The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2129: Xiao Ya's efforts

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Chapter 2121: Little Eight's Effort

For Yuan Feng, although he has n’t improved and improved too much in a long period of time, recently, his Warcraft companion Xiaoba has grown rapidly. In fact, it is quite enough.

Xiaoba's cultivation has been continuously improved, and now he is a strong man with four demi-gods, and this is almost no different from himself becoming a strong man with four demi-gods.

Of course, what really excites him is not that the promotion of Xiao Ba can indirectly increase his power. The main thing is that the little eight who turned around in the semi-god realm can already try to produce a sub-god of Warcraft. This That's what makes him really excited.

After Xiao Ba was successfully promoted to the semi-god realm for four turns, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Mang and his party changed their base once again, and waited for the result of the production of World of Warcraft under the semi-god realm.

Whether it is the Tianmon Python or Yuanfeng, they are full of expectations for this retreat of Xiaoba, and the production of the demigod of Warcraft under Xiaoba will undoubtedly take a relatively long time.

During this time, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python basically waited while cultivating, and sometimes they learned from each other, and their lives were pretty good.

They are not in a hurry, because after observing this period of time, they find that the longer the time drags on, the lower the enthusiasm of the major ethnic groups to find them. Therefore, they can drag on for a while. Maybe the major ethnic groups have contracted their strength back, and they can safely and boldly rush back towards the Tianmon Python family!

Having said that, it is unrealistic to want the major ethnic groups to completely abandon their pursuit, but as long as the outside tracking power is smaller, they will be very satisfied.

Xiao Ba produces demigods of Warcraft. This process can never be too simple, and it will certainly fail again and again. In this process, neither Yuan Feng nor Tian Yao Python can help.

It can be said that this time of Xiaoba's retreat is not only a huge improvement to the team of Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python, but also a qualitative change of Xiaoba himself. It is foreseeable that once Xiaoba can produce a demigod subordinate of Warcraft, it will really take a step towards the ranks of the top beast gods.

Time passes, and soon, one year is slowly going away in the frantic search of the strong outsiders and the leisurely practice of Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python. For the leisurely time of this year, Yuan Feng and The sky demon pythons all have a feeling of reluctance to think of Shu, but they don't even want to go out of the mysterious array.

You know, there is a high enough safety factor inside the Xuan Zhen. They stay in the Xuan Zhen space and basically do whatever they want. They do n’t need to worry about being calculated by others. After all, if a super strong approaches, I'm afraid the other party's arrival has been discovered early.

"It's been a year. Xiaoba is still in retreat. I really don't know when it will stay in it."

In the mysterious formation, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python sat opposite each other and chatted as usual. Not long ago, they just finished a new round of cultivation, and this time, although they did not improve much, they virtually solved several problems in cultivation.

During this year, the two of them will continue to take out the problems they have cultivated, then research each other, and finally solve the problems together. However, it is basically Yuan Feng who is answering the question of the Tianmon Python. After all, as a devouring Wuling of the Heaven, he can basically answer whatever kind of problem the Tianmon Python encounters.

In this way, the Tianmon Python constantly raised its own cultivation questions, and Yuan Feng continued to answer. Both had things to do, and naturally they would not feel bored any more.

"It's been so long since a year has passed? It seems that Xiaoba's guy should have made substantial progress, otherwise, I'm afraid he would have ran out already."

Hearing the emotion of Tian Yao Python, Yuan Feng couldn't help raising her eyebrows, but in her heart she was looking forward to Xiao Ba's retreat.

Since Xiao Ba has been producing Demigod Warcraft in retreat, it also shows that Xiao Ba is not without any achievements at this moment. Otherwise, it will never be so quiet for a long time.

"Giggle, it's hard to say if there has been substantial progress, but it shouldn't fail if you think about it."

To this day, the Tianmon Python has a lot of trust in Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba. In her heart, the whole beast **** world, I am afraid that there is nothing that Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba can't do, as long as they both do it with care. Then, it will definitely succeed in the end.

"Ha, you are so confident in this little guy!"

Hearing the words of the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, and then continued, "Demon flame, think about any further training problems. While taking this time, despite telling me, I can It ’s good to help you answer it. ”

He sincerely wanted to help the Tianmon Python. Moreover, these things are not a big deal. They are just a matter of sorting out Wutian Wuling, and then they can be solved.

"It's gone for the time being, I really can't think of it, you guy is so powerful. If I had known this, I would have consulted you earlier."

Hearing Yuan Feng's mention of this matter, Tian Yao Python's face flashed with an inscrutable color that could not be concealed, and his heart also admired Yuan Feng.

