The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2140: Incredible (five more)

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Chapter two hundred and forty incredible (five more)

The three strong men saw the Tianmon Python lose its combat power, and Yuan Feng took it in his arms and couldn't move. One by one, they could not help but rub their hands together.

However, when the three were operating their power, and when they were about to start a fierce battle with Yuan Feng, a cold humming sounded between the heavens and the earth, and the momentum that the three had just rippled, all of a sudden pressed back Into the body.

"Huh, are the people of my demon python clan waiting for killing?"

A simple humming, accompanied by a murmur of groaning, only a moment's work, the whole world became extremely peaceful at this moment, and the original three strong war-fighting At this moment, the whole body shuddered and looked at the direction of the sound.

Far away, the three small black spots are slowly enlarged in the eyes of the three strong men and Yuan Feng and Yao Yan. These three small black spots are extremely fast. The time has come to come.

When they got close, everyone present could see the appearance of the people, but when they saw the three guys who suddenly arrived, the three strong men on the battlefield became more and more shocked. .

This is a combination of old and young. The old man is a handsome old man with a ruddy complexion, and the two young men are a man and a woman. The man is very strange. The woman is also charming and moving. It can be said that In terms of appearance alone, this trio, including the elderly, is definitely jealous.

Of course, what it looks like is obviously not the point. The most important thing is that the three unexpected guests who visited suddenly have a terrible wave of energy around them, especially the old man, at first glance. It can be seen that its cultivation should be the same as the presence of the Tian Yao Boa and the other three strong men, which have reached the level of demigod and six turns.

As for the two young people, they should be at the level of five deities.

One semi-semi-level six turns, two semi-semi-level five turns, such a combination, no matter where it is placed, it is definitely a force that cannot be ignored.

"This, this is ........."

When the old man came to the battlefield with two young people, the three strong men of the Thunder Monster family, the Devil Tiger family, and the Ravager Bear family almost all could not help but swallowed and vomited, and at the same time retreated back. After a step, his complexion was extremely difficult to look.

Originally, due to the serious injuries, their faces were very pale, and when these three guys were met, their pale faces were getting paler.

Their cultivation is placed there. Naturally, you can feel the origin of the three strongest people who are suddenly visited. At least, they can feel that the breath of the young and old is definitely following Yuan Feng's bosom-like breath. In other words, these three guys who suddenly appeared were all from the Tianmon Python family!

Suddenly, there were three strong men of the Tianmon Python family, among which there was a guy with six demi-gods and six turns. This was a big blow to the three of them.

What they are afraid of, they are actually worried when they act. If the battle is delayed too long, other powerful people may be involved, and the current situation is even more horrible than they thought before.

The strong people of the Tianmon Python family arrived, and there were three when they appeared. This time, they want to get the purpose of the infinite monument, but it is impossible to achieve it!

When thinking of these, the three of them couldn't help looking at each other for a moment, and they were speechless for a while.

On the other side, Yuan Feng was holding the Tianmon Python. At this moment, he was also curious about the three people who suddenly appeared. Although his cultivation was not as good as the three strong ones, his eyesight was not as big as the three. The strong are poor. When he saw the three men who suddenly appeared, he was almost sure that the three guys were definitely in the same family as the demon flame in his arms.

"The strong man of the Tianmon Pythons is the strong man of the Tianmon Pythons. They have come to answer the monster flames !!!"

A trace of excitement climbed onto his face, and at this moment Yuan Feng couldn't help but a little faintly excited.

Frankly speaking, for the previous situation, he had no confidence at all. You must know that his cultivation is far worse than the three strong ones. Although all three guys have injuries, they are thin after all. A dead camel is larger than a horse. Even if someone is injured, that is not what he can handle.

Speaking of which, he was almost ready to do his best, or even to fight his life, and vowed to pull one or two of the three to be buried with him and Tian Yao Python.

However, the world is impermanent. Just when he is already determined to die and is about to fight the other party, the super powerfuls of the Tianmon Python family are finally late. As a result, no matter he or he Demon flame, obviously need not die!

No one wants to die. The demon flame can't, neither can he. After all, only alive can create everything, and death means that everything is gone.

"Monster flame, hurry up, look at it, your clan has come to meet you, look at it !!!"

Excited, Yuan Feng hurriedly lowered her head, and stretched out her hands and patted the Tianyue Python in order to make her more awake while reminding him.

At this moment, the flames of the demon were already weak to the extreme. If it was not for worrying about Yuan Feng's affairs, she would have been unable to hold on.

When she died, she heard Yuan Feng's call, and she faintly saw the three strong men who suddenly visited above the sky. When she felt the familiar atmosphere of her people, she could not help showing a hint of it. Unspeakable smile.

