The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2128: Harvest season (five more)

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Chapter 2128 The Harvest Season (Five)


The moment the Jiuqu Yellow River array disappeared, the eighth turn of the eighth turn of the eighth night, the cohesion was completed almost instantaneously. In the blink of an eye, the cloudless blue sky appeared a dark curtain. .

"Booming !!!!!!"

The dark clouds condensed, and the purple and black thunders began to roll continuously, and with all this, the entire barren world became extremely violent at this moment.

Xiaoba didn't move, but still sat there quietly. It is clear that no matter how bad the situation in the sky is, at least, it doesn't need to be too concerned about it, because all this, there will be Yuan Feng for it Carry it.

"Yue, so terrifying, it seems that this time the robbery is much stronger than the previous robbery!"

Standing under the robbery cloud, Yuan Feng at this moment, the whole person is more and more dignified. Speaking of which, his power is equivalent to the power of three turns of the demigod, but Xiao Basuo at this moment The robbery in front of him is the robbery of the fourth turn. It can be said that this time the robbery has slightly exceeded his power.

Obviously, Xiao Ba's power cannot be borrowed. Therefore, what he can do now is to use his full strength, and in any case, he should take the transfer this time.


The light flashed, the red-red Chixiao sword, I do not know when it has appeared in the hands, the sword is in his hands, his momentum is still so indomitable. It is a pity that because the power in the sky is too strong, his momentum is completely suppressed.

"Come on, come on, let me see how strong the robbery on the fourth turn !!!"

With the Chixiao sword tightly in his hands, Yuan Feng at this moment had a kind of life-threatening momentum. In any case, he would share the greatest pressure for Xiaoba and help Xiaoba survive the fourth turn.

"Booming !!!!!!"

At the time of Yuan Feng's thoughts, above the sky, Jie Yun had completed his final cohesion. Seeing that the thunder and lightning in Jie Yun was about to descend on him and Xiao Ba.

"It is now, Dust Maple Sword Technique, Optimus Smash !!!"

Almost just before the thief was about to fall, but not yet, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. Between raising his hands, he sharply cut a sword against the sky.

As soon as this sword came out, the space within tens of miles was basically drained of all the auras in an instant, and it was almost a breathless work. The red-golden sword awn was a step away from thunder. , Plunged into the sky of the robbery.

"Booming !!!!!!"

Jianmang was submerged in the robbery cloud, and then a loud roar was issued. Suddenly, the dark robbery cloud was blown apart by this horrible explosion and turned into a little robbery cloud.

"OK, it works !!!"

Seeing his sword, he once again blasted Jieyun directly, and Yuan Feng's face flashed with a touch of excitement.

However, just when he showed his excitement, the next scene above the sky made his smile freeze on his face, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitched.

In the eyes, the piece of robber cloud that was scattered one after another turned out to be like a huge attraction to each other at this moment. It was almost a time between talks. These robber clouds quickly gathered together and became A new cloud of calamity.

"This this……………"

Seeing that Jieyun appeared again, Yuan Feng really had the urge to scold his mother. He really didn't expect that these little Jieyun could be reunited together and become a complete Jieyun.

"Well, let me just say, if it's really so easy to deal with, I'm afraid it's not the fourth round of robbery!"

With a bitter smile, he was not too unacceptable for the situation at hand. In fact, he had already guessed that it wouldn't be that simple, and the appearance of all this in front of him was also expected.

"It seems that the new Jieyun is much weaker than before. It seems that my sword still consumes a lot of Jieyun's power."

Taking a closer look at the newly condensed Jieyun, Yuan Feng could not help but smile slightly, and his heart was very calm.

Although he was unable to blow away Jieyun with one sword, it is obvious that Shicai's sword is definitely very effective. As long as he can continuously bombard a few swords, sooner or later he can blow this piece of Jieyun disperse.

In fact, the robbery of any demigod is actually a fixed amount of power, and the power of robbery naturally consumes less. Yuan Feng ’s sword is naturally robbed. In Xiao Ba's body, that is to say, the power consumed by the proper talents will no longer be supplemented.

"Booming !!!!!!"

