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Chapter 2109 Reversal

Others may only see Yuan Feng's excalibur in his hands, but they will ignore Yuan Feng's own strength and means, but Ruan Xinrou's two strong men are not.

They have passed that impulsive stage. Although Yuan Feng's excalibur is indeed very tempting, it is impossible to make them lose like other people.

They are more concerned about the young man himself, Yuan Feng. First of all, when I saw Yuan Feng's sword beheading and killing the two strong men of the Howling Wolves, they, as human warriors, felt the unspeakable pride for the first time.

It is said that the Xiaoyue Wolf tribes are very tyrannical, especially the famous twin devil wolf brothers of the Xiaoyue Wolf wolves, even if any of them are matched, in all likelihood they can only be half a catty. But these two superpowers, basically without even a trace of resistance, were destroyed by a young man.

Compared to the magic sword in Yuan Feng's hands, they obviously felt that these situations were more important to say.

In addition, there is another point that was not noticed by others, but was discovered by them for the first time, that is, Yuan Feng's ability to hide and breath.

Being able to shed shells under the eyelids of so many super powerhouses, and have not been found for so long, this is obviously not what ordinary people can do, at least, they think they can never do it. In other words, in this skill, they admire Yuan Feng very much.

"Girl Xinrou, where did this little guy come from? When you hosted the auction before, did you think there was anything unusual about him?"

Between the thoughts of the two powerful men, they then talked to each other a few words, and finally turned to Ruan Xinrou, who asked aside.

Although Yuan Feng is talented, it is absolutely impossible to get a foothold in the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and of course they cannot bring Yuanfeng to the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and let the president of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce treat it as an adult. It is cultivated like heirs. After all, they can only be shocked.


Ruan Xinrou ’s attention was also successfully attracted to Yuan Feng in the past. It can be said that among all the people on the scene, she must have watched Yuan Feng for the longest time. After all, the long auction time is The more times she saw Yuan Feng, who made her pay attention to the Tian Yao Python before? By the way, Yuan Feng was brought in.

However, she never dreamed that Yuan Feng's strength was so powerful that she would have paid attention to Yuan Feng if she knew this.

"Yu, the two veterans, this young man has been silently following behind the Tianmon Python, but because his cultivation is too low, I have not paid much attention to him, but I do n’t know if the two veterans can Can you see his cultivation? "

Taking a deep breath, Ruan Xinrou also worked hard to calm himself, and then asked the two elders.

She is really too curious about Yuan Feng's true cultivation behavior. She has special means on her body, and you can see the strength and cultivation of outsiders. But the strength that Yuan Fengshi showed was absolutely demigod. Regarding the power of the fourfold environment, no matter how she sees it, the other side's cultivation seems to have only the limitless state.

"Uh, this ............ without concealing the girl, this boy's cultivation is too weird, and I can't see what level of cultivation he is."

"It's the same for me. I don't see the true cultivation of this man at all. It seems that his hidden cultivation methods, even if we are both, don't want to see it through!"

"You are very young. It seems that there is really an amazing guy in the beast **** world."

The two demigod veterans wanted to use words to describe their feelings after contacting Yuan Feng, but in the end they found that no matter what it was, it was impossible to express his shock at Yuan Feng.

"Even the two elders couldn't see his cultivation as a grade. It seems that this person's cultivation is really very high!"

After hearing the two strong words, Ruan Xinrou became more and more curious about Yuan Feng. She felt that Yuan Feng's cultivation might not be too low, but even the two super senators in the divine realm could not see it. This is really not quite what it should be.

"High? It may not be so tall, but this son does have an indescribable breath. At least, my God Chamber of Commerce will hope he can join in."

Both strong players can see it. Although Yuan Feng's cultivation is invisible, it should never reach a higher level than them. As for why Yuan Feng can not even see them through, Only Yuan Feng himself knew.

"I think he's already been secretly controlled by the Tianmon Python. It's definitely more than a star and a star if you want him to surrender to my God Chamber of Commerce!"

Taking a look at each other, the old men in the two most demigods saw the suspicion in each other's eyes. If they could, they would have contacted Yuan Feng a lot.

