The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2111: Hole card

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Chapter 2111 Cards

As Deacon Chen Ang and other people from the Chamber of Commerce of God began to make a shot, the hidden powers around them ran out at this moment and began to fish in muddy waters.

The human warrior naturally ran to Yuan Feng and the Chixiao sword in his hand, and the Warcraft powerhouses were naturally optimistic about the immense monuments on the Tianmon Python and the Tianmon Python, regardless of whether they were human warriors or Warcraft The strong, they all have their own goals, and as long as they have their own goals, these guys will become more and more crazy.


When a large number of strong people swarmed from the surroundings to the sky demon python and Yuan Feng, the sky demon python that had completely digested the two-and-a-half-world Warcraft five warcraft, suddenly issued a loud roar, this For a moment, she was just like the supreme King of Warcraft. No matter what level or type of Warcraft, as long as she dared to shoot at her and Yuan Feng, she would have to bear her craziest blow.


With a roar, above the body of the sky demon python, there was a purple breath, just like a group of purple paint exploded directly. At once, she and Yuan Feng were the center, which was basically a square mile. Within, it was shrouded in purple.

Although she had been fighting the 17th National Congress of the Five Great Communities for a long time, in fact, she did not use all her means at all. Speaking of it, from the beginning, she was simply with Yuan Feng After a good discussion, he did not intend to use his true means.

However, at this moment, when the strong men of the four major ethnic groups combined the five deacons of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, plus a group of unknown strong men, this time, she could not even use her full strength.

"Puff puff!!!!!"

A mass of purple mist spread out, and in a moment, those Warcraft and human warriors who rushed in front were wrapped in the mist, and as these mist wrapped these guys, all the strong mist was invaded into the body. Or, basically, all of them felt a soft body, and the illusions suddenly appeared in front of them.

"No, this is the psychedelic means of the Sky Monster Python. Be careful, don't absorb these mists into your body."

The speed of Tian Yao Python is too fast. She has been preparing for a long time, and waits for Yuan Feng to give an order, then she will release her strongest means to give these people and Warcraft a big blow.

However, Deacon Chen Ang is not so easy to handle. When the purple mist wrapped the strong men, Deacon Chen Ang basically responded first, and then faced his own partners. Reminded.

Of course, his reminder is in the form of voice transmission, which can be heard, and only the God Chamber of Commerce's own people. As for the retail investors, at this time, it is unknown, but they are still rushing one by one. I ca n’t wait to grab the red sword in Yuan Feng ’s hand, or destroy the dreaded python, and win the infinite monument.

Yuan Feng is also in the purple mist, but now he is different from the past. After the madness with the Tianmon Python, he no longer has to worry about being confused by the Tianmon Python's fog, so, In these purple mists, he is just like in a normal space.

"Yu, it's time to show your cards to you, come on, come on all, the more you come, the more chaotic the situation, and the more chaotic the situation, the greater our hope of breaking away from here!" !!! "

In the purple mist, the Tianmon Python has already ushered in a few Warcraft powerhouses, and is completely in an advantage. At this moment, Yuan Feng has secretly backed away and completely hides himself in the mist. deep.

He is not worried about being affected by the fog, so of course he can do whatever he wants, but those personal strong men are not. They dare not to do anything in the purple mist. In addition, the purple mist is everywhere They simply couldn't see where Yuan Feng was.

Yuan Feng was not in a hurry to shoot, but was still waiting for the gathering of those strong men around him. In his heart, the more powerful men gathered near him, the better it was for him and the Tianmon Python. .

In fact, the reason why he previously showed the Chixiao sword in front of people was to attract too many people to come near him. He knew very well that even if those strong men on the periphery did not participate, the strong men of the four major groups, Coupled with the five deacons of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, in fact, it is not what he and the Tianmon Python can handle.

In this case, he might as well attract a lot of powerful people to create a real mess.

With her super-perceived ability, Yuan Feng can feel that at this moment, there are already a lot of strong men who have entered into the mist released by the sky demon python. Some of these strong men can still maintain their At first glance, the heart is invaded by the mist, and 80% of them are in a fantasy state.

In general, the situation at this moment is definitely an absolute advantage for him and Tian Yao Python.

The five deacons of the China Chamber of Commerce are really good. Obviously, they locked him with their hearts. No matter where he went, these five guys could feel his position and follow him closely from behind. Get him out.

