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Chapter Two thousand and eleven End

The violent energy has made the whole world a mess, and there are constantly exploding Warcrafts everywhere, and with the countless Warcraft army began crazy blasts, whether it is the strong of the four major groups, or those who want to fight Yuan Feng and the other powerhouses of Tian Yao Python's idea were all set off by horrible energy waves.

Those who are stronger are able to escape the scope of the explosion at a critical moment, and for those who are not strong enough, the situation at this moment is simply devastating.

Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of Promise World of Warcraft collectively blew themselves up. Even if each of them has only a small amount of energy, it can really be an unimaginable terrorist force.

In addition, before the Warcraft army started to explode, the Sky Monster Python just released her psychedelic mist. Many Warcraft or human warriors were confused by the breath released by her, until the self-explosion army started to explode. At times, these guys didn't even have precautions, and of course the results were even more imaginable.

It is foreseeable that this time the super big explosion, the strong man in the demigod, I am afraid there will be a lot of deaths and injuries. As for what kind of roles, for a while, I am afraid that no one can count it.

Hundreds of thousands of World of Warcraft blew up, almost tearing up the entire space, turning it into a huge black hole, and after a long, long time, this huge black hole in space was all too late Can recover.

"Om !!!!!!"

Not long after the big bang ended, three figures, under a dense forest far away from the explosion, got underneath the dense forest that had been destroyed by energy waves.

"Well, such a terrifying energy wave, even so far away has been directly annihilated. This is really ......... Uh ..."

Under the ruins, the two super veterans of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and Ruan Xinrou, the young lady of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, all shook off the dust from their bodies, and they all looked at the previous battlefield. However, the battlefield at this moment only has a huge space karst cave, which is difficult to recover for a long time.

"Good guy, how many of these Warcrafts have blew themselves up? Is this the horror of the Sky Monster Python? Suddenly controlled so many Promise Warcrafts to blew up. If these guys are in the God Machine Chamber If the scope of the self-explosion ......... "

"Stop and stop. It's better not to make such assumptions. If that's the case ... I'm afraid that the entire God Machine Chamber of Commerce will become a ruin in an instant !!!"

The eyes of the two elders were staring closely at the black hole in front of them. For a moment, they only felt that their heartbeat was accelerating, and they couldn't believe everything in front of them.

In the previous battles, they had been watching from the outside. When the Warcraft army appeared, they were actually the earliest discovered, but at that time, they only thought that these Warcraft were controlled by the Sky Monster Python. It was to help her fight.

However, what they didn't think of was that just when these World of Warcraft appeared just a short time ago, they exploded frantically without hesitation. At that moment, even if they were not prepared, they were almost given by the aftermath of these World of Warcraft explosions. hurt.

Judging from their insights, the destructive power caused by the collective self-detonation of these Warcrafts at present can be compared with a full blow of a super-powerful superman with a half-god of eighty-nine turns. Turning characters, that's not something everyone can see, at least, they haven't seen a strong player of that level.

In fact, after seven or more turns in Demigod Realm, I am afraid that they will rarely make a shot. After all, once a character of that level has shot, it is not as simple as an ordinary Demigod. Already.

To put it bluntly, Xiuwei has reached a half-god realm of seven or eight turns, which is already another level. For characters like them, if it wasn't for Ruan Xin softly pulling them out, they would probably stay at the Shenji Chamber of Commerce and hit the realm of Demigod Realm Seven Turns.

"How, how can it be like this, but this time, it is the strong who is going to die !!!"

Among the two old men, Ruan Xinrou, who has been under the protection of the two strong men, has an incredible feeling at the moment. Under the protection of the two super veterans, she was not damaged in any way, but she witnessed the appearance of a super big explosion, and her mood was afraid that she would not be able to calm down for a while.

The explosion is small. The main thing is that the power of this self-detonation is too great. In such a horrible explosion, some strong men who have turned one or two times in the demigod may not be able to survive. The number of strong men who rushed forward to the semi-divine realm one or two before will never be too small.