There are so many magical things about Yuan Feng. Before, she practiced with Yuan Feng and shared some training problems with each other. As for her questions, Yuan Feng can always answer them in various ways.

At first, the questions she raised were some of the cultivation problems she encountered. Later, she simply took out some of the cultivation problems that plagued the Tianmon Python family and let Yuan Feng analyze. In the end, Yuan Feng was She was shocked to be able to explain her clearly.

Now it seems that Yuan Feng's body definitely has something unknown, but how exactly Yuan Feng does this is not what she can ask.

Everyone has their own secrets and their own stunts. Although she is already familiar with Yuan Feng, she is obviously not familiar enough to let Yuan Feng tell her all the secrets.

"Ahem, I just want to express myself, where is there anything that is not so great."

With a slight cough, Yuan Feng didn't really feel that there were any big problems in the questions that he answered for each other. Speaking of which, in front of Wutian Wuling, these issues related to the training of Warcraft were simply simple things.

Of course, under these circumstances, he will certainly not tell the Tianmon Python. If it is true, I am afraid it will not be a small blow to the other!

"You guys know humility, I really don't know what's in your heart!" For Yuan Feng's answer, Tian Yao Python didn't want to express too many opinions, but in her heart, Yuan Feng was omnipotent. But the image is more and more solidified.

"Om !!!!!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python talking, a violent sound of space vibration was suddenly transmitted from the side of the two, and with the sound of Yuan Feng and Tian Feng who were still chatting Almost all the monsters looked at each other suddenly, and they looked in the direction of the shock.

"There is movement, it is the direction of Xiao Ba's retreat !!!"

Feeling that the spatial fluctuations were passed from the direction of Xiao Baguan's production of Warcraft, Yuan Feng's face could not help but reveal a strong surprise, and his eyes were full of expectations.

One year has passed, and there is a trace of movement at Xiao Ba's side. No matter what the movement means, it is better than waiting for it without any trace of results.

"Look at it?"

Tian Yao Python's face also changed slightly, his eyes flashed with anticipation. To tell you the truth, although she has solved a lot of cultivation problems during this year, she is in a good mood, but in fact, why don't she expect Xiao Ba to have a result sooner, so she can make sure that they accept How to arrange the next action.


Yuan Feng almost raised his hands and feet to agree with Tian Yao Python's proposal. After the other party's voice dropped, he almost didn't want to, and when he raised his fingers, he grabbed the arm of Tian Yao Python. People are flying straight to the space where Xiao Ba is.

Today, the relationship between Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python has reached an intimate level. For the hands of Yuan Feng, Tian Yao Python does not even have a trace of resistance. The feeling is like Yuan Feng's holding hands made her very natural.

And the fact is true. For the Tianmon Python, when Yuan Feng pulls her, she will feel a sense of security. If not, unfortunately, Yuan Feng usually does not pull her hand at all. In this regard, her heart has always been full of resentment.

The whole beast **** world, I am afraid that only Yuan Feng will have this kind of treatment, but he is unwilling to enjoy such treatment. If other powerful people know it, they will not know what it will be like. feel.


The speed of Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python are extremely fast, almost a flashover. They have already reached a corner of the Xuan Zhen space. When they stopped, in front of them, Xiao Ba Still lying on the ground in the form of a body, all over the body, but with a very weak feeling rippling around.

"Well? This ........."

Standing on the side of Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but startle a little. Obviously, he didn't expect that he hadn't seen it in only one year. The situation of Xiao Ba was so bad.

"Monster Flame, help it, and let it recover soon."

Seeing Xiao Ba's weakness, Yuan Feng didn't want to, but he hurried to ask the Tian Yao Python beside him.

"Leave it to me !!!" Tian Yao Python also dare not neglect, and she did not expect that Xiao Ba had actually practiced herself like this in the course of this year. Speaking of which, now Xiao Xiao Eight, the state is very dangerous.


During the time of speaking, Tian Yao Python released a strange energy breath, directly covering Xiao Ya's entire body, and as her energy breath was released, Xiao Ya's body began to slowly. The luster was restored, no longer as pale as before.

It can be seen that Xiao Ba is obviously overstretched at this moment, and such a physical overdraft is definitely not so easy to recover autonomously. Without the help of external forces, such an overdraft is likely to cause it easily. The lamps are dry.

"Buzz !!!!"

The Tianmon Python continuously conveyed its power into Xiao Ba's body, while Yuan Feng stood by and waited quietly.


