ethnic groups were obviously shocked by the sudden change. In terms of their strength, any wind and grass within a few dozen miles will definitely not escape them. Perceived, and for the fact that Yuan Feng was attacked by the strong man of the Tianmon Python family, they were suddenly enemies with the guys of the Tianmon Python family, and their hearts were also surprised.

Speaking of them, they are all bystanders, and naturally know that Yuan Feng will not sneak attack on the Tianmon Python family. Obviously, it is clear that the guys of the Tianmon Python family want to cross the river to dismantle the bridge and unload the ass!

They have also heard that the guys of the Tianmon Python family turn their faces and don't recognize others, but this is too fast. You know, at this moment, the Tianmon Pythons did not return to their old nests, and it was not a wise choice to kill Yuan Feng as a benefactor.

At this moment, they basically no longer hold any hope for the immense monument from the hands of the Celestial Boa family.

There is no way, they are all injured at the moment, and the Tianqiangbo clan has four strong men present. Aside from the two young guys, they are just the old guys of the Tianqiangbo clan. It is enough for them to drink a pot.

"Two people, immeasurable monuments, I don't want the Thunder Monster family, we will have a period later !!! Boom !!!"

The strongest of the Lei Yao family, the first one to stand out at the moment, showed their attitude. The current situation has reached such a point, and by virtue of its own strength, it is simply impossible to obtain a monument of immeasurable amount. Therefore, even if you want to play the idea of ​​immeasurable monuments, it must work with the strong in the clan.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

A few thunders were blasted at the old man of the Tianmon Python family. The strong of the Thundermonger group snarled, followed by a flash, disappeared directly in place, and decisively withdrew from the battle for the immortal monument. .

"Well, life is the most important. The immeasurable monument to shit, I don't need it anymore, and it will end indefinitely !!!"

When the strong of the Thunder Demon family leaped away, the strong of the Devil Tiger family also cursed, and then it also made a fool. Between several flashes, it was also out of the battlefield and was no longer controlled. What a monument.

"It's nothing, it seems that the immortal monument is destined to fall into the hands of the Celestial Boa family. In this case, I also ransacked the Bear Clan, good means, come to the Japanese side, let's see you !!!

When the strong of the Thunder Monster and the strong of the Demon Tigers left, the remaining strong Raven Bears could not continue to stay, after all, with its own strength, it is even more It's impossible to get the infinite monument.

Therefore, almost without even thinking about it, it was a roar at the old man of the Tianmon Python family, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.


When the big three left, the old man of the Tianmon Pythons could not help but roar, it seemed to be showing its victory to everyone, but for the big three, it did not pursue.

Speaking of it, all the thoughts are now on the monster flame. After all, the immortal monument is the most important. As for these roadblockers, as long as they retreat, there is no need to really endlessly die with these guys.

In addition, although its strength is strong, but the three are not soft persimmons, if it is not because these three guys were injured, then who should flee?

Therefore, for the retreat of the three strong, it is simply feeling happy from the heart.


The three strong men of the three major ethnic groups were shocked. The old man of the Tianmon Python family could not help but flash back slightly, but also changed back to the look of a human warrior, and looked down for the first time. There, the Tianmon Python family The young woman is still healing the demon flame at this moment, but the young man has already fought with Yuan Feng a bit, and it is difficult to understand.

"Well, a young human, the power of the four deities in the semi-god realm can actually stand against the power of the five deities in the semi-god realm. It is really a super genius."

When I saw the strong in the clan, I couldn't help Yuanfeng. The old man's eyes flashed with surprise, but then his gaze flashed and his eyes flashed fiercely.

"Night long dreams, it's better to bring the battle to an end soon. There is no need to delay time for a little human kid."

Although it repelled the opponent, it also knew in its heart that the three guys who escaped may not really come back. If these guys bring more powerful men, then a few of them may not be able to turn the flames. Bring back. Therefore, the most important thing right now is to hurry back to the ethnic group without delaying time.

Thinking of it, it no longer thinks about it. When it comes to its shape, it goes straight to the battlefield of Yuan Feng and the young man and flies away. Looking at its posture, obviously it doesn't mind being bullied and bullied. It's small!

The Tianmon Python family is like this, although it also saw Yuan Feng helped the demon flame, but what can it do? Anyway, I have already started, so naturally I have to be thorough and kill Yuan Feng. Then this time, it will basically be half successful.

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, Yuan Feng has fought fiercely with young men of the Tianmon Python family, and although the strength between the two is a big difference, but with the help of Anger, coupled with the sharpness of the Chixiao sword in his hand, Yuan Fengxi was not in the wind at all.

"Brush !!!!"

The red-golden sword-mongers are like weaving sword nets. Wherever the sword-mongers have passed, they have resumed the celestial python of the main body battle, and they dare not have the slightest intention at this moment.

"Hisse !!!!!!"

The colorful python spewed out a poisonous mist for a while, and then swept Yuan Feng with his own giant tail. Unfortunately, although its means are terrible, Yuan Feng is like an undead body. Invasion, I was still unmoved, violent Jianmang, vowed to kill the opposite day demon python.

"Dead to me !!!"

Yuan Feng was really angry at this moment. The thing that made him most unacceptable in this life was the role of ungratefulness and shaving off the donkey. Therefore, no matter what the final result is today, he must bite each other. A piece of flesh comes out of bad breath for myself.

The young man of the Tianmon Python family is now playing harder and harder, because it has felt it. Although it had attacked Yuan Feng before, it seemed that Yuan Feng had not been affected by it at all. , I still lower its power to make it passive abnormal.

For all of this, it actually has a feeling of being unable to return to God, but unfortunately, the road is chosen by itself. No matter how difficult it is now, it can only be hardened with its teeth.

This is also a matter of no means. Who can think that Yuan Feng's strength is so powerful? Knowing this, it may consider it seriously, at least when it has a complete grasp, and then sneak a sneak attack on Yuan Feng.

Of course, anyway, Yuan Feng, a guy who dares to contact a princess of the Tianmon Python family, must disappear from this world.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

However, when Yuan Feng and the young men of the Tianmon Python clan fought fiercely, it was difficult to distinguish between the winners and the losers, and the sound of a space vibration suddenly rang above the heads of the two. .

With the sound of the space vibration, the young people of Yuan Feng and the Tianmon Python family were a little stunned, and then they looked in the direction of the space vibration, but just when they just looked over there An enlarged boxing shadow suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, and who was the target of the boxing attack except Yuan Feng?

"not good!!!!"

Yuan Feng's complexion suddenly became a little pale. He knew that he was really in serious trouble this time. However, at this time, he didn't have time to think too much. The Chixiao sword in his hand was slightly shaken, and then he slashed out.

"Brush !!! Boom !!!!!!"

The fist shadow and sword were intertwined, Yuan Feng's figure was instantly lifted off by two attacking air waves, and the tremendous force of the shock also made his body feel cracked.

No way, although he is based on Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, but the enemy is too strong, no matter how powerful Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, there is still a limit. The seventh round of Xuan Gong obviously owes a little bit of fire.


With the power running, Yuan Feng tried to stop himself, and just when he stopped, opposite him, the old man of the Tianmon Python family came out slowly, and in the Tianmon Python family, The young man stood beside him and looked over with a more surprised look.

Obviously, it absolutely did not expect that the attack of 80% of its strength could not even destroy Yuan Feng.

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