Jieyun reunited, and naturally began to stir up again, but after being consumed by Yuan Feng a lot of power, Jieyun now seemed to have a little fear.

Speaking of course, Jieyun itself does not have sage and consciousness, but Jieyun is part of the rules of heaven and earth. It is obviously not uncommon to say that the rules of heaven and earth have their own emotions.

"If you ca n’t do it with one sword, I will reward you with a few more swords. I want to see how many sword attacks you can take me !!! Kill !!!!"

"Om !!!!!! Brush !!!!!!"

Starting with a sword in hand, it was a terrible swordmang, and went straight to the robbed cloud above the sky. This time, Yuan Feng no longer waited for the robbed cloud to be brewed, but started his crazy blow.

The robbery thing is wonderful. Before it has completed its coagulation, you can't destroy it any more. Once it has completed its cohesion, it is a game between the robbers and the robberies.

"Brush !!!!"

Yuan Feng didn't mean to keep his hand. He knew that if he cut more than one sword, he could consume more power of robbery. In this way, Xiao Ba would face less danger, so he did n’t Need to consider the consequences, just rest assured that the bold robbery of robbery is complete.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

A loud bang continued to be heard from Jieyun, and each explosion would consume a lot of energy from Jieyun, which was visible to the naked eye, and Jieyun became weaker and lighter. At the end, Even the speed of convergence has become unusually slow.

Of course, at the same time that Jieyun was being consumed, Yuan Feng ’s physical strength slowly started to keep up. The original ruddy complexion soon became pale. In the end, his forehead had already been pale. When sweat appeared, holding Chi Xiaojian's arm, he shook slightly.

"One more sword, one more sword !!!"

Although there was almost no strength to swing the sword, Yuan Feng at this moment was still gritting his teeth and insisting on not letting go. It seems that he made it clear that he would stick to the last moment.

One sword after another, Yuan Feng had no idea how many swords he had thrown. Although he felt that his strength had been exhausted, the perception of kendo became more and more clear.

However, when human power is exhausted, when the last trace of power is also exhausted, Yuan Feng knows that he has really done his best, and the next thing is obviously not what he can help. Ah!

"Xiaoba, the rest, you can do it yourself!"

He will not do stubborn things casually. Now that he is already weak, of course, he can't be clenched with his teeth. He believes that Xiao Ba should be able to do the rest.

"Squeak !!!!!!"

Almost immediately after Yunfeng's voice fell, a squeak came from Xiaoba's mouth. With the sound, Xiaoba's body was standing up and facing her. Jieyun looked over.

"Puff puff!!!!!"

Looking at the robbery clouds above the sky, Xiao Ba at this moment was almost the same as Yuan Feng before. He also had a momentum of the world. He did not know whether he had learned from Yuan Feng. of.

However, these are obviously not the point. The most important thing is that when Xiao Ya's body is fixed, the endless World of Warcraft, like shells, starts to fly wildly towards the sky, at a glance It's like a group of moths.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

One by one, the World of Warcraft rushed into the robbery clouds above the sky in a blink of an eye, and as these warcraft rushed into the robbery clouds, a loud roar suddenly became one after another, but it was Xiao Ba's self-destructive army , Began to explode in a crazy way directly in the cloud.

The Promise of World of Warcraft is very limited, and there is no need to question this, but when hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of World of Warcraft explode in the cloud, it is definitely Two completely different concepts.

"Brush !!!!"

With the powerful World of Warcraft exploding from head to head, the power of cloud robbery is almost visible to the naked eye and is consumed for a short time. After the last few endless World of Warcraft exploded, the entire sky has been restored. To the point where blue is washed.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

Clouds dissipate, the power that belongs to Clouds, and countless forces after the self-destructed Warcraft, have formed a huge vortex of energy. In the blink of an eye, they are swallowed into the body by the little octopus below. The world is completely quiet.


The whale swallowed all the power, but Xiao Ya's figure suddenly changed from the state of Warcraft to the shape of a human warrior. At this moment, his face was ruddy, his body was full of spirits, and his state was surprisingly good.

"Uh, this, this ........."

Everything has settled down, but Yuan Feng, who was still supporting the body with a red sword, stood there for a while, but for a moment it was a bit lost.