After almost a full quarter of an hour, Xiao Ba's body finally recovered to the original life and death, no longer like the soft state when he just saw it, and seeing this, the Tianmon Python was lifted. Hand, put away your strength.


After the Tian Yao Python had collected his strength, Xiao Ba's figure flashed slightly, and then changed from the form of Warcraft to the form of human warrior.

"Thank you demon flame girl, thank you brother !!!"

The figure turned into a human form. Xiaoba took a deep breath first, relieved the feeling of fatigue all over her body, and then hurried to stand up, bowing and thanking Tianmon Python and Yuan Feng.

Fortunately, this time, the Tianmon Python and Yuan Feng came in time. If this is not the case, it may be very dangerous.

"Giggle, you guys really do. If it really does n’t work, do n’t do it forcibly. Thanks to the news we heard and rushed over, otherwise, if you ’re not in the realm, I ’m afraid it will be a long Can't recover for a while! "

The demon python's consumption is not so big. After all, her cultivation is in the realm of it, but it is much better than Xiao Ba.

Others don't know, but she just felt very clear. Obviously, Xiao Ba must have carried out some kind of compulsive action to embarrass herself, which made her whole body drained and almost became a waste. Fortunately, she came in time and used extraordinary means. Otherwise, Xiao Ba's situation is not yet known how bad it is!

She could n’t help understanding Xiaoba ’s desperate behavior. After all, she would never do such a worthless thing.

"Xiaoba, don't do it next time. We can't produce a demigod Warcraft. We can slowly find a way, but if you put yourself on it, it will really be more than worth it."

Yuan Feng's complexion was also slightly sinking, warning Xiao Ba seriously.

Although he didn't know what Xiaoba had done before, he also knew that the situation of the other party's talents must be very dangerous. Even him, I am afraid it would be difficult to help the other party recover.

Fortunately, a Tianmon Python followed him. Without Tianmon Python, he would not dare to imagine the consequences this time.

"That is, the three of us together don't seem to be so weak. There really is no need to push ourselves to the absolute end, little guy, don't think so in the future!"

Yuan Feng ’s statement, the Tianmon Python is always from the bottom of my heart, of course, Yuan Feng ’s words on Xiao Ba ’s lesson are indeed what she wants to say to Xiao Ba, but she does not have Yuan Feng and Xiao There are some relationships like that, which are not suitable for speaking out from her mouth.

"This ... Thank you for your care, Brother and Demon Flame, I remember."

Hearing that Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python both criticized and educated themselves, Xiao Ba couldn't help but warm up, and thanked them sincerely.

Either Yuan Feng or Tian Yao Python is very concerned about its physical condition, and did not consider the matter of Demigod Warcraft. With that, its heart is already very satisfied.

"Brother, I ..."

"Okay, don't say so much now, you are not in a good state right now, the next time, you will honestly adjust your body, as for the production of Demigod Warcraft, leave it aside for now Then, once you have advanced to the level of the demigod and five turns, you will naturally be able to produce a demigod Warcraft. "

Hearing that Xiao Ba wanted to speak, Yuan Feng waved his hand directly, preventing the other side from speaking. In his heart, no matter how many demigods of Warcraft belonged to him, he could not reach the hair of Xiaoba. If Xiaoba was exhausted, what good would it be to give him more Warcraft?

Xiao Ba was hatched from his essence and blood, and after being transformed, he became extremely similar to him. Speaking of them, they are like father and son brothers, and they are truly close to each other.

Therefore, no matter what, you can leave it aside for now and leave it alone.

"No, no, brother, I mean ........."

Hearing Yuan Feng's order to himself, Xiao Ba couldn't help but look anxious, then he waved his hand again, and wanted to continue to speak.

"What do you say? Let you stay here and take care of your body, and you will listen to me. If you have the sequelae, see if I don't pack you up hard."

When he waved his hand, Yuan Feng didn't give the other party a chance to speak. There was no way. In his heart, Xiaoba just needs rest now, so of course you should take a good rest as soon as possible.

"Uh, this ........."

In response to Yuan Feng's instructions, Xiao Ba was ultimately speechless, and saw that Yuan Feng didn't mean to speak at all. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, then raised his hand suddenly and crossed it. Colored light.

"Brother, demon flame girl, what do you think this is?"

Raising a light between his hands, Xiao Ba rushed to **** this time, and then stood aside, looking at Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python with a smile.

"His, this is ........."

After the colorful light flashed, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python, who were still teaching to Xiao Baba, almost changed their looks almost instantly, and both fell into a dull state.

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