It is a pity that although these five guys bite very tightly, in the face of Yuan Feng, a perverted character, their little means were really a little witch.

"Boom boom !!!!!! Hey !!!"

Fighting together, I'm afraid no one knows who their opponent is. Although Tian Yao Python and Yuan Feng only have two people alone, but because Tian Yao Python releases its purple mist, many of them are psychedelic. The strong man, at this moment, did not know who he should attack, so it was a crazy random attack.

In this way, there will naturally be conflicts between these strong men, and no one knows why.

There are screams everywhere, and violent energy fluctuations everywhere. It can be said that the whole battlefield at this moment, I am afraid that many people have forgotten why they have fought.

Tian Yao Python's cultivation has reached the level of six transitions in the semi-god realm. Her foggy means, below the level of the four transitions in the semi-god realm, as long as there is a little bit of carelessness, she will immediately be recruited.

Of course, even if the strong man with four or five turns in the semi-god realm inhales too much purple mist, it will also be affected by the mist. The strength of 10% may not be able to exert even five Chengdu.

"This, this ......... how could this be?"

"Good guy, it's messed up, it's all messed up, so many strong men are fighting without knowing the enemy, this is going to be a big mess !!!"

"Yu, the cunning young man first attracted everyone's attention with a magic sword, and when they were all hooked, he let the sky demon python use the strongest means. They can be taken by them! "

"It's really too cunning, let me just say, this little guy is not an ordinary person at first glance. Now it seems that you and me really look down on him!"

"It's not just a scorn, whether it's strength or tactics, it can be said that the human warriors are at the top. Such people who don't join the God Machine Chamber of Commerce are a big loss for the Chamber of Commerce."

In the dense forest, when almost all the strong men ran over to join in the fun, the two demigod veterans who followed Ruan Xinrou didn't take an easy shot at the moment.

The so-called authorities are obsessed with onlookers. Those guys who rush forward madly are basically lost by their strong temptations, but they are not confused.

The whole process was seen by them, and when they saw the scene in front of them, they only needed to sort out a little bit, and then they could sort out a rough idea.

Obviously, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python must have calculated everything in advance. Everything they do will never be targeted. Now it seems that every step they take is indeed true. Have their calculations.

"Two veterans, shall we, we always look like this?"

Ruan Xinrou was also swayed by the sight in front of her, and she did not expect that this would happen. I have to say that the current situation can really be described by the word crazy.

In her eyes, she saw a lot of strong men who had no conflict of interest killing each other, and even some weaker ones. At this moment, it was almost impossible to distinguish between northeast and southwest, almost in There was a foreign matter in the mist.

I have to say that everything in front of her is not seen in her life in the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce, and only this opportunity can see this situation.

"What if you don't look at it? With such a chaotic situation, I don't even know how to fight at this moment. It seems that we can only wait for a while and wait and see what happens."

"Yes, it is unwise to get involved at this time. After they have played almost, we will consider whether we should attack."

How treacherous and cunning the two old men are, they know very well that even if they are not affected by those purple mists, others will still be recruited, and once someone is recruited, they will inevitably be affected by others after they participate. Violation is.

Therefore, the only thing they can do right now is to wait until the Tianmon Python and Yuanfeng are hit hard, or until they try to turn the tide and bring down everyone and all Warcraft.

Of course, these two possible possibilities are not great. Whether it is Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python, or those individuals with intentions, in general, they all have their own advantages. Each has its own advantages. Tian Yao Python and Yuan Feng wants a quick victory, and the difficulty is definitely not ordinary.

In turn, in this complex environment, the power of the Tianmon Python and Yuan Feng can be exerted 100%, or even 200%. This battle is indeed fought.

"Yu, I just don't know, if this young man and the Tianmon Python have any other plans? If this is the only thing, I'm afraid it will be too disappointing!"

"It's true. If that's the case, then the ultimate victory is definitely not the Tianmon Python and that young man. In all likelihood, they will all be crushed to death here."

The two big powers are still a little curious. Until now, they didn't quite understand. Yuan Feng attracted so many super powers to him, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

Ruan Xinrou doesn't need to think about that much at the moment. Speaking of which, she has been clamoring and turning around in front of others, but her dad just disagrees. In this regard, she always felt that her father was too harsh.

But now it seems that things are unpredictable and human nature is deceitful. The reason why her father did not let her show up easily is probably for her good. At least, in terms of her strength, I am afraid that she cannot participate in the immediate battle of.