Tian Qiang Python's strong man finally came to meet her. Regarding this, the first thing she thought of was that Yuan Feng would not die.

"Great, so I can rest assured !!!"

With a slight smile, the tense nerve of the Tianmon Python finally relaxed slowly, and then she felt the darkness in front of her eyes and no consciousness at all.

"Flame flame, demon flame !!!"

Feeling that the whole power of the Sky Demon Python disappeared instantly, Yuan Feng was startled, and hurriedly placed his palm on the back of the other side to convey his original energy.

"Hm, three rat gens, even dare to bully my Tianmon Python family, **** it, they all gave me my life !!!"

The situation on Yuan Feng's side fell into the eyes of the three people of the Tianmon Python family who had just arrived. When they saw the fainting flames in Yuanfeng's arms, the old man of the Tianmon Python family. Immediately his face turned dark and he drank in a low voice, that is, hesitated no more, and his body moved to kill the three strong men.


In the twinkling of the body, the old man's body has already become a horrible colorful python. The python roars, and the horror of the horror has made the three strong men look wild, but they have also revealed their own bodies come out.

"Everyone shot together !!!"

The three powerful men are all sensible. The old man of the Tianmon Python family in front of them may be above their strength, plus they are all injured at the moment. If it is a one-to-one situation, I am afraid that even the other party may be killed, so at this moment, they must be fully united.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The three strongest are not willing to be outdone, no matter what, only one half-god six-turned demon python came, and the other two half-god five-turned younger generation did not threaten them too much. Therefore, they do not need to be intimidated by each other, but they can deal with each other.

In the time of speaking, the four strong are fighting together, and the elders of the Tian Yao Python family obviously have the physical advantage. For a while, they have the upper hand, and they have won the strength of the three major ethnic groups such as the Thunder Monster family. The person keeps backing up.


Just as the old demon pythons fought against the other three strong men to form a group, the two demigods that followed the old man and turned five times, but now they are looking at them. Xiang Yuanfeng and the demon flame, and when seeing the demon flame lying in Yuan Feng's arms, it seems that it is already unconscious, the young woman among them could not help but whisper softly, and at the same time a flash, it was Yuan Feng and Demon Flame approached.

When the young woman approached Yuan Feng and Yao Yan, the young man with a strange look followed him up, but in his eyes, a very dangerous light flashed.

Yuan Feng is trying to help the Demon Flames. When he feels that someone is approaching, he can't help but become very vigilant, but when he hears the young woman's shouting and sees the other person's anxious gaze toward the Demon Flames, He knew that it seemed unnecessary to worry about himself!

"Yu, it's okay to save my life, as long as my life is still there, the rest is easy to say !!!"

Withdrawing his palm slowly, Yuan Feng could not help exhaling lightly, and he could not help feeling an unusual feeling of tiredness.

He was able to breathe all his energy into Demon Flame's body in one breath, and the consequence of doing so was naturally to make his body hollow out instantly.

However, there is no need to worry about his own future.

"Two, if you want to come, you are all from the Tianmon Python family, but you don't know, what is your relationship with the monster flame?"

Having stabilized his mind, Yuan Feng grabbed the demon flame in one hand, and at the same time gave a little gift to a man and a woman approaching, and then asked the two.

"Demon flame?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, both the young man and the young woman were slightly surprised. However, they were both savvy people, and naturally they immediately realized who the demon flame in Yuan Feng's mouth was.

"I'm her sister. Thank you for saving your sister. Now, please give me your sister. I'll heal her."

The young woman's complexion was slightly anxious. She could see that although Shi Cai Yuanfeng had input the power into the body of the demon flame, it was not a force of the same origin. There was no way to treat the demon flame's injury. Only she could do it herself. It's best to recover from the injury of Demon Flame.

"Sister of Yaoyan? Yu, you are the sister of Yaoyan, so I'm relieved."

I was affirmed by the young woman, especially when I saw the other party ’s performance was not like pretending, then Yuan Feng was relieved, and at the same time she held the demon flame out of her arms.

"Also ask the girl to heal the demon flame soon. Her condition is very bad."

Since she is the sister of Demon Flame, Yuan Feng naturally needn't have any precautions. Speaking, he hastily handed Demon Flame to the hands of the young woman and let the other party treat the Demon Flame.

"Thank you !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng hand over the demon flame to her own hand, the young woman hurriedly took the latter and held it in her arms carefully.

There are not many members of the Tianmon Python family, the true pure bloodlines are rare, and the demon flame is one of the very few pure bloodlines. No matter what, she will not allow the other party to have any difference.