Ruan Xinrou didn't say much. At this moment, she was basically thinking about how to make more contact with the Tianmon Python and Yuanfeng, so as to achieve the purpose of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

For a moment, they all could only quietly watch the scene in the distance, waiting for the next situation to develop.

Ruan Xinrou no longer doubts too much.

"Om !!!!!!"

At a time when the entire space was different due to Yuan Feng's eye-catching performance, as the real protagonist at this moment, Yuan Feng's complexion at the moment was much better than before.

Excalibur is in hand, Yuan Feng at this moment did indeed have a kind of domineering power against God and Buddha against Buddha. After all, in the final analysis, the Chixiao sword in his hand was still too overbearing and against the sky what!

"Yu, it seems that the effect is not bad. The first shot was to kill the two most powerful devil wolves. It seems that this time, there are only four enemies of the five major ethnic groups. Wolves can be ignored directly! "

Yuan Feng is not as domineering as others seem at this moment. In fact, at this moment, he really has too many, too, fortunately.

Obviously, the previous sword was definitely not what he could do by himself. It can even be said that it would not be possible to kill the two devil wolves without the key moments of the day demon python.

Fortunately, although he hasn't been with the Tianmon Python for a long time, he does have a very good cooperation.

"How? Swallowing these two guys, has the previous consumption been replenished?"

After calming down, Yuan Feng's gaze looked at the Tianyue Python aside, and at this moment, the opponent's body was curled, his body was full of strength, and his condition was obviously extremely good.

In any case, it is the power of the two half-powerful gods who have turned five times. How can this level of super power be easily killed?

"Giggle, it seems that the cooperation between us is really good. I am in a good state now, but I can continue to entangle with each other."

When Yuan Feng's voice entered his ears, the huge body of the Tianmon Python shifted slightly, and then came to Yuan Feng's approach with a smile, and he politely let Yuan Feng over his body. .

Obviously, in the next battle, they will be merged into one again. Only in this way can they deal with the unspeakable danger. By any of them, it is impossible for them to be alone.

Tian Yao Python is really very excited at the moment. Speaking of it, everything before it is calculated by her and Yuan Feng.

Whether she is slowly showing weakness to the enemy, or Yuan Feng's decisive attack at the last moment, this is the result after she and Yuan Feng have calculated the timing.

Regardless of Yuan Feng's early or late shots, obviously this kind of result will not be achieved. To put it bluntly, Yuan Feng's grasp of timing is as simple as unimaginable precision, and it is undeniable that her previous performance Everything that came out really deceived the two devil wolves, otherwise Yuan Feng could not succeed.

The two big Warcrafts fell down, and at this moment, the sky demon python felt that his state was simply indescribable. Maybe, in the next battle, who might suppress it?

"Come over, come on top of my head. The next time, you and I will be one. Compared with these guys, who is stronger and more powerful."

The huge eyes flickered constantly. When the demon python flicked, it directly brought Yuan Feng to his own head. Suddenly, Yuan Feng stepped on the head of the demon python and suddenly became a Warcraft. knight.

"Hey, no problem, we can kill the two strongest demon wolves, so there will not be much trouble for the rest of it !!!"

Standing on the top of the sky demon python, Yuan Feng's heart suddenly rose with a majestic breath. At this moment, he also wanted to immediately start a fight with those surrounding Warcraft to see who could stop him. And the demon python's departure.

"Giggle, a bunch of black people, it seems that today, maybe we can kill more superpowers, and then we will prepare some supplements for Xiaoba, maybe he can make him go further!"

Tian Yao Python naturally has no problems. It can be said that it is more and more brave now. If she can, she can't wait to kill all the opponents and use it to strengthen herself and Yuan Feng's Warcraft partners.

If she can swallow up all the big guys present, then she is definitely expected to impact the stronger realm. As for Xiao Ba, even if it reaches the semi-divine realm, it should not be a problem at all.

"Hey, guys opposite, who else wants to fight with us, though stand up."

Suddenly a sword flower was netted, Yuan Feng held the sword with one hand, and the other hand was behind his back, faintly provoking to all the powerful Warcraft around him. At this moment, it seems that he and Tian Yao Python have become the dominant party.

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