"Yes, it is true that there are a lot of strong men who have been killed or injured. Roughly, I am afraid that there are dozens of them, but in general, there should be more Warcraft strong men and fewer human warriors. I only hope this part Among the human warriors, there will not be a demigod strongman of my God Chamber of Commerce. "

Hearing Ruan Xinrou's emotions, the two old veteran strong men couldn't help feeling some emotions.

Of course, they also understand that in such a horrible explosion, whether it is a human warrior or a warcraft warrior, there may be large-scale damage, but it is no wonder that the Tianmon Python and Yuanfeng are, after all, all the results are these The superpowers are looking for it themselves. If they don't go for the idea of ​​Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python, naturally there won't be so many cases.

"There should be no people from the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. Before I saw Chen Ang, five of them retreated beforehand. Except for the five of them, the other members of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce should not take a trip to muddy water at will."

Before the explosion completely started, they saw Deacon Chen Ang out of the battlefield with the four strong men. They thought that because they felt the aftermath of the explosion, they did not dare to stay too much.

Speaking of which is also a style of doing things for the strong of the Chamber of Commerce of God, once it encounters real danger, then it is the first time to flee directly, and never let yourself be completely involved in danger.

I have to say that these five guys are running very fast. If they are a little bit late, then they are likely to be included in the Big Bang. Will there be a downsizing at that time? Okay.

"By the way, what about the demon python and that young man? Well, they were sieged and they couldn't get through. Before, there wasn't even a trace of breath left. It seems that they probably escaped!"

Just as the three of them were in emotion, one of the old men suddenly raised an eyebrow, but found the most important situation, that is, within the explosion range at this moment, there was no sense of Yuan Feng and the Tianmon Python. Breath, obviously, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python are definitely not here anymore.

And there is no breath left. Obviously, it was not killed here, but it fled here, I wonder where I went!

"Do you still think about it? The Sky Monster Python has controlled so many Promise World of Warcraft to explode, and while the Warcraft army blew itself up, the two of them may have fled for a long time, how could they still stay here to die?"

"Eh, that seems to be the same reason." Nodded, one of the two old men couldn't help pouting, and then said, "Hey, the Tianmon Python is the Tianmon Python. You can control so many Warcrafts at once. It's really unthinkable to carry out a self-explosion! "

"It's true. I've always heard of the mysterious and horrible people of the Tianmon Python family. Now it seems that the rumors are not false. Speaking of which, with such a single hand, ask which big force in the entire world of beast gods dare to go provoke?"

"Yes, what Zijin Marten, Tian Mo Hu, Jin Yu Ying, or what kind of Raven Bears and Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, compared with this day demon pythons, it is too much too much!"

Speaking of them, although other ethnic groups are also very powerful, even if the chiefs of the major ethnic groups speak in person, it is absolutely impossible for the prom guys under the ethnic group to explode collectively. Of course, in terms of the number of people without boundaries in the major ethnic groups, it seems that this effect cannot be achieved.

Obviously, both the old men and Ruan Xinrou, they both felt that the Warcraft army was released by the Tianmon Python. As for Yuan Feng, they were ignored by them from the beginning.

They never dreamed that when they dreamed, where were these self-destructing Warcraft troops controlled by the Sky Monster Python? It's just that they would not even think that there would be so many Warcrafts on a human warrior.

"Okay, okay, I can't stay any longer. Shicai did that. I don't know if it alarmed some people. I think we should leave here sooner. If we are late, we don't know if it will It will affect the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. "

"Yes, yes, right and wrong places should not be stayed for a long time, it is better to leave here quickly, so as to avoid any bad things happen again."

"No matter how many deaths and injuries, it has nothing to do with you and me, and the situation here must go back to report to the president and talents."

"Let Xinruo give this credit, anyway, we two old guys don't need any credit at all."

The current situation is undoubtedly also a major event for the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. You must know that this time there are so many strong people who die, there will definitely be no lack of a connection with the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and these guys die After the fall, it is absolutely impossible to have no impact on the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, the 17th National Congress of the five major ethnic groups do not know how many of them died here, and in this regard, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce has to find a way to issue a statement and must shirk its responsibility for this incident. Clearly, not leaving any trouble to the God Machine Chamber.

Between the eyes, the three big men are no longer hesitant, and they just walked away and left, leaving only a violent battlefield, and it was difficult to restore peace for a long time.

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