"Sister, hold on, I won't let you be okay."

The young woman didn't hesitate. When the monster flame reached her hand, she hurriedly put the other person on the ground to help the other person sit down, but she held her palm against the back of the monster flame. On, began to rescue the other side as much as possible.

"Buzz !!!!"

A strange amount of energy entered the body of the demon flame along the palm of the young woman, but with a large amount of energy pouring in, the look of the demon flame began to slowly recover immediately, all over the body The breath is also more stable than before.

Obviously, with her shots, the situation of the demon python demon flame has finally been stabilized, and as long as more time, the injury she had suffered before should be able to recover slowly, as to whether it can be restored to half The realm of the six transitions of the divine realm depends on her luck and fortune.

"Yu, that's great, finally it's okay !!!"

Seeing that the situation of the monster flames is getting better and better, Yuan Feng is standing aside for a while, but she is more and more relaxed. He knows that at this moment, he can finally come to an end!

With the woman who claims to be the sister of Demon Flame to take care of it, the situation of Demon Flame will surely get better and better, and he can also deliver the immortal monument to the other three's hands and retire successfully.

Speaking of which, since the immortal monument was photographed at the auction to the present, he and Yaoyan have gone through all the hardships, and this has only broken into the present.

This way, he and Yaoyan both paid a lot and gained a lot, and the relationship between them also rose to a very high level. It's just that it's time to say goodbye to the other party.

To be honest, he really wasn't very willing to leave the other party, but Tian Yao Python and him, after all, are not from the same world, so no matter how nostalgic and reluctant he is, he has to be hard-hearted.

He still has a lot of things to do, and after finishing these things, he is going to return to Wulei Realm, and obviously, it is impossible for Yaoyan to follow him to Wulei Realm.

Thinking of this, his heart was sorrowful, and his gaze toward the demon flame was full of love and pity.

"The kid is looking for death !!!"

However, just as Yuan Feng watched the demon flame slowly recovering, his heart kept flashing with everything he and the other party experienced along the way, a cold drink rang suddenly in his ear. stand up.

"Well? Danger !!!!!!"

The drinking sounded, and Yuan Feng felt a horrible crisis for the first time. However, at this moment, he had no defense at all, and put almost all his mind on the demon flame. On his body, although he felt the crisis, he had no chance to escape.

"Well !!! Boom !!!!!!"

Almost at the same time that Yuan Feng had just prepared for it, a horrible punch had already hit his back, and he had been blown away with a punch, and he spit out in midair. Blood, the whole person's spirit, all of a sudden became weaker.


The body flew, Yuan Feng's body stopped for a while, but as soon as he stopped, he spit out blood again, and all the breath on his body was suddenly weak to the extreme.

"Why, why?"

There was a spit of blood, and Yuan Feng's face was full of incomprehension, and he looked in one direction, where the young women of the Tianmon Python family were still healing the demon flames. However, her eyes were looking at him for a while, and there seemed to be a trace of incomprehension on her face. However, this incomprehension just passed away, and then she continued to focus on The Demon Flame healed, and no longer cares about his life.

On the other side, the young man of the Tianmon Python family, while holding a **** posture, also looked at him, and it was clear that the punch just came from it. Hand.

It can be seen that the young man at this moment was obviously a bit stunned. He thought that it should be tangled. Why did it hit with all its strength? He did not even kill a small human warrior.


He reached out and wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth. Yuan Feng was now unwilling to believe that all the talents were true. However, the injury on his body was already there, even if he did not want to believe it.

"Well, bold boy, dare to sneak attack on two princesses of the Tianmon Python family. Today, I will definitely take you right on the spot !!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's questioning, the young man of the Tianmon Python family could not help picking a little, and then he moved suddenly and attacked Yuan Feng again.

"Slow !!!!"

However, just when the other party was about to make a shot, Yuan Feng hurriedly drank and stopped the other's shot.

"Which of your eyes did I see the sneak attack? Is this how the Tianmon Pythons treat benefactors?"

Working hard to suppress the anger at the bottom of his heart, Yuan Feng has faintly understood something, but he didn't want to become the enemy with the monster flame group before he figured out the problem.

He said these words very loudly. Obviously, he wanted to let the old people of the celestial python family and the young women below hear them not far away, so that they could preside over him.

"Hmm, I have seen both eyes, boy, you still have to die well !!! Kill!"

However, when Yuan Feng's words fell, whether it was an old man who was not far away fighting, or a young woman who was healed by the demon flame below, it seemed that he had n’t even watched him if he had n’t heard his question. He glanced at him, but a young man, no longer making excuses, and made it clear that he was going to kill him.

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