There is someone outside the heavens, and she finally knows the true meaning of this sentence!

"Om !!! Boom !!!!!!"

At a certain moment, while the two old men and Ruan Xinrou stayed in the dense forest and watched the changes, a huge roar passed suddenly from the purple mist.

This huge boom was completely different from the previous one. As the boom spread, a wave of horrible energy escaped, and the purple mist wherever it passed was annihilated. A lot, a lot.

"Well? This is ........."

Suddenly, the roar passed, and the elders of the two demigods and Nguyen Xuan Rou changed their faces. They could all hear that the roar was definitely not the same as the one that can be made when fighting Already.

"Boom boom boom !!!!!!"

Almost when the three were in doubt, the horrible explosion sounded like a firecracker, and began a mad series. Instantly, a huge cloud of energy centered on the entire battlefield, but somehow Shi Sheng rose.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"


The horrible explosion sounded in succession, and at the same time, there were also the painful roar of strong men, and the broken arm stumps flying around.

"Puff puff!!!!"

One by one, it ’s like going through a super horrible big explosion. When talking, they are lifted up by the wave of horrible energy, and those that can be lifted up are considered good. Some strength is slightly The weaker ones are basically fried into meat, and it is difficult to have a chance to survive.

"Roar !!!!!! Boom !!!!!!"

The repeated repeated roars have covered a range of tens of miles, and as the roar and screams became clearer, soon, Ruan Xin softened the other two old men, and both found the problem. Already.

"So, that's ........."

At one moment, the two demigods and the dreaded python suddenly looked at the central area of ​​the mist, where the infinite warfare of infinite martial arts seemed to explode the pot. Where it came from, the words were spread into every space.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

These horrific Promise of Warcraft, as soon as they appear, will directly explode. Maybe a single Promise or Two of Promise of Warcraft, even if it explodes, has little effect. Once hundreds or thousands, or even Thousands of Promise World of Warcraft have exploded together, and the situation is completely different!

"No, isn't it? This, is this their hole card? This, this is too crazy !!!!"

The two old men and Ruan Xinrou all felt a sense of being surprised at the moment.

They were wondering before what the final means of Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python were, and it was not until this moment that they completely understood the cards of these two guys.

It was a long time since the Warcraft Army exploded. The two men had such a terrible super daredevil team. May I ask who has such a super daredevil in hand, and who can stop them? ?

"What? How is this possible? Everyone be careful !!!!!!"

When the booming sound continued to sound, Deacon Chen Ang first rushed into the fog. At this moment, obviously he was aware of some problems. Almost immediately, he had to give up tracking Yuan Feng. , Wholeheartedly resist the horrible explosion energy from around.

Tian Yao Python is the ancestral group that controls World of Warcraft. Obviously, all of them have ignored it. The horror that controls World of War exists. How can there be no Warcraft army under her hand?


Thousands of Promise of Warcraft came up around in an instant, and the explosion exploded for the first time. The horrible explosive energy directly lifted Deacon Chen Ang a long distance, and a blood spewed out in the air. Suffering a minor injury at the right time.

"How could this be? How could they have such a terrible army of Warcraft? This is the rhythm to dominate the world !!!"

Deacon Chen Ang suddenly retreated. He didn't expect such a situation, and the appearance of this situation meant that it was simply impossible for them to achieve their goals today.

He couldn't see exactly how many Promise Warcraft was going to explode, but just for a while, he had already seen tens of thousands of your Promise Warcraft exploding.

Tens of thousands of Promise World of Warcraft blew themselves up. This is really too crazy, and it is definitely not what he can afford. Compared with the excalibur in Yuan Feng's hand, it seems that it is more important to live.

"Well, there is such a hand hidden, this time, I'm afraid I can only admit it !!!"

Deacon Chen Ang has many reasons to stick to it, but the immediate threat has killed all her thoughts. At the moment, there is really nothing that can change the situation!

"You guys, let's withdraw !!!!!!"

Feeling the unpleasant situation, Chen Ang knew that he didn't have to stay here anymore. After all, he couldn't do anything but he had to endure huge risks unimaginable.

"Withdrawal, the land of right and wrong soon Liu, everyone withdrew together!"

The major players received the news, and for the first time they all agreed with the idea of ​​avoiding for the time being. During the talk, the five major deities were secretly evacuated from the battlefield, and they could no longer care about any treasure.

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