"Dude, isn't this, this is too exaggerated? You just get some Warcraft troops and annihilate them?"

Yuan Feng had an impulse to vomit blood at the moment. Originally, he only thought that he could help Xiaoba to cross the robbery, so he could let Xiaoba completely idle, but he himself resisted all the robbery .

However, at this moment, when he saw Xiao Ba's way of crossing the road, he suddenly realized that everything he seemed to do seemed a little redundant!

"Abominable little guy, the way to deal with robbery is so much simpler than my hard work and robbery. I knew that, why would I waste so much physical energy and robbery? "

Obviously, Xiaoba ’s method of crossing the robbery is definitely more simple and effective than his method. It can be foreseen that when the robbery is formed, Xiaoba only needs to send tens of thousands of Warcraft troops, which will directly detonate all The Warcraft army seems to be able to win the fourth round of robbery.

"Xiaoba, come here for me !!!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng almost roared and yelled at Xiao Ba opposite.

"Brother, I'm here !!!"

Xiao Ba's speed is extremely fast, almost just when Yuan Feng's voice just dropped, it suddenly flashed, but it was already close to Yuan Feng.

Before Yuan Feng's approach, Xiao Ba didn't seem to realize what he had committed. He was just like nothing, looking at Yuan Feng flatteringly, waiting for Yuan Feng's instructions.

"Yu, you guys, it's very simple to destroy the robbery. It actually hurt me to waste so much power. Are you sincere to make me suffer?"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng could not help but give the other party a violence, and asked with a look of dissatisfaction.

"This ......... Hey, elder brother forgive me. I didn't think too much about it before. Speaking of it, I used the self-destructing army to deal with the robbery.

Hearing Yuan Feng's questioning, Xiao Ba just knew where he had gone wrong, and it was a little awkward for this.

In fact, at the very beginning, it really did not think of a way to deal with the robbery with a self-explosive army. When it was known that Shicai Yuanfeng shot and continuously consumed the energy of cloud robbery, it suddenly came up with a whimsy and thought about this Good way to rob.

Not to mention, this method really works. At least, the previous re-robbery was won by it very easily, and it was still won without a trace of energy loss.

"Well, okay, okay, there's a good excuse for the calculation."

After hearing the answer given by Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng couldn't help shaking his face, and he wouldn't really be upset about it.

Speaking of this, Xiao Ba could find such a way of crossing the robbery. He was just too late to be happy, how could he blame each other?

Before that, he was still thinking about what to do with the eight-turn robbery. After all, the four-turn robbery has been very difficult to cope with. As for the fifth turn, he doesn't know if he can help. busy.

And now it ’s alright. With this method of robbery by Xiaoba, let alone a five-turn robbery, even for the next six-turn and seven-turn robbery, Xiaoba also has an excellent way to cross the robbery. Already.

I have to say that this time, he can directly lose one heart disease!

Having said that, it seems that Xiaoba ’s method of crossing the robbery is not only applicable to Xiaoba ’s own body. You know, he can also give orders to these Warcrafts. Once Xiaoba passes the command of these Warcrafts to his own, Hands, then he can also use this method to deal with himself or other people's robberies.

"Yu, okay, it's just so good. From now on, it is another ability to cross the robbery. It seems that when I have the materials that impact the demi-god, I can safely and boldly try to cross. Robbery! "

The more I thought about this in my heart, the brighter the smile on Yuan Feng's smile became, how could I blame Xiaoba for the slightest bit?

"Giggle, Xiaoba, your way of crossing the robbery is simply awesome. It seems that from now on, someone doesn't need to worry about crossing the robbery anymore, giggling !!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba talking, a series of coquettish laughter came, but it was the sky demon python who was rushing to the side. At this moment, he had rushed back from the outside and faced Xiao without hesitation. Eight compliments.

Speaking of which, she was scared this time. She was really worried that Yuan Feng would stupidly resist resistance to robberies, and thus be injured.

In the last scene of Xiao Badu Jie, she felt a strong shock, and she paid more and more attention to the combination of Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba.

Xiaoba ’s way of crossing the robbery is really too strange. She never thought about it. It turned out that the robbery could still go through this way. I have to say that Xiaoba ’s way of crossing the robbery, the whole beast **** world, I am afraid Can't find a second copy.

I can only use the method of self-explosion to cross the robbery. This way, I am afraid that only Xiao Ba can do it. As for other people, it is only envious!

"Hey, thanks for the praise of the demon flame girl, for my little tricks, it is impossible to get into the eyes of the demon flame girl."

Seeing that Tian Yao Python came near, and affirmed his proper performance, Xiao Ba could not help but scratched his head, thanked the other party for the first time.

Xiaoba really appreciates the demon python. The reason why it was able to realize the true meaning of the demigod so quickly was actually a small part of the reason. Without the help of the Tian Yao Python, it may be difficult to advance to the semi-god realm four turns so quickly.

"Giggle, this is a little trick? You guy is even humbler than Yuan Feng, I really don't know what you two think."

Hearing Xiaoba's modest remarks, Tian Yao Python shook her head and smiled, and looked at Yuan Feng again.

Although the action behind Xiaoba was very eye-catching, but that could not disguise Yuan Feng's light. After all, Yuan Feng had eliminated more of this robbery. As for Xiaoba, it was nothing more than ending it.

In addition, the scene of Yuan Feng's sword in the battle with heaven and earth really left her without a trace of resistance. At this moment, she had really fallen.

"How's it going?"

Slowly came to Yuan Feng's near, Tian Yao Python pulled Yuan Feng's arm without hesitation, and input a trace of strength into Yuan Feng's body. While helping Yuan Feng to recover his strength, he smiled at Yuan Feng. Asked.

"Hey, ridiculous, it seems that this is just the case for the robbery of Demigod!

Feeling the power coming from the body of the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng did not refuse, but at this moment, he also had a very warm feeling.

Alone in the beast and **** world, why doesn't he need a person to understand and comfort him, and guards him when he needs the other person most. Undoubtedly, the emergence of the Tian Yao Python is simply timely and accurate.

Maybe, Tianmon Python has slowly liked the feeling of being with him, but in fact, why isn't he used to the days when Tianmon Python is beside him?

Tian Yao Python always wanted to rely on him, but in fact, his heart has always been relying on Tian Yao Python. You know, the strength of the Sky Monster Python is really better than him.

"Giggle, don't brag, there are no outsiders here, and no one will laugh at you." Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Tian Yao Python couldn't help laughing at his face, and even exposed Yuan Feng's old clue. .

She knew in her heart that maybe Yuan Feng might not be killed by robberies, but if he really needed to persevere, his injuries might be inevitable.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Uncle politely exposed the old man, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile awkwardly, and then he hurriedly looked straight and continued, "Okay, this time, it's really almost this Ah, walk around, change to another place for a little rest, and then we are going to start work! "

At this point, the strength on their side has almost reached a peak, and as long as it is a little rest, then they can continue to advance towards the Tianmon Python family.

Of course, the next road will definitely not be the same, especially if you haven't found the existence of the Tianmon Python for so long. I'm afraid I have changed the strategy at this moment, maybe she rushed back to heaven The python waited for the rabbit halfway.

If the way back is blocked, the only way to go back is to make a channel and kill a **** road! However, if it is not a last resort, it is better to use force to solve this method, or leave it at the end, as it is better to keep the track.

"Giggle, Xiaoba, you'd better go back to Yuan Feng's physical world first. Let me rush with him next time!"

Smiling at Xiao Ba, Tian Yao Python suddenly wanted to accompany Yuan Feng alone.

"Okay, I'm going to stabilize the state, and, for the next period of time, I will try to produce a half-god of Warcraft. If it can be successful, it should be of great significance to us."

Xiao Ba is not the kind of person with zero EQ. Of course, he feels very clear about the feelings of Tian Yao Python to Yuan Feng, so he won't stay as a light bulb for the two.

Moreover, it does take some time to try to produce a demigod Warcraft. Once it succeeds, then they can really rest assured that they are on their way.

Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python didn't say much, but when they heard the words of Demigod Warcraft, their eyes couldn't help flashing excitement.

After working so hard for a long time, it is time to start harvesting!

PS: Two chapters in one chapter, ask for a few flowers, a few coins to support! !! !! !!

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